You Don’t Know Me
By: Maurice Hollis
How can you justify my actions,
Based off my past;
Don’t you know that I only get mad,
When you say and think that I am;
I want what’s best for life,
What makes your world spin?
For me … it’s you, followed by freedom –
I want to relive and share happiness;
You’re enjoying life, and experiencing priceless
Moments, while I’m dying for a chance;
We haven’t seen each other in a while,
Not a single touch – nor the slightest smell;
I miss you, while you’re missing the new me;
You think you know me,
While I’m wishing that you knew me – but
…you don’t know me.
I Finally Saw You 2-20-22
By Maurice Hollis
I finally saw you on 2-20-22, and
You’re so gorgeous;
You make me smile,
And I still can feel butterflies;
Staring into your eyes, I can see
The pain longing to be set free;
I want to be the one to relieve
Your pain, and become your happiness;
I love you with every breath that I take,
And with every beat of my heart;
Your laugh gives me goose bumps,
And conversating with you is contagious;
I finally saw you, and it was a blessing;
It was like any time slowed down and
No one else mattered, but … you;
I finally saw you, and I can’t wait
To see you again …
By Maurice Hollis
How could our feelings be mutual,
and we’ve never met?
We’ve never locked eyes,
nor inhaled a whiff of one another’s body fragrance;
We didn’t meet at the same bar, at a party,
or literally bump into each other;
We never crossed paths –
I can only imagine if we were in each other’s presence;
Could such a powerful connection be that possible?
I believe in fate and destiny –
they’re both born from prayers and blessings;
Don’t ever think it’s something random or weird happening –
allow it,
Because it’s definitely not a coincidence…
Be My Valentine
By Maurice Hollis
At first sight, the moment the eyes met
Struck an instant love connection
The heart increased speed beating rapid
As the one you admire approaches
Your adrenaline rushes and you began to feel chills
And then the moment you hear their voice you
Become antsy
You then lean into their out stretched arms
Anticipating their warm hug;
Suddenly their aroma awakens your raspatory system
(take a deep breath)
You feel at home, happy, and at peace
Today doesn’t make a difference from yesterday
Or tomorrow either;
Every day you’re my valentine – and I’ll love you
I miss you when you’re away and when I’m
With you – we’re on our own paradise
No matter if it’s in our dreams; fantasies
Reality, you’ll always be mine;
You’re my permanent vacation
And we shall age like wine;
Let’s make a toast for every year
Of you being my valentine…
By Maurice Hollis
How is it that I’m still begun punished
On top of my punishment;
Haven’t I already lost time, why rip my hear out too;
Shouldn’t the past be forgotten – don’t you believe
In change;
Do you think you’re the only one who feels
Pain or cries;
Don’t I deserve to be loved and given a
Chance to heal
Will I continue to be lashed, spit on
And mentally abused – until you think
I’ve had enough?
Did you create life, the heavens, or the
Earth – does the world revolve around you?
It seems to allow me to get close
Just to break me apart – all over again
Does that bring you joy or give you power, how long will I spend in your hell
Only to find out that I deserve heaven…
by Maurice Hollis
Since birth, it is in our human nature,
In which the bad is entangled with the good;
The breaking of the law, simply by emotion,
Bad deeds, physical harm, and day riding with the enemy.
The act of committing unwillingly and naturally,
because of lack of love and attention;
It’s a vow that’s easily broken, misinterpreted, and often hypocritical;
There are many, but none differs, nor is greater than the others.
There is one who was perfect, and astrayed from sin.
From his walk to the way he talked;
He showed it was possible to neglect sin, and he accepted
the punishment that we truly deserve – He allowed his
actions to show different;
He made a way for us to have a future that should have been forbidden;
He allowed a chance to start over and be… forgiven.
Joy to the World
by Maurice Hollis
How many often misinterpret Christmas?
We see every street, every home, and every face lit very bright.
