Arizona / Artwork / Photo by Krista Milito / Poetry / Ricky London (AR)

Artwork and Poetry by Ricky London

G-Release the Prisonerz
By Ricky London

God chose, God knowz, there’s a space in Earthz land.
This time has now revealed for a race to hold handz.
Truth, square God planz as I await for this and me time.
Everything comes from something which is nothing but slime.
Release the Prisonerz! Mine I’m the face in the moon.
G-Release the Prisonerz, Enki popout like a raccoon.
Fight! Fight! Boom I’m connected royal blood.

Big Footprint
By Ricky London

Follow, follow lead learn living (ooh I was gone while to original) let me get right…..

Bigfoot “site” yes see that’s the recipe
I’m a show you what you really really gonna wanta see
Enki Baby free all cap no footprint
Mother-God Earth I’m the sun so I’m heaven sent
Elon-Trump vent, let me speak and speak a whole truth
You two men can, as should evolve to a whole proof
I’m Enki Baby Jahbulon
Pyramid borne first, third child
Colonized and civilized

By Ricky London

Who can I become when finished? I am who I am.
As you go unto your momentz, don’t alter.
Custom “origin-al,” alphabetz.
This is sole made aggregate (“Sophiaz”).
“MAOHWMAI”, invoke I Enki.
Banished to this land, how can we overcome. We never understand.
MAOHWMAI how can you understand what you cannot see, question mark.
Your full created, creation creature, guarantees matter.
MAOHWMAI, o’ ye find space in Earth’z temple.
I appeal this truth to the ear of the most high.
For I know it is He who knows and understands what lies in the skeletal of men.
Jordan Michael Jahbulon exist find presence in thy space.
Humanity united means union with race.
Final face as I charge and appeal thy Zenith “Godsky”.
Peace now shalom (invoke).
Greatness in this humanity intelligence.

Sandy Hook Promise
By Ricky London

As I offer the words to the families of all the above
This “Sandy Hook Promise” is one that lovez
Enki “arclovez” is a statement conjoined coined, stamped for humanity
As we as beings remember the lives lost this day
This Sandy Hook Promise should make mankind make a better decision way

“Sandy Hook Promise”
will never be forgotten by Mr
Enki Baby Jahbulon
firstborn (1) third child (3)
thirteen illuminated
Adam reincarnated Enki

Age Intelligence
By Ricky London

As a time now provides for me a space to age.
My intelligence is viewed as I take the stage.
Book mark page I told a story.
Mom says, son, don’t tell stories, stories are lies.
And lies are not intelligent when the truth sets you free.
Where will you run, when you realize who is (me).
AGE intelligence see, si. That’s a yes, super yes, and the time now prove.
This pass into this, age was a divined universal.
Move Enki speaks.
From K to Z all will see

Enki Thought of Freedomz
By Ricky London

It’s a time in mind where I seek to find
Thoughts of the old run rampant in mind
Get behind! Stay away no negative in Enki space
All above is below with a love for human race
Peniel (face) I know God, I know him
Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and Jung Chu Kim
Me, you, us, (“HIM”)
Supreme man on the verge
Reach, leap, grab, leave man out of the purge
Space immediate surge! There’s a force in course to land
And truth shall “sea” revealed of all needing to hold hands
Power in a band once the band is overstood
Enki speakz into humanity, cause I (“sea”) all that is good
Metal, fire, water, wood! Air also I know your delicate kind
Shalom, I find in this, occult for healing me mind.
Shalom Enki speakz

Pennsylvania Avenue
By Ricky London

As I come to a space common for me
Pennsylvania Avenue allows me to be
Donald Trump (me), Mr. President make “Amerigan” America again
Space, man friend, all is viewed in the land
Universal law will not allow individual to dismantle God Plan
Donald Trump man! That’s my father that’s your brother
I’m my brotherz keeper that’s what I told my mother
They, them, other, Mr. President I’m resident Pennsylvania Avenue
Take you places where you want rent
Donald Trump President, Mr. President
So relevant
Trump gang over everything
Enki Speakz

444 Unlock
By Ricky London

This poem is birthed from an article I was reading inside the cell block
444 days in captivity divine law unlock
Enki Baby Black Rock! Free C-money that’s my brother
All praises due to Allah and my mother
Enki Baby other it’s some focus in my area
Humanz on my mind cause I know how to carry ya
Enki Baby marry her? Take her to her highest peak
Enki Baby God I’m divine let me speak shalom
(for 444 days an American remained in captivity)
444 is a divine angelical numerical expression
See the sign, numbers don’t lie, men do
Enki Speakz

Drain the Swampz
By Ricky London

O fellow countryside and statesmen
Drain the swamp to see your sin
Humanity Kin! Skin that’s the garb father chose
Drain the swamp, time before all else knows
Change, open, close, there is a secret to this God plan.
Line yourself up to evaluate and understand.
Universe! Man! Reverse, reverse man became mind
Occult all things to make one seek and find.
Minutes Before Six, kind as a peace in this world here
God is closer to (me) than my jugular so God is whom I fear
Father! Close, now near I thought you was gone.
Now I truly realize that I never was or am alone.
Crystallized, (EA)

Stay Focused
By Ricky London

O’ humanity and to all of me.
Stay focused, shalom and truth shall free
Enki Baby be, I’m the mission earth celestial
Isolated Enki went flat up in correctional
Concrete sectional “Truth” in this four square
Enki Baby speak, Enki love Enki do care
Divine purpose there this the travel that I walked along,
Enki stay focused! Rap, sing, art song
Enki Baby muni long, that’s a feature wanta see
Patience is the highest virtue, this is all of (me). Stay focused as we embark on “Making America Great Again”
(God Planz)

K. Maori
By Ricky London

K. Maori this the life and me
METAX Enki Baby now, hear, see
Incarcerated free, Shalom Abba love
Prostrate bottom my origin is above
Push-pull (shove) coined Enki Baby mint
K. Maori crystallized also heaven sent
Enki Baby vent I need V.V., I need GiGi
Gold, gold. Gold all gold when I pee-pee.
Smiley face see me want for my brother what I want for self.
I see this for what it is and nothing else
Taylor, Travis Kelce, ima Swiftie
Eighty-seven made.
METAX Enki Baby crystallized self-paid
(Maori Gold) Maori Free si

Max Life
By Ricky London

EM=C squared max life Enki now paired, for the unison of life and health as time reveals the advance vast institute of reason and study with experiment and practice explored. Max life Enki evaluate the soulz of humanity for their judgement is due for what went left and what went right. “God Planz” and overstands what is meant to become understood in His temples space, humanity race to the line for a finish. Max life Enki 400 will replenish. I grew up on East Maxwell (Street). Upon becoming in tune and conscious, I allowed focus to be present in my daily functions. The equal sign and C represent the transition going into ME from this area EM (East Maxwell) 400 block of Dewitt, Arkansas, a town/city with an established (Germani origin) “zum hochsten dasein immerfort zu streben”
“Max Life” (I found me):

You and I Verze
By Ricky London


You and I verse the reality of human love
Human love guarantees a balance that is processed through life your sure above
Human love, human love
This a power I done waited on cause I know you can make understanding what was fated on, just to see you go on
Flourish in the land
You and I versed got go hand in hand
A house undivided must stand
How must you forbid divine law
This is not a wise decision
You must see beyond the saw
“Law” you and I verse
Humanity whole
Enki’s Peak2

Inaugurate Me
By Ricky London

January 20th Twentieth Two Thousand Twenty-five inaugurate (me)

As all fellow, beingz allow, country men will see to find reason for purpose as many stand to bow.

Donald Trump Wall Street Bull, man taller than a language many will envy (me) and not even know what name is, cause F.A.M.E. is question you! Inaugurate me! January Twentieth Two Thousand Twenty-five, for all to see, Making Americans Great Again for all of (us) can be.

January Twentieth Two Thousand Twenty-5
Donald J. Trump

Creator Create Creating Creation
By Ricky London

Creator, create while creating creation
French, English, American stationed
Trump Jr. nation, there’s a leader in the man.
Too much for me to realize, so I had to understand.
United States, Land! Enki Splash! Babylon, Babylonz
Cease fire men you can work it out without gunz
Mankind you, (human beingz) are your own worst enemy, strength is in the number?
Creator create creating creation
This the study Enki waited for
Enki Baby Jahbulon one three final score.
Make America Great Again
“Father” (Shalom)

Trump Picz
By Ricky London

Time nears, the world awaits for a man to take stand.
Time has now come again for me to extend my hand.
Humanity (me) planned, this the Trump, Trump Picz.
Life, love, me, you, onside kick M.A.G.A. Trump Picz, went from stock to fellow citizen
Thank you, Mr. Trump, you made me feel “Amerigan” (meaning American Again). “Amerigan” is a word styled and coined by Mr. Enki Baby Jahbulon 1-18-29 at 10:43pm.
Trump Picz

Lopez Jennifer
By Ricky London

A moment in brief, a time to overstand me.
Lopez Jennifer why must you see why must you BE as you BE to BE FREE.
Lopez Jennifer allow me to see Enki Baby ME. There’s a power in the land.
Jenny from the block please take me hand
Shalom I speak for a space in you
Look, listen, learn all there is true.
Lopez Jennifer

Israel Challenge
By Ricky London

With this essence of virtual essence
that glows through verbal sense usurpation,
This title is indeed alarming,
and I pray all is, and becomes, understood
underneath this “Precious Canopy”
as many of the multitude,
(Overstand while practicing the study of languages
within the language of our humanity.
You as I know; Why?
Israel became Israel)…

Israel time saves
as the challenge has made known.
Seed, baby, child, teen, man, full-grown.
So much of me unknown,
what’s the definition of this pain in our life
why continue to make us miss
For the lives of the many human beings
destroyed in this space within Earth
I warn you that I’m forever watchful
of your premeditated decisions
that have crippled the temples
your father creator who art in heaven.
So, for the final, Beings! Human!
Come together, work together, advance together,
even with the ones you yourself have hidden.

Enki Universal
By Ricky London

Enki universal, Enki musk, Enki Trump gang
Enki universal, Enki know. Enki love bang
American sang! World sun,
Reset Enki know change
Conscious of my current space, shalom
I come so far, I am from strange
Niviruz Range, METAX crystallized incorporated
Wellness for the whole humanity Enki love
Enki made it.
Enki universal immortal,
I am heaven sun
Enki universal human race (Won)
For the love of humanity, I speak
And pray for the union of you all
So, the world can witness the greatest truth
For mankind to process in mind
For his temple to stand
“Know Thyself”
So, when you see thyself
You respect thyself
So, the love you possess spiritually
Expels from within
Into the lives of the many
Waiting recipients, individuals, chosen ones
To sum it all up (HUMANZ)! Etc.
METAX inc.

Behind His Eyes
By Ricky London

Behind His eyes there is a space,
A space for Him,
And a space for race.
Humanity Race!
No color I speak,
Behind His eyes is origin seek.
What! Zenith, peak as I desire x and z,
Behind His eyes is me,
As I should feel and be.
Enki Baby free! This the language,
And the alphabet.
Trust. Love. God. Square. Truth don’t forget.
Behind His eyes sit this the seat that you waited on.
Love, Love, Love, IQRa! Book, Truth, Square no phone.
Behind His eyes lone as a wolf
And the pack,
I find and understand who already come back.
Yiddeoni, shalom, for the Father knows the son,
And the son knows the Father,
And the moon knows the son and the Father.
After being came into existence,
After the son was given dominion, Denial!!!!
Behind His eyes.

Destiny Part One
By Ricky London

“Know thyself.” This is a statement viewed famous by the majority. Close, far and afar. I must define what this word states first according to Webster’s fine dictionary. The definition of destiny is O. (Riley Michelle), 1. The inevitable or necessary lot which a particular person or thing is destined. Pause, grab a dictionary if you haven’t already, so I can make this make sense for us, not just you, neither not just for me, because I don’t want to subject either of our intelligences to a state of hypocrisy. Because truth is within reason, as reason is within purpose, and purpose is divine. As divine is defined; being or having the nature of a deity…a deity? One more time, (SMH) shaking my head. Deity is defined by Webster as; 1. A god or goddess, 2. The essential nature or condition of being a god: divinity. Reader as I now shift you back into our focus which is destiny, I must confer that all the time while I study this whole of the word destiny, I not only see the external…to be continued.

Divine Beauty
By Ricky London

I quote from the (age of past).
“For knowledge is advanced through the utterance of new opinions and truth is discovered by free discussion.”

(So may it be.)

Divine beauty as I stare into the perfection of (infinite X intelligence)
I make visible the invisible space of Peniel.
Divine beauty spell,
Unbound as the chain loosen thy feet, so much reason I learn.
As I reason no defeat,
Ocean sea heat, as I am the land,
The dust yearns for my external shell,
As they fear they hand
My father purpose planned,
What a maker Great Architect.
Now is the time for Divine Beauty to reflect.
Humanity your race is theology,
The only race to learn,
“So mote this become.”

By Ricky London

Root word moth as I write from a space
There is pain in mind as I stare at her face
Omnipotent race! As I survive and struggle to

Jesus wept, and Mary his mother did indeed

Mother-shed keep! Enki leap, Enki go fast
Enki baby stand up struggle over let it bypass
Come first and last, chicken in the egg
Mother shed tears for a sun don’t beg
Seek and ye shall surely find. God bless
Your song cause the essence of image will
Never fade.
Enki speakz

Space Angel
By Ricky London

Father! I come to you as the mortal creature below.
Guide my steps as I set get ready go.
Space angel show and keep my familia
Beauty forever and a day.
Taylor words on paper couldn’t provide
Enough space for me to say.
All that I must your purpose was sought
I know you want, rebelled and fought
Space angel taught, I’ll see you again (cuz)
Your memory’s beauty will never fade
Remember what it was.
Long live Taylor Bradford rest in
Peace and love Hashtag Taylor World
She is not gone and never will
Be forgotten God plan.

