By Sergy Danshin
You are not done. Your work is not finished. There is strength and breath in your body. There is one more sentence; you have one more thought. You are not dismissed, you may not quit, you are not free to leave here. You have not lost the game because you are forcing them to play yours. The race isn’t over because only you choose the finish line. They are not stronger than you; they have to trick you into thinking they are, so they have a chance. They are not faster or smarter nor are they more knowledgeable. You have been yourself longer than anyone, and no one else has the power to be you, and in your realm, you are all. You are not being measured; you are the measurer. You are not being weighed; you are the scale. You are the judge; not the judged.
I want to tell you something, and I want you to believe me. Of all the things I write, words I speak or thoughts I record this is the most important, the most true, the most valuable. And I’m not biased, if anything my lack of belief has transformed into concrete conviction. I used to think death was a one-way destination. I was wrong. Death is a personal choice. Many people die years before they stop breathing. They die while their hearts continue to beat. I am not them and you can choose any moment; every moment: to live. Life is a choice. While you have any possibility, no matter how remote of living you have to take it. You have to choose to live, in each waking second, minute, hour, day, week, month and year of challenge, despair, grief and desolation, you must overcome. So, smile at impossible odds, let your unreasonable insane joy defy their expectations. Find happiness in desolation, for no other reason than to prove to everyone that the world has done its absolute best to crush, dispirit, deject and defeat you and after all that you have simply refused. When the forces of fate have all conspired to rob you of everything, and you look at the sheer wasteland your life has become and say “nah”. Allow that to be your victory, allow yourself to be happy for no other reason than to win. Face up to the worst thing that can happen and smile it away as if it were no more than a coinflip that came out wrong. This is how you’re going to be victorious. This is the roadmap to the eternal glory of the other shore reached. So, smile. You are not done; your work is not finished. There is strength and breath in your body.
By Sergey Danshin
I’m not afraid of dying
No fear of dust or stone
I cannot stop time flying
As it reduces all to bone
I do not fear the devil
Nor cooling bath turn red
Don’t bother with your gavel
My lover’s laying dead
But tell me that I’m welcome
Greet me with a warm room
Speak of disaster seldom
Tell me now love resumes
My eyes will wide with fright
Siege terror grips my heart
All that I fear is light
Screaming that I depart
I’m only safe out there
Away away from home
Without a heart to care
Where no one cares I roam
Poem from 02/15 (Finally)
By Sergey Danshin
You mustn’t ever ever lie
The reason for omission this
As more untruths your mouth lets fly
Will one day cost you your own bliss
When you speak truth its all so easy
Need only real events recall
But each prevarication ditzy
A new world forces you to trawl
Each lie becomes an extra weigh
A small one – seems so slight to carry
But each one adds and adds to freight
The total mass should make you wary
So then one day you’ll fumble fact
Too many lies for you to bear
You should have left the truth intact
Leave it alone, what’s fair is fair
Decide yourself which burden less
One simple truth that you recall
Or growing inconsistent mess
Which on your head you’d rather fall
Its fact, lies kill be oh so wary
The truth may only make you blush
Even if honesty seems scary
You must remember that lies crush
A Short Story
By Sergey Danshin
His eyes opened – he awoke. Or he was always awake and his eyes caught up to his reality. There was no sensation of finding himself or remembering where he was. He hadn’t forgotten. She lay asleep next to him. So beautiful. Her black hair dropping his arm. He rolls over, kisses her on the head hugs her briefly all the while slipping his arm out from underneath her. Now sit on the edge of the bed, feet on the floor. Navigating is easy, underwear, T-shirt, jeans, flip flops. Keys still in pocket. Wallet, watch, cell phone. There’s a bit of weed from before. Lighter. She murmurs but doesn’t waken. He exhales.
