
A Play by Larry Stromberg

Setting: Prison Cell


Fred A long term offender dealing with the extreme pain of being in prison
serving a life sentence and the guilt from his crime.

Johnny A PV who keeps coming back to prison due to his addictions and personal struggles.

(A middle-aged man enters his prison cell from stage left with some books in his hands. He places his books on his desk and sits down in a chair in his cell.)

(He takes a deep breath. He rubs his eyes from the stress that he is dealing with while being incarcerated. His name is Fred.)

(Then he looks up to the heavens and prays.)

(SPX: Smooth music.)

Fred: (In prayer) Please Lord, send me a decent person to be my new celly. Not some maniac. (Pause) I’m dealing with enough stress in my life, Lord. I’m pleading with you, Lord. Hear my prayer.

(There’s a moment of silence. Then a knock is heard on the cell door.)

(SFX: Door knock. The music fades out.)

(Fred turns his head towards his cell door. That’s when a younger man enters the cell carrying a box.)

(The younger man’s name is Johnny.)

Johnny: How you doing? I’m your new celly. (Fred stands up.)

Fred: Okay then.

(Johnny places the box on the floor and extends his hand to Fred.)

Johnny: My name is Johnny.

(Fred shakes his hand.)

Fred: I’m Fred.

(They break from the handshake.)

Johnny: My Uncle’s name is Fred.

Fred: Is that right?

(Johnny smiles from ear to ear.)

Johnny: Yeah, he’s a real asshole and a damn drunk. Fred: Sorry to hear that.

(Johnny looks around the cell.) Johnny: You keep a clean cell, Fred.

Fred: I like to live in a clean environment. That’s all.

Johnny: I can see that. That’s a good fucking thing. Ain’t nothing worse than living with a fucking pig or Viking, man.

Fred: I’m in agreement with you. (Beat) Well, Johnny, you got the top bunk. I hope that’s okay with you.

Johnny: I really don’t have any say with it, Fred. (Obnoxious laugh) Ha-ha-ha-ha.

(Johnny walks over towards the bunk in the back of the cell and places the box on the top bunk.)

Johnny: You seem like a good dude, Fred.

Fred: I try. I appreciate that, Johnny.

Johnny: Just stating what I see. (Pause) You going home soon, Fred?

(Fred is taken back by Johnny’s question. He doesn’t respond.)

Johnny: Are you, Fred? Didn’t you hear me, huh?

(Fred slowly responds.) Fred: Hopefully, I do. (Beat) I pray someday. But not now. It’s all in the good Lord’s hands.

(There’s an awkward moment of silence. Johnny stares at Fred, shaking his head with disgust.)

Johnny: You ain’t doing life, huh? (Beat) I’m living with a fucking lifer, is that what you’re saying, Fred?

(Fred becomes upset and has some aggression in his tone of voice.)

Fred: (Upset) Damn, you ask a lot of questions, don’t you, huh? (Fred tries to hold back his emotions. But can’t.)

Fred: I don’t know you at all, Johnny! Don’t start asking me personal questions about my business. It’s not cool at all.

(Johnny tries to apologize.)
Johnny: My bad then. I didn’t mean no harm.

(There’s another moment of strange silence. Fred then responds to Johnny to ease the tension.)

Fred: The answer is yes, Johnny.

Johnny: What’s that, Fred?

Fred: I am doing life.

Johnny: That fucking sucks.

Fred: I’ve been down for over twenty years now. I’m still fighting my case. Hoping for a second chance someday.

Johnny: Wow, I couldn’t do life, man. I’d hang it up real fucking quick. (Beat) Not to see the ocean anymore. Eat myself a good steak or to fuck anymore. I couldn’t make it, Fred.
I’d rather kill my fucking self, if everything was taken away from me forever. Fuck that, man!

Fred: Well, I’ve seen many who did over the years.

Johnny: I’m sure you did, Fred. (Beat) Yeah, I’m sure you did in this shithole for decades.

(Johnny starts to slowly pace back and forth in the cell. Fred looks on concerned as Johnny’s behavior starts to change.)

Fred: (Concerned) Everything okay, Johnny? (Beat) You okay there?
Johnny: (Fake smile on his face) Yeah, I’m fine. Everything is smooth. Smooth as ice.
(Johnny paces even faster. His steps very unusual.)

Fred: You sure you’re good?

Johnny: (Annoyed) I’m fucking good, Fred! (Beat) I need a damn cigarette! You got any smokes, Fred?

(Fred shakes his head with disgust.) Fred: No, I don’t.

