Some Guy, …True Story….
By Wesley Carroll
Throughout my travels, occasionally one runs across the most interesting and unique of experiences and tales that are actually true. Here is one, as told to me, from…a guy.
The Guy: “Thank you so much sir for the donation you just dropped into my blind cup. I guess people see me now and think that I’m just another worthless bum, out here homeless begging on the streets. But sir, I assure you I am not.
Did you know that I’m a United States veteran who has served over seven deployments overseas in actual combat? Did you know that I helped to save thousands of innocent American and foreign civilian lives? Did you know, I can’t pass through any airport terminal without the metal detectors going off from the many bullets still in me from being shot in battles? Did you know…did you know…?
Did you know that I had a lovely home, family, and plenty of our own property? However, it was given away or sold, while I was on overseas deployment. No notice, no due process, all by hook and crook.
My home, well we had it already paid for, and we still have the paid-in-full deed. My family, well gun toting boys forced them out onto the street in wintertime…all without my knowledge while I was fighting for freedom in another country under the American flag.
Oh, and let me tell you about the many other memories that your kind generosity and honest attention has awakened, that I have of my yesteryears.
Like, for example, it reminded me of so many memories of yesteryears that I have not thought of in many years due to this forced captive state of…the prison industry and its industrial complex. And now many of those great real-life memories are as if they were other’s or past lives.
For one, did you know, and I am pretty sure you didn’t, at one time, with my advanced fields of study, I held the position, title and under contract, as associate professor at a major university voted in by university peers as the president of our union? All was great and would have remained so if only I would not have been so naive and knew what I know now, about how things really work and of those who really run and control things from the shadows in which they hide. And if only I knew that as it is written does not mean how it functions. Just because they write and sign statements, and swear to abide by the rule of law, diversity, equality, justice and constitution, does not mean they do or will for real. Nor did I know of such a thing as being within “The Most Racist City in America” …by the time I learned all that, well it was years too late. But, in trying to look at it… I did actually learn a great deal that most don’t, and that probably even I would not have otherwise. But in keeping it real, all that was taken from me, and that I was forced to lose to learn, is quite a lot that most could not and would not.
For further example, I did not know, and had no clue, that in certain parts of our so called society, no matter how much money you earn or how educated you are, or even how good and beneficial you are to society, and no matter how many times you go to war and put your life on the line and fight for this country, certain people will not allow you to fully partake of the societal benefits you are entitled to and have earned. Such a small group of really powerful people have turned certain parts of this country into their own private playgrounds. And from what I have seen, they not only operate outside the law but at times within.
Anyway, thanks for the memory tour trip…another life. So now, forced to buy and use prehistoric, antiquated stuff…
Thanks for the memory’s reminders.
So, once again I so humbly thank you. Not just for your so kind donation, but especially for your truly seeing me.
So Amazingly, Sorry…
By Wesley Carroll
Sorry for the delay, being that as it may
I’ll get to you one day, hopefully very soon
Sorry for the delay, in this another day,
But you can rest assured, cause yours I’ll soon make haste
Sorry for the delay
But I’ve had so much to do
So much on my mind, you included too
So many other things due right now too
Got to get to them all, yours included too
Don’t want to do just this and just that
Don’t want to neglect this one o that one either
Just want to get them all done
Yours included, cause yours is that special one
All of them really are too
Important in their own very special way
So all will get done, hopefully yours included too
Sorry for the delay in this another day
But you can rest assured, cause yours I’ll soon make haste
So I say to you so imploringly so
So sorry for the delay
And I’ll try to get to you
On this very special same day
The Exoneration, From Imprisonment/Execution
By Wesley Carroll
Inspired by Mr. Carter and the actually innocent imprisoned
I must begin this piece by stating that after the practice of law for defendants for well over 40 years, I had become disenchanted, discouraged, and pretty much heartbroken because no matter how much law, evidence, and facts that I had on the defendants’ side, somehow they were still pronounced guilty, even though I truly believe that well over 90% of them were actually innocent.
Many experts have told me that it was due to the mass corruption within the criminal justice system, the blatant racism, the known hate of the so-called protectors of our society against people of color, the known hate of those against even our honorable U.S. veterans, plus yadda yadda yadda …
I not only had given up on the broken system of justice but also on my practice of defending people. I saw no use in me to even try and defend when I already knew it would be useless and wind up with the usual many years of state prison behind bars sentences. So, off to retirement, I was headed. Off to the now totally worry-free life with no more nightmares of my actually innocent client behind prison walls for the rest of their life … until …
I was almost out of the door of my law office. It was about to be my last time there because I was basically quitting my own practice, until … In those last moments of total abandonment of my law practice, a case came to me that I just had to make my very last one.
Let me fast-forward a great deal here. My new client who professed his innocence from day one until now had actually been sitting on death row, in pre-trial confinement for over six years, yet had never been brought to trial or convicted of any crime.
Finally, both the prosecution and defense agreed that the proof, sworn in statements and the sworn testimony at trial, proved and showed that my client simply did what he was told to do by the so-called victim.
After closing statements by both, the judge rendered her verdict. She found my client totally innocent and ordered him freed from imprisonment with financial compensation of $5 million for each of the eight years he had been kept in prison because he is a true, actually innocent person falsely kept in prison. This judge further said that her heart bleeds for all those thousands of other actually innocent persons who have been railroaded into decades of imprisonment. She wished she could set them all free, so she hopes that what she has done here will establish some form of a precedent for other judges to get involved and truly do their jobs.
This trial judge (a Ms. Shirley McJustice) stated further in her official trial transcript, “The defendant stated here and has never denied the fact that he threw Ms. _ off the cliff. He further, in fact, may not know women. He may not be a genius or have common sense. He may not be able to read minds. He may not love Ms. _ and may not be in love with her, NOR IS HE REQUIRED BY LAW TO. Nor was he ever so criminally charged. Therefore, by law, by our constitution, and by any semblance of common sense, he is and has always been totally innocent of all said criminal charges brought against him. Thus I now declare him to be totally exonerated, innocent, money compensation to be paid to him, and his wrongly taken freedom. Also, as a duly elected and appointed judge of this state, I apologize to the defendant and his family for the wrongs done by this county and this state.”
I Don’t Know Where You Came From, But You Were Sent to Me, And I Thank God Every Day For It
By Wesley Carroll
For some reason, only known to you and God,
You decided you want us to go sit on a corner,
And eat ice cream,
And just watch the cars, buses, and trucks go by.
So here we go, off we go,
To get your favorite ice cream and sit on a curb,
Any curb, and just watch the vehicles go by.
Even though internally I thought
This was quite an unusual thing to do.
You, though, had a blast and got a real kick out of it.
For some reason, this really made your day,
And I was just happy to have been a part.
Then out of the blue another day,
You wanted us to go skateboarding,
So here we go again, off to skateboard,
With the laughter, falling, and all.
Jeez, I just don’t know what to call it,
But off we went to skateboard.
Oh, this was a blast for you,
You even fell a couple times or two,
We stayed on the ground more than the board,
But it made your day, bless the Lord.
So on this day we’re off to some town council meeting,
To go over some new ordinances and such.
When all of a sudden
You want the town to discuss and take a vote
For more daffodils to be planted in the town park
So here I go too, backing, supporting,
And even giving a word or two,
And even giving an eloquent speech
For daffodils to be planted in the town park.
Ever since you were a baby,
And the doctor allowed me
To bring you into this world of ours,
Being with and assisting you
Has become my greatest motivation too
You were oh so small,
Yet fully healthy and all,
But oh so small
Made me feel you needed my help with all.
But now that you are a bit older
This still does not negate the fact
That I your daddy will be for you always.
On This, The Case They Gave Me
By Wesley Carroll
Now, Six foot eleven, so the state says, and swears by,
Straight out of Freedom, Not,
Two hundred and forty, so the state says again,
Like a bushel or two of ol E glory.