The home is unfamiliar. Pictures of people he’ll never meet. Kitchen he’ll never sit in. Hmm, logistics. She drove… But the errand. Hmm. Schedule an uber for 30 minutes. Enough time. Borrow her keys. It’s all the same. He’s done this before. Her car is hers, seat too far forward. Slide it back. Where was it now? How many blocks? He’ll see it when he passes it. There it is. 24/7. Park her car. It’s a bit cold yet. Shiver and walk in. Eight aisles – dozing clerk. Family … Family…. Family. Is that what it is? Something to find at your local… There it is. Pediasure. White bottle. Check out. Hm. Behind the clerk. Pack of Newport’s. Gimme. Here’s a 20. Hahaha what is food. Car door open. Drive back. Oh shit, which house is it? There. That one. With the bush. Park the car. Get out. Unfamiliar daylit foyer. Uber in 20 minutes. There’s a whimper upstairs.
Quiet. Whimper. Rustle. Up the staircase he goes. Not her door, she’s asleep. Next room. Peek inside. Holding the bars of the crib looking at him standing. Still holding the bag. They share a look. Both unfamiliar. The baby plops down, legs exhausted. He holds up the bag and quietly slinks to the kitchen. Drying rack is there. Bottle, nipple, screw top. There’s water in the warmer. Pediasure is easy. Fill and warm the bottle, wait. Try it on your wrist. Back upstairs. He’s recognized now. Baby reaching up… For him, for the bottle. He settles into a rocking chair by the window, infant in his arms. He can see the road by the house. Chris in a black Acura will be along shortly. Dark little eyes look up at him. The crib and room are pink. He doesn’t know her name or even his. The baby eats looking up at him. He smiles a little.
Bottle finished, the eyes close and the infant returns to sleep. He places the blanket over the little back. A black car pulls up. He backs out of the now silent rooms still holding the bottle. As an afterthought, he sets it on the table downstairs next to her car keys. He doesn’t latch the door behind him. It’s not his to latch.
He sits in the black car. It pulls away to the hotel he has to check out of. He asks to smoke and is given permission. Rolls the window down, sparks a light. Inhales. He lets himself forget. The keys, hallways, address, names, faces, photographs. He smokes and forgets, and it is good. He won’t be back.
Mr. Turnkey’s New Life
By Sergey Danshin
He was nervous heading into the hotel lobby, but everything seemed quiet. This late at night the attendant was dozing and Mr. Turnkey walked in just like a guest. The suitcase was heavier with each step he took. The deal for the drugs and weapons would leave him well paid for the next month. He only hoped he’d be back early, Nicole hated to be left waiting.
The third floor was silent as he walked to room 308. The door was ajar so he walked in. Realization and relief dawned as his contact sitting near a terminal at the end of a table waved him forward. He sat down. Just as he set the suitcase on the floor, a thin strap of metal snicked from the chair arm to his wrist and tethered him to the seat. He stared at it dumbly and didn’t react.
“Mr. Kyle Turnkey? Is that correct? I apologize for any confusion but please rest assure that our business will proceed normally. We just need you to answer a few questions. Before we begin, please be aware that my name is Mr. Frost on behalf of the joint DEA/ATF task force. You needn’t worry, I expect you’ll be home before Nicole is upset”
Kyle blanched as Mr. Frost nonchalantly unlocked his briefcase and noted the contents. “As promised, six kilos of the finest and a pair of handguns. It was of course the suppressors that made this a federal case. You are quite fortunate. And of course as we agreed, I have 60 thousand in the bag just behind me”
“So you know, after you answer my questions the tether will release and you will be free to return to your bosses with the payment. The bracelet will of course be fixed for the next decade. Pending your cooperation there will be no fine or movement penalty assessed. Can you please confirm this address? I understand you’re expecting, congratulations. Now over the last year, we’ve tracked you a total of 11 times and believe based on our financial analysis that you make 5-10k per drop. That’s correct? Wonderful. So here’s the plan. I’ve prepared this packet for you detailing authorized government drop off centres. Your additional security credentials are on your bracelet. You must please deliver any further illicit packages directly to us, you will be paid the negotiated rate. If you simply feel that you would be best served ceasing all deliveries we have arranged a bank account that will receive basic income supplementation at a rate equal to your income last year. This will continue until your sentence expires. If you insist on continued illegal activity, we monitor all your movement and communications. Subsequent offenses will result in further consequences, but most often we have found this is not required. Do you have any questions for me”?