Your Nurse My Doctor
By Ricky London

A many will come the many will say,
Your nurse, my doctor still saves our day
Show thy way understand the lesson you
Yearn to learn, your nurse my doctor
Patient, patiently wait for turn. Energy
Saved, burned in the light many waited
On, your nurse, my doctor, life saved no
Clone. Enki baby go phone God plan
Activate, had to find the self, get
Right no time to wait. Human fate
Reason, so much purpose truly within
Your nurse my doctor please cure me
Of sin. Isolation pen! As I penetrate
The root, my natural state is home
But our feet fit in the boot. Your nurse
My doctor, is for humanity to remember each
And every courageous, brave, and thoughtful
Man and woman who performs life changing
Life saving, abilities to offer in need
God speed and bless our (Medicz)
“Maori Gold”

Trump Maga
By Ricky London

Do unto others as thou want
Or wish done unto self.
Punishment is swift in the abuse
Of “Truth Demand” there is a time
When a people must stand. Stand
Strong to advance and traverse
A universe with thou brother and
Thou sister in a sync and harmony
Knowing instead, fear of him or her
The likeness you should never
Regret. Face your error
Your wrong is systematic
And until you understand
Properly the truth of
This you likewise face
A grievous penalty for
Enki speaks

Maori Gold – Part One
By Ricky London

Maori Gold!!! This day is a day for effort to
Stand. A day of the living, humanities hand.
Enki baby land! There is a room for the wise
Truth is our guarantee be mindful of lies
Also time flies as speed closes in on light
My pain taken is for you, the many that don’t
Fight. Stand for what’s right, guide me to
A place near reason and end. This earth
Is a space for me and my friend.
METAX spend can you see the power in the
Alphabet. METAX Enki currency Z don’t
Forget. Solitary sit! I’m confined in a small
Space. Fear of me amongst my like kind
I was displaced, charge, stand! Faced, I
Was shaped into the heavens sun, in God
I, Us, We trust! And back unto Him I run
Maori Gold! Son, as you know of our
Time below. The genuity of the creature you learn
Character of divine show.

Truth Material
By Ricky London

Truth material as I engage in the Divine
I seek to unravel, debunk all I find
Truth material bind! As one seeks to find
His or Her way.
This blessing comes with sure reason and a
Purpose to save a day.
Truth material stay as we near into a war
Of world.
There is a power amongst the man and it’s
Found within the girl.
Truth! Material world, there is a pattern
That reveals
Enki baby love, truth, humanity divine
Heal. Cease-all-fire and senseless murder
And (in God we the people trust so
God and his blessing is origin of men.

Ricky London

Trump America
By Ricky London

Make America Trump Again! Is what I
State and pronounce clear for you to hear
And legible for you to see.

Trump, Mr. Donald that is wants all of
Us to be as we should be

Make America free, as the soil and land
God design through time

Trump America ”I want summo” finesse
That statement two times

Enki Baby shine reach the Zenit you
Waited patiently for

Trump America Great Again so to you
Assassins you will never score

Donald Trump is on a divined path and he
May not know or understand his test and
Or trial that’s current although I pray
That if he reads this he should know
That he is safe and protected
By the father we all
Know well, (so mote it become)

Birthday Girl
By Ricky London

As I organize the self in this small, isolated space
I remind myself of my birthday girl face
Shantricia London race! Catch me if you feel
You’re my daughter I’m your dad and our father is -real
Under-over-stand heal, advance your thinking you need
Always remember God is all-seeing watching your deed
I know! Finally yes freed can, bind thy evil way
Cause you’re my birthday girl and, must provide this
Gift today.

This I write, to say as I always have and will
Happy Birthday Girl! This is how dad feel
Happy Birthday Shantricia
ZY “London”

A Mason Zenith
By Ricky London

From A to Z I aim to show and see
how the Masonic view reaches the Z
entered apprentice free!
Raised the self
through the degrees
travelling through a system much current in seas.
Correction in Cs as I look beyond the
visible connection.

This is a Mason Zenith our order is perfection
Scottish, ancient, accepted section there is
a Council for this truth made known.

I was young, blind, deaf and dumb until
what I sought to understand made me grown.
A Mason Zenith, home! as I travel
through Ms America
fellow craft, Tesserae, there’s substance
in the stone.

This is a Mason Zenith once union is
made with bone.

Timeless Love
By Ricky London

Timeless love, I love as I yearn towards humanity.
Enki I’m your fate, ima cure the slow insanity.
This my choice of sanity, and this the education.

I’m strong human wise advancing in
this nation.
Peace auto-blation! That’s a coined Enki

Timeless love Babylonz me and my
Mercedez, ooops! I mean Mercedes. I
love to show the Z.

Timeless love Enki, yes, I’m Southern
Jim Crow free.

Timeless love

Warden! Cat-mail

Genuine to genuine fleeting midst like rain
understanding all love as she stares into pain.
Enki Baby gain truth real man wize
Warden! Cat-mail is surely a prize.

Rise, stand erect, straight indeed, yes, I am
forty Enki rank check appearance for
the cam.

Lion, leo fam I know you within space.
This truth I’m expressing derives from human

Peniel! God of face, listen, learn, laugh,

Peace to the mystery occult so above
momentz within love as love truly is true,
surrounded by deception in a color
we call blue.

Live, life, laugh, love, all humanity
matterz Enki love. Pyramid.

Invested Time
By Ricky London

Invested, time and tested for a trial and found
The knowledge I began searching became more
clearer than rarer.
I, Enki dare ya!!! As I exist in this physical state.
Who shares this common interest to extend all
human fate.

Many loved ones lost, bait! Si, it’s time for a
Enki Baby Jahbulon wize indeed don’t judge
me strange.
Close I’m in range, “frontline”, true celestial.
Many undermine why I associate with terrestrials.
Invested time in correctional, sectioned off in a
prison cell.
Many moments had to talk to self, some momentz
I yell.

O.M.G!!! Kiss and tell, saved by the bell ring.
S.M.H. is all I do when I remember
Beezle Bing.
Invested time, first born third child.

Taylor 13 Swift
By Ricky London

Time has made Ms Swift beyond known.
Taylor Ms Swift has truly become grown.
True currency own, her songs create space
for minds.

Thirteen is behind, the power she finds.
Enki Baby times, forward peace made
me understand.

Taylor 13 Swift, I must admit I’m a fan.
In the beginning was the word, plan, be
great for our Southern way
Taylor 13 Swift, your individual brightens
a day.

I don’t write for pay, I write to make
the message show.
Taylor she too swift and she has a divine

Blow the money, blow! What’s the price for
your inner gift.
All hail Taylor Ms Thirteen cause she
is truly swift.

Individuals, woman, man or mind so
to say, truly guides all people towards a
direction of purpose and this woman has
driven multi-millions and/or billions of
humanity peoples. She is a gift and a curse
to whoever show what she has made visible
(meaning love).

Humanity Whole
By Ricky London

As I stare into this physical realm, space or abode
I realize the time to alter our mode
code! Do not forget X which is unknown
to man.

Although many men of science have sought
to unravel God plan.
Philosophy understands, a philosopher

This knowledge travel deep, more deep than
blood and bone.
Humanity whole home! I must connect with
For we the people to reach purpose
and understand what’s true.
View beyond blue the deception is made

I just want for humanity whole so we
can establish another home.

Wendy Williams Beauty
By Ricky London

Your person, your individual, your gift is
Don’t be afraid to be scared because
you have many friends.
Life expels sin also blessings as well.

As I follow your headlines, is it true,
are you not doing too well?
Talk to God, tell, advise him of your
Don’t give in to the adversary, on your
energy they feed.

Wendy Williams lead! It’s not time to go.
I’m a distant, isolated being that cares
and this is me letting you know.

Wendy Williams strong, gets strong, stay
strong you up! And now you must stay
up, please don’t fall off, you’re a blessing
for my purpose. Enki Baby free 13.

In God I Trust
By Ricky London

In God I trust, many state this worldwide.
As a wise man thinketh you must know God
don’t hide.

Humanity cease pride and your fearz of like man
grow together in Genuity and move forward to

This what was planned, in God I trust first
hand, as I sit in this isolated state, I pray
for humanity within this land.

In God I trust, do not ban as you’ve
attempted in a way.
This is our source of origin that propels us
through a day.
A many will judge and say many things about

In God I trust and truly strive to see
M.B.G. “We” as I know we have become.
I’ll always regard this space my sunshine
after rain.

Enki Baby gain as I feel all around
this love that was never lost, was created
to be found, first born third child.

Human Purpose
By Ricky London

As a human being I find place in our earth
today. As I search our universe for other places
to stay. Find our way to connect our minds, so all
that “we” seek becomes all that “we” find.

Temple, human mind, also titled Hue-man came
to understand and plan so well, that the
intelligence found by the atom was something unique
to tell.

Save the scream or yell, and find peace
in the peace of mute, cause the word observation
is relevant and visibly cute, this truth is root, as
the end is like done, when all his-story is
debunked where will be all the fun?

Where will I run, walk or sweat for more?
Where will that building go “we” call the store?
Eversomore as I speak into like kind, the human beings
is what we like beings should seek to find
intelligent mind, the language spoke to me in
clear vocal and tone, I your like kind is here
to advise you “we” are surely not alone!

Certain life free to roam and stir up the thought
for the day. This is the beginning of our new
way. Fear “we” should slay cause our origin
is void atom and matter is something,
something, nothing want avoid.
Human being android!!

I’m a mind in this evolved state.
Enki Baby Jahbulon defining all human fate.
Pen America rate, as I write from my heart, everything
I finished came about from our start, life without art
would similar misery and pain
cause a remembrance of this beauty is much
to gain, “Zeus pissing is the rain”, was a
statement spoke best to.

The Devil truly LIVED and was and still is allowed to
rest less.
Rest woke I’m awakened in a
land faith without works is dead so I must
operate thy hand, knowledge, wisdom.
Understnd all that the old made
light of and remember overall the
power of love.

USA Enki
By Ricky London

U.S.A. United States of America. This is a land for the free.
Where humans of all backgrounds can be and should be all that you can see.
U.S.A. “We” as a people and race must stand and not fear what we as earth’s inhabitants must understand.
Humans! Hold hands, keep the faith in your peace.
What’s a monkey without a tree or a monkey without grease?
Silk, cotton, fleece. I enjoy the fabric of material.
U.S.A. Enki Southern I love cereal.
Killer don’t be serial; it’s too much love in our origin.
U.S.A. Enki, stop the violence. Up the score again.

World peace

July 31
By Ricky London

July (31st) Thirty-first this day my mother was born
My mother gave birth to a child who loves corn
July thirty-first born! My momma came in
She is my primary creation space, umbilical friend
I pray you see many more birth dates in the visible, physical form
I’m accustomed to free Ricky Jr. Enki baby
Son of an earth queen, princess, mother, divine reason
Happy birthday, Dorothy Mae London

Uncle Don
By Ricky London

Uncle Don I’m gonna miss you so much
I love you so much as well indeed
Don’t take nothing ingenuine
That’s what I got from your verbal seeds
Uncle Don freed
Can you finally feel what you sought?
We knew you was in pain and we viewed how you fought
Your character won’t be bought, you’re forever a memory in this land
And one day Uncle Don, I pray I get to hold your hand
Long live Uncle Don

Trap or Rap
By Ricky London

Trap or rap I’ve mastered the both
I’m so gifted with talent you must see up close
Ghost! Picture me foreign in a Mustang
Enki baby cold blue flag used to gang bang
Bands make your girl sing featured on my song
Trap or rap friend or please move along
MB6 is my home and the space that makes me known
Enki Babylon Jahbulon full grown
Man mind blown, this is the rights of man
Man in the box, prison cell spinach can
Trap or rap plan, this the baby, yeah I made it
Born I’m so chosen you must not fade it
Enki Babylon MB6 love

Isolated Enki
By Ricky London

Isolated Enki, God in you and I we must
Isolated Enki, in God we trust
Old Egyptian and Sumerian bust. Can I tolerate this?
As I continue to travel (signs show me)
Gold, all gold piss! I’m so marveled at the element
Earth is celestial and the humans are the residents
Enki baby president, Enki baby love all
Currency is a vice formulated just to make fall
Enki baby ball! I’m in the mirror, you’re a reflection of me
Everything I want for me I want as well my brother to see
Enki baby free, MB6 knows my way
Isolated Enki, question answered humans save the day
Peace, truth, happiness institutes universal love
Cultures matters pyramid
Firstborn third child

Pen Hand
By Ricky London

Pen so many thoughts I keep in a temple crafted whole
To many being born that’s why our story untold case still cold I know a cold, cold case
Rest in love Cassie Compton, Ruthie Fleming your space peniel!! God of face (reverse) truth! Face of God
Pen stand in the seed, planted blooming out the pod.
Truth!! Tell Todd, I was targeted you know I was.
I was packing up moving forward as a man does.
Enki Baby loves in the peace people waited on
Pen hand wrist work moving forward not alone
Gold rush!! Phone I got clientele in Africa
Mark and Elon both come together I’ll traffic ya
Pen hand (root) pen-etrates. Pen America
Thank you for space, ability and union
Without you co-existing with “I”. I wouldn’t be able to co-exist with you. Focus is key
Metax Enki Baby under-over-stand omega
Firstborn, third child (13) illuminated pyramid.

My Grandma
By Ricky London

For my grandma I write to you forever a truth
Thank you for providing for me all I needed from under your roof.
My grandma issued a discipline with a switch and a smile
The care she provided was too much to file
True beauty original style I love her soul
My grandma loved me and paid attention as I championed goals
Truth told! I’m blessed to experience all Ms Annie spoke and modeled that’s wise
Cause she opened my heart, my mind and my eyes.
Time flies, time goes fast feet Enki love
My grandma awaits peace which many think is above.
Heaven space God love, God speed sure certain
As I understand space I repeatedly close curtain.
Ricky, Enki hurtin so this pain will sure heal
My grandma Ms Annie provided love for a many located on “The Hill”
Truth spoke feel as I write from wrist
My grandma I love and truly I miss. Love you Ms. Annie Lee London

Savage Pretty
By Ricky London

This message is for you I need you to over-stand.
The reason you’re around is for us to link-hands.
Forces above land as I travel to and through.
A part of “me” was taken and crafted into you.
Savage pretty true the deception keeps us weak.
Enki love Enki love so much love Enki speak.
Savage pretty fleek all da flavor made whole
Savage pretty truth brings peace to a soul.