(Johnny’s anxiety becomes even more extreme as he paces in the cell even faster.)

Johnny: That’s a fucking shame! I need a smoke to calm down my nerves!

(Johnny starts to cough loudly.)

Johnny: (Coughing) Aggggg. Agggg. It’s all fucked up!

(Fred begins to feel a sense of tension even more.)

Johnny: Hey, Fred?

Fred: What’s up, Johnny?

(Johnny stops pacing for a short moment.) Johnny: You got any coffee, huh?

Fred: I don’t drink coffee, Johnny.

Johnny: (Snaps out) That’s not what I fucking asked you! What the fuck! You deaf or something, Fred?

(Fred tries to stay calm.)

Johnny: Let me try this again. (Beat) Do you have any coffee, Fred? It’s a simple question, Fred. It’s not difficult.

Fred: (Keeping his composure) I don’t drink coffee, Johnny. It’s that simple.

(Johnny paces the cell again full of anxiety and stress.)

Johnny: That’s a fucking hurt piece, man! What good are you then? Everybody drinks coffee in prison! What are the fucking chances I get a celly that don’t?! What a fucking hurt piece!

Fred: Don’t go there, Johnny. (Upset) Stop with the sarcastic remarks, you understand me? (Beat) Why don’t you calm the hell down. Can you do that, Johnny?

(Johnny paces even faster, breathing heavily and is stressed out.)

Johnny: I need cigarettes and coffee to fucking calm the hell down!

(Fred is stunned by Johnny’s behavior.)

Johnny: You take any medication, Fred? You know, like psych medication? You look like a nut, huh? You got to be on meds.

Fred: I did at one time. But, not no more. (Beat) The truth is, you need psych medication, Johnny. You’re losing your mind here. (Beat) It’s not normal at all.

Johnny: (Yelling with madness) That’s not what I fucking asked you, motherfucker! (Points to Fred) Get me some medication, Fred! (Demanding) Get it now, bitch!

Fred: (Extreme anger rising) Don’t you ever tell me what to do! Don’t ever call me a bitch! I don’t play that game! You’re messing with the wrong dude here!

Johnny: Come on, man! I need something to take the edge off!

Fred: Listen to me, Johnny, I don’t take medication anymore, okay? (Beat) Even if I did, I wouldn’t give you any medication at all. Do you understand that, huh?

Johnny: That’s screwed up! That’s fucking messed up, dude! (Beat) You’re out of pocket, Fred. Bigtime, man! You won’t even help someone who’s really hurting here. (Beat) That’s some selfish, real selfish shit, Fred.

(Johnny’s hands shake as he still paces the cell.)
Johnny: Do you have any homies that take medication, Fred.

Fred: (Disturbed) Don’t go there, Johnny.

Johnny: (Excited) Yeah, Freddy, you can talk to your buddies about me, your road dogs on this block, right? Tell them I’m a good fucking dude who needs some help. (Beat) Have them hook me up with some medication, smokes, coffee, and some weed, huh? That would be a good thing, wouldn’t it, Fred?

(Fred becomes even more offended.)

Fred: Are you out of your damn mind? (Beat) I ain’t doing that bullshit, Johnny! (Beat) No way in hell, Johnny.
Johnny: (Pleading with Fred) Come on, Fred. Do a brother a solid, will you?

Fred: (Disgusted) You’re a freaking junkie.

Johnny: Yeah, I like to get high and stay high. I love being in the zone, man. I love flying high, Freddy!

Fred: (Angry) So, you come in my cell like a madman, demanding like a real dirt bag out of freaking control. (Beat) You’re a messed-up dude, Johnny.

Johnny: (Begging) Talk to your boys for me, Fred.

Fred: I said no. (Beat) That’s final. No way, Johnny.

Johnny: Come on, I’ll pay them back.

Fred: How, Johnny? You got no money. Johnny: I got money, Fred.

Fred: You got nothing. That’s easy to see.

Johnny: I’ll have my wife send them something.

Fred: I ain’t playing that game.

Johnny: I could have my brother send them something. My money is good. Always right on time.

Fred: You addicts are all the same.

Johnny: My word is as good as gold, Freddy.

Fred: I’ve heard that crap over a million times in this joint. My word is as good as gold. I give you my vow! It’s all bullshit, man! You got nothing out there, Johnny. Nothing.

Johnny: I need a fucking buzz on, Freddy. (Anxiety rises high in Johnny.) I just need a quick fix of something. Anything, you know, huh? Anything to calm me down, man.

(Johnny paces in the cell even more.)
Johnny: (Yells) Anything! Something!