A daughter now acting too busy and quite dizzy
Another close friend just existing in pretend,
Thinking all is quite well, as if lost in a spell.
People saw me run from daylight to sunset,
All the while they pondered and wondered,
“Just how is it he can do all that.”
Little did they know, I didn’t do it without help,
Little you my daughter, was there the whole way through,
Just talking and laughing as you used to do,
Right by my side, looking up at me,
Your loving daddy, me.
Right by my side, stride for stride,
There you were, in illusionary sight and all,
Just laughing and joking with me,
As you and I always did.
Thus I ran all day and night,
With you by my side, how could I not,
You always being my main motivator,
You by my side, God’s true creator.
My used to be good friend though,
Seems to only want to talk about the latest of today,
Not aware of yesterday and our plights as they lay,
The latest in fashions and the new songs of today,
Do not at all interest me,
Being behind prison walls where I stay.
She says talking of yesterday makes her so depressed,
So I guess the todays help her escape,
So I just listen and hardly ever speak,
Because I seek to bring her,
Some semblance of relief,
Whatever I can, even if just a bit of hope and cheer.
But back to you
My little bundle of fun,
No time for dear ol dad you say,
Too much other stuff to do,
Wow, and I was the one,
Who always pulled you through.
But you know, it really does not hurt anymore,
Plenty of new friends I now have,
On the outside who care,
Because in me, they see hope, life and no despair.
So do you, as I guess you always will,
I’m happy for you as well,
Getting all you desire and more,
Since apparently, today this is what people do.
Love you and always wishing you the very best,
You are already blessed with good fortune and friends,
Looking forward to seeing you,
Whenever you have a second or two.
On This, The Case They Gave Me
By Wesley Carroll
Though innocent and so pled
From the very beginning and still now,
The persecution/prosecution had no end.
They even took my home, cars and money all,
For a case that had never occurred.
Not for evidence, cause or all the usuals,
Because even the police department itself,
Said he is innocent and there is no case,
And who chained him to the floor,
Like a goddamn rat?
So on and on to trial it went,
All because of one racist ass cop,
Naggy just would not ever see,
That even the innocent man of color,
Should actually be free.
Later it was learned that his marriage was on the rocks,
And a woman from another state was an easy lay,
If he could find a way,
To make the state pay her to stay.
So without an attorney provided for the defendant,
The prosecution ran like a shark with a fish in his mouth.
He ranted, he raved, without one fact,
or evidence to back up any of that.
This man is guilty he did say,
We have had him in prison for five years and a day,
We don’t want to have to pay him money,
For a false prosecution, hey.
So finally after a five minute trial,
The jury composed of all cops or so related,
Came back in a minute or two,
With their duly sworn verdict for you.
Guilty they did not say,
We are people of facts they did say.
We find this man innocent of ALL CHARGES,
And seek his immediate release,
From said false imprisonments, chains & things.
So a soon to be rich man with his finger on the Pen trigger,
Of accepting ten million or seventy-five million,
With strings the prosecution wants me to sign an NDSA,
So that no others will learn as they may,
Of how just one racist ass cop can start the downfall,
Of a county, city and the whole state.
Corruption, corruption wherever you may,
In a city state that does whatever it may.
Maybe all of us should have taken note,
Why CNN said it was the most racist of states,
In the whole U.S.A.
By Wesley Carroll
Forget all that you have been told, that you have heard, have been seen on television, or been taught on this topic, because most of the time it’s … just a bunch of nice good sounding, pleasant and nice words, but in actuality, are not true in the real world. Here is the truth, the real deal, reality.
First you must understand that the so-called criminal justice system is made up of, designed, and quietly implemented on a five-tier system (oops sorry, now only four tiers, explained below).
Criminal Justice Tier System:
Tier 1. For The Rich / Famous / Connected
Tier 2. For The Wealthy / Professional / Semi Famous / Highly Educated and Skilled
Tier 3. For The Middle Class / but no longer, it has been deleted/erased.
Tier 4. For the builder / Skilled worker / Military Veteran / Educated / Not Famous
Tier 5. For the everyday average American / worker / welfare Recipient / hated minority / …
Now, let’s go a bit deeper, more specific, let’s get surgical on this.
Hypothetically, take a case where the charge against the defendant is:
D.U.I. Killing a mother and her two daughters.
Let’s see what the results are for the defendant within each Tier:
Tier 1. Defendant: May not even have to plead because may not even be charged, thus no ruling or judgement or verdict or sentence ever given or issued. Thus, still totally free, without even a slap on the wrist.
Tier 2. Defendant: May or may not plead guilty or innocent and may only receive a suspended sentence or probation. Results, still fee, may have a few meetings to attend.
Tier 3. Defendant: (This Tier has been eliminated-Erased-Deleted) (There is no more middle class)
Tier 4. Defendant will probably plead guilty and fall or/for the mercy of the of the “court”. May receive a sentence of five years in prison with five years special probation.
Tier 5 Defendant, (who by the way, is actually innocent and may actually plead Innocent No guilty) b. He will be given trial with a jury, not of his peers, but actually composed or all police, and be declared guilty of the original charge offense and ten other crimes that somehow got tacked on as “lesser included offenses”, and where he may or may not have had any legal counsel (aka public pretender), and where he had been ordered not to say a word. And after many more years in continuous county prison, given a sentence of ten to twenty years in state prison, with each sentence to run consecutive, one after the maximum or other. Thus, he is actually sentenced and will remain in a state prison for well over about three lifetimes. Thus for a total or ninety seven twenty one hundred thousand hundred millions gazillion years ???
And so there, that is how the so-called state criminal justice system really work. I’m sure you get the idea of what the outcome would be for other “alleged offenses”.
Please further note that this is how the system works in some states, not all, but may or may not apply to certain other states or to such a degree or may be even worse.
Thus, your hard-earned taxpayers’ dollars at work, against you? Maybe so, maybe not. Justice and equality for all, what a horrible, tragic harmful … joke.
By Wesley Carroll
(Inspired By The Unknown Soldiers, Now Known)
Several tours I have served,
All for this country and our freedoms,
That we want the world to see,
That the good life is there.
For them all as it is for you and me.
I arrived back in the states,
And what do I find and see,
Something from some foreign horror movie
That looks nothing like the America,
That I guess, used to be.
Protests to your left,
And protests to your right,
Kids packing guns,
Like pockets full of gum.
Single parent households,
With no dads in site,
Women having babies,
Just to get a welfare check.
Criminal judicial system that is a joke,
So many innocents filling up the prisons,
Just so that some crooked politician,
Can get more money for his castrations.
Divisions of the police,
Actually run by those from overseas,
Obviously not born and bred,
American citizens.
Those who tried to erase our ass
From the planet and history books,
Now somehow,
Have even taken over our farms and cows.
Last I heard 350,000 acres are theirs,
With their plans to take over more,
Why wouldn’t even a dumb assask,
What the hell for ????
I’m kinda sure that we couldn’t buy,
Their land and homes,
Without a major war eruption,
Yet over here, the door is wide open.
(For them but not me or you.)
Son in state prison,
For an alleged crime never committed,
For nearly three decades now,
Even though his trial jury,
Stated verdict, not guilty.
State agency so drunk with power,
It now wants court approval,
To take one’s freedom,
Based upon non-specified person or reason.
Talk about actually innocent,
Does that even matter anymore,
When they can lock you up,
With no legal reason
To put your life behind iron doors.
Where oh where,
Has my America gone?
Is it gone for good now.
A NEW and NOVEL Defense
By Wesley Carroll
As usual, in this northern state, if you’re not super rich or “ahuum um um,” you already know, you get put in state prison and charged with a crime. And just in case you didn’t know, they don’t give a damn if you’re innocent or not.