There’s a feast and festivals,
The jingles play soft and,
people think of Santa, reindeers, and presents.
Do we wait for this day, just to receive gifts?
To find out who’s naughty or nice.
Do we stand guard, hoping not to see the Grinch?
Do material things bring joy?
Aren’t those things temporary? Why believe in myth?
Don’t you know the greatest gift of all
was born on this day?
December 25 is the birth of Christ.
What he was born to do;
the sacrifice, for us to experience
Joy – forever…
This isn’t just joy for me,
This is a joy to the world…
Let us rejoice and sing…
by Maurice Hollis
You can’t change people, but…
You could make them smile, laugh, and cry.
You could develop relationships that
allow seeds to sprout new growth.
There will be times of hardship, and sickness –
than times you’ll overcome.
People pursue happiness and moments that dream
relive – even money can’t buy time.
People enjoy parties, have dinners, and take many
vacations – who loves to sleep in?
People are born to learn how to crawl, walk, and
talk – what was your first word?
People grow up from teens, to adults, and some marry;
People then become parents and grandparents – who
could love you like Grandma?
Peoples’ lifespans eventually end as the way of
life repeats in a revolving cycle, and…
Eventually we will live in paradise forever –
Color amongst color and people of all people.
A Thanks that’s Giving
By Maurice Hollins
“All Hail God!”
For each breath of life,
For family and many blessings;
For music, pie, turkey,
Laughter and dressing;
Thanks for giving us good health,
And keeping us together;
Thanks for giving answers to prayer,
And for the clear path – through
Stormy weather;
We’ve overcome a pandemic,
You proved a life worth living;
In return I want to worship you,
And give you a thanks that’s giving;
Happy Thanksgiving…
Emotional Scar
By Maurice Hollis
As we all know, Covid-19 has taken a huge toll on humanity. It allowed the world to become out of shape physically and financially – we couldn’t afford food or household products. The only good habit humanity has shared, was staying strong emotionally.
Don’t get it twisted, humanity was afraid of the unknown, but it’s in our human nature to persevere. Emotionally, we refused to be locked down and confined to our homes. We wanted to party and still work to provide for our families. We wanted to eat out, go to a movie, and enjoy family and friends – living life like it was our last. We refused to let masks suffocate us and began to breathe – because in reality we need to. We didn’t allow our emotions to run wild on being sitting ducks, and decided to find a cure with several vaccines. Keeping our emotions in check allowed us to see a way out of no way.
Secondly, humanity found a voice to believe in, to uplift their spirits – either from Doctor Fouche, or their faith in God above. Humanity believed that Doctor Fouche – understood and could predict the outcome of our future by taking vaccines and also by predicting the timeline that Covid-19 would decrease. Those who believed in God felt like faith was their only cure, and that there was no need for a vaccine. Believers had faith that Covid-19 would pass over, and that it was a sign to become closer to God.
Finally, emotions ran wild in the love department, humanity cherished one another and got closer to each other, without trying to. There were more stronger bonds and people wanting to get married. People wanted to try new things and their spirits were high, knowing that through these troubled times, someone was with them through it all.
During the aftermath, the physical aspect of life only fluxuated throughout our five senses, and financially money can never beat happiness – or time. But when you have a healthy habit emotionally, you could overcome a pandemic – even if you can’t see it.
Why Do Men Cry
By Maurice Hollis
We’ve heard the gossip – the rumors are true,
For those in denial, who say men don’t – they do;
Tears drop, because our day ones received an “L”,
Or from reading RIP on stoned concrete;
They fall from reflecting back on ducking and
Dodging bullets in the trenches – against F Opps;
From hustling getting no sleep – sacrificing
Everything to these streets;
The flood gates open, looking at pictures, going
around those same blocks, and now realizing
That – you’re the last one left;
All you can do is look up – wondering why,
Why was I spared against all odds?
