This poem was originally a rap that I made for a young lady that contacted me , just saying thank you because I helped her little brother get on the right track with his life. HE was a part of this program my facility holds that allows me to talk to youth. She expressed to me that she’s a lesbian and that people, without even knowing her, would judge and discriminate against her. So I wrote something for her. Just to let her know she wasn’t alone…
This is a poem I made for anybody that has had a relationship ruined because they had to do time in prison. Or couldn’t find love because they were locked up, because as you know rarely or if ever does someone take time to get to know someone that is behind bars. They can judge us but never let them bring you down or kill your joy on the inside.
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Eddie D. Howard Jr. 129850 Pendleton Correctional Facility 24-4A HCH 4490 West Reformatory Road Pendleton, IN 46046 |
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