Art and Poetry by William James Jonas III
To the new U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Texas …By William James Jonas III…
William James Jonas III 66834-380
P.O. BOX 6000
Lieutenant Colonel William James Jonas III (U.S. Army. retired) is a graduate of the University of Texas School of Law where he was the Editor of the Texas Law Forum and a National Associate Editor for the Symposium Edition of the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy. Four years after law school graduation, he became a partner in a national law firm, and for the rest of his legal career, kept offices in San Antonio, Austin (Texas), and Washington, D.C. Prior to law school, he graduated magna cum laude with honors in Politics from Washington and Lee University where he was commissioned as a U.S. Army Second Lieutenant in Field Artillery by Lieutenant General George S. Patton III.
In his thirty-year practice of law, specializing in government affairs, clients included one of the worlds largest private prison companies, various municipalities, as well as numerous public and private sector interests connect with the prison building boom in the United States that began in the late 1980’s. He also served as a City Manager and City Attorney where he hired and fired police chiefs and coordinated inter-local law enforcement operations. Jonas was active in local, state, and national political campaigns from 1976 to 2016.