Kyle Turnkey walked in a daze down the stairs clutching the bag of cash. He didn’t remember the drive home but his boss’s nonchalance shocked him. “Well I suppose no more deliveries for you. Basic income and tracking for 10 years? I guess you’re lucky” Never before had he slept so soundly or woke up Nicole with a nice breakfast. His life was about to begin.
August 26, 2023
By Sergey Danshin
Depression is not
An appointment
With a doctor that
Cares – for 300 an hour
Please arrive early
It is not tears or
Moods that others see
Nor writing nor song
Please help me
To get better
Smiling in public
As wide as you can
Maybe laugh lines
Will help you hide
The tears you couldn’t
Tell them jokes
Make them laugh
As you die inside
Just to spare them
Trying to help
By Sergey Danshin
Beware oh beware
Breaking a mirror
Reflections there
Will turn to terror
What you see clear
In glass that’s unbroken
Fragments to fear
See now cracks open
Realness reflected
Suddenly breaking
Mind misdirected
Perception now flaking
Then you may stare
Way off in the distance
Without a care
Fearing no instant
All that was there
May suddenly shatter
Rip out your hair
Insane as a hatter
Falling through cracks
Wide as a hair
Refracting false tracks
Beware oh beware
02/26/24 – 2
By Sergey Danshin
Yearning for sojourn
Fear not the dark
One lesson learned
Adventure’s no lark
Sometimes you’ll mourn
While others you’ll revel
Each smile you have worn
May haunt you as devil
So dark it will seem
So long – for so long
But still you must dream
To keep yourself strong
Believe and believe
That light you will see
Too late now to grieve
Times past living free
Faith will transform
Tenebrous lesion
To birth a new norm
Lumin cohesion
No blackness can be
Without equal measure
Of lightening glee
Pain turns to pleasure
Just simply decline
Keep breathing – keep dreaming
Maintain hope sublime
See lighthouses gleaming
The deeper the hole
The longer you stay
The stronger your soul
The clearer your way
Each coin has two sides
You’ve only seen one
So wait for the tides
To bask in the sun
Celestial orb’s light
Will warm your cold skin
Marks end to your plight
Life now will begin
You’ll laugh and you’ll love
Each wondrous moment
Thank heavens above
For ending the torment
Please tell the others
Those men dreaming dreams
Hear me now brothers
Its less dark than it seems
Amnesia’s Grace
By Sergey Danshin
I’m haunted daily by your face
In daydreams even if awake
Amnesia would be blessed grace
For daily nightmare’s escapes sake
For you the one that really died
When I already wasn’t there
I count each sigh and tear I cried
Cursing a fate that wasn’t fair
You told my fortune with your cards
Each drawing came to truly be
For me to fail you as your guard
To late for you my work I’d see
For you, the one who’s veins turned green
My mouth is mute my soul is numb
Our future I’d so clearly seen
Before our child died in your womb
With you I’d breathed in the true magic
In worlds unseen we’d often fly
But sickness turned the story tragic
All we abandoned to get high
For you, the one I didn’t love
Until it was too late – too late
You came and left a lovely dove
For blinded hindsight I curse fate
I still remember you sweet mammal
Hand rolled cigarettes and curry
Quiet loving cello-playing damsel
So quickly lost to Folly’s flurry
For you the ones that I forgot
I guess that someone heard my prayer
The bitter memories I fought
That used to flay my psyche bare
I can’t say now which one is worse
To clearly know each face and name
Or losing memory so cursed
And brave a legion faceless same
So now I fear that I won’t know
When I so many phantoms face
One day someone will presence show
I’ll only know Amnesia’s Grace
By Sergey Danshin
I stole so many things from her
Because she stole from me
It balanced in the end I’m sure
To hand made travesty
I did not like to be so wrong
As she persisted night and day
So I insisted I’d be strong
To catch each lie her lips would say
It made me all too much aware
Each time she made some small mistake
As if my own were all too rare
Then I could each offensive take
Each time she left – it was a lie
But it taught me – so quick – to leave
A lesson learned in tears I cried
My partner always to deceive
If I left first – no looking back
Then I would never be bereft
It hurts so much, when lovers pack
So do it first, leave! Be not left
All lessons I wish I’d forget
Because each time a love I meet
The past regret creates regret
Pernicious cycle of deceit
So tearful tapestry complete
In quiet full regret I sob
By robbing everyone I meet
Of simple love myself I rob
By Sergey Danshin
We’re both so high
Thank you, thank you
For fucking me
Please, be careful
My leg is burned
Don’t touch it
Please, it hurts a lot
Ahh, you forgot
Please, please remember
Ow, ow, OK stop stop
No seriously, stop
Please stop, enough
Get off me, off
Um, I’m sorry
It’s OK, I need a drink
Walk to the kitchen
God my leg hurts
Pour a glass crying
Stand naked, drink it down
You’re still in the bedroom
Did you see? My tears
Ah OK, plaster a smile
Sorry, couldn’t continue
You know how it is, eh?