Saved to rekindle pain and grief;
Staring at the ceiling confined in this cell,
The light bulb clicks – I was saved by the system;
I was given time to evaluate my life, to slow
Down from moving with the world,
And to be able to still be a father –
now a different set of tears fall;
I was given a number to allow maturity and for
God and I to jail.
I know I’m not alone, my loved ones feel it to,
And the ones that I’ve lost…They look down upon me
I cried because I couldn’t go on, because I needed them
But just like these memories – They never left;
As I wipe away the tears, I hold my head up high,
I’ve now accented my transformation;
Accepting the responsibility of a man
Men it’s ok to cry – Don’t hold it in.
It’s not a feeling of failure, and a foundation, that structure,
We cry knowing God is always watching,
And his voice is powerful – flowing like the wind
The fear that we will not be accepted
If we let Him down – we cry realizing
Freedom has no end…
Never Too Late
By Maurice Hollis
How often do we run a race,
Only to root for a winner?
Who’s out there in the crowd,
Cheering for everyone – just to finish;
Just to win a race shows
Confidence, courage and a leap of faith;
Imagine the overwhelming feeling,
Dashing across the finish line – first through last,
It’s never too late;
How many often astray – not intentionally,
But often procrastinate or become set back?
In this great big world, you are only a speck,
Negativity comes to knock you off track;
We are quick to give up, and throw in the towel,
But if you don’t want to live life for you,
Live life for a better future – Think about your child;
Feed off of hunger and pain…
When you get tired and want change,
You toss and turn, and you lay wide awake;
You start to walk different, think different,
And your talk becomes motivative;
It’s human nature to grow – not fate,
You finally can look into the mirror, and look at yourself
With a smile – thinking out loud, “It’s never too late!”
So many of my friends have graduated,
They’ve advanced in their careers – while I’m stuck in the wake;
I reflect, at the finish line is where they wait – they haven’t forgotten about me;
They’re cheering, clapping and rooting for me – they never stopped
I can hear the chants as I’m closing my eyes
50 Shades of Red
By Maurice Hollis
How many believe, this world is real, what realm are you in – do you wish to fly, like a dove,
Since birth, there has been shown, several definitions of love, motherly love, absent fatherly love, sibling love, sexual love, friendship love, and most of all – tough love,
The only love that has been unconditional, beams down from above.
It hurts to know, how much your life, can affect others,
A woman becoming a wife, a child raised not being a bastard, and families puzzle completion – Wouldn’t that be a blessing. How would life be, if the tears that fall, didn’t fall for pain and neglect – but as the tears fell, didn’t fall for pain and neglect – but as the tears fell, you suddenly receive what you wanted, and free without a debt to collect.
How would you feel if you were finally given that chance, would you regret it – or believe it’s real.
Would you consider it destiny or a waste of time, since they were never there for you – and feel that they didn’t deserve…the new you.
Why didn’t you grow with me, are you the only one with a heart – I began to see… red.
You treated me like…like…like I was dead!!!
I can’t get over what I don’t understand.
My heart thumps, shades of red flow, like rose petals- each one a darker shade.
We all were created and made with our own shade.
Some dark and light, but like a raging bull, it’s still red.
My heart pumps and the veins flow…fifty shades of red.
By Maurice Hollis
They say, there’s no such thing as a dumb question.
Maybe we shouldn’t be questioned with question.
But many answer a question with a question.
Question…what does a heart truly desire.
Would the answer decide if life’s worth living?
Or would it add fuel to the fire?
Does an answer dictate a liar, or lead to another question?
IF the weight lies on your shoulders, would you allow me to remove it?
IF the road leads back to us, would you choose it –
And want to hold hands through it?
Would you question our next steps, or allow patience and faith to choose
When your eyes look deep into mine, do you see trust, do they
Describe love, do you search for anything useless?
God took a chance on us, how long will we let him down?
We received countless blessings, growth, parenthood, and a light that shines down,
Each breath could be our last. Do you hunger for another kiss? I still could feel our last.
