by Wendell Grissom
Hello again to everyone out there who encouraged me to “stay in touch” with you. I wanted to write about a few more concerns of mine, the first being my good friend Richard Glossip. As you know, Oklahoma is now working on protocols and guidelines to start executions once again. When they do, Richard Glossip should be the first one up. Anyone interested in reading more about how Oklahoma plans to start killing us again, click here.
The first person to be killed will likely be Richard Glossip, in spite of all that has been offered in support of his innocence. An impressive group of people have come forward and tried to help him; Senator John McCain, Pope Francis, Dr. Phil, Sir Richard Branson of Virgin Air, the list could fill up four to five pages front and back. Does Oklahoma even care? There is a real possibility Richard is innocent. The facts are in. There is nothing, not one thing saying Richard did what he is accused of other than — get this — the man who actually did it. That man, Justin Sneed, has a life sentence, while Richard is on Death Row for a murder that Sneed actually committed. The police and courts acknowledge this fact. They cannot, I repeat cannot, present one fact that points to Richard. 
Now here is something that is really going to throw you for a loop: Richard Glossip has never been in trouble with law enforcement. He has never committed a crime. Hell, he has never even been given a moving citation or parking ticket. He has lived a solid, law abiding life, worked full-time, and has been a good and trustworthy man. Until now, when the actual killer, to save his own ass, pointed his finger at Richard Glossip. He says Richard is the one behind it all, and without one shred of proof, the State of Oklahoma charged and convicted Richard and sent him to Death Row. The fact is, they knew Richard couldn’t afford a good attorney so he’d be a good person to, let’s just be honest, fuck over. 
What I have to say is: if this could happen to Richard Glossip, then it most definitely could happen to anyone out there. The State of Oklahoma has committed a terrible injustice against Richard Glossip, stolen 22 years of his life away from him. The State of Oklahoma needs to be held accountable the same way they hold their citizens accountable.  So when Oklahoma gets their little “toy” up and running again, when they set a date to kill Mr. Glossip, when you hear about it all over the news, please remember everything I’ve said. 
I know you all can’t really do anything to help Mr. Glossip. I’m just letting the world know as clearly as I can say it, that the blood of Richard Glossip will be on the State of Oklahoma, otherwise known as the Bible Belt. 
You can read an article by William DeLong (July 31, 2018), “Is Richard Glossip the Most Wrongfully Convicted Person Currently Sitting on Death Row?”    
Also, for further information on Oklahoma and its Death Row, you can read “Oklahoma Can’t be Trusted with the Death Penalty” (August 15, 2018) 
You may wonder why I am so concerned about Richard Glossip. Well, I lived with him as my cellie for a little over four, maybe five years. During that time I got to know him pretty well and I’ve never seen any type of behavior that would cause me to think he was involved. The simple truth is, I’ve come to know a good, decent man who just didn’t have the money or means to defend himself. Also, he is my friend. I don’t have very many. I’m here justly, and he is not. Plain and simple. In the United States of America, we believe in truth, honesty, and the standard of proof. If there is no proof beyond a reasonable doubt, then it is against our very values and beliefs, the law itself, to convict a person of a crime. They offered no proof and now Richard waits to be executed by a fake country. If no one is willing to say no, willing to at least try, we are no better than they are, plain and simple. I’ve done my part. What will you do?
A few weeks ago there was a documentary on ABC featuring Julius Jones, who is also here with me on Death Row. Honestly, I am not able to say much about him or his case, but the show said he is a victim of having no money to defend himself also. They also claimed there is a discrimination issue because he is black. Let’s be real, had he been white, or any other race, he likely would have been given a better chance. Our society, like it or not, is full of racism. Jones also got screwed by the State of Oklahoma. Who is going to be able to contact the right people, the right organizations, to help these men before the State of Oklahoma kills at least one, maybe both? Who knows how many other innocent men and women there are? It’s sad to say, but our government is corrupt.
Believe it or not, I actually do have some good news. You know this doesn’t happen every day.
We have a new warden. He’s been here for a while now, so he’s not exactly “new.” I heard he was a Christian. He has been making rounds, actually stopping and listening to us. Little by little I’ve seen some improvements, such as the thorough washing and drying of our laundry, as well as the hot water and air-conditioning being fixed. H-Unit has no windows, so the only air we get is through the vent. When the air-conditioning is not working it gets up to 100-105 degrees in here. Thank God they’ve got it fixed, at least for now. The canteen department was getting better but the last few weeks it’s gone down hill, so let’s hope it’ll improve again. And our mail is being passed out at a reasonable time now, not at 5:00 A.M. anymore.
I do have a few ongoing concerns to address, though, given to me by some of the men down here. For example, I list those of Clarence Goode Jr. (42-years old (he thinks)) below.


