Louisiana / Monique Houston (LA) / Poetry

Poetry by Monique Houston

I’m Mad Because…
By Monique Houston

We all have experienced different emotions; happiness, sadness, and madness. This writing is to demonstrate that we all feel all kinds emotions, but when you can channel your emotions, and stabilize your emotions, to where they are not out of control, then and only then you can write about anything.

Your writing doesn’t just become a hobby, it now moves to becoming Art. We begin to dig deeper, and our writing becomes art and we become artist. I now introduce you to a piece titled “I am Mad Because.”

“I’m Mad Because”, is not just any piece. Although, as I write this article, I hope to ignite peace. The peace of being able to speak up, and speak out freely, wisely. To know that we don’t always get the opportunity to speak out makes me mad. It makes me mad to know that men can do just about anything, get away with it, and still hold their position. Then, a woman does the same thing and she is patronized, dehumanized, and treated as if she has committed the ultimate sin. However, a man does wrong, and he’s elected into office and celebrates his next win.

I’m mad because we are trapped in a system that we are supposed to trust. The system is built to destroy your spirit, and crush your soul.

I’m mad because we all complain about who’s in office, but then we don’t even care to vote.

I’m mad because we are the reason each person is put in office.

I’m mad because we allow discord to divide us and beg God to unite us and then get mad at
him for the division we sowed among ourselves.

I’m mad because I’m hurting and no one sees.

Crying and no one cares. Not even the ones who promised to be there.

I’m mad because I care so much about you and how I wish you felt the same. I wish you could see me for the way I see you.

Ooooh, I’m mad because you might read this and think I am disappointed in you. I’m mad because you only see what you want, but hey that would never be me. I’m mad because at the end of this paragraph you still won’t understand.

I’m mad because in your eyes, I’ll never be enough. My loyalty would never be enough. You only see the flaws in me. It’s crazy because even your flaws, I don’t point out.


Well, our imperfections are made perfect through one person who loves us the most, God.

All I can say is I’m mad because.

I’m mad because I have the most forgiving heart.

I’m mad because most people know it and try to take advantage of it.

I’m mad because they don’t even realize I see right through it.

I’m mad because sometimes we make the worst decisions and then take years to rebuild after making them.

I’m mad because we allow people to hurt us, misuse us, abuse us, betray us and then we heal . . . . only to allow someone else to do it all over again.

I’m mad because we long so hard, and wait so long for someone to love us back, only to find out the way we love is not how they love.

I’m mad because sometimes the person you love, loves you too late. And by the time they love you back, the two of you can no longer relate.

I’m mad because I am writing this from a pure place, safe space. I’m pouring my heart out all into this art. As I write, “I’m Mad Because” – I realize being mad is a choice.

So, at this moment, I choose to drop my madness and peace is what I now release.

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