Fred: What a mess you are, Johnny.

Johnny: Don’t you fucking dare judge me, motherfucker! I just want to get high. That’s all! That can’t be that bad, huh? People have done worse, right? Just look at yourself, Freddy. (Beat) Shit, K-2 sounds real sweet right now.

Fred: People have overdosed and died from that shit in this place, Johnny!

(Johnny keeps on pacing in the cell like a maniac.)

Johnny: I don’t care! I just want to fly high! What’s fucking wrong with that?!

(Johnny waves his arms up high in the air.)

Fred: That’s your problem. Not mine.

(Johnny walks over to Fred with intense crazy eyes.)

Johnny: Listen to me, Fred. If worse comes to worst, I’ll give them something else for some smokes, coffee, weed and meds!

Fred: What’s that, huh?

Johnny: (Sexual tone) Whatever it takes, Freddy. It don’t matter to me. Getting high is more important.

(Fred looks at Johnny with confusion.) Fred: What are you saying, huh?

Johnny: Whatever I have to do, Freddy. Whatever it fucking takes.

(Fred looks at Johnny with disgust.) Fred: That’s crazy. You’re out of your mind! (Fred is truly stunned by Johnny.)

Fred: So, you’re willing to degrade yourself like that to get a fix, huh? You’ve hit rock bottom, Johnny. Fallen hard from grace.

(Johnny stands there on the edge of insanity.)

Johnny: I got nothing left! (Screams out) Fucking nothing!

(Johnny paces the cell again full of extreme anxiety.)

Johnny: My wife threw me out of the house! I lost my kids! I lost my damn house! I lost my fucking job! (Beat) I need to get high, man! I’ll do whatever it takes to forget about my
misery! Whatever it fucking takes to get high, Freddy! Whatever!

Fred: You need some real help, Johnny. Bigtime help!

Johnny: Putting out, gets me what I want, Freddy. I’ll do what it takes, man. I have no problem with that.

Fred: Get the help you need, Johnny.

Johnny: (Angry) I’ve done all those nut-ass programs! All bullshit fucking lies! I’ve been to many rehabs. It don’t work. Nothing works! It’s all fucking bullshit! All shit, Freddy!

Fred: Because you don’t want it to work.

Johnny: (Demanding) Fuck that! Get me some weed! Get me coffee and medication now! Get me something, Freddy! I need it! Put the word out about me doing whatever it takes to get high, man! I don’t care about my reputation. I just want to get a buzz on! That’s all I want!

Fred: (Shocked) My God, you’re twisted, Johnny.

Johnny: I just want to get high. What’s wrong with that, huh?

Fred: I won’t get you anything like that, Johnny.

Johnny: (Angry) Get me something, Freddy!!!

Fred: I told you, Johnny, I won’t do that. That’s final.

(Johnny gets to the point of extreme anxiety.)
Johnny: What good are you then?

Fred: Don’t go there, Johnny.

Johnny: Don’t tell me what to do, old man! Nobody tells me what to do. Nobody!

Fred: You got real problems. You’re screwed up in the head. Bigtime all the way!

Johnny: You fucking piece of trash!

Fred: You better watch your mouth.

Johnny: (Antagonizing) What are you gonna do about it, huh? (Beat) What are you gonna do, Fred?

Fred: Don’t push it, Johnny!

(Johnny becomes more antagonizing.)
Johnny: Fucking murderer! Scum bag! Old man killer!

(Fred stands there trying to hold in his emotions.)

Johnny: (Yells) Screw you, asshole!

(Fred finally snaps back at Johnny.)

Fred: You better get the hell out of my damn cell, Johnny! I’ve been down too long for this garbage! I’m sick and tired of junkies and freaks like you trying to get over on me! You punks are all the same! (Beat) Yeah, I’m doing the wheel and I have tons of issues in my life. I know that Johnny. But I don’t need this bullshit in my life! I just want peace of mind. Am I
asking for so much, huh? (Beat) So, get the hell out of here now! No more games! Get out of here!

(Johnny paces the cell even more like a madman. His body movements are insane actions and motion.)

Johnny: Yeah•••yeah •••

(Johnny annoys Fred with his crazy pacing in the cell.)

Fred: Did you hear what I said to you, Johnny? Don’t make me say it again!

Johnny: Go to hell!!!

Fred: Then I’ll go tell the guards myself to get you out of here before something crazy happens. I ain’t going to the hole over you, Johnny, I’ll tell you that.

(Fred walks towards the cell door. Johnny screams out like a madman.)

