
Dear Readers,
Tonight, June 12, 2013, my friend and fellow MB6 contributor, Bill Van Poyck, was executed by the State of Florida.  Words like sorrow and horror do not even begin to express the way I feel as I write these words.
I was allowed a brief phone call with Bill at the end of May and during our call he shared that he was receiving letters every day from around the world from readers of his blog and MB6.  He said he was moved and humbled to know his writing had touched so many people.  If you are one of those who reached out to Bill, please know that your letter meant a great deal to him.  Thank you for caring.
In addition to MB6, I also volunteer for the Death Row Support Project, which has been connecting Death Row prisoners with outside writers completely free of charge for over 30 years.  There are many ways to make a positive difference in the lives of those on Death Row and becoming a pen pal is one of them.  Please consider it.
I’m a better person for having known and worked with Bill and I will miss him fiercely.  If you haven’t yet visited his blog, you should. 
Bill always signed his letters “Light and Love,” and in his honor, I will do the same tonight. 
Thanks to all of you for your support.
Light & Love,
Dina Milito

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  • Carole
    June 13, 2013 at 12:52 pm

    Thank you, Dana, MB6 and all the writers on here who have the courage to put forth their thoughts and words into the sometimes unfriendly outside world.

    It's one thing to be against the DP on principle, like I am, and a distinctly different experience to have principles morph into individual likable personalities. The first outlook is easier but I suspect the latter understanding is more rewarding once the surreal feelings wear off.

    You all have made a difference.

    Light & Love,


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