Let me drive you for food
By Sergey Danshin
It’s time to change who you are
In fact it’s long overdue
I’ve gone too far by myself
To go back to thinking of you
I used to think you were special
My long life’s one true desire
But now with eyes open I’m grateful
To inform you that you’ve been retired
I stopped to observe all that’s happened
Your conduct has been well documented
So now that my notes are complete
Your fate is wholly cemented
By Sergey Danshin
It’s time to change who you are
In fact it’s long overdue
I’ve gone too far by myself
To go back to thinking of you
I used to think you were special
My long life’s one true desire
But now with eyes open I’m grateful
To inform you that you’ve been retired
I stopped to observe all that’s happened
Your conduct has been well documented
So now that my notes are complete
Your fate is wholly cemented
By Sergey Danshin
It’s so delicious
Melts in your mouth
See? How I enjoy it
It’s even better now
Covered all in honey
Crackles when you bite
Gritty sandy texture
Try it, take a mouthful
You’ll see how I like it
Enjoy this glass lightbulb
Come now, come now
I’ve eaten two before
Yes! It’s my third one
Hardly even hurts
The glass is so thin
It barely even cuts
My tongue and gums?
They bleed all the time
Such an enjoyable texture
Please take a bite
By Sergey Danshin
Screaming fear and frustration
To drive my own ears deaf
Just to enjoy
The artificial quiet
Can the broken pieces of me
Be held by soft hands
Without hurting in turn
Innocent fingers
They trained me to see
Them surrounding me
Everywhere enemies
Or worse indifferent
Can I refuse
To give up
Without resenting
My torturers
Yes, consider
The third bhumi
One golden lesson
From thorny life
By Sergey Danshin
Trained runner, psychotic
I’m all packed, I’ll leave
Leave you here now
Following? Come on come on
I’ll abandon you there
I’m mad now
Cackling banshee insanity
No voice of reason left
I’m gone gone gone
Sorry stray cat
Fall asleep in back seat
Quiet whimpering mercy
My road leads to Hades
Crossing the Styx – no coins
Pull the boatman’s arm
Charon, I have a cat
Can you take her for me?
Her things are here
I can’t anymore I’m sorry
She was good for a while
I died nine times
Too many to own pets
Sorry cat, my fault
I should have left you alone
My path was even worse
Kangaroo Rabbits
By Sergey Danshin
Folding origami cranes
One handed
With broken fingers
They don’t hurt –
At all – not anymore
The first month
Bone setting aflame
Later I just feel
Bone and skin
Aligned all wrong
But even your nerves
Forget old motion
Tendons restretch
Tissue bends to will
Scars fade to memory
The first hundreds
Are mutated misshapen
Kangaroos, rabbits, mice
That then grow beaks
And wings to fly with
Pierce and thread them
Each one back to back
A zoo, an ark
Turning into aviary
All on one string
Make you one thousand
And wish a wish
Then flying cranes
Will lift you to heaven
On blue grey wings
But these kangaroo rabbits
Are clearly flightless
No matter how you wish
There is no music
From a one handed cello
Bows have no play
No pull – no draw
Even so, I can hear
Your fingertips playing Lalo
On your shoulder
If I fly on rabbit’s wings
I can go back
To the tender moment
When I had my cheek
Against your bare thigh
Folding my wishes
Over and over
Until I’m heard
Or someone notices
All the kangaroo rabbits
By Sergey Danshin
Time erases memory
We start to see
Truly the parts
We played
You always know
The right moment
To buy flowers
But consider
After long silence
Is your sorry
A dirge?