For example, we just happened to be present when a poor old guy got charged with crimes that produced a new and unique defense. It was a very complex crime, a crime that even the brightest of minds probably could not conceive of, let alone commit, or even put together such an intricate elaborate scheme or even think about pulling off. One would have to be quite the genius to even contemplate, let alone commit. Yet this is the crime that the powers that be were forcing on him.
Even if the dates were probably wrong, and the location as well, and the holiday, even, and he could not sing the song on his best of days. This old man came up with a very unique, elaborate, and novel defense strategy. And I must say, unlike the thousands of others who had been charged and convicted over the years, and let’s face it, with more money than he, and with a lot more intelligence than he, got sham convicted with lengthy state prison sentences or “ahuum um um.”
This unique defense, this new and novel defense, this defense that just might get him free, you ask, just what is it? Well, here it is:
This old man who is already blind and could barely stand up, shouted at the top of his lungs as loud as his quivering voice would allow, the following: “I’m ma innocent, I tell ya. I didn’t do it, got dam, I can’t even spell and I don’t even read or write. I’m ma innocent, I say. All I do is lie here every day and sleep all day and up all night watching my bunkey’s TV. I’m ma innocent, I say. I ain’t done niffing. I’m ma innocent, I tell ya … E-N-O-C-”
We all have never seen such a dismal display nor had we ever heard such a pitiful plea. Even the prosecutor had to take a step back or two and could not believe that he was and had to really consider what this poor old disabled blind man had to say. While all this mass confusion and commotion was stirring, and many more hardened thugs and mobs began to surround them there, the old man offered them all some advice with a message. He said, “Hey, y’all, don’t ever leave your home, because if you do, they will charge you with some crime you didn’t even do.” Then he urgently said, “I got to take a shit” and strolled off until the po po came and got him.
What a novel defense, what a truth-appearing display of innocence. But more importantly, the real question is, will it work? The answer is, probably not. For one, he’s up north in the hanging state where the judge tells the defendants to count the number of pigeons on his ledge to find out the number of years you will get in state prison.
Two: He’s an old, blind, disabled cripple, and poor. He is more likely to see the pearly gates before he even gets to a trial (even though kept in prison every day since the charge).
Three: Innocence or not has never mattered in this state before. Just look at the thousands already actually innocent, yet still imprisoned.
Four: I guess his kind are not used to being put on this side of the systemic so-called criminal “just us” system.
So, ah, welcome to the real world that we are forced to live within daily. So cry all you want, curse even, for they don’t give a damn about you either. Oh and by the way, even if you don’t like us calling you brother, welcome now to all of our agreed-upon world, Brother.
Happiness with Success and Joy
By Wesley Carroll
Herein, let me tell you of a time way back when,
Yet in still to fully come hence.
A little bird in a wicker cage was heard,
In mournful teary tones these words it did sing in song,
“In vain I stretch my pretty little useless wings.
Still round and round I try to fly,
And strive in vain for sky’s dearest liberty.
Oh how sweet thou art to me!”
The prisoner sings with breaking heart.
“All my worldly things I’d give to thee.
And all others that belong to me,
Never to ask one thing back but for my liberty.”
He sang so sweet, he sang so long,
He sang so loud as he longed for the clouds.
A few minutes later there came a little mouse,
Who often ran about the house.
Came right up to the cage,
She turned and turns her tiny cunning little ears,
Toward the mournful prisoner bird,
To hear soon, though he ceased.
“Suppose, just suppose,” she said.
“If I could contrive to maybe, set thee free,
Would those pretty wings, thou giveth to me?”
The cage was in the window seat sill,
The sky being so blue, with the air so sweet and still too.
The bird with eagerness did quickly reply,
“Oh YES, my pretty wings I’ll give to you,
And besides, all these seeds, nuts, apples, sweets and sugar too,
All, pretty sweet mouse, I’ll give to you,
If you would only set me free,
For all I want, is for sweet liberty.”
The little mouse thought and thought,
And then she gave her word to the bird,
And went straight to work.
She chewed and chewed and gnawed some more,
Finally with intensive due diligence she created,
She made a hole in the cage for the bird.
Then in a flash, the bird emerged from the hole,
And took off like a bat out of hell.
In a flash, he flew out and up, leaving the cage,
In a state of ecstasy near rage.
Swift as an arrow, see he flies,
Far, far up into the clouds of the sky.
Way, way up, above the skies even he flew,
But all of a sudden, quite surprised after another closer look,
A long, long, good closer look,
The bird, the bird, the bird, suddenly stops.
Appears now to drop and now descend,
Towards the house, the cage, his course it sends.
Finally, the loud voice of the bird is desperately heard.
“Oh honorable and kind sweet mouse,” said he,
“Behold me now, behold me please,
Returned to you I have, I am,
To keep my freely given foolish vow.”
“I had only longed for freedom to me then,
No thought to want my pretty wings again!
Here in now, as I sure I’d have thought then,
Better with life to part,
Than remain alive on earth,
Living with a faithless, dishonest, foolish lying heart.”
“Do with me therefore, whatever as you so choose,
For an honest bird I shall remain still.”
His heart seemed full, no more words could be heard,
Thus no more words with his head down, said he,
As his wings drooped as he hung his head.
The mouse, quite humble, pert, wise and smart.
Possessing all that and yet and still,
Had a very, very tender heart.
She minced a little, she even twirled a bit more about.
Then and yet quietly, passionately her sentiments came out.
“Oh bird, oh my pretty bird,
I care little, actually not a bit at all,
About your pretty wings, of which I’ve seen and heard.
Nor shall I take them as you so did offer them to me,
Nor shall I require them from you at all.
I only cared about one simple single thing,
That you are a bird of your word.
Tis this is all I care and nothing more,
Apples, cakes and sweets are better things for me as treats,
You love the clouds, where you need your pretty wings to be.
They were meant to be, a part of you, you see, not me.
Whereas I choose the house, no need for wings to be upon me.”
“Any ways, wings would look quite queer upon me,
A mouse within a house, would be me.
My nice little tail is better by far,
So long as your pretty wings, stay just where they are.”
She munched on some apples, she gave the biggest lovely smile,
She gave a smack and then, and then, that was that.
She ran back into her little crack in the wall of the house,
The humble, the honest, honest bird, bid the sweet mouse adieu.
Pretty bird, spread out opening his wings.
And off way up high, he did fly,
Vanished in the skies, way up within the deep blue sky,
Far up and further up in joyful song he poured,
And sang of freedom as he soared long.
He had and he did, keep his freely
His most precious, freely given, honest word.
Two now friends, both tense as I work toward,
Oh bird, oh bird, knoweth thou word affordeth,
You are among the highest of the herd.
Worthy of the word thou have been given,
For you not only heard, you obviously deserved.
All praises due you and yours,
I’d be honored to worship with you,
In the name of our blessed Lord above,
For you’ve shown you’re worthy of his guiding love.
Many, many oh many, just continuously fail to see,
Not only have you so truly shown, have you passed all the tests,
But you’ve even truly gone beyond what others mere mortals,
So conveniently choose not to see,
Or even what is really going on here.
Beyond all doubt you have honored thee.
The life given entity,
So unselfishly bestowed upon thee,
From outside within, from unseen to the seen.
For all of us, what was hoped to be,
Or not, for it is for you to see,
Just what really, really matters,
Like even that one among many,
Rabbit within the matter.
You are and have proven worthy,
You have shown the light,
You are the one from within many,
Who are worthy of a moment within to tell a story,
Of back when yet and still when in time still.
A New Way of Life for Real
By Wesley Carroll
From Athens to Plato, to the Aegean Sea, one wonders, why the following has been kept hidden, from thee.
Knowledge that should have been freely given, instead, has secretly been buried for centuries, hidden. Away from all, especially thee.
