Statistics of Populations
By Michael Singh
Dear Dr. J. McNeal,
Class starts with ‘Put on your thinking cap!’
We are now in a statistics habitat
This is the Dr. pharmaceuticals go to see
McNeal teaches math as best as can be
His style of lecture is both intense and humble
It makes mind’s empire of doubt crumble
The Dr. you go and see, McNeal’s the name
He puts you light years ahead in the statistics game
A precise surgeon with statistical math
So great a professor, he makes class a mental mind bath
Statistics is a language with its own native tongue
Completing the course takes you to the highest mental rung
His teaching style is the Stanford Experiment in reverse
Your mind can overcome the thought most adverse
Teaches you how to conquer a self-doubting mind
To be blessed with a prof like Dr. McNeal is hard to find
You actually learn stats and it’s beyond a reasonable doubt
We’ve been taught ‘How can I figure this out?’
He’s helped the entire class learn and inherit
Compassionate math rehabs the mind and repair it
The prof put us on teams and watched the show
Then pushed us to learn, work, and grow
Formulas exponentially accumulate, like really compound
This Dr. made us our best pound for pound
He’s guided us to statistically fit in with the best of ‘em
We can now blend in college with the rest of ‘em
A high-class act, diverse: black, white, Hispanic, and Punjabi
Solving correlation equations, in a streak hotter than wasabi
A jury of my peers locked me up and threw away the key
Now the California Racial Justice Acct will statistically set me free
Intelligence found where its thought not to exist
Thie real rehabilitation talk must continue to persist
Statistics, a language so universal
Dr. Mac helps math anxiety be a full reversal
Taking this class behind prison walls while doing time
It’s a mental Mount Everest you will climb
Answering questions in class, a dopamine rush
Along the way, every self-doubt I crush
The Doc knows as a minority you must
Push 2 times as hard to achieve and kick up dust
To life the entire team up is a very skilled trait
Only done by all the ones who are great
Here today this correlation is causation
As we’ve been pushed to a self-vindication
You’ve show me math is more than a grade
Looking at all of life’s squared progress I made
Teaching at a riveting pace, then says, ‘Letit sink in’
We’ve learned standard deviation, psychological link-in
Dr. J. McNeal, thank you for the inspiration, you are
a real-life action hero, statistical superstar
To overcome math anxiety, so deeply rooted
I’m mentally stronger now, so well suited!
You’ve instilled a larger slice of inspiration and desire
To achieve goals in life, by how high the brain can aspire
Eyes That Hear
By Michael Singh
History ignores the unheard voice. Case in point: On an international stage, a man faked being a sign language interpreter (SLI) in Africa, while signing for U.S. President Barack Obama. There was no pre-speech verification of the man’s credentials, the self-purported SLI’s translation – for all intents and purposes – was visual gibberish. The intended audience of the SLI were the only ones who could – in real time – see that it was not a translation of anything for the deaf or hard-of-hearing. More was made of the imposter having made it onto an elevator, than perhaps the biggest mockery of sign language ever.
Based on the reading, I whole heartedly agree with a broadening in audism defined as “an attitude based on pathological thinking which results in a negative stigma toward anyone who does not hear; like racism or sexism, audism judges, labels and limits individuals on the basis of whether a person hears or speaks.” Janice Humphrey and Bob J. Alcorn, So you want to be an interpreter? : an introduction to sign language interpreting (Amarillo, TX : H & H Publishers, 1995), p.85. Audism defined serves as a great prelude to “5 Examples to Learn and Avoid” in the class packet. For example, “1. Not making the effort to communicate” manifested itself to me when a prison guard refused to engage in “written notes”, when my hearing aid batteries were dead, because it consumes “too much time.” Behind prison walls, the largest form of discrimination experienced by the deaf and hard-of-hearing is communication discrimination, when staff don’t exercise due diligence, because no one can make them.
I further agree with the expansion of the definition by Harlan Lane and others to, “include institutional and group attitudes, practices, and oppression of deaf persons.” It goes right to the hears of “2. Assuming deaf people can’t do things” and “3. Approaching deafness as a tragedy”. Discrimination and oppression are born in the : we(re) vs them (with “we” being better than “them”). People will use a perceived flaw in others to elevate their own self-worth; they will also use it as a control mechanism. This principle in practice is well defined, “In short, audism is the hearing way of dominating, restructuring and exercising authority over the deaf community” Harlan Lane, The mask of benevolence : disabling the deaf community (New York : Knopt, 1992), p.43. Some people like to have power/control over others. Being deaf/hard-of-hearing is perceived by others as a vacuum/void to assert control i.e. like when Africans were deemed to be less than human (at 3/5 of a person) to “justify” the unjustifiable.
