The System
By Tiffany Woods
Where I stand should not dictate where I am going. I’ve fought long and hard to change my mindset, and not allow my confined state stop me from growing into the woman I know I am.
Why should I stop fighting for higher education just because I am labeled as a lifer? Do brains stop when the handcuffs touch our skin and we hear the clicking sounds signaling the tightening on our wrist? Why is it that the people with lesser time enter into a prison system they are able to attend every available course? The prison system was designed for people with lengthy sentences. My questions are many but answers to them are few. Will you the people with the power to change the system consider the people who are sentenced to letters and football numbers have the opportunity to have more educational freedom to learn, and enter the programs that are freely given to them with short term sentences. We have the grit to overcome our past only if you who hold the power give us the change. See us too.
A Black Mother’s Prayers
By Tiffany Woods
A mother prayers is our children be able to grow up in peace. Their lives flourish, and have meaningful lives. Allowing every person on earth realizes the nature of life. A mother’s prayers is no harm! Came against her children. We understand and emotionally connect to the struggle of suffering from loss. Each day we feel the pain knowing we may lose another loved one today. Still the black mother rises up early to pray protection over her children’s lives.
She prays her sons and daughters don’t allow the acts of this world to dictate their destiny. The black mother prays that one day we as a culture will be able to express our story without being labeled as a threat to others’ intellect.
She prays and she dreams that one day her sons and daughters will be able to safely walk the streets of any neighborhood knowing they will arrive home safely.
The black mother’s prayers is to believe one day soon a stop or a call by a police officer will not be a loss of a family member.
Know Me
By Tiffany Woods
These days all they show is skin
how can you know what within
you so focused on my complexion
the size of my breast or chest. You can
never know me if you don’t take time
to converse with me. Make love to my intellect
first, and our love will grow into a flower
that would never wither or die, you ask
why because you take time to know me
from within and not just to connect
with my skin. Know me, all of me, my
likes, my dislikes, know my past hurts, and my future
dreams. Mixed in with today’s accomplishments.
and I’ll do the same in return. Know
me authentically and everything else will come
easily when we do it intellectually.
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