Herein now, transported through and by a most powerful force, bigger than any other and can do so much more. It has now placed upon the horizon, the way to a brand new day. To awaken the sleeping, or not, for it is their choice, to remain sleeping, in the hay. For another century or so, who only knows.
Once such knowledge is given, acknowledged, received, accepted and used, it causes something to go on within the heart for inspiration upon you.
It’s what made the Greeks a nation of poets, orators, artists, warriors, thinkers, and so much more. Caused them to create cities of light, the beautiful, the true, the good, you and me too.
You too will begin to feel, that radiant pressure within the heart. If you have not become so polluted and too deluded. That all intelligence left you secluded. Or really just a side player, all in someone else’s created game. But in reality, you’ve become just as dead as that playwright.
For there are those facts, or the reality, they drafted. An actual mere fiction, all really made up to confuse, misuse and totally benefit, only them, not you the muse.
All at your expense and to totally control you. Presented to you in so subtle and eloquent and in a fashion designed in a way you want to hear. But one should at least think, that maybe, just maybe, they are just not true.
Why is the nazi swastika symbol, in actuality, the same form of the “religious” cross? In its earlier know forms, or of some racist secret form?
For oh so long, certain men have misled the populous, claiming to bring knowledge to all. Well, here and now, all of that can end as of today. The truth is herein being given, its right of way.
Now nothing can outdo it, it cannot be trumped. For the truth is the truth, is the truth, is the truth. Like it or not. It rules all. You or no other, have any say in the matter, at all. It rules all and you must live by it. It will be suppressed, no more. No matter where hidden, even in the water depths, with pressure weight and all. It will instill, bob to the top, now.
Further in preparation for, you shall now know these universal truths:
Sun, Moon, Life, Death, Truth.
No matter what or whomever. These we all live by, like it or not. Acknowledge them or not, Truth.
Thus what happens to you, is really up to you.
Message, to live by.
WHEN PUBLIC OFFICIAL(S) GO WILD…The Importance of Public Corruption Investigations
Combating Public Corruption
By Wesley Carroll
Public corruption directly affects national security, the freedom of citizens, and the American way of life. Public corruption undermines democracy by diminishing confidence in government institutions, public officials and employees, and the country’s system of elections, and thus is one of federal investigations’ top priorities.
Public Corruption
Public corruption occurs when a public official abuses his or her public office or position for private gain, or when a private citizen seeks to corrupt a public official. PC investigations focus on the abuse of the public position and/or misuse of governmental powers for private gain. A public official who engages in a federal crime related to his or her public office or position is engaged in public corruption. For example, a police officer engaging in mortgage fraud is engaged in public corruption if there is a nexus to the public official’s public position.
Defining a Public Official
… A public official is any individual elected to, appointed to, or employed by (including through a third party contractor) any executive, legislative, or judicial branch of a federal, state, local, or tribal government entity or political subdivision thereof. Public officials include a broad range of positions and levels of authority, extending from the President of the United States to members of the military, firefighters, municipal clerks, municipal attorneys, and others.
Defining Domestic Public Officials and SIMs
… A Sensitive Investigative Matter (SIM) is an investigative matter involving the activities of a domestic public official or domestic political candidate involving corruption or a threat to the national security, a religious or domestic political organization or individual prominent in such an organization, or the news media, an investigative matter having an academic nexus, or any other matter which, in the judgment of the official authorizing the investigation, should be brought to the attention of federal headquarters (FBIHQ) and other DOJ officials.
Domestic Public Official
A domestic public official is defined by the FBI Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide (DIOG) as an elected official or an appointed official serving in a judicial, legislative, management, or executive level position in a federal, state, local, or tribal government entity or political subdivision thereof. The term appointed means selected, chosen, or hired to serve. Per the DIOG, this definition is intended to exclude lower-level positions and most line positions, such as a patrol officer or office secretary, from the SIM category, but does include supervisory personnel (e.g. police sergeants and lieutenants).
Domestic Public Official … for investigation
…is engaged in criminal activity … Under the mortgage fraud and drug example, if, in the judgment of the assigned FO, the investigation was determined to be a SIM, then the FO would be required to submit written notification of the SIM … to the Financial Institution Fraud Unit or Transnational Organized Crime Section – Western Hemisphere (TOC-West) and serialize both a copy of the opening electronic communication (EC) and letterhead memorandum (LHM) to PCU in Sentinel.
Oversight of PC Investigations
Public corruption investigations are among the … most sensitive investigations. Given the intense media attention surrounding these investigations, the reputations of public officials could be adversely and irreparably affected. Media attention and/or accusations of unfair targeting often accompany public corruption investigations. FO executive management, PCU, and/or ICU must actively oversee public corruption investigations.
Rumor or innuendo alone is not sufficient to initiate an investigation, nor is official misconduct or scandalous behavior. The standard for opening a full investigation is an “articulable, factual basis indicating possible corrupt activity. The standard for opening a predicated investigation is “information or allegation” also indicating possible corrupt activity. Predication must be documented in the opening communication, as specified in the DIOG and this PG. It is important for facts and circumstances to be thoroughly evaluated in order to verify their accuracy and to determine whether they provide sufficient predication for the proposed investigation and/or investigative method. Information developed that alters the level of predication may require the investigation be discontinued or less intrusive investigative methods be used. Therefore, predication must continually be evaluated for each subject during the course of an investigation.
A-h—u—m …
By Wesley Carroll
Went up state on A-h—u—m …
Worst move ever, A-h—u—m … ,
World young dumb mass illusioned,
Of a better life, A-h—u—m …
Just did not know, A-h—u—m …
Never more surpised that,
It does not apply to, A-h—u—m …
Worst mistake for any man,
Let alone, A-h—u—m …
They only see it as a feast hall,
Never upon them, only, A-h—u—m …
One would really begin to see,
That no constitution or declaration,
Or law applies or,
Mean a got darn good thing to them,
When it comes to, A-h—u—m …
To be young, gifted and,
A-h—u—m …
Even though a fact not accepted by,
A-h—u—m …it still is
Like it or not what it is
Let alone whatever negative,
May be on, or consumed by,
A-h—u—m …
When you are blessed to witness,
The magnitude of shear genius of,
A-h—u—m …
Watch the planned destruction of,
A-h—u—m …
What oh what is left to perceive,
But the demise of, A-h—u—m …,
What, is left to observe,
But the horror of man upon mankind,
A-h—u—m …
It is hard to perceive at times,
Of the hatred flung out towards A-h—u—m …
Apparently simply because of,
Aren’t we suppose to be,
Living within the land of the free,
Apparently not so for A-h—u—m …
And all positive inspiring souls.
Now the planned wake up of,
A-h—u—m …
Wishing hoping we could have done more,
But really did we, quiet as kept?
A-h—u—m …
Honestly no one can claim,
They even tried to help the most,
For if they really had did,
There would be no need,
A-h—u—m …
Of this wake today.
A-h—u—m …
God, please help us all now,
Or not for what has just occurred,
For your gift to us,
Was the safety and protection of
A-h—u—m …
Placed within our own hands.
If not now, when?
If not us, who?
Under whose image were you made?
A-h—u—m …
Happiness With Success and Joy … (Series)
By Wesley Carroll
Herein, let me tell you of a time way back when,
Yet in still to fully come hence.
A little bird in a wicker cage was heard,
In mournful teary tones these words it did sing in song,
“In vain I stretch my pretty little useless wings,
Still round and round I try to fly,
And strive in vain for sky’s dearest liberty,
Oh, how sweet thou art to me!”
The prisoner sings with breaking heart.
“All my worldly things I’d give to thee,
And all others that belong to me,
Never to ask one thing back but for my liberty.”
He sang so sweet, he sang so long,
He sang so loud as he longed for the clouds.
A few minutes later there came a little mouse,
Who often ran about the house.