Are our memories better than your new life, since I don’t exist?
Am I a blast of the past, or is who I became what you wished?
Do you wake up in cold sweats, when the covers clinched in your fists?
Does the sound of my name give you goose bumps?
Is my face what’s missed? I need to know do you love me…still?
Would you say “yes” just to not hurt me, or would you take my hand and place it to your heart – to express how you…. feel.
Will you respond to me, I need something; I need answers not assumptions, without you I’m a bunch of nothings. These years age, but never fade way your worth.
Answer me, I’m trina dig up the truth, and reveal diamonds.
Love for You
By Maurice Hollis
Don’t you hate it, when they say,
“I always will have love for you.”
How can you place a limit on love?
Like I only can get this much of you.
You sound just like time,
You steady tick and move on,
You’re like the sun, you moon on.
My love for you dazzles, like falling stars,
I only can wish on,
When you smile, cry, and dream,
I want it to be because of my love for you,
No one will have love for you, more than I,
Accept God / and even our children,
The love for you fuels and is natural,
Yearning to stay lit…. forever
I have love for you, like you have love for you,
Always and…. forever
A New Road
By Maurice Hollis
Dear God – I’m sorry for not being the man you created me to be. I left my family alone with nothing but pain, and tears to create a sea.
I’m tired of hurting my loved ones, their lives have been heavily affected, but through my transformation, you observed my heart – and you kept it protected.
I’m living in constant regret, because of my past mistakes. You showed me unconditional love and allowed the devil to tempt and take.
I want to be washed clean inside and out – and forgiven.
I want you God to continue to wash my sins away, completely.
As long as I’m living.
I want to lead my family as a humble and upright man,
I know I must overcome every sinful habit –
Through prayer is how I defend.
God, I know that you and family are very important.
I no longer want to let you all down,
But live life for you all …
Thank you, God for giving me my family, along with a new life.
I know my sinful past is buried and forgotten in your eyes.
May you continue to lead, guide, and protect us – for the rest of our lives….
Time is Precious
By Maurice Hollis
From the first time hearing your voice,
Until time tuned into a warm hug –
I wonder if tine itself knew it was love.
Tine eventually grew and we laughed, shared priceless moments until we cried. Time changed and so did the feelings inside. Time made us mature with communication and mutual understanding. Time bore us a kid, then time with another , just to fast forward time like it was rewinder. Time gave and took away, time has up late restless – thinking time shouldn’t be taken for granted. Time gets ugly, but time is very precious, Time has us afraid to go or stay, tie won’t allow us to walk away – but time is steady ticking, fading away. Tine is what we need, want, and what we use – but cannot get it back. Tine is young, time gets old, time is precious like rubies, diamonds, and gold.
Tine is precious like the end of our story that is told, when our time is up, time will still be ticking, our hearts won’t – but we’ll be soulmates forever. Tie will have our love here forever, through wishes, memories, and through the eyes of our future generation – isn’t time…precious.
By Maurice Holllis
I crawled up a tree,
And now a cocoon is what I live in,
Day in and day out,
God became my only friend – He is who I confide in;
He told me that one day I would start a trend,
As time passed…the walls started closing in,
I started to swim with countless butterfly strokes,
And eventually became one with the wind;
I began to feel butterflies, noticing that I could fly,
I zoomed past beautiful flowers, roaring oceans, all while
Feeling the sun beam on me shadowed by the blue sky;
“What happened to the ones before me?”, I asked
The man up high – but this time I didn’t receive a reply,
I noticed others with beautiful colors – maybe I’m
Apart of a butterfly effect;
Did they become history, or did I make it;
I seem to be attracted to nectar, I had to taste it;
My freedom came with patience, I had to chase it.
Track Star
By Maurice Hollis
Runner get ready – set … go!
Runaway love, run … the further you go –
The further the love you loose behind,
Piece by piece your heart scatter,
As the seasons pass, the harder to find;
Tear drops falling here and there, followed by footprints,
Will they lead to a goldmind?
