
Nothing gets done without “Do”.  If we want something done, we must do it.  We have to do it to get it done.

This should be our message every day.  Whether we are incarcerated inside a prison or incarcerated inside society, we all face the pains and penalties of life and mistakes.  So, we must always ask ourselves; What are we doing to make things better?  Better for self.  Better for others.  Better for humanity.

That’s what makes it all about the Do.  The Do in the Doing.  And the Do is inside the Done.  And as the Doing gets Done, because we Do what needs to be Done, what we Do will make things better.  And that’s what makes the power of Do so special.

We don’t have to be failures, or losers, or weepers, or excusers, or quitters.  We don’t have to be voiceless, or unseen, or unheard.  We don’t have to give up, stop living, or never trying.  Because we all have the power to Do.

The Do is so powerful that nothing in life gets done without the Do.  The pyramids aren’t built.  The Earth does not form.  This country is not built.  The iPhone does not get created.  Our births are not born.  And our successes do not succeed without the Do.

Now be mindful that there is some Do’ers of evil and bad things.  And they Do the Do too, but for the wrong reasons.  They Do the Do to stop us from doing our Do. And that is not fair.  So, we must be watchful for those who try to stop our Do and Do what we need to Do to get around the bad Do’ers.

Because remember, there is a Do in don’t, too.  As in, Don’t let nobody stop you; Don’t let nobody turn you down; and, Don’t give up on yourself just because other people do.  So, when other people try to stop our Do, we Do not let them.

Protect your Do.  We must also protect our Do because some people may not like our Do.  They may not like the way we Do good.  They may not like the way we Do right.  They want to hold us to what we used to Do, or what we didn’t Do, or what we did Do wrong.  So, we must protect our Do.

The power of Do is ours.  If we want to Do better, we can.  If we want to Do right, we can.  If we want to Do our best, we should.  And if we want to Do less or more, we will.  Our Do is our Do just like their Do is their Do.  Everybody has the power to Do.

My only hope is that we all Do better.  Do right.  Do more.  Do something to help others.  Do something to help ourselves.  Do something to make life doable.  That’s it.

At the end of the day, we’re all doing life on Earth, whether it is inside a prison or inside society.  We all Do life.  But our goal should be to Do life better than we have done before.  And that is how we cultivate the power of Do.  We do.  Then it is Done.  All we must Do is Do.

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