Came right up to the cage,
She turned and tunes her tiny cunning little ears,
Toward the mournful prisoner bird,
To hear soon, though he ceased.
“Suppose just suppose”, she said,
“If I could contrive to maybe, set thee free,
Would those pretty wings, thou giveth to me?”
The cage was in the window seat sill,
The sky being so blue, with the air so sweet and still too.
The bird with eagerness did quickly reply,
“Oh YES, my pretty wings I’ll give to you,
And besides, all these seeds, nuts, apples, sweets and sugar too,
All pretty sweet mouse, I’ll give to you,
If you would only set me free,
For all I want, is for sweet liberty.”
The little mouse thought and thought,
And then she gave her word to the bird,
And went straight to work.
She chewed and chewed and gnawed some more,
Finally with intensive due diligence she created,
She made a hole in the cage for the bird.
Then in a flash, the bird emerged from the hole,
And took off like a bat out of hell.
In a flash, he flew out and up, leaving the cage,
In a state of ecstasy near rage.
Swift as an arrow, see he flies,
Far, far up into the clouds of the sky.
Way, way up above the sky even he flew,
But all of a sudden, quite surprised after another closer look,
A long, long, good closer look,
The bird, the bird, the bird, suddenly stops.
Appears now to drop and now descend,
Towards the house, the cage, his course it sends.
Finally, the loud voice of the bird is desperately heard.
“Oh, honorable and kind sweet mouse”, said he,
“Behold me now, behold me please,
Returned to you I have, I am,
To keep my freely given foolish vow.”
“I had only longed for freedom to me then,
No thought to want my pretty wings again!
Here in now, as I sure I’d have thought then,
Better with life to part,
Than remain alive on earth,
Living with a faithless, dishonest, foolish, lying heart.”
“Do with me therefore, whatever as you so choose,
For an honest bird I shall remain still.”
His heart seemed full, no more words could be heard,
Thus, no more words with his head down, said he,
As his wings drooped as he hung his head.
The mouse, quite humble, pert, wise and smart.
Possessing all that and yet and still,
Had a very, very tender heart.
She minced a little, she even twirled a bit more about.
Then and yet quietly, passionately her sentiments came out.
“Oh bird, oh my pretty bird,
I care little, actually not a bit at all,
About your pretty wings, of which I’ve seen and heard.
Nor shall I take them as you so did offer them to me,
Nor shall I require them from you at all.
I only cared about one simple single thing,
That you are a bird of your word.
Tis this is all I care and nothing more,
Applies, cakes and sweets are better things for me as treats,
You love the clouds, where you need your pretty wings to be.
They were meant to be a part of you, you see, not me.
Whereas I choose the house, no need for wings to be upon me.”
“Any ways, wings would look quite queer upon me,
A mouse within a house would be me.
My nice little tail is better by far,
So long as your pretty wings stay just where they are.”
She munched on some apples, she gave the biggest, lovely smile,
She gave a smack and then, and then, that was that.
She ran back into her little crack in the wall of the house,
The humble, the honest, honest bird, bid the sweet mouse adieu.
Pretty bird, spread out opening his wings.
And off way up high, he did fly,
Vanished in the skies, way up within the deep blue sky,
Far up and further up in joyful song he poured,
And sang of freedom as he soared long.
He had and he did, keep his freely,
His most precious, freely given, honest word.
Two now friends, both tens as I work toward,
Oh bird, oh bird, knoweth thou word affordeth,
You are among the highest of the herd,
Worthy of the word thou have been given,
For you not only heard, you obviously deserved.
All praises due you and yours,
I’d be honored to worship with you,
In the name of our blessed Lord above,
For you’ve shown you’re worthy of his guiding love.
Many, many, oh many just continuously fail to see,
Not only have you so truly shown, have you passed all the tests,
But you’ve even truly gone beyond what other mere mortals,
So conveniently choose not to see,
Or even what is really going on here.
Beyond all doubt you have honored thee.
The life given entity,
So unselfishly bestowed upon thee,
From outside within, from unseen to the seen.
For all of us, what was hoped to be,
Or not, for it is for you to see,
Just what really really matters,
Like even that one among many,
Rabbit within the matter.
You are and have proven worthy,
You have shown the light,
You are the one from within many,
Who are worthy of a moment within to tell a story,
Of back when yet and still when in time still.
By Wesley Carroll
God made us,
God made this whole planet.
God made the air,
God made the earth.
God made the ground we walk upon,
God blessed us, eternally.
Yet all in the news,
And even more in reality,
God’s most precious creation,
A man who was alive,
As he was so created,
As so many millions of others,
Was shot and killed dead by …
Reports actually stated that after hours,
Of shotting him or at him,
The many of them ….. ran out of bullets,
Apparently, trying to kill him.
Simply because he was trying to stay home..
Within his own home,
On his own property,
That he had spent his lifetime,
Paying for.
Apparently throughout the country,
Most often up north,
A person may actually,
Purchase and totally pay off the mortgage, etc.,
Get the deed stating he owns the home and property,
Even receiving the deed in his hand,
Yet still even years later,
Be forced out of his own home,
Off his own property,
By guns pointed at him,
His children and wife,
At times blazing by expert marksmen.
And others ….. Even.
This is not just a matter,
For the minority communities,
But to All perspective home buyers.
But in particular, those of color, Jewish,
Indian, Hispanic and the minority communities.
For if not,
Just guess who may be next.
Upon further investigations into such,
A reporter stated that this even happened,
In states, cities and counties.
Commonly known as,
“The Most Racist City In America.”
Wow, …
This now brings many other questions to mind,
Not in this order of course,
But in one such reported news story,
The reporter said that,
There were no fatalities but to that, the home owner,
They further said that one of the authority figures,
Who was shooting at the home owner,
Got grazed by bullets,
As he jumped out of the way of the gun fire.
But never said whose bullet(s),
Grazed him.
Was it one or more of the many,
Shot by the many,
Who shot so many, they ran out.
Totally ran out of bullets.
In reality, what was this?
A war against a U.S. citizen,
Home owner?
Since apparently no so-called authority, is doing anything to correct, prosecute or publicize this,
This will become an ongoing series, books, even …
Since no one else,
Why not us!
It may even be called,
“Who Really Owns Your Home? (Before you spend your lifetime buying it…”).
One Day in the Life of Those Silenced…
By Wesley Carroll
Teens were like, Yeeeeee,
Job was like, Micky Dees,
Loves like, many of plenty,
Schooling like, high school and College.
20’s like, Yeeee,
Job like, U.S. Military, deployed,
Loves like, none.
Schooling like, trying to stay alive and survive.
Life, full of honor.
30’s like, Yee,
Job like, highly clearanced federal at 6 figures.
Schooling like, engineering masters degree,
Love, one steady for life.
Life, a…normal?
40’s like, …? …? …?
Job like, Actually Innocent, yet
Falsely unlawfully wrongfully imprisoned.
Love like, ??? Non existent.
Schooling like, PHD,++
Life like, filled with ????
50’s like, what the F….
Job like, digging rock ditches and washing dishes,
Love like, what ????
Schooling like, A Dr. +…
Life like, ?????
60’s like, what the Double F …..
Job like, hard labor abused body bones & broken.
Love like, what’s that???
Schooling like, ++++ of no use.
Life, … like what, like where, ….
70’s like …….?
Job like, imprisoned falsely still though still innocent.
Love like, what’s that….
Schooling, +++++
Life, … ???
80’s like, pain, pain, pain.
Job, still as 40’s, 50’s,60’s….
Schooling, like super over qualified.
Life, …….
90’s pretty much as this innocent life has shown
And that of the thousands other.
Actually Innocent Falsely Wrongly Imprisoned,
Justice is just a word, in our imprisonment reality.
Just a figment of the imagination and beholder.