Don’t think less of me because you see me wearing hearing aids! Treat me normal! So what if I talk loud at times! It’s because I can’t hear how loud I am. Yes, some of my facial expressions may be kind of animated! It’s because I need you to understand me, the same way you want me to understand you when you say, “Can you hear me now?” I enjoy communication and human interaction. So please, don’t underestimate me. “4. Patronizing behavior” cause I’m deaf or hard-of-hearing. Being deaf or hard-of-hearing causes people to assume you can’t relate. Why don’t I always wear my hearing aids? They make my ears sweat, itch; when I’m being pushed (wheelchair) and the pusher yells – it hurts; cause prison is like high school and people say things; cause they amplify more of what I can’t hear properly enunciated; cause I can’t use the phone or ear buds with them, and more! So don’t ask, ever, again! “5. Employment discrimination”; by the way, just because I’m deaf/hard-of-hearing, does not mean I don’t have a work ethic or that I’m lazy. If anything, my double effort put forth tl level the playing field can be argued makes me/us stronger!
In fact, the more people learn to communicate with deaf or hard-of-hearing people, the better off society is. Due to my diminishing hearing, when watching football, it causes me to visually analyze the play more thoroughly. This causes me to rely less on the spoken word interpretation of the game announcer. The average person allows what they hear to dictate what they see; I don’t have that problem! You also never know when you may require the assistance of someone who is deaf or hard-of-hearing i.e. like on a rainy day when your car needs a “jump” you won’t care if the person with “jumper cables” is deaf or hard-of-hearing, will you?
Don’t Hate On (Elder) Me!
By Michael Manjeet Singh
Why are you bullying old, Asian women and men?
The Bay Area news footage repeats over and over again!
I wish more people who see a bully engaged in a hate crime,
Would actually hate the hate, call the police and drop a dime!
Aggressive individuals push and push: the old, very humble and silent,
Until we (the elders) can’t take no more; you tryin’ to turn me violent?
I ain’t no ‘killa’ (but to defend my life), please don’t push me,
‘Cause everybody feel (one elder hit his head and died), this can’t continue to be!
But each time I take a stroll down a Chinatown street,
I silently ponder, if another elder (me) is going to get severely beat?
It’s America, the weak and oppressed must help each other along the way,
“Land of the Free” doesn’t mean – rob me to make me pay!
I’m trying to live my old age in harmony and peace,
PLease, make the violence desist and cease!
On January 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol: All U.S. minorities are under the same attack,
“Can’t we all just get along?” and make a solidarity pact?
Why must you be so quick to batter me and HATE?
Attacking me and a greater controversy you create!
Now, it’s way bigger than just the two of us,
People think, ‘Asian speak no English and talk crazy mess on the bus!’
Didn’t you see the movie, “Do the Right Thing” by Spike Lee?
The Asian store owner said, “‘I’m black, too!’, ‘cause WE fighting together to be ‘free’!”
We are both part (of the same side), same group of minority!
Don’t be a sinner and act as a menace to society!
I’m too old to walk around with a gun,
It weighs too much (both literally and proverbially) and ain’t no fun.
You use your hard times and make me a helpless victim,
At sentencing you’ll say, “Not because he’s Asian, I randomly picked him.”
The D.A. will say, “Another ‘brotha’ in prison! We’re on a roll!”
She’s white privilege and HATES Asians too, cancelling Chinatown patrol!
I just want to relax, live in peace and calm,
So when I get home, I can rub my feet with Tiger Balm.
Struggle and Justice
By Michael Manjeet Singh
This poem is supposed to be about purported American ideals like struggle and justice.
History repeats, as greedy elected leaders fail it, so justice?
DNA shows you cannot trust this!
Citizens struggles make them forget incarcerated loved ones, suffering of prejudice and pandemic, a devil’s dichotomy.
Pandora’s box is open! Universal COVID-19 and the racist police killing of Lady Breonna Taylor, in this year, 2020!
President Trump nefariously named it “King Flu” (next internment?) blaming all who is (me) Asian.
How does one educate the misinformed masses and convert it into a positive persuasion?