Johnny: Get the fuck away from that door, chump!!!

Fred: I’m done with this.
(Johnny moves towards Fred.)

Johnny: All I wanted was coffee, smokes, meds and some fucking weed from you, Fred. That’s it! You’re a selfish motherfucker!

Fred: You got the problems, not me! You’re twisted, Johnny!

(Johnny really tries to push Fred’s emotional buttons to the maximum.)

Johnny: At least I’m not doing life, like you, Freddy! I’m gonna see the streets again! Yeah, you never will! (Beat) You’re gonna die here, Freddy! (Crazy laugh) Ha ha ha ha ha ha. You should fucking kill yourself, huh? You’d be better off that way!

(Fred is trying to hold in his deep pain.) Fred: You don’t know nothing about me.

Johnny: You’re a killer, Freddy. I can see it in your crazy ass eyes!

Fred: And you’re a damn junkie who will do anything to get high!

Johnny: (Sarcastic) Who did you kill, Freddy, huh?

Fred: You keep coming back to prison over and over again. You lost everything, Johnny! Your wife, kids, parents, friends! Everything! Nobody wants to deal with you no more, Johnny!
(Fred goes towards the door.)

Johnny: What the hell are you doing, huh? I told you to stay away from that door! You’re not going to the cops about me! Fucking snitch ass!!!

Fred: And you ain’t staying in this cell! There’s no way in hell!

Johnny: Don’t push me, old man!

Fred: You’re out of here!!!

(As Fred goes towards the door, Johnny quickly grabs Fred from behind and pushes him to the cement hard. Fred falls forward.)

Fred: Take your hands off me!!!
Fred: (In pain) Agggggggggggg!!!

Johnny: Don’t make me kill you! You son of a bitch!

(Fred tries to get back up.)

Johnny: Stay down, pussy!

Fred: Nobody does this to me!

(Johnny grabs Fred again.)

Johnny: I’m the grim fucking reaper, Fred! I will kill your ass!

(Fred is trying to fight off Johnny.) Johnny: Get off me!!!
(Fred tries to fight back even more as both men begin to wrestle in the cell. It’s a very aggressive struggle.)

Johnny: I’ll break you in two, motherfucker!!!

Fred: You’re done!!!

(They wrestle on. Hitting and banging the walls hard.) Johnny: (Crazy yells) Agggggggggg!!!

Fred: (In pain) Agggggggggggggggg!!!

(Then something in Fred pushes back strong. Johnny stumbles back and falls to the floor hard.)

Johnny: (Yelling) Agggggggggggg !!!

(Fred steps above Johnny and raises his leg to kick Johnny in the face hard. Johnny raises his arms up to protect his face.)

Johnny: Don’t hurt me, Fred!!!

(Fred is about to smash in Johnny ‘s face.) Johnny: (Screaming) No!!!!!!!!!!

(Fred is about to kick Johnny in the face hard.) Johnny: (Screaming) Agggggggg!

(Fred begins to gain his composure back and slowly takes a few steps back. Shaking his head, trying to calm himself down.)

Fred: I can’t do this. (Beat) I won’t.

(Johnny slowly sits up shaking in his anxiety and fear.)

Fred: I almost lost it. I could have killed you, Johnny. Apart of me wanted to hurt you real bad. (Beat) I’m not that kind of person anymore. (Beat) But I can see it’s still a part of me,
if I’m pushed too far. The point of no return and I don’t like it.
(Fred leans against the wall.)
Fred: I lost everything I loved in my life. My pride, greed, hurt and my selfish ways caused me to lose everything I ever cared about and loved. (Beat) My wife and kids are gone. My family and friends are long gone. (Beat) My career and my freedom are over.
I thought I had it all together, Johnny. I didn’t. (Pause) Now, 25 years later, I sit here in the state penitentiary serving a life sentence. I’m always looking into a long dark tunnel of emptiness every day, searching for the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s void. Dark and never-ending. (Pause)
When I go to sleep at night, I pray this nightmare is over forever. But every day the nightmare continues. (Beat) I don’t want to wake up to this anymore. This bad dream. (Beat)
But I do. The years go on and nothing changes. Loved ones die and I have to live with the sorrow and regret. It breaks my heart at times, Johnny. (Pause) I’m not that same person who committed a horrible crime decades ago. I’ve changed. (Beat) Hopefully, for the better, huh?

(Johnny slowly stands up.)

Fred: So, I fight on for another day in this place for redemption. I do the best I can. (Beat) These are the consequences for the life I took. Something that I’m forever remorseful for. (Beat) What I’m saying, Johnny, is that I’m tired. (Beat) Really tired.