Do you want to be heard?
I’m already ash
Will it be better
When I am dead
And dust?
By Sergey Danshin
I am no man
Restless Nomad
Armageddon Wanderer
My touch is fire
Fingertips Flame
Do you wish to see
At Rainbow’s end
The Colors hidden
Since time began
From your sober eyes
Life is a game
The very best one
You cannot help
But be all in
Unable to see
Nothing more than
A player
Not knowing the
Fact you’re playing
Or even the rules
Come and find me then
When ego dies collapsing
And all your dreams are ash
Your spirit destroyed
Leaving only spirit
Between the particles
In juxtapositional spaces
Dark and light, sound and silence
There exists nothing – short
Of everything there is
And ever will be
Formless objects will scream
Shin Jin No Met
But only deaf ears can hear
And blind eyes can see
Leaving behind everything
Reaching for oblivion
You will find the truth
That you have won it all
And won no thing
By Sergey Danshin
Words she spoke
For occasions true
Broken heartbreak life
Minds once wasn’t
To read is never fair
I’m twice refurbished
So is Existence
Sorry always scars
You see everyone
Understand it unnoticed
Mine history unpredictably
Is defined perseverance
Like future continues
Your Chanced Breathing
Cracked Armageddon life
Reality Battles Refuse
Fake Victory Ever
In struggle to
Broken Hope Consider
Mirrors Death Surrender
By Sergey Danshin
Lone bard linguistic
Aged sot archaic
Lacrima prosaic
Still saint quiescent
Eternally nascent
Heart beat senescent
Incarnately prescient
By Sergey Danshin
To mind palace flee
So serenity save
In haven you’re free
From trauma depraved
It’s walls you have built
Of nothing at all
To hide from your guilt
Far though you’ll fall
By Sergey Danshin
Eternity is simple moments
Moments repeated
Over and over
Nothing can ever
Be new
Everything is a replay
Path walked
People greeted
Dishes washed
Head shaved
I have always been less
Can I be reduced more
My entire being subsumed
To a number, an ID
My very DNA hash
It would be beautiful
Even in hexadecimal
Some program somewhere
Would make a note
Ghost in the machine
09/06/23 #2
By Sergey Danshin
I held her hand
Driving a rental
Down a highway
That I remember
Like her name
I lost it somewhere
Before divorce
Under pride
I can’t recall
She sold cars – that
Much I know – Acuras
We met at parks
Walked around lakes
Ellicott City – once
But if you put a gun
To my head – told me
We will let you go now
Just tell us her name
I’d still do my time
By Sergey Danshin
We put flowers on graves
For people whose calls
We didn’t pick up
Trying to buy redemption
For two dollars a stem
Granite headstones inscribed
Names, dates, and sentiments
Costing more than
The motel rooms
They died alone in
When they told you
How much it hurts
You didn’t like the tattoos
That they only got
To cover their scars
As memories recorded
In skin not polaroid
Broken cracks tracing
Words from tired mouths
To deaf ears
By Sergy Danshin
My friend they told me you died
I hate that I couldn’t be there
No matter how much we have cried
It will never be fair
You followed in the footsteps of Kai
Another soul that fentanyl’s taken
Her picture you painted; oh why
Our poisons we couldn’t’ve forsaken
When I was lost with nowhere to go
You loved me and you let me stay
So I’ll always miss you although
My hope is to see you someday
I had promised myself when I’m free
That you would be one of the first
People that I’ll travel to see
And I’ll keep my word though it hurts
I won’t be able to hold you
And never again kiss your face
But I’ll never want to forget you
So I can find your last resting place
When I arrive there I’ll weep
To simply tell you the truth
The cost of addictions too steep
For you to have paid with your youth
You won’t have to be there alone
I’ll visit to spend a few hours
No matter how time’s river has flowed
I swear I’ll cover you with flowers
If only each time we got high
Instead we had gone to NA
Maybe I wouldn’t wonder why
You couldn’t be here today
By Sergy Danshin
I still remain your spirit guide
Speaking across time and space
To reach wherever you reside
After you left without a trace
When you so angrily ran wild
Accusing me… what I forgave