Video shows all! Eric Garner of carotid choke, then George Floyd, a knee asphyxiating his neck.
Their last breaths sputtered forth – “I can’t breathe!” as they are forcefully face pressed to the concrete deck.
Twin razors bleed the USA; one of the body (SARS-2), the other implicitly biased and bigoted brain.
Kaepernick (foretold it) with a knee to take a stand; wicked white cop knelt for 8:46 to take life, how insane!
From inside prison (Plato’s Cave), my T.V. window to the world I see people marching, chanting “No justice, no peace!”
Same scene next day, unarmed and non-white minorities, victims of crooked cops hollering “Defund the police!”
Code of silence ensure charges never stick (Kevlar badges) exit court, wild crowds smash windows, spray paint, “Justice or riot!”
Body cams show four pigs weighing him down, the white one, hand in pocket (like business as usual), “You can’t deny it!”
Petri dish prison life is just as bad! The callous contagion, ‘cancelled all visits until further notice’.
Not seeing my family, my mind is a mess without seeing them. It severely disables my head’s equilibrium and bliss.
My mama’s hugs and kiss (is the magical human touch, a love that means so much) drought of which induces tears to fall.
The real me exposed when with my loved ones – laughing and loving family of four. Only with them do I stand tall.
Difficult are daily prison encounters with demons’ dysfunctions disguised as a toll of emotional distress.
My internal conflicts constantly work hard to seek my justice denied, a never-ending mental duress.
Challenges come multiple as migraines exponentially worsen, so I push myself and go (hella!) hard in the paint.
Cause with trials and tribulations (truth does not prevail!) as prison is a place where it really cain’t.
Struggle: to overcome and realise a dream. As MLK Jr. said, “To be judged by the content of your character, not by the colour of your skin!”
Justice: to level playing fields, reparations and ethnic balance to void institutional racism, so we can all win!
Cesar Chavez said, “Si Se Puede!”, Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see!”
Only, if we all follow roads to this path, can we as humans sustain a collectively moral victory! All individuals, black and brown, are not spontaneously good, all white people are not automatically bad.
Sometimes we all fail to see that the worst is ‘your own kind’, evoking a hurt you never had!
Citizens struggles make them forget incarcerated loved ones, suffering of prejudice and pandemic, a devil’s dichotomy.
Pandora’s box is open! Universal COVID-19 and the racist police killing of Lady Breonna Taylor, in this year, 2020!
President Trump nefariously named it “King Flu” (next internment?) blaming all who is (me) Asian.
How does one educate the misinformed masses and convert it into a positive persuasion?
Video shows all! Eric Garner of carotid choke, then George Floyd, a knee asphyxiating his neck.
Their last breaths sputtered forth – “I can’t breathe!” as they are forcefully face pressed to the concrete deck.
Twin razors bleed the USA; one of the body (SARS-2), the other implicitly biased and bigoted brain.
Kaepernick (foretold it) with a knee to take a stand; wicked white cop knelt for 8:46 to take life, how insane!
From inside prison (Plato’s Cave), my T.V. window to the world I see people marching, chanting “No justice, no peace!”
Same scene next day, unarmed and non-white minorities, victims of crooked cops hollering “Defund the police!”
Code of silence ensure charges never stick (Kevlar badges) exit court, wild crowds smash windows, spray paint, “Justice or riot!”
Body cams show four pigs weighing him down, the white one, hand in pocket (like business as usual), “You can’t deny it!”
Petri dish prison life is just as bad! The callous contagion, ‘cancelled all visits until further notice’.
Not seeing my family, my mind is a mess without seeing them. It severely disables my head’s equilibrium and bliss.
My mama’s hugs and kiss (is the magical human touch, a love that means so much) drought of which induces tears to fall.
The real me exposed when with my loved ones – laughing and loving family of four. Only with them do I stand tall.
Difficult are daily prison encounters with demons’ dysfunctions disguised as a toll of emotional distress.
My internal conflicts constantly work hard to seek my justice denied, a never-ending mental duress.
Challenges come multiple as migraines exponentially worsen, so I push myself and go (hella!) hard in the paint.
Cause with trials and tribulations (truth does not prevail!) as prison is a place where it really cain’t.
Struggle: to overcome and realise a dream. As MLK Jr. said, “To be judged by the content of your character, not by the colour of your skin!”
Justice: to level playing fields, reparations and ethnic balance to void institutional racism, so we can all win!
