Georgia / Poetry / Quanitta Turner (GA)

Poetry by Quanitta Turner

Tired of Satan
By Quanitta Turner

Jehovah I am tired and weary.
I am tired of Satan lies, how much more do we have to put up with
How much more do I have to be
Oh God Jehovah, help me to
Lies and deceit.
I pray to you Jehovah for strength to
Overcome the lies of the enemy.
I curse him and send him back to the
Pits of Hell! O Jehovah, I yearn for
Your knowledge daily, I wear it
Like a charm.
Every time Satan attack, I use your
Powerful words of the scriptures to
Defeat Satan and his minions
Because it is written through
Your word.

Broken Hearted Woman
By Quanitta Turner

I found love in the wrong places. I thought I know love, but I didn’t. I tried to hold onto love with someone and it didn’t work. I realize you never really love me. I realize you was only there to use me. I shared my deepest intimate thoughts with you because I thought you truly love me. All this time I was blinded by your false love and hope. I had took up for you when people knew you weren’t the one for me, but I gave you a shot because I knew you would love me, but I was wrong in my thinking. You put this veil over your face to pretend you cared and love me, but deep down you was only there to use me. It was sadly mistaken that I thought you love me, I was a fool. You cast this fake charm on me, you approach me I didn’t approach you. You came for me to play with my emotions. How could you do this to me. How? You claim I was the one when clearly you was selling false dreams. How could you look at me every day and say “I’m the one for you” when clearly you had an eye for someone else. Clearly I wasn’t your #1. I was your #2. You don’t understand how bad you hurt me do you? How can you speak to me and smile when clearly you hurt my soul, huh? How can you look me in the eye and have a conversation with me knowing you see the hurt in my eyes. Still till this day not once have you apologize. Every time I see you with that other woman my anger builds but deep down I must forgive. You have broken my heart but time will heal.

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