  1. He is a diabetic and they keep feeding him processed meats, which is not good for his blood sugar. There is hardly ever any fresh fruits or vegetables, both of which would help his blood sugar.
  2. They feed us bologna and hot dogs which are uncooked and smell spoiled, once or twice a day almost 3-5 times a week.
  3. They feed us other unidentifiable meats and they smell bad.
  4. We are forced to use hair and toenail clippers with people who have the AIDS virus, and there is no cleaner or sanitizer available for us to use.
  5. We are never notified when someone sends us money, or who sends the money unless we request it. They charge us a fee for doing that.
  6. Visitation here is the worst I’ve ever seen. There are no phones, we have to yell at each other through a small hole in the plexiglass, and there is so much noise that no one can really hear. They refuse access to our family members and make them leave over ridiculous reasons like wearing sandals or a blue shirt. Also, they will not allow our family members to use the restroom, causing some of our visitors who are older to have to leave before the visit is over.


As you can see, his concerns seem ridiculous, in that these are things that should be being done anyhow. Yet they ignore important issues here. Who pays? The inmate.
I have another concern of my own. As you may know by reading my articles, I’ve acknowledged my wrongdoing and my guilt. So I have little hope of anything positive from the courts here, especially the ones in Oklahoma. Instead I’d like to give back to the society I’ve hurt. (Note: Do I sound like a cold-blooded killer the way they always make us out to be? I’ve probably got more compassion and kindness within me than ten government officials put together. I’m trying to do good and give back, yet Oklahoma won’t let me.) I would like to donate my organs when I die, to help those who need them. But what does Oklahoma say? A hard NO. Why? It makes absolutely no sense to me. Ask the men and women who will need my organs to live whether they have a problem with the organs coming from me. I bet they’d be very thankful. Here is a chance for me to do something really good, but this corrupt Oklahoma system says no. So all I’ve got to say to the Bible Belt thumping hypocrites: On the day of judgment, what will you say in defense of your decision to not let me give life to those who will die for lack of a donor? Who will you blame? You know that’s what you do. I be dang, I’m more of a man than they are. At least I acknowledge my guilt. I’m trying to make a difference the best I can. I’m trying to help someone and here you are Oklahoma, saying no. Who would He approve of most, me or you? I think we will one day know the answer to that one, right government of Oklahoma?
Well, I guess I’ll call it quits for this round. I know you’d like a little more positivity to go along with so much negativity. I try, honestly I do, but the truth is there’s just not much of it. I don’t like the way it is, but it is and we’ve just got to make the best of it. As I’ve always done, I’ll keep my head held high and at least I’ll know I’ve tried to do my best, I’ve tried to do something good. But I couldn’t. 
Take care and God bless you all.

1 Comment

  • Bridgeofsighs
    April 5, 2019 at 5:15 pm

    You come across as honest and caring. Americans need to wake up as they are paying for this terrible "justice" system in more ways than one. I know Reprieve is trying to halt all executions through legal means. I hope they succeed.


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