Cesar Chavez said, “Si Se Puede!”, Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see!”
Only, if we all follow roads to this path, can we as humans sustain a collectively moral victory!
All individuals, black and brown, are not spontaneously good, all white people are not automatically bad.
Sometimes we all fail to see that the worst is ‘your own kind’, evoking a hurt you never had!
Lost and Profound
By Michael Manjeet Singh
Literal torture inflicted upon my mental health
No longer am I young, it aint my sense of wealth
Each minute is an awfully cruel, emotional drain
Falling into dark pits, losing ground fast, without any gain
How can I rehabilitate, improve and be changed,
When your psychosis is to isolate me and make me deranged?
You separated me from the pack, Now I’m a recluse
Hear that sound? Rollin’ around my screws are now loose.
This duress adversely warps my mind
Stressin’ in solitary (SHU, ASU) its effects are far from kind
Efforts to use coping skills become A MAJOR COMPLICATION
Nullified because never-ending cortisol distress of subjugation
This solo situation – PROMPTED BY A RUSE – is fully forced
I hear hella voices and counting yet from reality I’m divorced
Forced solitude makes me feel so hollow and empty inside
Its’ cemetary silent, feels like a graveyard, like I’ve died
I’m locked in here – all alone, can’t call those loved one, my vital lifeline
Desperately, I need a phone to hear voices I love so I know they’re fine
A panic, induced isolation, causing me to truly, seriously suffer
From intimate connection to life, there’s no greater buffer
Being socially lonely has a permanent and deadly impact
It feels like your entire soul has been fatally attacked
The Mental Black Hole exacerbates the mind’s pain
I don’t know how to deal with this erraticated brain
They told fabrications to put me inside – all lies!
Since I’m falsely accused, should I inflict real pain evoking tears from eyes?
This scenario is well known to drive many men critically insane
I am strong and will thrive until I can no longer feign
I feel like I’m at the end of my rope
What else can I hold on to, to give me some hope?
Prison is dark already, this deconstruction of brain, only makes it more
How long before they open this pit from the depths of hell’s door?
When will this cavity fully engulf and swallow me?
I want to feel as if I’m part of something bigger, don’t you see?
Focus fiercely because light always comes after the dark.
All you need is synapse wire with a small inner spark
You have to come back – circle of life – like a boomerang
Gotta fight hard, grit your teeth and show your fang
In my mind’s eye, this is the solitary (SHU, ASU) segregation effect
My face, a façade, so my emotions YOU CAN’T READ OR DETECT
Physically, I am fine, safe and sound
But still, the loneliness in my heard and mind is quite profound.
Illness Overcome… & Then Some
By Michael Manjeet Singh
(Written January 2021)
Illness Overcome… & Then Some
By Michael Manjeet Singh
(Written January 2021)
In some form or fashion,
Everyone needs a little compassion
Arrested development and trauma leads to the loss of your emotional core
Walls are put up, then you’re locked behind mental bars and a steel door
Because most chase momentary, instant gratification
As their only concern is the one and only #1
Everyone stays too busy to stop, look and listen
Suddenly it’s you covered in sweat with a body chills kinda condition
What’s the matter? Covid cat got your tongue?
It devours your each breath and inflames every lung
This illness aint no joke! You better mask it!
Cause it’s killed more in the U.S. than WWII, 425,000 in a casket.
Vaccines – Moderna, Pfizer or J & J – it don’t matter what kind
Get in where you fit in, cause this shot is hard to find!
I know cause I’ve been there and done that
After Covid-19 came and left me, I was no longer fat!
The vomiting aint no simple hangover, I went 6 hours straight – for hella long
Couldn’t even hold down liquid Pedialite, it came out all wring
As I wondered when will I be free, in went the I.V.
I looked up and saw wires, a machine, and a nurse
And a bagful of liquid that looked like a see through purse.
The currency it carried is called bamianinivab
After the 3 tube transfusion and two days of non-stop sleep, I felt FAB!
No one is too big or tough to avoid getting this illness inoculated
Not even Nostradamus could’ve foreseen or calculated
So, you better beware of how you (treat others) act
Cause you never know (when and) whose help you’ll truly need
Make every day a random act of kindness and do a good deed
Cause it aint over, even after you think you are fine
When you try and take a deep breath, you’ll hear a wheezing whine
You’ve gotta wait for much longer until you can feel like you’re back to norm
Healing and recovery is like unlocking that steel, heavy door.
