New York / Poetry / Ronald Cundiff (NY)

Poetry by Ronald Cundiff

By Ronald Cundiff

A cage inside a cage inside a cage
A face above a skull that hides a brain
Thoughts, Sights, Fantasies of what I hope to change
Equality was King’s dream for America’s society to imprison me
Precipitation of reality drenching my parade
So I stand in misery
Counted another Black Sheep tossed in a den of wolves
Forgotten by one and all
But on mail call I still await in vain to hear my name
Though the sound never resonates
An accepted fate of the non-recipient
A world draped in the circular face of Big Ben
Ticking away chipping away ‘til it reaches my time’s end…

By Ronald Cundiff

Chained and shackled in the cargo hold of vehicles
Shipping me slowly upriver downstream in different directions these aquatic bodies finally reach a destination barcoded processed pushed to comply the conivator bell functions like an assembly line shower, shave, dress, stand back in line fashioned in Corcraft’s best fresh set of greens classified convict, inmate, prisoner, criminal words that symbolize what people hate and despise zooed inside these institutions confined as time ticks away chipping away at youthfulness age seeps in and you’re but a forgotten midst of what you used to be gone are the days and unseen is the change taking place outside in society prisons a frozen eternity that remains the same an industrial complex finally seen from an abolitionist aspect of how these profiteering politicians politicing reformism with a mythological theory on rehabilitation while law officials propagate recidivism in this half baked hypocrisy of a United States…

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