Johnny: I can see that.

Fred: Don’t end up like me. Don’t live a life full of regrets and real sorrow. I too had a major addiction problem, Johnny. (Beat) Multiple addictions with sex, drugs, and alcohol. These addictions are the reasons I’m here today doing a life bid. A death by incarceration sentence. (Beat) But it’s not too late for you, Johnny. You have a chance to live a good life out in society.

(Johnny rubs his eyes.)

Johnny: I’ll be okay. I always land on my feet. Don’t worry about me.

Fred: You need help, Johnny. Your addictions are like demons controlling you. Degrading yourself under their control. It’s gonna escalate into something far worse. Especially in this place. There are some real predators who get off on abusing people like yourself in this joint.

Johnny: (Defensive) I’ll hurt somebody real bad if they mess with me like that! Send them straight to hell, man!

Fred: You need help. It’s time to get help from the professionals who can help you here in this prison. Go see them, Johnny.

Johnny: (Upset) I can help myself! Fuck those so-called professionals! They’re more fucked up than those incarcerated, man!

Fred: You can’t help yourself. Look at yourself! Be honest with yourself, Johnny.

Johnny: (Screams out again) I don’t need anybody!

Fred: You need help, Johnny!

Johnny: The hell I do! I see the fucking world for what it is, Freddy! I’m a freaking survivor! (Beat) My screwed-up father, that asshole was a drunk bastard! He would beat my mother’s face in and beat me down when I tried to stop him! (Beat) Me and my mother were scared to death when he was drunk like a piece of fucking shit!

(Johnny gets very emotional.)

Johnny: Till one night he blows his brains out with a .38 special when he was drunk out of his damn mind! (Pause) I was happy the asshole was dead and gone. (Laughs) Ha ha ha. Then my mother would whore around and fuck anybody to get high. (Tears up) She overdosed on heroin. I was all alone. (Pause) I miss my mother and a part of me does miss my father. Why? I don’t know, man. (Beat) Especially, throwing a baseball with him when he was sober. He was a different man when he wasn’t drinking. (Beat) Then, I became just like my father. An abusive drunk! I became like my mother hooked on heroin. Fucking my way to get high, man. (Pause) That’s why I lost my wife and kids.

(Johnny begins to cry.)

Johnny: I would beat my wife and kids. I was high and drunk. I’ve hurt the people I love. I’ve been running with the devil and a part of me likes it. I like it, Freddy. (Beat) I like it.

(Johnny paces in the cell again.)

Fred: You’re out of your damn mind! You need the Lord God in your life.

Johnny: Don’t give me that Jesus bullshit! I don’t want to hear that fucking crap, man!

Fred: (Bold) You need God, Johnny!

Johnny: (Defensive) All I need is me! I’ve made it this far and I’ll make it all the way! I’m a fucking superstar, man!

(Johnny stops and picks up his box.)

Johnny: I’m out of here. (Beat) I’ll tell the guard I can’t live with you, Fred. How’s that, huh?

Fred: Okay then.

Johnny: You know, I could have beaten your ass down if I wanted to, Fred. Knocked you the fuck out with ease.

Fred: (Disgusted) Yeah, whatever you say.

Johnny: (Sarcastic). Thanks for nothing, old man.

Fred: I tried to help you, Johnny.
Johnny: (Yells) I don’t want your fucking help, Fred. All I asked you was for some smokes and coffee, and you give me a real smartass attitude! You’re a real son of a bitch, Fred! I don’t want nothing from you, motherfucker asshole! Nothing at all!

(Johnny begins to exit the cell by stage left.)

Fred: Good luck, Johnny. You’re gonna need it.

(Johnny stops and laughs loudly.)

Johnny: (Laughing) Ha ha ha. Yeah, fuck you too, Fred. Go to hell, pussy.

(Johnny exits the cell. Fred stands there alone stunned.)

Fred: (To himself) Wow•.• I can’t believe it.

(Fred takes a deep breath and looks around his cell.)

Fred: (To himself again) I’m tired. (Beat) Really tired.

(Fred looks up to the heavens and begins to say a short prayer.)

Fred: Some things I just don’t understand, Lord. Why you bring certain people into my life. Even for a short moment. (Pause) Help Johnny, Lord. (Beat) Help me to recognize his deep pain. Help him to overcome his demons, addictions, sorrow, and regrets. Let him really see his reflection in the mirror. (Beat) Save him from himself.

(Fred slowly turns away and exits the cell by stage left.)

The end.

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