Like to unbuild mountains and unlearn racism is a never-ending chore
Whether you’re in or out of a real or ‘self-made’ prison cell
Loneliness forced solitude and illness is the worst kind of HELL!
When you decide to fight and finally test your best self and all the more
Only with genuine intent and focused drive can you succeed, breaking obstacles
And pushing through that door!
By Michael Manjeet Singh
Folks might wonder, “How could I, when I didn’t even know ‘em?”
I am the affirmative advocate, to write and speak of in favor
With my tireless, writer’s left hand, each victory I savor
But I’ll tell you what, if you see e day in and day out – I’m doin’ my dirt
I put in work, filing papers exercisin’ rights, striking blows and makin’ the system hurt!
After 6:30 AM insulin and chow, I sit at the same prison dayroom table with my ink pen
I’m coffee’d up and ‘para gratis,’ I help whoever shows up with a grievance or lawsuit again
Just when you think doin’ time can’t get no harder, THINK TWICE
As you sit from your cushy house, and all the other amenities of paradise
Things I always say to people around me, “write that ass up!” on paper
Cause most inmates talk too much, complain a lot – spewing poisonous vapor
I respect people who are NOT a pawn in the process
Those who fight the system, and this crazy COVID-19 mess
Despite this wheelchair, I want people to remember, that I can take flight in the air!
I take the systems’ plights and use it as fuel to my fire to change all the racism and unfair
I possess the intangible skill to never stop trying — my indomitable will
To overcome and to do it against all odds, I’m the underdog with undeniable skill!
Have been to hell and back, I returned dripping fire,
“I won the ultimate fight a battle royal for my life!” — is how to remember me!
My heart and soul bears too many emotional wounds and scars
I think about them deeply, mostly at night — in the dark — when I see steel bars
I’ve heard, “That which doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger!”
I constantly wonder — all this suffering — how much longer?
When I think, reflect, reminisce and remember
About back in the day when I was (young & dumb & full of come) younger
The age-old riddle of, “How do you inject the knowledge from experience and wisdom
Directly into the youth mind without them enduring the tortuous life’s pain and then some
A truly real thing about doing time, something that I’m always thinking of…
That a boring night at home is a luxury I truly miss in my home full of love
That he IS (I AM) a loving Son, a great Big Brother, a one of a kind…
That he is a truly loyal friend and always willing to help, qualities that are hard to find,
A very hard worker and an energetic hunger to fight the draconian system
Built from ill-treatment, reprisals and residual retaliation (animus) from CO’s who’ve dissed him
Michael Manjeet Singh always says, “Fight the Power!” re: corruption and CO misconduct
Cause if you don’t, you lose all rights for compensation in court and you’re phucked!
I love who I am — battle scars and all
It makes me unique and allows me TO STAND TALL!
My emotions are like cuff links and worn on my sleeves
Cause it keeps ‘em off of you, ain’t no honor among them badge-wearing thieves
I see, hear, and feel this stuff — all at the same time, if looks could be deceiving
You’d be surprised it ain’t us prisoners who’s getting ALL the COVID-19 cleaning supplies receiving
These are the daily issues and agendas that materialize from the angry talk
I do my best to encourage everyone to file paperwork and walk the walk
So “remember me” and the things I’m speaking of, ain’t none of it fiction
Hopefully, the reader won’t ever be required to spend time inside a prison’s jurisdiction
A Letter to My 15 Year Old Self
By Michael Manjeet Singh
Dear Michael,
Learn what you can from other people’s negative experiences without having to endure it yourself. Be patient. Don’t win the battle just to lose the war. Meditation helps. Don’t get involved with married women. Treat everyone well. Always work hard.
Remember what God has done – give you 2 ears and one mouth and recall what it means – to listen twice as much as you talk. Always help others with your skills – especially those with mental issues, lack of education and/or those with limited English. You can change the world outside, from being strong on the inside (both in attitude and in location of prison). Don’t procrastinate with homework and term papers. Learn to fail so you can learn to succeed. Always remember – the power of the people is greater than the people in power! And use that mindframe to unite positive people to achieve great things. Never stop puttin’ in work. When you get tired, work even harder – using your passion as fuel. Make and carry a daily ‘things to do’ list; learn everything you can – cut out articles, write down quotes you like and define words (from dictionary), when you come upon a word you don’t know, use pockets of time (at work, while waiting at the clinic, etc., ) to prepare – because luck is when preparation meets opportunity. Learn to organize – e.g. date important events, so when you refer back to the event – you have an important reference point; be neat so your mind doesn’t carry the ‘mental weight’ of feeling the clutter that you’ve created by being a pack-rat.