The same sin that, you foolish childe
Confessed to me in letter brave
The petty pain that I live daily
Is fairly small when I compare
I wonder if so smooth your way be
As you imagined unaware
I realize now that I forgot
I promise you, I really did
The letters to me that you wrought
And then so diligently hid
A decade later I embrace
My own psychoses’ consequence
So I can see your action’s trace
The way I walked through hindsight’s lens
You won’t lose as much as I did
From me my fatherhood was torn
My progeny of me is rid
To you a child won’t be born
My first wife said, and I told you
That upon our reincarnation
We each select challenges true
Following our soul’s vocation
So ages past, I must have chose
To walk in Bodhisattva’s stages
Grasping the Dark Tower’s Rose
Paying in thorns all karma’s wages
No one escapes their share of pain
So I ascend to Stillness’ Saint
My message is the quiet rain
Behind closed windows sound faint
While fateful serpent tail devours
Endless snake that ouroboros
We all just repeat mistakes ours
Imprisoned inside viper’s torus
So you had tried me to escape
Slandering me with every breath
While I forget your very shape
But we won’t even part past death
I’m packed away ‘neath steel and stone
Yet still my words your eyes do reach
We are these ways Satori shown
If you forgot what I did teach
I’m sure that under faucet warm
You still hold hands so wrists are wet
When you awaken on cold morn
Our best you simply can’t forget
This is the cost of our delusion
For chasing castles in the sky
Doomed to remain in self-seclusion
Sometimes not even knowing why
It’s not that I no longer care
But I don’t want to hear from you
Wasting your breath’s useless affair
Mendacious ways all too untrue
From my stone keep I’m waiting still
For what exactly? I know not
Honing adamantine will
Trusting I am not forgot
My love will follow where you go
Even though I don’t pursue
As I did, you must learn from woe
No other ways: You’d always Rue
From wish’s fishes harvest roe
A rose by any other name
In longwood vineyards grapes still grow
The meaning always stays the same
Ignore the challenge of the future
Forget the burdens of the past
The present is our only tutor
You’ll find all quiet stillness vast
For Folly to be fixed: be still
Unmoving receive blessed treasure
All unthought action rendered nil
Fate’s fortune untold we can’t measure
To My Brother
To honor my brother – New
I am working hard to believe
Was it this hard for you
When you set out home to achieve
I always think of your story
A dozen years lost to rain
But I’ve never heard you feel sorry
You, to me, did not once complain
It would kill me to be so alone
As I see you so stoically are
Your example to me you have shown
Carrying past hurt with no scar
I don’t mean to broadcast your pain
It’s just that I so much admire
How sane you can remain
Through all that to you did transpire
Now as I walk my own path
Without knowing if I reach the end
Will this be all that I have
Will my freedom be able to mend
So you tell me I must believe
That I must have faith in my rhyme
That it’s yet too early to grieve
As I’m starting my mountain to climb
So I tell you: I don’t doubt in fate
I insist that I’ll somehow survive
Even though I’m unable to state
How the hell I’ll make it alive
But brother this is damned hand
Fortune could never have dealt
From life’s deck a more terrible card
That that which for years will not melt
In Tarot it’s called the nine swords
While she weeps they are hung on her wall
Carved on her bedframe – two lords
One of them destined to fall
I was the other of two
The Lord that was not to be slain
And I swear to you that it’s true
Even now I’m glad I remain
That night death came way too close
It almost took three or four lives
Forcing sobriety’s close
Bravely facing those knives
Instead to lifelong regret
Choice was made to slay not to die
So what use is there left to fret
Over which way destiny flied
Now the play has concluded
Curtains have closed; stage is dark
Audience hushed quite deluded
In the pit – one note plays – low and stark
So I send my love to my brother
Yes – I believe – I’ll return
I’m so glad we each picked each other
To see you again I am sworn.