There is no Rule of Law, or Equality, in our real world.
Nor honor, integrity, ethics or accountability,
That placed us here.
Wherefore as the thousands of Actually Innocent,
Imprisoned shows, criminal abuse of authority rules.
Thus being known, what does that show about society as a whole?
Thousands of Innocent honorable
lives and families,
Destroyed, by the deranged few.
And again, now knowing all this.
Just what does that truly really say,
About you?
On This, The Case They Gave Me, …
By Wesley Carroll
Now, Six foot eleven, so the slate says and swears by,
Straight out of freedom not.
Two hundred forty, the state says and swears by again
Like a bunch of Ole Glory.
A daughter too busy acting quite dizzy,
Another close friend loving to pretend,
That all is quite well and going just swell.
When in Virginia, orange dirt and all,
People saw me run the track from daylight to sunset.
Many still wonder to this very day.
“Just how does he do it … How did he do that?”
Little did they know, still to this day they don’t know.
That I did not do it, all alone.
Right by my side, clear within illusionary sight.
That second wind utopia, as many call it.
There by my side was you, as when you were oh so small.
Just talking to me and running too.
Right by my side, as if you always do.
Thus I ran day in and day out.
From morning to noon to the lovely sunset.
You beside me, all the time through.
Yet the real you now leaves so much to be desired.
The you now, as you so often said.
Just don’t have time for me instead.
The you now, won’t write a bit at all,
As if you don’t give a damn at all.
Often I wonder, just how can this even be.
That all of a sudden, now,
Grown up, mature, an adult and all,
Just how in the world, can this ever be?
That now, you just don’t have time for me.
I really worked hard, to make and provide for your little ass,
You mom had strong thoughts of aborting your ass.
But here now, all of a sudden,
You feel I require too much of your time!
In my simple request just to hear from you.
WOW, what a fuckin’ trip,
Finding out that my precious offspring,
Has just totally flipped.
Six foot eleven, so the state says.
Two hundred forty, the state says again.
A daughter too busy, acting quite dizzy.
Another close friend, just loving to pretend.
Whatever happened to my daughter.
No mail, phone call or even a holler.
Godspeed all and works on his timetable,
Wrongful conviction many years later overturned,
Jury verdict stated “INNOCENT” yet given prison time,
Many years for a non violent crime that wasn’t even committed.
Falsely imprisoned judicial corruption and all,
About to find a new home,
Since now got millions in settlement loot.
And, guess who I do not plan to see,
Someone (those) whom I had thought,
Was (were) an integral part of me.
Just guess who, it really shouldn’t be too hard.
On this, the case they gave me, …
The Truth Is All in The, Proof
By Wesley Carroll
Here is a story,
A little sad but, still and yet true.
It could just as well been about you,
But this time, it’s all about me.
So, let’s go for a little walk through.
It’s quite so beautiful,
However my God works.
His plans as usual,
Always, work out for the best.
Each and every time,
No matter what the unrest.
God’s plans always pan out,
Whatever they’re about,
No matter what others tout.
His gracious divine nature,
Bless His children daily.
In immaculate ways so pure,
Granted to all He so choose.
Further be sure to note this,
Which further shows and verifies,
The fabulousness of God’s twist.
While at work on my job one day.
The 390 degree coffee industrial boiler burst,
Next to me, water poured
All over my hands.
Most of my many coworkers,
Shrieked and sought to get away.
First, second, third degree burns,
They shouted as they say,
All over this poor hands,
They stay and ran away,
Extensive hand injuries, they said.
Excruciating pains for you, they said.
Burnt to a crisp, they said.
Poor, poor fellow, they said.
How unfortunate, they said.
Such a horrible tragedy, they said.
He may never use his hands again, they said.
Poor fellow, they said.
Such a good worker they said.
Lawsuit, they said.
He’ll never work again, they said.
He’ll never be able to do anything now, they said.
Such a tragedy, they said.
They said, they said, they said.
They all said, but not me.
You see, I refused to accept,
Any of what the others said,
And, I refused to accept anything contrary to my God’s Word.
I held on to my faith,
My Father, my God, His word,
For the truth is always in the proof.
A few days later,
My so severely damaged hands,
As they all reminded me of,
Now had a bright watermark,
Of sorts on them.
An imprint of sorts,
A golden reddish impression,
As it remains now,
The emblem of the Father,
The Golden King’s Crown.
In retrospect,
My hands never had such,
Or in any way what they had said.
No blisters, no shown burns,
No pain, nor surgery,
No bruises nor any blistering.
As a matter of fact,
No burnt spots or areas at all.
None of what they all had said.
You see, I had previously built
My reality, my prosperity,
My life,
Upon Christ, my Father
In God, my Father above.
As I have as forever more,
Herein being one of His Children.
Jabberwocky Looking Glass
By Wesley Carroll
When you finally get,
All that it is you think you want,
Within your struggles for self,
And now the world declares you,
Queen or king for a Day,
Do you look deeper and further,
To see what the Universe has to say?
For it isn’t your father,
Mother, sister, partner or brother,
The person who’s Judgement,
The person who’s verdict really counts,
Is the real you,
And all those looking on too.
Some people may even think,
That you’re a great shooting chum.
Ana call you all so wonderful,
But the universe may have,
Something entirely different to say.
Your most dangerous test thus far,
May be the greatest yet,
May take you the farthest by far,
Based up on what you’ve done and now you get.
You just may have fooled the whole world,
Down the pathway of years,
And even get you pats on the back,
As you pass throughout life,
Toward that final ultimate, reward.
Take a good look at yourself,
See what that person really has to say.
The person whose verdict really counts,
Is the one within looking out,
Or that house you reside within.
What a chum or really what a bum,
Having fun playing with people’s lives,
Is so low for mankind,
Righteousness has been left so far behind.
Clear to me it is,
No matter what you now say or do,
Total grounds for you to be dismissed.
From all hopes of mankind.
At the end of each day,
You’ve had plenty of opportunity,
To seek guidance and pray.
Thus do you now have,
Headache and pain,
From your world wide stains,
Left behind for all to see,
Including you and yours,
And all those that viewed you,
Through that L. C. sequeled,
World wide known Jabberwocky Looking Glass.
By Wesley R. Carroll
Six foot eleven, so the state says,
Straight out of heaven.
Two hundred forty, the state says again,
Like old E glory.
A daughter too busy acting quite dizzy,
Another close friend loving to pretend,
That all is quite well and just swell.
When in Virginia, orange dirt and all,
They saw me ran the track from daylight to sunset.
Many wonder to this very day,
“Just how does he do it, … how did he do that?”
Little did they know, little did they know,
That I did not do it, all alone.
Right by my side, clear within illusionary sight,
That second wind utopia, as they call it,
There by my side is you, as when you were so small,
Just running and talking,
Right by my side, all day long.
Thus I ran day in and day out,
You beside me all the time through,
Yet the real you now leaves so much to be desired.
The you now, as you so often said,
Just don’t have time for me.
The you now won’t write or call,
As if you don’t give a dam at all.
Often I wonder, just how can this be,
That all of a sudden, now,
Grown up, mature, an adult and all,
How in the world can this be,
That now, you just don’t have time for me?
I really worked hard to make your little ass,
Your mother had thoughts of aborting your ass.
But now all of a sudden,
You feel I require too much of your time,
In my simple request just to hear from you.
WOW, what a fuckkin trip,
Finding out my precious offspring,
Has so totally flipped.
Six foot eleven, so the state says,
Straight out of heaven.
Two hundred forty, the state says again,
A daughter too busy acting quite dizzy,
Another close friend loving to pretend,
What ever happened to my daughter, phone calls or mail?
Conviction finally many years later overturned,
Falsely imprisoned judicial corruption and all,
About to come home with plenty of loot.