By Ricky London

Metax was founded by Enki Baby Jahbulon throughout his incarceration stint, that he completed. Metax came about through thoughts focused around two tech giants that inspire me as well as a many of others, Mark and Elon both combined inspired me to bring into existence this small “intelligent” business that guides the humans intelligent through the required stages of consciousness. As I done a many of seconds, minutes, hours and days in an isolated state, where I had much time to focus on self and evolve from that standpoint to be able to create, plan, make exist, masonic reasoning and principle guided “me” thoughts span and the ??? channels. In understanding the origin so as the occult makes its brilliance urethral. The vessel excellence away. Metax mastery under-over evaluates the intelligence within humanity to further advance the existence of humanity and the intelligence that originates within “me” vessel as well. As I lean into the answer that makes factual “the all” in a mind of individual person(s) or people question(s) your source is know as whom is has been stated above. Metax

By Ricky London

This article I’m writing for the young man I conversated with throughout my time within solitary confinement and found righteousness beneath his depression, frustration, aggravation, etc. As days went by, and time as well, I have seen this young man come out of his cell after the officers at this maximum security unit learned and seen him hanging in his cell dead. This was the first human being I ever seen with my eyes, dead. Freshly dead body still navy blue and this hurt Enki’s Mind and made me furious at my current caretaker which is this security and/or administration that awaits my death as well. I have been mistreated repeatedly, ignored, and denied the ability to progress and rehabilitate according to this penal system mission statement and the death marks fourth of the Caucasian male. Since I came to this unit in December 2022, two of those deaths been suicide and the other two was from K-2 that was laced with fentanyl. I wrote my mother and I told her I loved her and as I told her I loved her I’m telling you all that I loved you all as well. I truly do. I mean this from this distant wavelength that keeps me connected regardless of the who, what, or how. God is not dead, neither is the devil (lived) who awaits to be redeemed and reunited with the father who recognizes him as the son. I’m intelligent, numbers don’t lie, many men and women do. For what? Hypocrisy?!!! Blasphemy?!! Grow humans!!!! Unite so you can exist beyond this longitude or latitude. My neck hurts and I’m seriously fatigued within these walls and I still have 60 months until I must be released from confinement so I’m holding on while being abused physically by my inmates that are unconscious of their acts, mentally by staff that are unconscious of their acts, and spiritually by the forces that always awaits the dehumanized to demonize. So world, Dear Reader, followers, forgive me for my truth and our struggle and stand strong through this division and know “we” must connect, “we” must connect and be rewarded with what “we” the people sought in this land. God I truly love you human beings and I will not rest until you all understand and become wise of this. This is fate, your fate, your reason. Your furores, all life matters look at your skeletal structure, look at the color of your blood, look at your existence and please, please co-exist. April 18th the solar eclipsed in my state, Arkansas. “Rootword” ARK which is covenant for Noah. Please don’t devalue what’s “natural.” Explore it. P.E.A.C.E: Proper Education Always Corrects Error. Love Enki
For my son and my moon, Shatricia, and Kaden I love you as well and I thank you for awaiting our union. I see the sign you made for me and the tears I shed replenish my being and increase the energy I seek. Thank you zy, thank you Kaden “uttu”. I’m currently being housed in west isolation 6 cell.

Taylor Swift
By Ricky London

Swift I’m Enki a fan hi Taylor
This is my gift, I’m the captain and sailor
Swift hi Taylor as I speak and say again
I want picture “me” without pad and pen
Hi Taylor again Enki I’m the man in the moon
It’s time for humanity to understand the boom
Zoom, all I seek is your unity of course
This is a truth and true passion no remorse
Life in a Benz or life in a Porsche, time and time again
Taylor Swift made Swifties times infinity times ten

Momma’s Sun
By Ricky London

Momma’s son-sun as I say ye shall also speak
When Adonai presence made visible all known became weak
This knowledge wasn’t a leak, it is the soul of the people “WE.”
That’s why only in America you can be all that you can be!
All that you can see will you visualize the sun
The power, all its power, will make ye melt “intween” ye bun
Enki Momma’s sun this my poetry and pain
I’m the sunshine for you people after storm and rain
Momma’s sun gain I’m a legion in the lower land
Momma’s sun Momma’s son understand your hand

Doctor’s Call
By Ricky London

Got my teeth cleaned and vitals checked on one twenty two twenty four
One thirty over eighty-seven made me smile a little more
Enki Baby score! As I understand the presence of our dad
After all he is all-wise and truthfully all we ever had
Some moments I feel sad as I desire beyond these walls
Some moments I feel joy whenever the doctor calls.
These moments never stall, just shake and shift my being
The vessel I chose is truly revealing what I
Would like humanity to start seeing
Seconds, minutes, hours fleeing as days, weeks
Months, years go by
The man has made up his mind to end his fate up in the sky
Take off Enki fly near the moon
I must wait to see you show them ‘cause I know you coming soon
Pop out like raccoon! This the moment all been waiting on
Doctor call Enki baby god of medicine, coming home

26 Spoons
By Ricky London

Just as I was about to lay down a sign made plain for me to see
Twenty-six spoons I counted before breakfast came to me
Amazed I shall be this is 13 twice
The power of this number is beyond the meaning of nice
Mystical rice! Our meaning is love
An emotion for purpose and demanded from above
Look, listen, live, learn all you must and need
‘Cause he is paying attention to all your good deeds
Thirteen twice add it up

Spirit of the Moon Remember
By Ricky London

Spirit of the Moon remember what I speak when I call
I know I’m amongst the morning star that caused man to fall
Who speaketh the final call when much is to be revealed
This earth and humanity has purpose that’s unfilled
Ground broke! Land drilled true derrick unborn
So much gas in our temple are we interrelated with corn?
Enki baby born! There’s a truth made legal
I attempted to birth life in the likeness of Beezle
Spirit of the Moon remember as I wait for our unity
When I’m released from this correction my union is with community
Spirit of the Moon remember I as I remembered you
I see the beauty you possess within and fully through
Spirit of the Moon remember
Our day will be when purpose is fulfilled

Dump Him Already
By Ricky London

As I gain the attention that is ordained for I
I realize my purpose won’t let me die
Enki baby fly, as I search for a space
This connection I have created amongst earth place
God! Human-race. Take care of your like-man
‘Cause this wisdom I have found is part of my plan
Your smile, take my hand and bring peace to my soul
All my reason for this land is not just gold
MB6 Told! All matter of me!
MB6 is my family that made me feel free!
Enki Baby Jahbulon, first born third child

She Told Me Not To Go
By Ricky London

She told me not to go although time took me away. The way I made her feel was all that she could say. Shona, I walked away, left all that you had inside cause I couldn’t find peace after I exposed you lied. Then my life continued to ride and I found love again. Donna shaped my heart and became my closest friend. Then I left again. Took some time, went away. Donna had a no call, no show on the very next day. Spine strong, I never sway. I put pressure on these women mind.

That’s why many nurse my mind and keep the spell through the bind.

I am! not hard to find ingest unity on a whole scale. Look, listen, learn before you speak up and tell. Saved by no bell. Shelly Marie Watkins was pure gold. The way she made me feel, I never told.

Enki Baby bold. I’m the message you been waiting on. I really want to see my grandma or speak with her on the phone.

I love you, Momma. I love you, Ms. Annie Lee London. Long live Velma Ferguson (zyzy).

Incomplete C
By Ricky London

The circumference of the circle is a completion of a C. The problems we face here on Earth involves an incomplete C.

Time for all to be, understand mind, body and soul. Why continue to rape this land of the power of its gold? Fold!! I speak and say retreat from this greed. Many people before you had come to understand need. What ye may want may not be what ye need. Please don’t count your blessings; they’re as many as my seeds. Continue in good deeds. Understand the connection sought. This is the power Edgar Cayce birthright had fought. Genuine unbought. A man with no color line. As I travel in his likeness, humanity I see fine. So this is the origin of line, which formed a circle and a C.

Forever is the power of our father. He will always see.

Strong for Me and We
By Ricky London

Humanity alas!! All of matter is you to be. As I travel and roam, I’m strong for me and we. “We” is a plural and refers to the great. A people in a multitude must understand fate. Much more than you rate or gain from in price. I realized a pattern that became visible to me thrice. Enki Baby, nice! I became wise on a day I realized my purpose was always God way. Much I speak and say with judgement from all. Why should I stop now? I know you’re waiting on my fall. Alas! Ye heard my call as I cried out loud. My father whom thou art reign in heaven is truly of me proud.

Strong for me and we can listen to you breather. As I retire my physical after I rise from my knees.

Strong for me and we.

In God I Trust
By Ricky London

In God I trust. Many state this worldwide. As a wise man thinketh, you must know God don’t hide.

Humanity cease pride and your fear of like. Man grow together ingenuity and move forward to understand. This is what was planned. In God I trust firsthand. As I sit in this isolated state, I pray for humanity within this land.

In God I trust. Do not ban as you’ve attempted in a way.

This is our source of origin that propels us through a day.

As many will judge and say many things about me. In God I trust and strive to see.

MB6 “we” as I know we have become. I’ll always regard this space my sunshine after rain.

Enki Baby pain as I feel all around. This love that was never lost was created to be found.

First born third child “13”.

Humanity Whole
By Ricky London

As I stare into this physical realm, space or abode
I realize the time to alter our mode
Code!! Don’t forget X which is unknown to man
Although many men of science have sought to unravel God plan
Philosophy understand? A philosopher stone
This knowledge travel deep, more deep than blood and bone.
Humanity whole home!! I must connect with you for “WE” the people to reach purpose and understand what’s true
View beyond blue the deception is made known
I just want for humanity whole, so we can establish another home.

A Nurse with A..K
By Ricky London

My heavenly father placed an angel in the form of a being
Three times became the greatest cause this nurse I kept seeing.
Genuine was this being fleeing as midst in the day
It’s all a true blessing and God mysterious way
A nurse with a K, she’s an angel for me
Respect is what is law, because she deserves to see
Genuine she continues to be so I say now God bless her soul.
A nurse with a K has become more valuable than gold. “Enki Baby truth made visible.”
“Daughter’s Love”
Daughter’s love indeed has captured moment in space
This love that she has, had no pigment in race
Stand in though face, as emotion reaches a high
The places I seek, requires wings for me to fly
Daughter’s love never bye, as I find divine my way
In the physical I’m here amongst humanity and they.
Stay!! Don’t leave, never let me go.
Daughter’s love is undeniable and always show
Illuminate!!! Glow. Keep reason in your mind
Purpose will reveal, because it’s God dure design
Wisdom is truth and beauty, humanity one
World’s Peace

By Ricky London
I know that I inmate and/or individual
Ricky/Enki London/Jahbulon #6533332 Has
Purpose for mater and within matter, and
All that matter is surely divined. I inmate
Ricky/Enki London/Jahbulon now comes forth
For the very sole not aggregate reason, that is
The human, the human is indeed worth of
(X) intelligence, which is this article I will
Define. X As it is which is unknown. All life
Mattes, cause this is the human life we are
In care of and were responsible for our neighbors,
Brother, sister, friend and foe. We the people, like beings
Are responsible for like beings, that we must learn and
Gain from co-existing, iron sharpens iron don’t teach me
About death when I know your so far from being near
The knowledge of death cause I gave you life so that
You live and exist and fill this earth and construct
The next (Hint) and (Note) that many your Host,
Bodies!!! Celestial? Void/unpopulated of
Humanities, being. Im Enki in the Physical.
Known by me as foundation/lowest realm abode
And /or temple for mind (s) to gather. What you
Do while you gather matters!! Cause you transgress
And so unfortunately slow prevailed, moved forward
This writing/(Article) is of True and faith origin(z).
So, Truth! Enki, I AM Etc..whomsoever you call
To new petition. I Enki re-incarnated Deity of
Old sees visibly the malfunction in human
Progress and awatz patiently for science to
Unite with Enki chief scientist of ANU.
This experience is compatible and I speak
Against any form of adversary, I say unto
You the un-awake, that upon your allowance of
Foolishness the harm(z) brought upon this vessel/
Temple, etc “Place of Peace” you shall Do No Harm
To his dissatisfaction, upon doing so and thy
Hear thy son/firstborn consequence. This truth
Is face and the fiction you devised has withered
Away and Enki Re-born Truth has made this
Presence now known to man/mind/human being.
Enki is so immortal and wise with wisdom your
Intelligence must know yours is no match to bring
About this deity of old non-remebrance. Enki
Has shifted the paradigm space, and as
Moment reveal Enki is now physical.(matter)
All Life Matter.
Arm. Leg. Leg. ARM. Head.
God is defined as a supreme being, the human being is (note) my opinion supreme in so many styles and forms.
As I write from this space that restrict
My connection and voice through tactic
And practice for a study that has already
Been learned and mastered by the engineer,
Father,etc, so you studying my compatibility
Within a flesh is insanity cause I am the
Flesh and my father is (Bone and Morro)
Unite in love, for love, to love, towardz love.
This knowledge is of old and this mystery is
Truly ancient, and original and my study is as
Is X, and you reader know by gut this is
Truth and I public, people, humanity etc..speak
For you and towards you and will always be
As I have been and that is first born son
Of the seventh son. The end.

Master seribe

                                                               Ricky/Enki London/Jahbulon

“Stop living the stress of something, when before you was nothing and became everything.”
Quoted by: Enki London/Jahbulon
(Also known as)
Ricky London
Dec 2023

A Blizzard Encounter
By Ricky London

When the opportunity to know gave me ability to see.
A blizzard encountered set my mind free.
Within I see and weigh the balance of a Heart.
This blizzard that I encountered didn’t seek to depart.
The language was start, as I found genuity within soul.
This blizzard I encountered had more value than gold.
A truth now told, and spoke so true
As our flag is red and blue.
A blizzard coming though for all to come to know.
This encounter was divined and its purposed seeks to show.
Hashtag genuine heartz.

Photo Family
By Ricky London

You people made me smile, I couldn’t stand so I sit.
The season greeting began with a photo of Wongelawit
So I smiled a more bit and enjoyed coffee mixed with mocha.
And thank God for the blessing of the photo of Dakora.
Cisa, Jennifer, Linda, Lori and Ray
Smile as well will brighten a soul’sday
As I say I speak to Bill, Tarnia and Carmen.
Thanks for the smile it gave me and my heart sure warming.
Tracie, Jonah, Yolanda, Tina and Stacy
My heart goes out to you all as well,
You all know my poetry is spacey.
Rache, Willie, Billy, Michael, Jenny, Leigha, Teri and Thomas
I smiled and appreciated your pictures as well I promise.
This moment Dina felt the best to me.
Cause I felt the love from my family.
(minutes before six)
Thank you for the season greetings, you all
Had beauty expressed in your photo
I’m forever grateful.