Remember that fear is really – what you think that others think about you. You can’t control others’ response – but you can control the most important response, and that is your own. Everyone has a story and a perspective that you can learn something from – so remember to: listen to learn and learn to listen better and better. Make time for your self – peace, introspective process and mindful meditation. Do extra work and be diligent in your studies – especially when everyone is taking it easy. Don’t be a know-it-all because you’ll blow-it-all! Talk quick and make it slick – so it will stick. Be reliable and follow through. You are not alone. Your parents and brother love you and will be there for you NO matter what. You can do it all right and things can still go wrong – this is when your focus factor will help you push and achieve all the way through. The right things will happen at the right time – so believe in God.
Yours truly,
Your Older Version,
Michael Manjeet Singh
1.) I’m all alone,
Can’t use the phone!
Pigs plant evidence,
Chit don’t make sense,
Locked in a fence.
2.) Billy Club, night stick,
Hit me hella, in my dick!
Don’t believe the hype,
The po-po lies in their type!
3.) Can’t even open my mouth,
To try and eat,
Face smashed south,
Hella hard to concrete.
4.) Ain’t no camera/video,
Cause the state capitol
Of Cali, in Sacramento
Is the CO’s Union’s (CCPOA) HO!
5.) Need a lady in my life,
To help me get through the strife
& clasp my hand,
Through tough times, hourglass passing SAND!
6.) They mock me
For what I (race) be!
Call me camel jockey,
Sand nigga & paki
Since 9/11, I’m all of the above.
7.) Strong despite IT!
After each hit after hit!
I hope this goes viral
To end police-violence & it’s never ending SURVIVAL
8.) Don’t get mad or act of outrage
If you haven’t (or won’t) MADE.
A stand to try & make this forbade
Police BRUTALITY, the worst kinda FADE!
9.) How can I be sane?
When on a daily, I’m losing more of my brain,
Physically, I’m losing too-I walk with a cane!
10.) How is the USA home of the brave & freedom of choice
When you can’t take a knee (to take a stand) as your voice?
What’s going on? You ain’t sure
Until they put you down face 1st & force you to endure.
11.) My family, my LOVED ONES can only do so much,
Cause the police (CO’s), intentionally keep me OUT OF TOUCH!
They put me “in the hole”, solitary, asu and such!
12.) Kill a prisoner,
& nobody cares til it’s too late
To assault a guard & injure,
The inmate gets killed & CO’s call it “fate.”
They hit you so hard, til you say SIR
Then hide behind WHITE PRIVILEGE
As if they’re standing on the other side of the Golden Gate bridge!
13.) We are not equal
That’s a buncha bull!
He hates me! = He hurt me! =
He hold the KEY,
Got hit so hard, it hurt to PEE!
14.) Even breathing’ cause me serious pain
Hella blows, down on me they struck,
Like a huge windfall & major downpour of rain!
It hurt so bad, all I could do is be a sitting duck.
15.) They hurt the brave
Even if you behave
You are “belly-chained” like a slave
16.) Breathing hurts my chest
By kicks in jest
The police, I detest
“Don’t resist!”
Got me pissed
17.) They say “stop resisting!”
As you lay, taking blows & twisting
To stagger the misting
Of all the pepper spray
Used to ruin your day
18.) That’s life in prison
Everyday’s SURVIVAL is a MISSION!
The police “code of silence”
Keeps hidden & perpetuates “correctional” violence
19.) It’s me that that pig tried to rape
But I kick & fought, refusing to let that pig penetrate
There’s only so much hate I can take
That had me thinkin’, “should I never awake?”
They use the fact of your incarceration
As a means for il-perceivewd corporal punishment justification.
20.) They say “to protect & serve”
But all they do is give us shit we don’t deserve
A gang (with badges(, a forceful team of minority haters!
21.) White hoods replaced with badges & gun
Reach for (whatever) & you are done!
22.) Unreasonable xenophobia & fear
Don’t justify guns, tanks & military gear
If somebody don’t or won’t stop the police shooting
There’s gonna be never-ending riots & looting
This is their way of ethnic cleansing our lives mooting
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