Guess who I do not plant to see,
Someone (those) who I had thought,
Was (were) an intrical part of me.
By Wesley Carroll
Just How Smart Or Dumb Are You – Intelligence Test
Gods Integrity Of Honesty and Truth …
The Best For America
The Police Of America Today
Four Four Rockin Da Floor
Thought About You
The Carroll Systemic Formula
Death By Ones Own Hands
More Government Corruption – Crimes
Pennsylvania Law(s) Declared Unconstitutional, Again
It’s Your World
The Truth Is In The Proof – King: God’s Children
Depression/ Discontent: CURE
Life In America, Today
The Best For America
The Pol1ce Of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Today
Our Prayer For Our America
Pennsylvania Parole Law Plus. For The Pro Se Litigant (Book)
Solutions Without Guns, Until Better Training, …
Successful People
Solutions To End Gun Killings By Police
Who’s Gonna Run This Town, Tonight (Play)
Solutions Without Guns, Until Better Verified Training, …
For You
The Police Of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Today
The Police Of America Today
Our Prayer For America
Universal Day Off
Wake Up
Just What You Need
Guess Who … For You
It’s Your World
Change – It’s Your World
For You
Bout The Game
I Ball …
Deep Deep Within You
Corruption / Core-Rupt
The World Of Our Lives
Three Hundred / Six Hundred
Guess Who, … For You
By Wesley R. Carroll
Very hard to find,
Few and far in between,
No room in the lives,
Of the evil and the mean.
Stand by your side,
Through thickness and thin,
Always answers your call,
Won’t ever let you fall.
To extremes they go,
Just to let you know,
They are always there for you,
Just because they care,
About you.
Lift you up when you’re down,
Willing to turn that frown,
Upside down,
Helping like a good ol hound.
Not the so called love,
That others speak of,
Oh so much more,
Can’t be bought,
Bargained, divorced or lawed,
Something so good and pure,
Send from up above,
With God’s love.
A confidant of all your secrets,
A tear wipe of all your despair,
A shoulder to lean on,
A sail in a storm.
This and so, so much more,
Is found here for you.
Truly your one and only,
Sent from up above,
Within the realms,
Of pure love.
A friend.
By Wesley R. Carroll
Many people think,
That things change on their own,
The “let it be” group,
Who swear things get better,
If just left alone.
I on the other hand,
Know this not to be true,
For there’s a price to be paid,
Only then will things ever change for you.
No one who truly wants something,
Will ever be denied,
If they’re willing to pay,
The price so desired and required.
Simple talking about it,
Will get you just that,
More talking only,
And that’s a fact,
No more, no less, jack.
Action is required,
As I so stated above,
Without it you’re just,
Pissing in the wind, love.
Sleeping time is over,
When there are things you have to do;
For if you don’t get down to it,
Then you reap just what you sow.
The young are suffering,
And so are the old,
When will you ever finally learn,
It is time to be bold.
Even our heavenly father,
Keeps giving you all the keys,
Like when he says,
“Step boldly before me…”.
Message, delivered.
By Wesley R. Carroll
A friend of mine,
You shall always be,
Societal falsehoods do not impress,
Anything about me.
Be you whomever you are,
Know that is fine,
Being different
Is cool too.
Beneath the outer covering,
Who are we but one and the same,
As designed by our name.
Why is it they just don’t know,
That God loves us all,
He is no respecter of color,
Race, religion or affiliation.
Where does fear and hate,
War and prejudice come from,
Not of good,
As I am sure you always understood.
Similarities as well as differences,
Are so easy to find,
Whenever you have a mind,
We need to find,
That peaceful place,
Leaving all hate behind,
For the benefit of all mankind.
Deep Deep Within, You
By Wesley R. Carroll
When you get all it is you want,
Within your struggle for self,
And the world declares you,
Queen for a day,
Go to a mirror,
And take a look at yourself,
And see what that woman
Looking at you has to say.
For it isn’t your father,
Mother, sister, or partner,
Whose judgement you have to pass,
The person who’s verdict counts,
Most in your life,
Is the one staring at you,
Back from the glass.
Some people may think,
That you’re a straight-shooting chum,
And call you oh so wonderful.
But the person in the glass,
May say you’re a bum
If you can’t look her,
Straight in the eyes.
She is the person to please,
Notwithstanding all the rest,
For she is within you,
Clear to the end,
No matter what you say to me and do.
Your most dangerous test to pass,
Is if the person in the glass,
At the end of the day,
Is still your friend.
You just may fool the whole world,
Down the pathway of years,
And even get pats on your back,
As you pass throughout life,
But your final reward,
Will be pure headache and pain,
If the person in the glass,
Chooses not to remain your friend.
KING: Gods’ Children
By Wesley Carroll
Here is a story,
A little sad but still yet true.
It could have been about you, But this time, it’s all about me, So, let’s go for a little walk through.
It’s so very very beautiful, How ever my God works, His plans as usual, Always work out for the best, Each and every time,
No matter what the unrest.
Gods’ plans always pan out, Whatever they are about,
No matter what others are about.
His gracious divine nature, Bless his children daily,
In immaculate ways so pure, Granted to all he so chooses.
Further be sure to note this, Which further shows and verifies. The fabulousness of Gods twists.
While at work on my job one day, 180-degree coffee water poured, All over my hand.
Many shrieked and sought to get away, First, second, third degree burns, They shouted as they say,
At least to his poor hand, they say.
Extensive hand injury, they said, Excruciating pain for you, they said. Burnt to a crisp, they said, Poor poor fellow, they said, How unfortunate, they said, Such a tragedy, they said,
Poor fellow, they said, Lawsuit, they said.
No more work for him, they said, Such a tragedy, they said, They said, they said, they said. They all said, but not me.
You see, I refused to accept, Any of what the others said, I held on to my faith, My father, my God.
Days later my hand,
That they all spoke about, Now had a watermark of sorts, An imprint, of sorts,
A golden reddish impression, Then as it does now,
The emblem of the father, The Golden Kings’ Crown.
In retrospect,
My hand never had,
Any of what they said.
No burns, no blisters,
No pains, no surgery,
No blisters or bruises,
No burnt areas at all, None of what they said, at all.
You see, I had previously built, My reality, my prosperity, My life,
Upon my faith,
In God, my father above.
As I have as forever more, Herein being, one of his children.
by Wesley Carroll
Much closer than we could ever see
Yet so close to perfect harmony. Please come along with me
And you’ll see it could happen most instantly.
Convinced ourselves,
That we could never fall again, Yet the sight of you, stirs me
To think of you as my closest friend.
As I watched the falling snow,
And got into my car to go, Feeling lightheaded as I seem now to do, Every time I’m thinking of or see you.
Saw two lovers, kiss and embrace, Oh, how I wished, that were our case. No other persons mean a thing, Cause my thoughts of you sing.
I cannot even try to say,
What it is that you’ve done to me,
My mind only thinks of you,
And my mind does whatever it chooses to.
As you pass by with that glowing smile, I must admit that it’s been only you, That I’ve loved, all the while.
Went back to my room
Heard Sade singing a tune, Sends up whole feelings, to the moon, Happens every time I envision you.
Straight from this heart of mine, I’ve desired you every time. I’m feeling something so good, All because of the essence of you.
But as I’m gently awakened, Reminded that such visions of you, Are only visions of you Whom I’d like to really know.
You may surely know me, In my private fantasy, You are my universe. Always on my mind, to see.
Having a lovely day today,
Not hard at all, to get through, Seems to be happening more easily now, Every time, I’m thinking of you.
Took a walk by myself,
(And thought about you)
Felt it should have been with you, (Thinking about you).
Every star in the sky’s, Appears to be directed at me, As all due to my thinking of you.
Lovingly, thinking about you.
The Truth is in the Proof
by Wesley Carroll
Here is a story,
A little sad but still yet true.