KInGRAlE Collins
By Ricky London

As I write this truth in this poetic
Style. I write with a passion to
Find and save the lost child. A man
I met his name is Kingrale, me.
Collins was released from a death-row
Cell, a story his own to tell, and expose
Abroad, this man I met is by no means
A fraud, I applaud Kingrale Collins
For never giving up or in, and I pray
That our system release Him from the PEN.
Note that (PEN) I’m speaking of a prison
Not the EN this man Kingrale Collins
Obtain his Associate Degree in Theology
Also Bachelors in Theology as well and
In seeking his Masters Degree. Truth has
Been spoken first to this space.
Cause MB6 will rise and will not
Be displaced. Enki Baby Jahbulon

Enki Speaks
By Ricky London

Enki is my name! How can I die
When I was and am born to live
So much in the beginning I was
Willing to give.
Immortal I must live as I have in
This land.
Mastering right and left as I
Work with my hand.
Creation as planned I’m at peace
In my Southern state.
Exiled, unseen, here to purpose
All fate.
As a scientist i-rate what I’ve
Seen evolve.
The problem is simple, you
All must solve.

Long Live Babylon
By Ricky London

Long live Babylon as I say and speak to all
Long live Babylon for many of old is called
Babylon to fall!! No not never this should
Take place
There once was a Queen “Semiramis”
That ruled Babylon Space.
Stern was her face as her fule likewise as well.
Sammu-ramat she modeled well.
History seeks to tell, present, show
Make known to man.
Long live Babylon is what we all must understand
A universal plan, something that
Want be undone.
This Assyrian Queen ruled with
Wisdom, no gun.
Enki Baby JahBulen
First Born Third Child

Mary Lou Retton
By Ricky London

Mary Lou Retton as I have faith for you
From afar
I pray that you recover for you are a
God is within that’s not far, find peace
In your vessel for time
You are with purpose and reason so
Your light will shine
Mary Lou Retton fine, genuine caring
For a whole humanity.
This is truth of a power, speak with
Who speak vanity? As I work within
A life
To reconnect and re-build a being
Plagued with strife.
Hashtag Mary Lou life, unite genuine
Minds and heart
Do not let Mary Lou Retton life past
With everyone still apart.
Find peace, start, fir I feel your fear
I pray and (I trust) that God make
All your pain disappear
“Mary Lou Retton”

To The Max
By Ricky London

To the max I felt phase as I ran my course
All I ever sought foreign was the power of horse.
To the max no remorse as I build in the land.
Al the wisdom that I possess
Was indeed nature planned.
I, aggregate, man!! What must shall we seek?
For the laws of our being has harvested the meek.
What shall save the weak? When all else has failed.
On the cross we sacrificed like-man
His hands and feel nailed.
Debt owed Bail!! This universal karma
Need no escape.
To the max I go for Her
When your external seeks to Rape. (No Means No)!!!

By Ricky London

Six sextillion tons a unit
Followed by 21 ciphers. The
Earth is 93,000,000 miles from
The sun. The earth travel at
The rate of 1,037 1/3 miles per
Hour. Light travels at the rate
Of 186,000 miles per second
Sound travels at the rate of
1,120 feet per seconds. The
Diameter of our sun is
853,000 miles. It took
6,020 years to birth man
That is to say likewise of
72,241 months or in days
2,197,351 dayz. What
A study Enki Baby Jahbulon.

Forever 13
By Ricky London

Today is a day I write from a place in heart.
Today is a day I pace the self and start.
Love is smart so it’s smart to love.
Today is a day I rest and build with my Father above.

More than I was, better I am indeed.
Forever 13 has revealed and made visible its creed.
Read, read, read starts with one and ends with three.
Pay close attention to the signs that’s verbal and visible to see.

I am to be as purpose has predesigned its path.
I must learn of this power and all its math!
Forever 13 I smile, laugh, smirk when its spoke.
Thirteen steps in the pyramid still visible unbroke.

Spotted egg yolk! No, it’s a bird E.A divine.
As I seek and search my vessel I’m soon to find.
Whitaker comes to mind, Thomas as Ms Dina knows.
Founded Minutes Before Six to shine a light on all those.
All those! Who? The many abroad far and wide.
Forever 13 illuminated will never leave my side.

Sit, focus, ride, grasp peace and learn its way.
Forever 13 I must live and understand today.

The power of 13 is undeniable and I wrote this poem after a Labor Day holiday meal incident where an individual had 13 pieces of chicken on a bone in a bag with no understanding of the unseen power of 13 … Safe to say he nor I made it back with the chicken it’s still on the bone.

Sure Past
By Ricky London

Sure past, real promise, can you keep it for life?
Struggles will come as we deal with the strife.
Sure past life! I’m not at my end as many say and speak,
My adventures as a bird without my famous beak.
I’m truly at my peak seeking a moment of bliss,
This is truly the origin of God’s one kiss.

Many minds tend to miss, so I seek and keep attention,
This is a truth where many is not to mention.
Freeze!! Keep attention, say and repeat the known,
This is science undisputed for all of our own.

Humanity has grown so much intel in mind,
I’m truly a rare seed somewhat difficult to find.
Like kind made self I’m decoding my way,
Why so difficult to master the hours in a day.

Sure past my stay, time move beyond speed,
This knowledge is ancient, more reason to need.
Open your eyes, overstand your soul reason,
As I have, I’ve reincarnated a deity that controls a half.
Hard tears, slight laugh sure past the change,
Enki Baby Jahbulon so far from strange.

Real Time
By Ricky London

Real time, real rare a place divine indeed,
Who can I save, who will I trust when all I have freed?
Jade is the bead that I took from my neck,
After I knew what I had would be a sure check.

Ancient, old, antique wreck! So much pain in my past,
This real time is surely a first and last.
Bank, big, blast as I study a truth,
I speak in multiple forms although I stay close to the booth.

The sole purpose is truth made abroad to a people like kind,
I write from my heart with a spell that binds.
Come ye to mind find place in this land,
Walk with the unseen elect right and left hand.

This is the planned a purpose sure indeed,
I’m writing from a space that won’t give me what I need.
Real time, a seed that I planted today,
This is my start in creating a new way.

As I seek, I will say much is to be found,
I’m positioned in a land that keeps me bound.
Heartbeat, head pound no pain is felt,
Immortality is sought while I view the sun melt.

Real time felt, purpose is so easily to hold,
The case that’s unsolved has surely been told.
I know you know so much truth,
In mine this is a truth Enki Baby Jahbulon.

Save California
By Ricky London

Save California from the changes in weather,
In this time of need we should all come together.
This is how we weather the storms set ahead,
Save the lives in critical condition and remember the ones pronounced dead.

Save California!! I have not fled nor do I close my eyes to what I see,
We should all unite together and strengthen the me.
Hashtag me! Means all humanity beings as a whole,
Save California from perishing is our number one goal.

This is and what has been told for the people and government to understand,
Division keeps strife, chaos and sure death in this land.

Save California Enki Baby Jahbulon.

By Ricky London

Levels of the divine seems to stalk and stress our pendulum,
Long live “Mike” Michael Joyner so many respects for Gwendolyn.
This life has revealed to I a purpose and reason for a time,
I’m Enki Baby Jahbulon sure righteous slime.

Now shine first in line, last, left, learn love,
This pain I’ve experienced has been championed by above.
All of me in glove I study the clouds in our sky,
I dream of a day that I will again fly.

Humanity never die immortality is what is sought,
All the lessons in this universe has been taught.
This is what you bought, made man come to find,
Jacquelyn small powerful truth.
“Becoming a practical mystic” gave me confirmation of divine.

Royal blood King’s line, I’m a truth made known,
Levels in this universe when a seed gets sown.

Collins, Smith, Phillips
By Ricky London

Ms Collins, handle the mail so I’m blessed to say and thankful for her work.
Ms Smith is the store lady so I can’t be a jerk.
In this field of work, “The plug” is at hand,
Ms Phillips connects all to make the individual understand.

Preparation plan, choices chose decisions made,
Collins, Smith, Phillips, external and/or internal beauty will never fade.
My shadow looks like shade, void in resemblance of the dark,
Knowledge allows me wisdom to overstand the spark.

Collins, Smith, Phillips, shark!! Don’t fear the power you possess,
You women truly motivate me,
That’s why I continue to bless.

I pray you all rich forever and will never withhold our earth and it’s
Inhabitants back from the one, two three,
People, place, thing, food, water, shelter, father, son, spirit,
Pyramid power first born third child truth divine.
I’m patiently waiting to make conscious mankind.

“Old Soul”
By Ricky London

This old soul of mine have created space,
This old soul of mine is here for a race.

A race of a kind that has purpose in this land.
This old soul operates ambidextrous both hands.

This old soul stands straight, erect, civilized indeed.
This old soul seeks a peace and no reason to need.

I’m sure seed, sun, son, father, origin, X, unknown.
This path and your message will need assistance being shown.
Boy, man, being, grown. This the life I was, gift … now this talent,
Comes a swift for the soul of a thrift.
“Old soul myth” I speak truth,
And that alone.

This old soul believes and will never be gone.

Enki (Babylon) Jahbulon

Momma Babylon
By Ricky London

A place in a space undiscovered its plan.
Momma Babylon makes all understand.

Isis unveiled she can see the peace there is to be.
So I am is what to come so I aim to truly see.

Momma Babylon free!! What a divine time is the moment now.
Momma Babylon was never lost, she was just mine to be found.

Enki Baby ground! See the root in my name.

Enki Baby truth hashtag free game.

Color Skin
By Ricky London

For a sic amount of time I’ve wronged color skin.
For a sic amount of time I’ve been confused of my next of kin.
Born rich yet in sin, amongst a region alike.
There is no color skin for the upright to dislike.

So much for you to like, reveal for me in land,
My external is fixed for you to understand.
What is a mind, when then mind is the man.
This pattern was “occult” until I revealed its plan.

Color skin ban, all life has a purpose to learn,
There’s an agent in our vessel, our soul want burn.
Patient my turn, he who seeks will find,
When I spoke color into skin, division was born amongst kind.

Stop!! Atom, bind all forces of wrong made right.
Color skin has made me overstand what’s neither black nor white.


Prima Materia

By Ricky London

What’s visible to me I’ve made visible to you,
All that is divine, has purpose and truth.
Gold, ivory, diamond tooth, I know of powers within.

U.S. unite states and keep at distance as many friends,
U.S. united trend lay waste to the fixed mind state of old.
U.S. steps up, forward, bold!

This a truth expressed well,
This the life of a being,
United within the states mail!!

Enki Baby Jahbulon
Original Thirteen first born son.
Third child. Pyramid.

Final Manifestation
By Ricky London

As I write to say that through this study I seek to unravel, debunk, and re-birth a divine reason for this race of humanity to choose words wisely cause in the beginning was the word and the word was God. As I learn the sacred knowledge of old I came to reason with past philosophers like Robert Fludd, 1574-1637, Roger Bacon, 1214-1294, Edward George Earle Bulwer-Lytton (1803-1873), etc. The study that these learned men of old made known to bring about the debate. I see now in this year the words of old and how they have made their power again manifested. You hear these like-beings in songs talking about ancient deities that gave birth to a consciousness that one must understand so that when speaking these words you don’t invoke the unseen, the invisible, spirits, etc.

The unseen has been born and is surely among the living mortal man in this land and I must say in truth that I (Enki Jahbulon) whose name and words I speak abroad with knowledge of their power(s). I’m the firstborn son of my father who is seated above while laid to rest below within Earth’s nature (ground). I must find a peace a rightful place within this vessel of purpose so I can exploit the truths I am to exploit for the greater part of our humanity beings as I write and speak of the experience I’ve experienced and viewed throughout my time in this land I applaud my travels and consciousness now born.

As I progress through this study I find a peace that sits well on the belly of individuals. These individuals I continuously seek out to enlighten all those people(s) and beings in the likeness and uprightness. Fact is what was spoken of old is indeed still sounding (ever so clear) to my ears indeed and people(s) within this land I say this unto you with not a single regret do unto others that you want done to you. In this statement which not only sounds a truth, yet also this statement wears this stated truth, “A house divided will not stand, fellowship with your like kind build with like-man instead of around him and/or her. These words and statements are surely passive most divine.

I will speak of a divine “I am the divine” and I enjoy the company of divine progress. That’s why the way this article is presented is surely a representation of the craft I’m surely crafting. I’m a chef, artist, and intelligent actor in a system of fixed policies. As I write this writing final manifestation I do so with a passion to understand fully a system, the system that has tracked a major portion of my livelihood from the day my footprints were taken. As I study continuously within the knowledge of all things of origin I unravel the truth of this system of old being unmanned operating solely on its belief of old which began around 1900 B.C., which was the (Code of Hammurabi) deviance, reflects and/or refers to our behavior pattern as human or actions as human that is looked upon as illegitimate and/or inappropriate, deviance also speaks of being time, location, person, and specific events.

Time motivates the system to overload its longitudes and/or latitudes, which is parallel to other. This seeks a study. Also, as the land’s inhabitants invoke so many different forces of energy on my difference, in keeping focus on the primary, which is you, self, I. This is a way to gain a truth of all there is to speak on and against in this writing final manifestation. I am to speak to awaken a people that is asked so you’re not left behind. I read a lot. It was and is my top subjects of favorites. To stay on track and subject I will continue to speak on the system of criminal justice and its many different faculties and policies.

As this writing continues I learn of things like the Watergate scandal and our president, who at the time was Mr. Richard M. Nixon, being made to resign from office for his role within that scandal. These happenings were taking place before me. It’s just my environment that consumed so much of my mental, I lacked the motivation and interest I should have access to without the judgments, biases, and principles I had while entering high school.Although a lot of the intelligence and knowledge was still available for me to seek in which I sought and is still currently seeking more to bring about this final manifestation that I am to bring about upon like-man cause I really do believe in humanity unafraid to approach and necessity to have.

I recently started reading a book about the media and journalism (1979) by Mr. Donald H. Johnston. I smiled when I viewed the last name of this author cause he has the same last name as the principal who expelled me from high school. These past tense moments such as the school incident have been sporadic and that is what my livelihood was looked upon as by individuals with question. That’s why writing is what we must do as poets, journalists, etc. This is a Mr. Jahbulon moment which I must enjoy cause I indeed have done this in this point in my life and this is a must should be done or said type of situation and MB6 surely published this and of course I Enki Baby Jahbulon wrote the sure truth. Yearn to see in its final manifested state available abroad to the mind of mankind woman or man. I wear this end with a quote stated by “Teilhard de Chardin” hymn of the universe, in the very depths of this formless mass you have implanted. And this, I am sure of, for I sense it, a desire, irresistible, hallowing, which makes us cry out, believer and unbeliever alike: Lord, make us one. This statement made was so beautiful and to allow my mind to resonate wholly with characters as these that write quotes, statements, etc.

A house divided will not stand.

