
Failure is the only option in prison. When I was in Graham Correctional Center, they actually put me on suicide watch for a letter I sent to my family frustrated with the treatment I got there. They didn’t do anything but pretend to show concern right before throwing me in more hell. I felt like they were saying shut up and die.

I requested a transfer to another medium security facility, and was told that only minimums transfer. I asked where, as I may not fit the criteria, because of the time I have left to do. I was told Vienna, Vandalia, Jacksonville – all minimums I heard of for years now, but then, some I hadn’t like Mt. Sterling, Centralia, and Danville. From others I learned all had work camps so I thought that’s why I got told about them. But since I got to Vienna there has been no mention of work camp. It’s even hard to get jobs here period.

They got a house for unassigned who choose that’s known to be a bad house. I got stuck right in it for a while for no reason. Mental health here some I would say need mental health themselves because they don’t care at all. Throw you in suicide watch if you answer truthfully on stuff, and break you. Cruel and unusual punishment, but they’re able to do it; strip you down, give you a smack in a cold cell, no shoes or socks. 2021 Christmas I was in one and had to eat with no hands due to no soap available as well. I went in 12-23-21 and didn’t have an appetite naturally but by 12-24-21 thought go on enjoy Christmas meal you’ll get through this. Then I couldn’t get soap from officer to wash my hands after using bathroom. In fact he walked by like he enjoyed it. Then I saw a Lt and told him I asked for soap. By time I got it it was still too late for me to eat with hands as I finished the tray. Sadly there seems no end in sight to madness in these places.

They refuse to follow law and give good time to people who get it here. It’s like a medium or maximum cause nobody goes home to much. They say prison nurses make more than free world nurses due to risk yet we suffer at their hands more likely than they have to worry bout any of us. What do we get death sentences if we’re terminal with no compassion and though not terminal. Fortunately, I can say I seen it personally and am fortunate to be alive.

Here I started off alright getting writs; now that’s halted for some reason and medicine has been getting delayed. It’s gone downhill fast. People say the whole prison is mental health staff and sadly it often seems so with things happening here. We got locked down like sept oct 2024, got shook down then 3 days later shook down at 12pm and then again 2:50pm. We get tag team shake down days after, all that hours cuffed behind back where I get shoulder pain yet they say x-ray shows nothing. We lost stuff they sell us. It’s absurd. However I’m learning any choices they give me for transfer are no good for sure. That is all I will say for now.

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