It could have been about you,
But this time, its all about me,
So let’s go for a little walk through
It’s so very, very beautiful,
However my God works,
His plans as usual,
Always work out for the best,
Each and every time,
No matter what the unrest.
God’s plans always pan out,
Whatever they are about,
No matter what others are about.
His gracious divine nature,
Bless his children daily,
In immaculate ways so pure,
Granted to all he so chooses.
Further be sure to note this,
which further shows and verifies
The fabulousness of Gods twist.
While at work on my job one day,
180-degree coffee water poured,
All over my hand.
Many shrieked and sought to get away,
First, second, third degree burns,
They shouted as they say,
At least to his poor hand, they say.
Extensive hand injury, they said,
Excruciating pain for you, they said.
Burntt o a crisp, they said,
Poor, poor fellow, they said,
How unfortunate, they said,
Such a tragedy, they said,
Poor fellow, they said
Lawsuit, they said,
No more work for him, they said
Such a tragedy, they said,
They said, they said, they said
They all said, but not me.
You see, I refused to accept,
.Any of what the o
there said,
I held on to my faith,
My father, my God.
Days later my hand,
‘That they all spoke about,
Now had a watermark of sorts,
An imprint, of sorts,
A golden reddish impression,
Then as it does now,
The emblem of the father,
The golden King’s Crown.
In retrospect,
My hand never had,
Any of what they said.
No burns, no blisters,
No pains no surgery
No blisters or bruises,
No burnt areas at all
None of what they said, at all.
You see, I had previously built,
My reality, my prosperity,
my life,
Upon my faith,
In God, my father above.
As I have as forever more,
Herein being, one of his children.
For You
On this very special day,
of all so blessed days,
here’s a poem for you,
that many saw as quite true.
She walked beside her father there.
A busy street, a child so fair.
Her solemn eyes were filled
with enormous tears.
Her little voice portrays
her vivid fears.
“Daddy, please hold my hand.”
The father’s hand picks up his child’s.
The child looks up and sweetly smiles.
For she has also placed her fears
in father’s hands and dried her tears.
Dad has now taken away all her fears.
So cavalier, Dad has made it all clear.
Creating such a nice new atmosphere.
Just wanted to let you know
that you are thought of every day,
My hand has always been near.
Thoughts About You
Much closer than we could see,
yet so close to perfect peace.
So, come along with me.
You’ll see it could happen almost instantly.
Convinced ourselves
that we could never fall again.
But the sight of you stirs me,
for my mind’s always with you, my friend.
I was watching the snow.
Got in my car to go.
Feeling lightheaded as I seem to do,
every time I’m thinking about you.
Saw two lovers kiss and embrace.
Wished that were our case.
No other persons mean a thing,
‘cause my thoughts on you sing.
I cannot even try to say,
what it is you’ve done to me.
My mind only thinks about you,
and my heart does what it chooses to.
As you pass by with that smile,
I must admit that I get so worked up.
I’ve got to be falling for you.
Went back to my room.
Heart Sade sing a tune.
Sends my whole being to the moon.
Happens every time I envision you.
Straight from this heart of mine,
I’ve desired you every time.
I’m feeling something so good,
and it’s all because of the essence of you.
But I’m gently awakened,
reminded that you are truly only,
the one whom I’d like to know.
You may know me,
in my private fantasy.
Yet, you are my universe,
always on my mind to see.
Having a lovely day today.
Not hard at all to get through.
Seems to happen easily,
every time I’m thinking of you.
Took a walk by myself,
and thought about you.
Felt it should have been with you,
thinking about you.
Every star in the sky,
appearing to be directed at me.
As all due to my thinking of you.
Lovingly thinking about you.
God’s Integrity of Honesty and Truth
God’s Freely Given Integrity
Universal Message of Peace
Let me tell you of a time tale, way back when still.
A little bird within a wicker cage was heard.
In mournful teary tones, these words it did sing in song.
“In vain I stretch my pretty useless wings.
Still round and round I try to fly,
and I strive in vain for dearest liberty.
Oh, how sweet thou art!”
The prisoner sings with breaking heart.
“All other things I’d give to thee,
nor ask one joy but liberty”.
He sang so sweet and he sang so long and loud,
when there came by a little mouse,
who often ran about the house.
Came up to the cage,
her cunning ear, she turned and tuned
towards the mournful prisoner bird,
to hear soon, though he ceased.
“Suppose”, said she.
“If I could contrive to set thee free.
Would those pretty wings thou giveth to me?”
The cage was in the window seat,
the sky was blue, the air was sweet.
The bird with eagerness did quickly reply,
“O, yes, my pretty wings I’ll give you,
and besides all these seeds and apples and sugar, too.
All pretty sweet mouse, I’ll give to you,
if you will only set me free, for all I want is for liberty.”
The mouse thought and thought,
and then she gave her word to the bird,
and she went straight to work.
She chewed and chewed and soon
gnawed a hole in the cage for the bird.
Suddenly, the bird took off like a bat out of hell.
In a flash, he flew out, left that cage,
in a state of ecstasy near rage.
Swift as an arrow, see he flies,
far, far up into the sky lit clouds.
Way above the skies,
but surprisingly, upon another look,
a long, long look, a good long look,
the bird, he suddenly stops.
Appears to drop and now to descend
towards the cage, his course, it sends
his loud voice is heard.
“O, honourable kind mouse,” said he.
“Behold me please, behold me now.”
Returned to you to keep my freely given foolish vow.
I had only longed for freedom then,
nor thought to want my pretty wings, again.
Better with life itself to part,
than remain alive on earth,
living with a faithless, dishonest, foolish heart.
Do with me therefore as you will,
for an honest bird I shall remain still.
His heart seemed full, no more words heard,
no more said he.
He drooped his wings and he hung his head.
The mouse, very humble, pert, wise and smart,
had yet, a very, very tender heart.
She minced a little, twirled a bit more about,
then her sentiments came out.
“I care little, not a lot at all, about your pretty wings.
Nor shall I take them from you or require them at all.
I only care that you are a bird of your word.
Tis this is all I care and nothing more besides.
Apples and cakes are much better things for me as treats.
You love the clouds, where you need your pretty wings to be.
They were meant to be, a part of you, you see, not me.
Whereas I choose the house, no need for wings to be upon me.
Anyway, wings would look queer upon me.
A mouse within a house, would be me.
My nice long tail is better by far.
So long as your pretty wings stay just where they are.”
She munched on some apples; she gave the biggest lovely smile.
She gave a smack and then, and then, that was that.
She ran back into her little crack in the house.
The humble, the honest, honest bird, bid the mouse adieu.
Spread out opening his wings and off high up he did flew.
Vanished in the skies, way up within deep blue.
Far up and further up in joyful song he poured,
and sang of freedom as he soared long.
He had and he did. Keep his freely,
his most precious, freely given word.
Two friends, both tens and I’m not.
Oh bird, oh bird, knoweth they word affordeth.
You are among the highest of the herd,
worthy of the word thou have been given,
for you not only heard, you obviously deserved.
All praises due you and yours.
I’d be honored to worship with you,
in the name of our blessed Lord.
For you’ve shown you’re worthy of his guiding love.
Many, many, oh many, just fail to see,
what they have been truly blessed to see.
Not only have you truly shown, have you passed the test,
but you’ve truly gone beyond what other mere mortal men
so conveniently choose not to see,
or even what is really going on here.
Beyond all doubt you have honored thee,
the life given entity.
So unselfishly bestowed upon thee
From outside within, from the unseen to seen.
For all of us, what was hoped to be
or not, for it is for you to see,
just what really matters.
Like even that one among many,
rabbit within the natter.
You are proven worthy,
you have shown the light.
You are the one from within many,
who are worthy of a moment within to tell a story,
of back when in time still.

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