Artwork / Death Row / Fidencio Valdez (TX) / Poetry / Texas

Poetry and Art by Fidencio Valdez

By Fidenco Valdez

Evolution is the process in which different kinds of living organisms are believed to have developed from earlier forms, especially by natural selection. The moment in time which we identify as “2025” is the epochal of revelation. The ability at this moment in time has developed; reaching communication correspondence within the evolutionary will creature on this inhabited world designated “Urantia”. To the point in which the evolutionary will creature has established justice commonly known as “World Order.” World Order requires a standard by which to base your determination from standard means a means of determining what a thing should be. “Standard” applies to any definite rile, principle, or measure established by authority. Authority are the individuals and standard is what those in position appropriated establish. World order is the result. “Results” are caused. Once more “Choice”. Fidencio Valdez – evolutionary natural selected race – red race – Aztecatl Nahuatl pronounced nawaltel (with the letter “e” upside down and facing the other direction). Chucotzlan – El Paso combined with Azeteca Land.


Ability- Choice
By Fidenco Valdez

“Ability – (pl abilities) possession of the means or skill to do something. 2. Skill or talent. Skill is attained and talent is inherent, natural aptitude. Either which way or manner, possession is what matters and causes the result. Possessing the skill or talent in order to be able to cause something opens the door to the designation known as “will”. We are all given the ability to decide and initiate action. To initiate action is to make that first move. To make the first move means that you have already made the decision to move the way you see as the identifying direction in which you seek the result. The result that better fits or causes your favor. Favor with the our at the end!!! HA! Things that a person favors are things that one may identify as the things of enjoyment. The only stipulation and clause or condition that sets forth what may identify and designate “rule”. To rule is to provide a model for which to base your decision off of. The model must be something set forth by a person or group or individuals that are identified as the person or righteousness. Righteousness is something that only the person or authority has the position and influence to establish. Once the model is established then the choice is based of the term “righteous”. Choice.

Reality Comprehension
By Fidenco Valdez

Philosophy s based off the conceptual not the actual. That causes two main factors that are to be taken into consideration if indeed you are an individual that lives in the real world contributing to real things rather than the imaginary and fictitious. The two thins in the form of factors that impact the encouragement of the above mentioned are the removal od the human and the decisions that humans act out or will.

Reality is the state of things as they actually exist. Those things are caused by three factors that are identified as impact. These factors that are the impact to our reality are – intergenerational, choice and environmental.

Unless you are able to reach the point that is expected as the individua; on this planet that is created to fill and populate the land the words here are utilized and simply letters gathered and empty of substance.

The ability to understand something is designated “comprehension” and unless the ability is fully uninterrupted then obscurity and vagueness is the only things reached along with inaccuracy and indefinitory conclusions.

My name is Fidencio Valdez. “Confidence from the Vally” of meaning of designations. Red race – Aztecatl – Southern Paiute. Sitting on Texas Death Row due to environmental impacts. Theft of 30-40 ecstasy pills. The war on drugs is fully activated.

Be Loyal
Fidencio Valdez

No Comments

  • Unknown
    February 10, 2019 at 8:06 pm

    My favorite sweetheart what a beautiful artwork

  • Unknown
    October 2, 2018 at 1:53 pm

    My favorite what a beautiful artwork

  • Unknown
    August 19, 2018 at 10:45 pm

    Aww… Filo..I found it…I'll screenshot it & send it to ur Mom


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