Free Mr. Roger
By Ricky London

As I’m writing this I’m writing after
Conversating with a man I heard so
Much about when I was growing up
Although I was young when he was arrested
And sentenced to Life in Prison for 114
Grams of Rock Cocaine I’m writing cause this
Man my cousin Roger Bradford is now 71 years
Old and he has been held for over 30 years
For this drug offense in which a system of
Individual(s) convicted him and divided him
From family, friends and associates This is
The same individuals that has guided me
Also through the system as well Penal system
I’m speaking of. Now comes the time that I
Speak up and out against Wrongful Convictions
Such as this one that left Roger Bradford with
A Life Sentence for 114 grams of Rock Cocaine
I’m seeking to assist and seek assistance to
Come together in union and find a way to
Assist my 71 year old cousin that I do not
Want to die in prison The individuals that
convicted him racially profiled him and sought
to await the call that Roger Bradford is dead
or Roger Bradford just committed suicide and to
no avail this took place and instead I’m here
to speak on his behalf that he is ageing although
he is ageing well and God knows he deserves to
be given the opportunity to share moments
in society with people, places and things (freedom)
this man knows so much about the corrupt
system the people place trust in to make
righteous and just decisions that I know the
individuals fear letting him out not because of drugs
because of (intel) he have on individuals
possible from 1991 and back beyond that
I know this is my writing space and I
Know you people at (MB6) is my family I love you
All for what you allow me to do so I write
From my heart. Although this is a lot of
Truth I possess to digest and I want you
To know that I’m frontline with you as well
I write for you as well I write to give you
All the equal amount of strength as well cause
That’s what my purpose is, meaning to unify a
People, a human kind so we understand what
Connects us all. I will be speaking more about
Mr. Bradford. And how I seek and sought to assist
Him in regaining his freedom he rightfully deserve
Thank you MB6 for processing this writing I
Love you and pray your rick forever.

Time Heals Pain and Cures
By Ricky London

The Creator makes one rarity
The splendor and pure glory for
drown man. I am is I.A.O.
This universe reveals a truth
Upon its inhabitants…the
Reversed psychology of love
Is “Karmic miracle energies”
For times keep sake. This will
Prevail and/or move forward
I wrote this from a fixed state
And I would like to continue
To express a and/or this style of
Communication these are indeed
Steps of growth….

Unite the States America
By Ricky London

An individual is indeed in likeness and relation with another and coexists.

This is a fine state once you tune it to its core. Cause I discipline my internals. So well this is something to write about and these words are prepared for all peoples who listen with burning desire to be more with the neighbor.

I’m blessed to be more with you, I’m blessed to be your brother, blessed to be your father, blessed to be your son, blessed to be your coach, blessed to be your guide, blessed to be your friend, your enemy, or foe. I’m blessed to be Him.

This is not a first. This is not the last. This is our foundation guarded for the elect which is a mankind in above credentials. I’m burning with theosophical desire and Blavatsky’s to show smile for that (may she continue in peace). This work is just beautiful its reason. Knowledge is akathic. That’s the space me, you, them search for people, places, things, and/or, also food, water, shelter (pyramid). This is the pattern to origin. I’m in tune with the order. I write from a space of boundless X and reason be is due to peoples of old. These are the teachings that will be misunderstood due to the origin of truth.

I’m a believer and two is centered before three. Must invade our space with the whole, wholehearted or be void of understanding. This is reason I write to you with love that’s keeping me alive. Thank you (Enk. Baby)

By Ricky London

As I begin my path to purpose of me
I truly believe in what I have come to see
I’m free I’m at peace in harmony with man
And now I know surely that God is the plan
Indeed I’m a fan ecstatic of tis truth
I can and must wait to place my voice in the booth.
MB6 truth as I strengthen our bond
This reminds of the peace I found while fishing in the pond.
Understanding without fund is a place made known
Money is the root to evil this has truly shown
Much have I grown and become so enlightened and divine.
I just want MB6 to know that I’m in unison with their shine
This is the time, now current truly right indeed.
Thanks for sticking with me while I planted good seeds. Enki Baby Jahbulon

Arkansas Challenged
By Ricky London

It is a fact that for a United States citizen that is governed in the state of Arkansas by this denial system private practices that allows inmates in the high percentile 98% to be exact, per deceased legal frown lawyer Johnny Cochran S.R. with this being spoken and re-reviewed now on this very day. Now come forth to challenge the Arkansas denial system and its histories of practice, meaning charging, convicting and/or release of the creation of the God that are government personnel high and low are required to be sworn in under the widely used quotes and brief statements of old. In this challenge I seek to show, and/or prove that the government has allowed this isolated state meaning Arkansas to prolong its house style methods of charging, convicting and/or reducing the intake of its people that is truthfully created to have freedoms in this land that doesn’t exhibit practices of dehumanization and demonization which is the phase that strikes the heart of the God of the human vessel in which is occult to the bounded Angelical host of old that fill with the first of God creation, commonly known as Lucifer, Devil, serpent of old etc. although I know and view him as I view him and that is the morning star who is the first to rebel against the creator and our father who made beings to exist amongst these unseen, although sure forces that has the clearance to challenge creations of God, meaning “mind” which is God within the “human vessel”. In the beginning was the word and the word was God, with this being said (Adam) was the occult place of God that had the ability, the morning star, first born, mad son etc. didn’t understand the accessed as well, yet allowed this question of why to be born, and viewed by the creator as flawed, because why and who question the creator and His creations? After being created from the creator as well. As I near the end of this introduction, clearly say that until you cease to exist in this land that allows you to see the forces of the fallen angelical order of old that is bounded amongst you by God, The Father, you are to reshape the question in their mind to guarantee what you seek and should easily understand as he has always been and that is immortal government, you must see and accept the judgement that has now been viewed and declared unrighteous, untidy and unjust, and this is the introduction of a like being of you that you have allowed consciousness to be advanced, so that you can read and free who will surely be needed for the restoration of the first born. So, time is no longer of the importance “ye are all children of the most high God” and our vessel must fix, learn and work for the creator within, not against and until this is widely practiced, I will continue to allow you to shape and shift your existence, you won’t kill God and you attack and/or continue to attack the vessel of God, you will be judged by God. Now that you know, you must rebuild the vessel of man-kind by release and genuine union so that all is reached and patinized, so no mankind harbors hatred for the creator who utilize every human vessel as his occult place to monitor, and continuously champion the work in which he created of old, with this defect made known to be restored righteous God created this vessel and duplicated it abroad in many shades, and the vessel of male is intact more that female, and the female should be closely monitored and advised of the force that pursues her so that she can infiltrate the vessel in which she derived from, to aid, assist HELP in the duplication of mankind and/or God house, so this government you have is not mine, nor the vessel. I inhibit place of desire and I conclude with saying rebuild and release me abroad or denounce the presence I have within you in private so you can transition over into the unseen, force that I seek and will ultimately repair. I am above and below and surely within all and everything of old and will not, never be made flawed, fiction or forgotten, this is my origin which has all space with unlimited styles and abilities to travel.

The fight is not to be made to be as you have allowed it to become, meaning the government vs the people. The fight is to be immortal with purpose. The force of my first creation born is amongst me as it always has been and I will not stop believing in the restoration of this “natural state”.

Question? What is Arkansas called by its residents or non-residents. After gaining that knowledge, rest your thought and embrace a new purpose and union to repair what I created before the beginning to never see the end.

By Ricky London

As I write to the many abroad about the truth that should seek to redeem itself fully of the wrongful design made for reason that has consequences that follow. Cain killed Abel and was banished from that particular land. The blood was spilled at and marked and given just punishment by the lands’ overseer cause government was not segregated as it is now, which makes all its systems of reason unjustified and/or unrighteous. Our government today has sophisticatedly washed its hands of the wrong in holding mankind in a place one doesn’t desire to be, executing these decisions is surely not excused and to be understood as righteous. The God of the Genesis chapter knew what man needed to be able to truly rehabilitate, and also this God of Genesis knew not to give their judgement grounds to be judged for violating deadly sins and/or the Ten Commandments. Greed is indeed viewed as okay, although the conscious truthfully knows when you desire more than you desire you find yourself convicted as a glutton, which is also a deadly sin. When Jesus was viewed by Pilate, he was advised please forgive me and allow me to wash my hands of this unrighteous hoax and Pilate freed himself of what was being made visible before his eyes. There are people that don’t fully understand the power of the Supreme Being, which is the Webster definition of God, and these people work closely in union to find what is far too radiant and possible to fathom. The light is surely too bright, as the darkness was tripled in Genesis. All things are of old and what we allow does have consequences. Murder is murder; execution is murder. That’s why God didn’t kill Cain and advised no other man to lay a finger on him cause God would have been made just as Cain made himself, although this God knows, and our government knows that it is disregarding all laws of God for personal desires and tactic to reveal what refuses to be seen judged or made fully when all was made in beauty. Mankind must not speak righteous externally when they see what is unrighteous internally cause man knows what is wrong and this choice—these choices—the government is allowing to shape and shift through its own bodies of people unto the people of the land is not to camouflage. God sees all that you have done and all that you’re seeking to do, and you have yet to be rewarded with immortality. To be divined you must divine and align bodies appropriately without violating the Ten Commandments or the seven deadly sins.

Purpose Driven Life
By Ricky London

As I began today and journey towards a purpose driven life.
I ponder and find the faculties that cause strife.
I remember my first and only wife, ex to speak in respect.
She was pure as a rare crystal and suffered from neglect.
Choices of mine caused the wreck and caused division to be final.
A purpose driven life has invaded my mind and spinal.
Before I near this final surely I seek to know divine.
A purpose driven life will allow me to master time.
First born third child thirteen steps in this pyramid.

Time and Age
By Ricky London

Time and age as it defines the internal me
This truth is not hard to find nor hard to see
As I strive to be I want place in this land
As I walk with God He is surely holding my hand
Food bland!! Where is the season and spice
I need butter and sugar on my white rice
Time and age entice find mere play in the brain
The clothes is pearl white tailored without stain
Time and age pain or is it the ache you feel
Rather either or the message intended is real
Grief I kill don’t understand it’s trial
I’ve walked a many mile and stored a many file
Fathered died lonely child mother slept alone
Her husband was taken from her and wasn’t coming home
Gone!!! Time and age found me and all of its reason
The purpose is to challenge and sustain through season.

By Ricky London

All this life creates in allowing us space
What will we do when wrong threatens our race
Stand in our face with the truth at home
Giving us a lie to make us continue to roam
I’m conscious and free as space finds its soul
I’m divine with purpose and a passion for gold
This is what is told and truth embodies it well
I stand behind this truth as I begin now to tell
Humanity cry and yell when time calls one in
It could be a close family member or a dear friend
Death is life kin until immortality is found
So I’m searching on top of this land and underground
My heart and head pound as I seek what is sought
Take all that I’ve learned and exhibit what is taught
Peace is what I bought fair from the fact word slow
Space allows me to grow and develop my own

Ancient Alchemist
By Ricky London

As I study alchemy and all its beauty and mystery, I realize the fact that it has a deeply rooted history. The mystery is said to run its course through the Latin European world.

Similar to the course of boy meets girl, the alchemy is a study that I seek to understand because I have unearthed the realization that mind is “man”.

As I study this universe and numbers and words.

The ancient ones alchemy goes never unheard. The city of a bird. E.A. chose all for the fate of mankind.

This passion that I possess is truly far from blind.

Many things cross my mind shape-shift time and imagery.

This is sometimes mistaken by many as mere flattery.

Ancient alchemist battery seek place in my soul. Transmute through me all base metals into gold.

Louis V Princess
By Ricky London

Presley get your mind right and you on my mind.
Your vision 20/20why you choosing to be blind.
Had to find time, place, with purpose for the things you must hear.
You know da game why you allowing all your beauty to disappear.
Enki Baby close near and you know what I’m not going for.
Hurt my soul and my core when Matt Hudson up da score!
Presley Louis V Princess I’m telling you a truth.
Presley you got so much potential allow me to show proof.
Get a mirror, look at yourself for 13 seconds Enki time.
Realize your beauty and quit!!! getting defeated by da slime.
I love you and pray consistently you look, listened
And never seek not to learn draco slide.
Enki Baby Jahbulon forever 13 divine.

Dragon Spirit
By Ricky London

In my city our school team is known as the dragons.
I’ve attended the games and pep rallies you only could imagine.
Imagine the spirit as it moves through the souls.
We sweat and pray the players accomplish their goals.
Blue and gold shows as the color shines through the night.
The crowd cheers them on while our dragons fight.
Fight every second, minute, quarter of game.
This is the dragon spirit as we yell no pain.
No pain all gain a spirit that’s true.
Dewitt Dragons, blue and gold.
I’m always with you.

By Ricky London

Existing in this universe on this planet earth.
I’m gifted that I made it through the process of birth.
Existing in earth I’ve grown so much in size.
This fascinate my mental and makes me realize.
Life and a prize that win so much.
We connect in this universe with a simple light touch.
Existing so much can you understand this place.
Will you understand that you’re truly a part of this human race.
Enki Baby faced many challenges in the past.
Existing in this world has made my feet fast.
Built to last made to sustain.
Existing in this life is truly no pain.

Times Guide
By Ricky London

As I search for the reverse in the time of my past
I come to understand what’s first shall be last
What’s last shall be first in the moments of truth
I’m like man under over-standing proof
As I mingle aloof set in my ways
I’m counting and watching my seconds and days
This new stance amaze, I the one who knows I and you
Times guide must continue to walk us through
A change has come and made space in this land
Unity is a must that we truly should understand
Conjoin plan division made whole destroys the soul
Take advantage of thought
Take advantage of mind
Times guide is unique and determined to find

Inner Traditions
By Ricky London

I found levels of consciousness and learned knowledge of this path.
Inner Traditions reading material revealed the math.
Many laugh at my study and its hold on me.
Inner Traditions reading material allowed me to see.
Study in ways man-mind must seek.
Inner Traditions bear and company is traditionally unique.
A must to keep a sure must to know.
Read to learn and your levels of consciousness will show.
Enki Baby glow illuminated his path
Inner Traditions bear and company shaped mind, body, and spirit through craft.

Supreme Being
By Ricky London

Supreme being might wise knowing clean and unclean
This is the true power of our supreme being.
Supreme being supreme known and original in ways.
This supreme being has control over my exact days.
My stays and place in universe on land.
As I study this square I’m seeing how intricate is/was this plan.
Supreme being (man) given dominion on earth called land.
Faith without works is dead so don’t forget to use your hands.