A Poem
We move step by minute
Along all of life’s unknown rooms
Possibilities awaken infinite
As many to succeed as are doomed
What use is there to lose focus
On that which did not come to pass
You only accomplish lost focus
In abandoned potential’s morass
Keep your eyes instead ever with you
And appreciate all that you’re left
You can find the strength of your sinew
In qualities you`re never bereft
I cannot deny you your sorrow
But I’ll argue until bitter end
That on bright light of tomorrow
You’ll somehow be able to mend
Grim Reaper attack with your smile
Dark Woe with your laugh drive away
And ere short time or a while
You’ll find joy some sunny day
First of all friend be strong
Against all odds you have to endure
The time that you’re down will seem long
But at the end your freedom’s secure
Tell yourself you’re a good man
And remember all that you’re worth
You’re only been dealt a bad hand
This is not what has come of your birth
You will once more try from the start
Against all odds you must succeed
They forgot the depth of your heart
Resilient strength is your deed
You will show them all that you are
Beyond all challenges you’ll always win out
You will travel further than far
How dare in yourself do you doubt
I can see so much further than you
Through time and space goes my sight
So don’t you dare question my view
Just heal yourself through your plight
On horizon there’s richness and hope
A happy fortuitous time
Just let yourself casually hope
Toward your future sublime
By Sergey Danshin
How do we learn to forget
Where do we wash our minds clean
We must learn to shed our regret
Leave past hopes and dreams left unseen
Each day is a long bitter test
Just to see where you’ll find the path’s end
This is not a task we can best
No way time’s erosion defend
So don’t let your mind slowly bleed out
Keep as much of your sanity nigh
Put all of your loves lost to rout
Let your thoughts pass by with a sigh
Just remember with each and every breath
That you make your way slowly back home
This tale does not end in your death
You’ll be free once again streets to roam
It will not get for you any worse
Than it seems to be so today
So you need to tame this dark horse
Do not let your thoughts go astray
You will once again find great joy
And soon once more you’ll be free
All this is but Karma’s great ploy
Your seed will once more grow to tree
By Sergey Danshin
I’m off to heal and seal my fate
Without my partner by my side
And then God will set the date
For estranged lovers to collide
Life’s not a journey, nor a tale
But one long cruel unbroken joke
Yet I will yet again prevail
Once more deny the needle’s poke
The molly’s done, the flower finished
Mushrooms devoured, kittens fled
The stamps are ate, the snow is vanished
Only that bitch Tina lies in bed
A doorway shadowed
By unwelcome stranger
And yet my head is still unbowed
My tears flow free away from danger
How cruel unfair it is to be too distant
And be unable to protect
Those whose mind vanished in an instant
From that damn poison they inject
So I will sweat and I will strain
And I will shed my mortal coil
Each night to travel astral plane
And use my soul to fight her toil
When I awake, I’ll be alone
As those who are so quick forgot
And I will kneel on weary bone
To pray to God for all he’s got
Tis not a battle or a race
Nor is it contest for a prize
It’s not a moment to save fare
We can’t afford to be too wise
This is a fight that we must wage
Between bleak death and bright new life
There isn’t strong enough a cage
To keep me locked up in my strife
Please pray for us, and pray too hard
And ask for favors to repay
Karma is a levelheaded bard
And who can sing what it will say
By Sergey Danshin
How to define love eternal
What is undying affection
I swear on my heart’s inferno
To achieve this lofty perfection
Never letting go of your hands
From your pinkie’s scarred knuckle
To the clink of marital bands
My devotion to you will not buckle
When we earn our awaited reprieve
After winning this terrible war
My arms will wide open receive
The incandescent glow of heart’s roar
But today is another battle
Yet another climbable hill
Don’t succumb to the level of chattel
Avoid that avoidable still
For you brave fighter these words
For your fleet courage this ode
These are not for you binding cords
Nor is it some secretive code
We must live our lives once anew
Simpleminded in one easy task
Sobriety is not ingenue
Abstinence is our sole lonely ask

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