By Robert Clark
My name is Bob Clark. I am currently imprisoned in the state of Kansas. I got locked up when I was thirteen years old. The year was 1968. I was sentenced to a state training school for boys, for the charge of vandalism. My sentence was only four months. Little did I know, I’d never be free again. When I arrived at this youth prison, I had some adjustment problems. I ran away several times, which eventually led me to a Maximum Security Prison in Lincoln, Nebraska at the age of fourteen. As a scared youngster, I parlayed that four month sentence into 222 years for a series of assaults against staff and other inmates.
When you are that young, and in an adult prison, you have to fight for your life and honor. I’ve been locked up for fifty-plus years, because of this. I am 64 years old now. I’ve never had a relationship with a female, never been to a mall, never been fishing, never had a car. I’ve never done anything in society. I hope my story will reach the young out there that think the petty crime they are committing in society does not matter. It really does. I was locked up for non-violence, but it ended up costing me my whole life of freedom. After years of violence and solitary confined in Nebraska, I was transferred to the state prison in Kansas. I hope no one makes the mistakes I did. Even after all the years of hostility, I am still trying to better myself, educating myself, working and caring about youth enough to want to reach them with my message.

September 29, 2020 at 1:39 pmThis really had my brain working overtime. After reading this and the other entries by Mr Clark I did a little research. Is he still in kansas or fingers crossed he has been released. Praying for him continually
January 22, 2019 at 4:14 amUncle Bob, I can't even begin to imagine your life or what you've endured all of these years. I'm grateful to Grandma for always making sure you and my Dad remained a part of my life regardless of the circumstances. I was too young to fully understand what was really going but grandma always found a way to make the weekends optimistic when it was time to visit. I always looked forward to visiting you and my Dad on the weekends. As I got older I understood this isn't a place that you or my Dad deserved to be. I watched grandma cry so many times every time we left. I understand no one is perfect and we don't always make the best choices in life but you being in there for life isn't fair at all. No matter what happens to grandma or Dad I will pick up where she left off and be there for you when you need me. Love you Summer
January 21, 2019 at 12:35 amMy Dearest Brother Bob, Although we were not raised together, we are from the same blood. I spent many years searching, living through a tunnel of tears, reminiscing in what could have been!! I often think of the injustice you have had to endure for so many years and it hurts my heart!! Dear Brother, whenever you feel low never try to justify why you should give up, but think of reasons why you shouldn't!! Please always remember how much you are loved!! I LOVE YOU BIG, your sis, Diane
January 21, 2019 at 12:34 amMy Dear Brother Bob, The way you handle this " CRAZY " world is one of the most wondrous things I have ever seen!! Although you and I were not raised together, I am your sister by blood and I love you for everything you are!! I searched for so many years, living through a tunnel of tears and always wondering what could of been!! Every second brings a fresh beginning, every hour holds a new promise, every night our dreams can bring hope, and every day is what we choose to make it!! May God be with you always dear brother!! I LOVE YOU BIG, Diane
December 30, 2018 at 3:48 pmWhat an insane system. How does childish vandalism = life without parole??
December 25, 2018 at 8:55 pmWhat can we say to this – who on earth devised a system that treats humans worse than any other organism on earth. Their lives are reduced to a body in a cage, existing, being punished and re-punished for being human. God help the people who sign off on these barbaric sentences and their lack of insight and compassion for people who should have the right to prove they can heal and grow as a person, and re-enter society (much more quickly than these sentences permit). I believe a person issuing a life sentence to a human with no proper justification, will rot eternally – and that's the only compensation for this madness towards my brothers and sisters trapped behind those walls. We will be judged the way we judge others here – doesn't that bother anyone who is FOR life and death sentences? I guess that's why they're the opposition – they are opposed to doing the right thing – and their time will come, with much more severe consequences than they could ever imagine possible. 🙁
December 24, 2018 at 12:30 amDear Bob, this made me tear up. Our justice system is not working. Especially for juveniles. Juveniles do not have any idea what the consequences may entail. They cannot wrap their heads around the long term affects. I’m so sorry our system failed you. Thank you for sharing your story. I know it’s not much, but your story…YOU matter. We can make bad choices and still be good people. Just know someone is thinking of you.
December 21, 2018 at 10:50 pmYour story is quite shocking. You write economically and well. May God bless you with all your aspirations. I hope you write again.
CS McClellan/Catana
December 21, 2018 at 2:14 pmThis entire nation needs to apologize to people like you, who've been dumped out with the trash, as children, and left to rot.