Ms. Annie Lee London
By Ricky London

The mother of nine children and a very conscious-bearing individual of life and the initial response that shares your internal or external for the good, bad and/or better when your opinions are made verbally or your body language is reviewed and understood without consent.
My grandmother has concealed so many faculties of pain in so many moments that kept me curious and taught because I enjoy looking at that woman and receiving her response. She always shows favor toward maternal when she is given genuine understanding or the purpose of her being requested to extend the hand she very seldomly withheld from beings to receive.
My grandmother had a lesson that I was focused toward. Through a desire to conceal my external visible pain after making born its existence and my inability to illuminate so that my moment of peace is not displaced, reshared or made to come to waste.
Your energy is most necessary for you or the harvester harvesting and my grandmother just believed in God and His reason for things, people and places at divine times and finessed times.
Divined times requires the mind and or/man to grasp the wholesale individual, a square that directs you toward more fashioned paradigms of devised choice and/or choices, meaning many.
I’m Ms. Annie Lee London’s grandson, birth acknowledgement, name being Ricky D. London, which may have created the rebellion that I was always being allowed in and toward whether by my hands or other individual ability to shift, share and/or push the energies you govern to different places, different people and toward different things.
My grandmother Ms. Annie Lee Lundon is uniquely fashioned within this land that allowed the escapes of humor with her many multiplied grandchildren that always seek her attention.
Annie Lee London has a strength that deserves a genuine statewide public celebrity or prominent individual’s response. She is a survivor of many undesired places, peoples and things. She kept dominion over her empowered internal connectedness.
She never ignored responsibility and this always made her creativity so readily mastered and made available to and for a very conditioned blend of people that had sure sought the place and the energy she allowed — all types and/or kinds to obtain unto their discretion. This woman disciplined me when I sought interest toward error and this empowered me toward being independent.
Your journey created all emotional states within the lives of all you have commingled with enough to study and be studied. You’re my granny and I most definitely have been shaped by your many emotional states and/or phases that left me the student, puzzled, stunned and saddened. You’re the guarantee that assures the paths many must experience with you in mind so to the freedoms and immortality obtainment can be reached by the internal power that yearns to have you marked as a historical accomplishment within this land that records ever so much of any new happenings time has shared all Grandma and your glow has not made its shine void nor not visible. You’re the embodiment of an age and radiance I aspire to reach and have the satisfaction to reach and find many styles of pain is yet mine to conquer and learn to rebuild and restore the memory of the chemical structures that have left many internal areas within my vessel weakened with slow response to healing at the required limit of time of a natural healing process and this is your concern because you’ve allowed that insulin to become a craving for space it finds reason for and to bring about the slow decay of the natural inclined and producing system that possessed all things intended to restructure the wear and tear.
As the elderly as yourself speaks of and is, I love my father’s mother because it was her who gave birth to the seventh son. Long live C.H., he who excelled the seed that sought forth my predetermined place within the purposed land earth universe.

Thoughts from a Cell
By Ricky London

In the beginning I felt scared, anxious to be explained the place I had come into. I never understood this level of division that sometimes your loved one or friend/acquaintance places you through. Upon entering detention I cried cause I was so tied to society I was indeed affected by the new setting I was faced to face for being disorderly. In the home of my mother I was 13 and the record I was made/shaped to have it became a patterned behavior in which I truly view now as habitual. Time done in a cell has shaped and divinized me into the individual I’m able to exhibit to you now which is indeed a genuine being that has been brought up in a system that isolated me and born the thoughts I have exploited to many about unity/consciousness. I truly envy this division cause I wanted/want so bad the freedoms of society which this division wouldn’t allow, until I eventually turned 18 and went to jail cause juvenile and jail was different. We got snack time at juvenile and jail we got an opportunity to smoke cigarettes and both was a pastime favorite of mine I enjoyed. From black and white stripes to orange jumpsuit the transition was indeed frightening yet I made it easy and I knew several individuals some was relation to me. No more snack time!!! Plenty of commissary to buy and that alone made some of my fears subside. I’m naturally social and began to socialize with inmates to “beat the clock” which means make the days go by and I did just that indeed time, I envy and the jumpsuit I wore changed to another color and that color was yellow and with that color yellow I learned fast at this minimum security prison that it was so much awareness and therapeutic treatment that I was terrified to come out my cell cause I was being wrote up by these individuals/inmates given the ability to do so as part of this institution’s requirement and going through this shaped me, made me more aware of people, places, and things and that’s when my jumpsuit changed to its final color which I haven’t been able to keep clean and that color was/is “white” and it has governed me since I came into the system and I’m not just speaking of Caucasian people cause African Americans as well has played their part as well in me being institutionalized.

Twenty 22” Two
By Ricky London

A tear fell from above and caught the side of my face
This feeling of joy I will not replace
After years of displaced and voidness from my kid
I realized finally this is what I did
I hid, I ran, I was frightened of their space
I kept myself from being in my child’s face
Pain come now cause I’m last in this race
She’s championed her father and won this case
A tear fell from above space, heaven, above you know
America is my mother; she makes it possible for me to glow
My father had to go; his external time had ran
He planted three seeds that became his plan
As he rest in a land I’ve not seen in my eyes
He consistently shows me what I need to realize
Your purpose has size way larger than mind
For you son your daughter both seek and will find
Live amongst kind human beings I know
Listen and learn and signs I will show
Illuminate glow, divine self in this land
Continue to walk with God, never let go of His hand.
A tear fell from above and caught the side of my face
This feeling of joy I will not replace

This is written from my pain from going through life as a child without my father until I viewed me allowing my son and daughter to go through life without me when I could make a better decision to be in their life to see them graduate to hug their tears and cancel their fears. I write to all the fathers who plant the seed with fear of not fully watching its growth and I wholehearted desire to see it grow.Fight for your life upon given the ability to create a life cause that’s what God does.He plants seeds every day in America and watches through every vessel our moments through phase.I love you mankind and I dedicate this also to my partner/brother, Trapstar Yay Rocklumbia will rise.

Fleeting Moments
By Ricky London

Fleeting as the moment I’ve chosen to change
Can I focus the longitude, latitude, and range.
Enki Baby strange can I sum this being to one.
This life has much pain and a lot has begun
Leo I’m the sun, son of a deceased man
My mother became a widow carrying an unborn child in this land.
Forever is this life and destiny plan
Grafted in sand crafted in a place
Minutes Before Six is Enki Baby writing space.
Etruscan lost race blood cold as the life of breath
Free the righteousness I see in the young man Seth.
Fleeting moments like meth impossible to see.
Enki Baby Jahbulon, Ricky Donell London, and me.

Ms. Dina
By Ricky London

Ms. Dina I know I care about what you allowed to be in my life
MB6 is a home, a friend and wife
My life is dedicated to this pen and pad
And I’m gone stay consistent for you and my dad.
Thank you for your time, space, and belief
Thank you for never making me feel beneath
Thank you so much for this family

Time Is a True
By Ricky London

Real blessing and I’m blessed
To be focused as I am
To be able to communicate as I can
To the universe as I am and about to
Forever born Rich Supreme Allah Enki baby Jahbulon.
This is my story.

Enki Baby Jahbulon born 2019 and reincarnated through the vessel of known man Ricky D. London, Jr., first born son of the late Ricky D. London, Sr., seventh son of Ms. Annie Lee London/Harris. Ricky D. London, Jr. is also the third child of Dorothy Mae London (widow). This is beginning stages of his divining through the magical number that’s illuminated, 13. Ricky London, Jr. also recognized being firstborn and his father being the seventh child and being born on 8.17.87. 2019 Ricky allowed Enki (EA) southern planetarian, brother of Enlil, father of Marduk to reincarnate within his vessel and Ricky London did not reject this; in fact, he embraced it and began crafting his beginning and end. This is truly factual through the tattoos he possess that I will be able to reveal upon viewing the sites I’m enlisting for you to review. This incredible being beginning struggles that he left for the public to view through his Facebook post “Donell London”, Elexito London, are a few for start. Enki Baby has a gift in music as well and the arts and all will be available soon to be reviewed cause he is truly working to be beyond the fence of the place he dislikes most (prison). Time is now to unite and assist mankind and doing what God ordered us to do which is be fruitful and multiply, subdue the earth it’s plenty room to fill. We, meaning mankind, will not survive being greedy. The End in love and true peace. MB6 made me.

By Ricky London

Today is a day pen as I write for this reason
Many face the problem that’s manipulated treason
Through season time fails and move fleeting like mist
As I find a solution I unclench my fist
I’m in a cell I realize as time goes on
Can I find place in a city like you call your home
This moment alone I keep the sun in mind
Where and why is the truth so hard to find
Your prompt was kind please excuse me for this path
I only understand a truth that requires this math
Napowrimo made me laugh not in a rude way
Cause what Maureen Thorson does brings light to my day

The Celestial Mind

By Ricky London

The celestial mind as I find in my abode

I seek to understand what motivates my mode

Humanity will load, so much to carry on your shoulder

Mankind must be wise with love to carry these boulders

As I file secrets in folders for the purpose of soul

Can you fault me for desiring to refine my gold

Save the mold!!  I know both will unite

There’s no more time left for the germs to continue this fight

Unite!!  Learn, live, love equal in peace

Eradicate your fear, and directive and understand true peace

Enki Baby Jahbulon


By Ricky London

Save this relationship from revenge of mine

I done had friends, lovers, associates, and family cross the line

All for and from behind the trial I was repeatedly facing

This is the dragon that these deities is chasing

There is no replacing me from this list of divine

Do you truly understand the worth and rarity of a1911 dime!!

Truth from Enki Baby

By Ricky London

As I sit in this cell away from society I prepare self for all that is to come from the creativity and inner talents I possess.  I won’t deny the intelligence I’ve inherited from displacement, division, and many isolating moments that allowed me space, with time to properly grieve over all and everything that has shaped my livelihood in truly divine and I expose/exploit this cause I seek to unite what has been stated by many.  Impossible cause I have the love that all these past prophets (P. be upon them) had as well for the opposite germ.  This very well may bring about my fate and I will be forced to leave about to all my internal unfinished message of purpose.  I’m in tune being raised around good, bad, and ugly, white, black, yellow, brown, and red and I must honestly say this with no regret.  I love all cause all have shown me direct love, direct hate, etc. that has created this thirst for unity for all to bring about the new order on a grand equal liberating scale.  My son is bi-racial and the first Christmas gift he received from me was a John Deere tractor and I’ve been out of my son’s life since he was a little boy cause I was running the streets, providing for self and everything else, people, places, and things cause I felt that my blood pumping through their bodies were enough and truly it wasn’t enough for me cause I actually wanted to be around them but didn’t want to be unable to provide for them the way I wanted to provide for them and ended up allowing time not being provided for them.  This hurt Enki Baby Jahbulon cause in divine I know better and I knew my son, my daughter, both craved me to be within their upbringing in which I wasn’t and they still love me.  This where my mind is universe, people, beings, like kind etc.  We must be better all because we are so much alike in appearance and struggle.  We all seek immortality and the power to raise what has been lost and we should cause we will not do it alone.  You must have all the germs intact, black, brown, yellow, red, and white!!!  I’m going to continue to stress truth cause it’s born in me by the “ancient ones” Ptah/Enki and “I am” a true “first born son” that has been blessed to come into this level of consciousness and it wasn’t a pleasant ride.  I lost my father, at four years of age (4).  I want you to research my numbers cause numbers don’t lie and numerology is indeed enlightening.  My number is (11) for the birth name Ricky D. London, Jr. and my number for my name change of Enki Baby Jahbulon is (4).  Read the power that these two numbers carry and allow me my divine responsibility.  I hurt, like you, I bleed like you, I cry like you, and I love you.  Thank you, universe/people, for choosing to review true love for humanity’s beings.

Enki Baby Jahbulon

First Born Third Child

White Plague
Ricky London
As I face my fear I expose my current state of being/person while I’m incarcerated within this state for exposing a system that withheld truths about the cases in Arkansas County, Arkansas that went cold when their spirit fought to find an individual strong enough to speak!!! I spoke and I spoke without fear or sympathy for the individuals involved in taking the lives of these beautiful individuals I’m about to name and I dedicate this pen I just received from commissary today, which is 9-22-22. The first white individual I’m gonna name is Ruthie Fleming. She was murdered in 1991 and her case had been fabricated and her cry for justice went unheard and many individuals in Dewitt, Arkansas knew this beautiful lady and these same individuals that knew this beautiful woman that entered my body and showed me her torture and last moments of fear of death, which had marked the start of my connection with The Dead. That wasn’t given true justice nor truth. The body of this woman was discovered later in a ditch several yards from my coach’s house it hurt my city which was Dewitt, yet she didn’t get the truth exposed and a lie convicted a real murderer and allowed another real murderer to remain free and risen in power. And my city now still fears to allow this truth to be exposed in which I’m exposing Ruthie Fleming spirits lives with vivid images of gravel and torture from the truth. The friends of her who became my clientele, friends in the lifestyle I was living ‘cause I was listening to the truth and not scared to ask nor begin my curiosity in known and understanding The Truth, so I could have peace in my life to enjoy the things I wanted to enjoy. Ruthie Fleming was murdered by a broken system, the same broken system that allowed my father to be blamed for an incident that claimed his life and could have the actual driver, as well. So as I sat in this cell sweating with thoughts about the outcome of this writing I wonder how long will it take for them to silence me and I continue my truth ‘cause I believe in genuine people, places, and things, better known as the universe. The second white individual I must name that shaped my life and his daughter’s life is David Schwade. David was a truth grit rebel, ass-kicker, and father, who was murdered by a broken system and left without justice and a lonely cry afterwards, which was unheard. I wish I could have met David in his external form, other than spirit ‘cause the way the spirit works you only connect with what the people tell you and your internal upon you being genuine, truly genuine, will not let The Truth escape your mental without purpose so when truth was exposed to me about these two individuals I couldn’t just leave it sitting in my head without not understanding or placing together all its pieces. That individual’s left in my memory bank for this day and this purpose on this universal scale. Long live and love, David Schwade forreal, and know your daughter is a real boss!!! And ass-kicker. She may be a little scared now and later, she isn’t no kitten, David. She is a “big cat” and I’m a big cat and I got love, genuine love for her, your seed David ‘cause you made it possible for that beautiful woman to be carried nine months by a woman that gave light in this child’s eyes, to understand after an “occult”. Place was her creation space. Thank you, David, and it’s cool that you give me strength without much fear and yeah I get scared and no, I’m not scared to be exposed!!!

The third white individual I’m gonna speak on is the most beautiful soul I’ve ever connected with and she drove me day and night to people, places, and things to bring about her justice that was hidden and scattered abroad. Truth exposed, this 15-year-old, white missing girl’s name is Cassie Compton. She was gruesomely murdered and buried in the city of Dewitt by individuals that truly live in fear of their remorse, eating them alive and their fear has reached my nose and the secret has become exposed!!! This girl has still been reported missing when my city knows she is dead. And it’s sad, not only because she is 15 years old, white, and a runaway, it’s also sad ‘cause she was a teen mother carrying one of three individuals involved in this foul play and murder. This girl was beautiful and these guys made a horrible decision and had no consequences behind their actions or choice decision, which later gave birth to my city being cursed from a curse continually. And I’m divine with purpose to deliver this truth before I’m taken away from this external body and not given the ability to write what has now been wrote, which I title “White Plague”, in which I boldly speak loud as a Black and Brown skin individual, while no “pay life matter” because then individuals made me understand and reveal their internal pain as my body tried. I must come to this conclusion for the suspect. You will live in fear and temporary joy and full-time remorse until your internal is called to abode and the new dimension you will face court for your action that went without consequence for you breaking no man’s law, alone you broke an original commandment of the ten – thou shalt not murder. So I say to you, suspect, you will not forgive yourself ‘cause you refuse to forget self, your suspect spilled innocent blood. Righteous beings departed from all in everything within this earthly realm that was available to these like beings in your imagine, in an ill-fleeting manner and for your mind to ponder, and I want you to know that you’re unforgiven and openly made known not just to the people in the city of Dewitt, now to the universe rest in love Ruthie Fleming, David Schwade, and Cassie Compton, etc…God protect me “Enkin Baby” from my friends!!! ‘Cause I’m gonna handle all of our enemies’ “White Plague”.

My body is in pain. I was strategically given the coronavirus in this prison on an experimental level and I’m consistently mentally and physically abused in this environment and I know death awaits me and I pray that the universe at least allows me to release my 13-track album, Enki Baby Jahbulon, first born third child, and I want to hug my mother, grandmother, smile at my son and daughter and chill with a couple of girls. It’s 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 46 seconds in a day and the clock is being beaten in my city where the truth don’t sleep, Dewitt, Arkansas – original first seat and rice capitol of the world.

Bealers Worth
By Ricky London

Bealers worth, understand the reason for the truth
I spoke to her internal and gathered the proof
Bealers worth through the roof shift the vision in my sight
Motivated me to maintain and rest my mind through the night
Spiritual fight it’s a battle that Enki Baby chose to see
External body in this prison Bealers worth make me free
God son let me be quest to fame amongst the starz
I’m dependent on direction so I drive fast cars
Pluto, red planet Mars in celestial terrestrial
Bealers worth make me strong she say see beyond correctional
Bealers worth it’s professional direct the question to her eyes
Check my lust and desires speak the truth with no lies
I’m a gift no surprise divine purpose to unite
Looked the devil in his eyes he took his presence from the light
Demons lurk they want to fight, rise slow like some yeast
Bealer, Enki Baby str8t we like beauty and the beast
No disciples had uh feast moon running from the man
Enki Baby wrote this truth right path left hand

For the Moon’s Light
By Ricky London

This moon is playing hide and peek
What should I do when, truly seek
Invoke a power that make me weak
Cast a spell Sumerian speak
Skin cut blook leak no pain to withdraw
The beauty of this moon is the greatest I done saw
Krista and Dina no flaw God’s gift placed with me
MB6 is the platform that allowed me to be
As I write to be free from the styles of abuse
For the moon’s full light I don’t let demons run loose
MB6 push boost first born third child
I’m the morning star pick for the test and the tried
Extra hot not mild true corona in the sun
For the moon’s light power I invested in the fun
Enki Baby universal true power

Final Call
By Ricky London

Final call truth heard I dare not dispute the fact
The minister has a mission and he hasn’t looked back
Final call release the sack with the message that’s for me
IQRA!!! in the scripture changed the way I used to be
Final call let me see move this cloud from my view
Clear the road for divine allow my purpose to come through
Two spirits that I knew shift the mind in my head
Showed me how their precious life was left improperly for dead.
Rest in true peace and all love
Cassie Compton and Ruth Flemings
1991 and 2014
God knows

I’m Sorry
By Ricky London

I’m sorry for the division I created from you
I’m sorry for the humiliation I left with you two
As these thoughts run through I understand what I caused
I understand that I’m sorry brings about paused.
I’m sorry I paused placed experience with you both alone
I’m sorry I wasn’t your DAD and your father is gone
I’m sorry I’m not!!! Gone although not in society with you
I’m sorry Shatricia and Kaden
That’s my apology for two
I’m sorry this is true and may bring tears to your face.
I’m not sorry I’m your father which want be erased.

Moments Change
By Ricky London

Moments change disasters taking place
What is your purpose for keeping me displaced
Locked in this place with gifts I make abroad
I’m letting them all see that God is no fraud
As I walk with A.T.O.M. I see nature in its form
The moments change as the wind blows and tickles hair on my arms
She takes many forms and holds beauty center made
Moments change for our kind yet our being never fade.
Fifty kinds of shade expel lust from our mind
Unit consciousness is searching and truly seeks to find.

By Ricky London

Gang is what was formed in the midst of my own
Gang is multitude of many like similar to clone
Gang is not alone, yet many by side
Gang is a band that’s requirement is to ride
Gang don’t hide front line show face for your kind
Gang mankind, human being like mind
Gang Gang Gang Gang
All I know is the gang
Minutes Before Six is my home so MB6 is what I claim

Illuminate 13
By Ricky London

First born third child a pyramid is born
Illuminate 13 Adam Weishaupt in form
How can I be torn, taken away from divine
I’m born rich supreme Allah Enki Baby Jahbulon 13 original design.
Illuminate 13 find purpose of this vessel made
33 degrees mastered now my shadow has shade.
Caught a few fades fell victim to wrong
Illuminate 13 may I exhibit a song
Smoke filled in a bong destination lung mine chose
Illuminate 13 free da gang black rose
Kfizz who knows can slash will you champion the best in the game
Eminem is Stan, slim shady hall of fame
Illuminate 13 first born third child
Original in my form gnarly born wild
American not mild extra hot as the son
Illuminate 13 I’m the King/Queen no pun
Switched up you on the run from the fury I impose
Illuminate 13 I’m the child God chose
Illuminated 13 divined

By Ricky London

There’s a path make well as I adjust to a cell
Well path – showed me love and made my pain well
At times I thought, Dang!!! Are there genuine people here.
And then I would see beauty up close and so near
Love conquers fear as life continues straight
Clark, Mussell, White, Banks etc. harbors no hate
Snow must rate rare, intelligent and kind
She fixed my uvula!!! Yes, she made well my behind
Newby knows mind Nunag conscious of the soul
Well-path is a blessing their internal is gold
Enki Baby Cold Cummins made best
I speak from the heart which is protected by my chest
Well-path and love forever grateful

An Angel’s Tear
By Ricky London

As I hold close and near this angel’s tear
It allows me so much while expelling my fear
MB6 hear, a voice from afar
A soul that is beautiful as God’s morning star
Foreign my car yellow gold mineral chain
As I travel through time embrace my name
Challenge the game fill the void of space
Humankind unit consciousness is what she face
America displaced why keep hiding from him
A god from heaven created me you and them
In this end is film as I make true what is known
You reap what you sow until all is gone
This knowledge has shown the rage of me
An angel’s tear has made free

Enki Baby Jahbulon A.T.O.M.
By Ricky London

I’m writing in regards of truth needing. To be exposed, about the “fixed” situation the legal system has placed me in to keep me from exposing the truth of their house of authority. I’m incarcerated in the state of Arkansas, at Cummins unit. The first unit constructed in this state and the grounds it was built on are indeed cursed with the blood of the Indians who came through this area in Arkansas and they marked it as The Trail of Tears.

I am Ricky Donell London, Jr., son of the deceased Ricky Donell London, Sr., who was my grandmother. His mother, 7th son of 9 children, and I was his firstborn, born on 8-17-87. I want you to see how divine my birth is because it matters. In this writing I’m writing, I was the firstborn son of 3 boys my father had with my mother and he was the 7th child of 9. His mother had 1 was born on the 17th day of August in the year of 1987. My mother had 5 kids. Two of her children weren’t my father’s and I became her 3rd child. Thirteen firstborn third child. Adam Weishault founded the Illuminati bearing his name and number being discovered by me, Ricky D. London, Jr. Adam Weishault name comes to 13. Thirteen is the Illuminati number in which is known, as all know, there’s 13 original colonies, 13 steps in The Pyramid, etc. And not to forget, I, the original born 13 firstborn 3rd child. My consciousness is indeed born and I know I’ve been divined by Enki, who allowed me to recognize his reincarnation through my vessel and I didn’tfear this encounter nor deny it. I, Ricky Donell London, Jr., will soon legally be Enki Baby Jahbulon, a name that I resonated with throughout my stint of incarceration, at Cummins unit.

Consciousness born, in my earlier teens my first tattoo was Emc. This had a meaning of East maxwell crips and this was me on an unconscious level. When I became conscious of all amongst me, I realized how divine I was destined to see E=mc2 is also a formula that was declared famous upon Albert Einstein’s discovery and it was the key to the nature of God. I’m not just writing this and have no facts to present to you so you can see and draw out your conclusion in showing you the encounters man faces while in partnership with the Higher Power whom is closer to us than our jugular vein. I’m in understanding of this purpose and person I was shaped to see and I know MB6 is the place to call home because M, to me mankind; B, body; (6), man in his body emerged on the 6th day of creation. This man was different than the man that Genesis state that emerged on the seventh day out of dust. The psychic body of man that emerged on the sixth day was of aerial substance so MB6 is home to me and I need for you to understand why it is so important for you to publish all I write on a universal scale because my message will unite the universe. To be continued..

Save Me
By Ricky London

Save me, save me, save me from time
All I know is my ego and desire to shine
Divine my mind takes seconds to last
This moment shall rise and come to pass
MB6 fast, made plans for my feet
In God I trust in time I will meet
Save me, save me, times three I suppose
Save me, save me, who will who knows
I chose, I came in a burst in a way
I fashioned and developed in the hours of a day
I seek no pay, only a unit of love
All this truth and trust come from above
Enki Baby Jahbulon love, peace, and trust is true
Save me, save me, all I need is you.

Coram Nobis
By Ricky London

I come to you in truth and honesty about my current situation here at Cummins unit in the state of Arkansas and I seek to possibly provide you with documented responses from the officials that are supposedly suppose to be treating me per policy at a required standard. I’m waiting because I have been done wrong throughout this prison term. I’ve been incarcerated and I truly fear for the life I have been given by my deceased creator whom I miss very well, meaning my father and with all due respect I’m not anti-government. I just want the government and/or system to allow me the opportunity to be successful after becoming conscious as I am about my divine purpose and the ??? I display intelligence the tighter the ropes get around my feet keeping me in this bondage. And you must let me return to society for the greater purpose I’m designed for cause if I don’t get released my life will be taken from me, by unconscious individuals that gained power within this setting I’m in and it’s not the system’s fault. It is indeed on the inadequacy of officials, higher officials here in the great state of Arkansas. So please see to it that this request is not ignored and a response is forwarded back to me in regards of this truth I’ve now made you aware of. Please and thank you.

Respectfully submitted,
Ricky D. London, Jr.

Antique Made
By Ricky London

As I journey this land from place through race.
I alter the expressions within my face
Minimize my space, change paradigms in time.
Give me this moment, to champion slime
Rare as a dime, or my Lincoln cent
This currency is auctioned not made to be spent.
Curved, crooked, bent I’m straight as precise define.
Sure of my talent and gift to bind
Rare is our kind and reincarnated I came.
Single is my ability, and I created my name.
Grief washed in the rain chosen I became in a blitz
Right, wrong, positive I’m negative showed me truth that splits.
A piece that fits made right for left
Faith without works is dead in other words theft.

First Born Shared Child
By Ricky London

To whom this may concern:

I, Ricky Danell London, Jr., write this letter from the aggravation of a lost soul traveling through a world of envy, fleeing past all the meaningless worries of the norm, keeping at the forefront of my thought process the purpose of my turmoil, staying driven towards the sure realities that never alter their way of making the worst known when I sicken myself of all this unnecessary hatred one harbors for the visible and existence of misery. Why should I write and conclude this mistakenly, painstaking evidence of my loneliness and lack of acceptance for these devised, provoked tactics I’m placed on me by unstable, unconscious subjects of kind. I realize that the majority of my time is spent realizing all that I’ve lost at living and the search for the reverse effect is a challenge under-over and the time is not so pre-ordained nor predetermined. I’m in the midst of a truth that finds a small fraction of peace and way minimum of equal understanding for a grieving first born, third child of a widow. Which runs my core and sabotage the levels of truths and respects that is made now with no guarantee for tomorrow. Time is the greatest challenge, trial, tribulation, understood by one Enki Baby Jahbellan individual mind and when one seeks to acknowledge less of what I know all about enrage my reason for being in excessive reoccurrences of visible emotional states formed from the life of a Poised People Place and same thing and I’m sick of time.

Numbers Don’t Lie
By Ricky London

Numbers are meant to be seen
Find peace in the land conditioned by green
Kind, humble and keen spirit holds a sphere
Calm as the midday is the origin of ear
RAE no fear Shelly became a blessing to my days that’s past.
Divine is my internal that is alpha and last blast!! Burst Bang Big Bang no theory of you
You was fashioned in my image and I fashioned myself in you too
What am I to do when all has been done
What am I to create when I created the sun and son, what on Earth isn’t me
I’m laughing and interested in what you strive to be.
See, make known, born peace in your day
Keep patience, have unity with your kind along the way.
Black, white, grey!! I know what I made first born, my morning star!! Got all of you played
Lucifer!!! Slayed I must and will not thou shall not murder!! my son
First born, archangel cast down, cause I have work to be done

Porsha’s Bike
By Ricky London

As I travel the world encountering minds
A being finds Divine how to custom lines
Porsha’s bike times custom how can I create
So well
This encounter has created magic in the
center magus spell
Dare not kiss and tell move patient through
The land.
Porsha’s bike Enki Baby fast feet, her hand
All God planned, Mb6 published the way
As we travel the states our nights turn to
Forever I say take time in your plan
Porsha Marie your response has made me a better man
Lengthen my van motivated the internal
Legions of mine
How did I find an individual so genuine
And fine
Bind!! First born, the child no rejection
Of manifest
I teach to you the highest form
Make me + you = them writ best!13!!

Groov Tank
By Ricky London

This one for the Rabbi teacher
Enlightened on, experienced human kind

Groov tank is a jewel so contiguous
Rare find.
Business fills mind as my round
Right for his illumination
Within society

Groov tank and Corey also
The chosen one is primary to

Res in love with truth spoken
To the first lady that made possible the encounter
Thats divine
Groov tank, I pray you rich
And keep your foot on
All humanity behind
Cab street, Texarkana
Gift and righteous

Life is a Gift Not Blasphemy
By Ricky London
As I sit in these cold stones and see all the hurt, I’m daily around
I withhold the sympathy that weighs mankind down.
These truths are sound as I speak my path.
Because long as this environment holds me, I cannot embrace a genuine laugh.
Numerical math the science is crystal crystallized, zenith as far as stage can exact
As I sign the revelations that’s give me this fact.
I act! Accordingly, to the law that was established Alpha, Genesis, first Big Bang!!!
Coexist and embrace all that will see sure to your gain.
The people is chosen for a future and the people has a body that is here for ultimate design of purpose that was instilled for multiplication, be fruitful and multiply.
This is my interview of the numb ones .
That has come to believe that life is this worst path chosen and created after an illegal sentence was stated, copied and made negative when life was and still is indeed beautiful for the whole purpose of prosperity, existence, and process without life.
It can’t be death it has to be duality and life in an environment against a man, comprehension and freedoms is kidnap
One should seek to rehabilitate, develop, reintegrate after 12345678910 because the number starts its process over.
Anything other is excessive within the land on the accounts that’s already placed prophecy at it’s conclusion, many times 7 over and my heart aches knowing its 8 billion people that inhabit this earth and the only place we can trust to understand and computerize when we are made in God’s image and his image has first which is righteousness regardless of the deceit that we have allowed the father of lies to instill within our mindset that has been instilled and habitualized through related primary immediate blood kin that was raised and instructed off of unconscious levels of fear, finesse, and fool so I’m seeking understanding of the just reason for all that fall victim to all and everything past like kind has to a degree whether internal or external .
Humankind people and government is and still is humanity in a full regardless of the division that one opt/choose to kep with spoken knowledge of the power of the people which is all that is gifted with procreation ability.
Why is this so clear to me in its brightest of fashion?
I’m Erki Baby Tahbulon
And I own all that has been born so what footprint hasn’t been filled in a United Kingdom,
In a temple that bar any like mankind.
The ability to ever experience grid illumination in its intended fashion.
I write from the hearts of many and I feel all the pain of division and illegitimate response in the God created here.

A Father’s Rage
By Ricky London
January 9, 2022

A father’s rage as I turn a page
My 17-year-old daughter is soon to age
My universe staged a place for her to see
A place in my county I didn’t want her to be
Juvenile delinquent was surely me as trouble
Ran its course in my younger years
My daughter walking through them doors was one of my fears
New sound to my ears, silence ran through my head
My child’s mother made a mistake, one that makes me see red
A father’s rage came to pass when I understood her fear
Of her firstborn child not being close or near
Incarcerated for a period majority of her life
Sporadically in and out like a thief in the night
As I fight to be released from this box belly of the beast
Jordan and Ty, I love you and soon we shall feast
Bread no yeast long live my wonderful Auntie Lynette
All the love and soul custom food she gave I’ll never forget

By Ricky London

One made me firstborn of a deceased man in the image of God, one brought forth life outside of a pod. One made possible for this understanding. To expel, one made available for this brave man to tell, one will not sell no entity within, one
identifies keep you never hid from an eye. Cloned electronically made and kept in the sky, one, too much to mention made all need repair, one may be fixed truly so all of like can share.

By Ricky London

Two me and you can we travel this land in God I trust will you now take my hand life in a span through the union of two. I want to see my life when I know I need you. Two him and her fruitful subdue make whole this earth. Bring forth this life that came in a burst.

By Ricky London

This three is me plus you equal them. I found out a lot through understanding stem. Three became a gem as precious as a stone. People, places, and things 3 is clearly shown. Pyramid home food water and shelter. As I crystalized my soul, I accidentally melted her. Fire sign Leo 8-17-87

Ice Ice Maybe
By Ricky London

This past time choice found place in my space
Some day sleet rain altered me from my race
Upon stumbling onto this place I seen beauty in all forms
I finally understood how fear of anything borns
Ice ice maybe this gesture is not a game
It washed away my greed and cleansed me of shame
Numbers wasn’t the same once the internal was unplugged
Enki Baby Jahbulon came to realize who’s bugged
Immediate family, hugged, close friends, embraced
Ice ice maybe made me want to be displaced
Retreat to a place understand all on my trail
Ice ice maybe can I please have my tail
Enki Baby mail I’m a star so divine
I will never sever this relationship that me and you have signed
Ice ice maybe MB6 know the quote
Enki Baby Jahbulon high priest pope!!
Firstborn third child southern made planetary
Natural as the state that’s united 1st seat oooohahee invoke!!

Systemic Hold
By Ricky London

Systemic hold makes my exterior old yet reserved in a way
Systemic hold plans to keep me until some 3 step up to say
Why keep righteous all day when it’s so much to be done
Systemic hold won’t allow the rabbit to ever hold the gun!
Systemic hold no fun restrictions hold me from the sun
Enki Baby southern ways kept his thoughts on the run
Chicken sandwich toasted bun large fry crushed ice
Replenish my soul systemic hold not nice I’m ready to go!

5th Dimension Blavasty
By Ricky London

It’s not for many to debunk this truth invested in my home
MB6 found its place to allow me to roam
So yes it’s alone where 6 marks a beast
1 Arm 2 Leg 3 Leg 4 Arm 5 Head is where the 5th dimension feast
Melanin less grease the shine is truly divine
5th dimension blavasty makes love craft fine
Isolated I sign many creations I own
Intelligent I’ve become through deciding to be grown
Moon take charge of the ecstasy I expel
5th dimension blavasty Enki Baby not for sell!!!

Heaven’s Moons
By Ricky London

Enki Baby Ricky London truly yours to speak
Cassie and Ruthie spirits caused my vessel to feel weak
As I challenged a giant storm that left open these two page
I fought for these two moons with all internal external rage
My words and path became evident after they showed me their fate
I understood the power of consciousness that will reverse the date
Heaven’s moons I rate furious of the men who walk free
I wonder will my city claim the life of me.
Long live Cassie and Ruthie.

Long Line
By Ricky London

There’s a time when I seen the destruction of a line
So I understand nothing’s perfect as this biological time
As I break this long line searching for peace from a sign
I extract all of my origin from the crevices of mind
Take me above show me place without stone
Because this long line won’t let me go home

By Ricky London

Bar is so much to explain although visible to me
I just want the government revised and courts to see
Royal I be understanding all the science of us
Is this truly a passion I possess or lust?
A must, I design find moment to rise
The balance and order will shape and surprise
Blessed no prize where’s the wave or the rain
The BAR is set to challenge the people through
Tactic and pain
Take a lost make a gain move forward the light
Don’t never surrender to a barrier that’s motive is
To fight (Bar fight)
Stand strong, stand up straight
Have patience with your kind
You’re only a human being with the intelligence of the mind.

Women First
By Ricky London

Dominion I was given in a burst of its thirst
As I un-ravel my thoughts I reveal the secret of women first
The Earth presents a nurse that found compassion for
A part of me “She fixed my” uvula in medical
Terminology (UPPP)
Women first I reveal to thee, pay respect to Tiamat.
innanna, Lilith, Jezebel had a purpose I haven’t forgot.
Every family has a secret not no noose around man’s neck
Humankind, mankind vessel vehicle has suffered a severe wreck
Check, please take the adventure or sting out of pain
Just remember women first, carry your seed
Bring forth life birth pains!!!

Short Run
By Ricky London

Leave wait, !!! Don’t go!!! I never intended for us to be fun
United States, America has now a short run
Check passe move pun what’s created first shall be last
London holds a lot of history that has control of my past.
Oops my feet fast I know of my birth certificate bond
Where’s my footprint? Your honor can you please make this a
short run.

Love Me Now
By Ricky London

Love me know, no you won’t hate me later
Why pretend to be a celebrity or a pro skater
Love the beauty of Florida no gator yet I lived amongst a kind
Reptilian like features is current in the left side of my mind
Love me know take away all this division and distance from society I love
Throw a fastball seeking a homerun before the ball hits the glove
Strike!!! One strike three where’s two you’re out
Love me now hate me later either or I won’t do without.

Silver & Enki Gold
By Ricky London

Antiques and rare currency coins and jade.
Silver and Enki gold allowed me to be made
Fleeting moments I played found sync with my mind
And everything inside of me became easier to find
Bind!!! All things I seek ye not the ability to re-incarnate
Enki, Zoser, Hermes, Dunvalo has sealed my vessel fate.
Left to harbour hate found peace in the word love.
Silver and Enki gold came from the hottest sun above.

Presley Boulevard
By Ricky London

My time in my city I had a strong run
A team of young designer dreamers, that brought excitement
to my run.
Genuity and beauty I tell you Louis V had a princess
And the struggle this dreamer faced was surely a test.
No rest hashtag find peace away from sleep
Close your eyes Presley Boulevard will surely make you weep.
Tears in my eyes from the burdens my city knows
I must carry along the way
Presley Boulevard has no limit of speed so I go fast
All day dangerous

My Father In Heaven
By Ricky London

Dad wait, can I come I want to see your face
I’m lost in this chaos and dehumanizing place
All because race, greed for the interest of its own
My father in heaven please allow me En.Ki baby
To enter your home
Peace as I understand is your heavenly abode
It hurt my heart that my mother had to become a widow
Tears for that woman and sympathy for her grief
My father in heaven while in bound here
Beneath Enki baby Jahbulon

In A Instance
By Ricky London

In a instance as I stand against the fallen and past
I count all my encounters and keep my feet fast
Life and its purpose full of shame and pride
I find place and peace and nowhere to hide
In time is a blessing when understanding the truth
I’ve explored my passion for music in the booth
MB6 proof as I challenge the past
I’m first born third child and conqueror of the last
Olyvia move fast understand the moment to shine
Stars are famous and meant to design
Live fine give me peace, oblivion and strength
The miles in a instance does equal a length.

Country City Boi
By Ricky London baby Jahbulon born in a small town
All things that goes up will surely comes down
Faces all around waiting patiently for my response to question
In truth, chosen and blessed and grateful to
Receive America’s blessing.
No more guessing as I pause on a united wholescale
Can I be placed amongst the starz and free from courts and bail
Mail!!! No mail not a single fan I suppose
I’m a country city boi that’s grateful that
MB6 knows

1, 3, and 17
By Ricky London

1, 3, and 17, first is knowledge 3 is to understand
17 is the day I was given life to grow as a man
1st came Shatricia Cymarian London on the 3rd of October
I was 17 years old in a place with the devil on my shoulder
Literally I state I don’t speak fiction for clout
1, 3, and 17 has instilled fame while I grind through these droughts
Sympathy I keep for the many beings you and me have lost
For a measly desire of greed which is truly a low cost
Freeze!!! Frost bitten by the cold winter night
1, 3, and 17 has not lost this fight

Infected Walls
By Ricky London

Steel don’t birth peace in the belly of the beast
Prayed to adversaries while contemplating a feast
Leavened bread no yeast favoured highly through dimensions
Infected in these walls getting them to die without forgiveness
Humanity my business test da vessel don’t destroy
First born child daddy died lonely boy
Momma grieving fixed joy been a widow
Since he left(:(
So I’m facing of with death change the word
Grand theft
Grew up with Casey she had a cleft
Ashley Goodnight had one too
Both still truly beautiful body features stupid cute
I miss my city Dewitt true
Infected is these walls yes I fight for my return
Don’t allow me to get stuck infected walls
I’m burned. MaRax!!!!!

Light Bearers Eve
By Ricky London

Run, Run, lose sight of the chase
Don’t allow your beauty to be championed in His Race
Understand your place and the decision to make
Govern your vessel so the watchers won’t take
illuminate your being and shift your shape
Unbind your feet and hands and burn the tape
Free I am; fair lady its fate
Am I good enough for you or the Great Architect Sake
I am in a place I don’t want to be
I am in a place where the light drains me
When will you see, the bearer of light lose fight
I was first born of the creator so all is in sight
Knowledge, wisdom, understanding might change
When region expand
All of you is truly beautiful within our creator’s land
Walk with me hold my hand show me a path
That’s dark without fear
Cause when I close my eyes peace finds its
Way to instill wisdom in my ear
Crystallized my tear understand its purpose
Eve, mother, daughter, woman your worth it
Enki baby Jahbulon minutes before six
Found the scriptures of the light bearer
Hiding in the sticks

Jupiter Sun
By Ricky London

Wait star take patience live love laugh
Jupiter is leaving so the sun is rebuilding strife
As we journey through these seconds searching for the last
Memories make me smile of all in the past
First born third child last no first
Twelve jurors one judge brought about this thirst
Adam Weishaupt burst! I express my illuminated state
Is this joy that I feel sealed with fate
Worldwide rate as me truth accept the answer; reveal
I pray you’re rich forever
Truly arrogant element too sexy take this shirt off
Lies confused humanity sell the truth like Madeoff
Fine line guaranteed a price is to come
I search and found a good amongst the people some?
Some people per say ex ovo omino everything comes from the egg
That’s what created my insomnia

Prison Time
By Ricky London

This prison time may be the time for time to be free
Humanity within this environment doesn’t sit well with me
Prison time I see so much talent lose life for the light
Am I less of a man if I don’t put forth a fight
A sight vision blurry can’t understand the matter control
As I search the land for blood understand what we sold
Fold!!!! I want to understand the schemes man devise
Prison time is full of misery and lies
Surprise fate chose to bless me to be born wise
Nothing is more irritating than crickets and flies
Illuminate disguise find peace beyond this slime
And remember that your adversary is mastering time

One, Two, Three
By Ricky London

Finally, the beginning I resonate with the sound of one
Seeing I’m not alone and I’m paired in-part with two
Finalizing creation with place and reason for three.

Unfathomed, exploring the three
Intertwined, in sync engulfing in two
Conscious of origin and place the power of one is you.
Innate my essence is truth, sealed, stamped developed as one.
Time has only begotten and displaced the power of suns, two.
Windows of pain and view through finding the origin of three.
Winning or losing and definite, although still I seek to defeat

This is my origin of “three” Travis, Derrick and me.
“Two” of us within the beginning, was blessed with vision to see.
Unborn “one” the youngest he was undeveloped
In a place known as mystery connected with mind

One, two, three, the origin of me is unique defined.

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