Run, run, don’t look back, where are you headed –
Hope not off track; will you keep going or will you come back?
Will you win a trophy – a heart…?
This can’t be fun, you’ve been running longer than a marathon,
Are you running a race already won?
Are you afraid to face where you came from?
You look numb, but still with a lot of life,
Your fatigue – drink some water,
Time heals, it could fix life and make it right,
Run, run, back into my arms,
Or should I come after you…Maybe I’m on your trail,
Your my heaven, but you run like hell,
Have you been running away from love – or out of it?
As soon as your legs give,
I will show you unconditional love as long as we live.
By Maurice Hollis
Freedom isn’t being free from slavery –
To still be gunned down unarmed;
(my hands are up don’t shoot!)
Freedom isn’t walking out those golden gates right into
The devils arms – but you’re a free man,
The saying, “Let Freedom Ring,”
Where’s the bell – who rings it?
Who will answer the phone – whose voice is behind it?
Who will be chosen to fight after the bell has rung?
Or are we singing the last song?
Freedom isn’t being free – hustling and still struggling,
(Let the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor)
What is really going on? …
Freedom isn’t after a bad break-up,
It’s staying when its tough – and making up at the altar,
Freedom isn’t an offer, but a sacrifice –
There’s always a price to pay,
This is a free-for-all, feel free handed to free fall;
Feel freely to live – there’s freedom when we die,
Freedom will come, but time always kill;
You will become a free spirit through God’s free will;
Freedom can and will have you head over hills …
Do It For You
By Maurice Hollis
Ever since your existence, nothing else matters – accept God,
You should put him first too;
He’s the reason you’re you, the reason for feeling of
Unconditional love, the reason for transforming from baby girl, young lady, and into a beautiful woman,
There are many times, where I thought I was through,
More for me, but less for you, lets be honest, forty years is a lot of time to do, don’t cry boo;
Every prayer, conversation, and thought started and ended about you,
At school I doodle your name, and role played on moments
That could come true,
A smile crosses my face staring at your pictures –
Your mom took good care of you,
These tears that fall are motivated ones, and their full of faith,
I’ve matured and planted a seed – a man is what grew,
I’ve gotten my education, and graduated just like you,
Back then I didn’t see the need to;
Reflecting back there’s a lot of things that I wouldn’t do,
But with every breath in me left – the doing that gets done, is what I do for you.
My Heart
By Maurice Hill
If I give you my heart, would you promise to give me yours,
(thump…thump). My heart pumps love, what about yours,
My heart is full of life, will I die for yours?
If I give you my heart (thump…thump)
Would you shatter it over the floor?
Or heal me so it wouldn’t hurt anymore,
Does your heart beat like mine, (thump…thump)
And hunger for more – is I who it beats for;
You could smile at me on the outside,
But the inside is where it counts,
Like when you say, “I love you”, my heart increases speed,
(tha-thump…that… thump) Your warm hugs and kisses is what I need,
It helps me breathe, and motivates me to succeed –
For you my heart bleeds;
Revenge is good for the heart, I will fight for love like creed,
My heart is on lock forever, I watched her swallow the key,
Now the heart has to astray from envy,
No one wants the heart happy, there’s always an enemy;
Before God calls us home,
Don’t answer the phone – send him to voicemail,
Look me deep into the eyes, like at the alter,
Remember the cost and the offer – to death do us part,
I receive unconditional love from you – … my heart!
A Mental Roller Coaster
By: Maurice Hollis
Why can’t you just love me for me-like I love myself?
Why do I have to have a reason for being myself?
I love my family to death-hope you feel that way yourself.
Everyone needs help, is it too much too give yourself?
Time is the reason there’s growth, who wants to stay the same?
How could we move on without hope, without change,
Without the reason to breathe, or why the heart beats;
I cried, prayed, and haven’t slept for weeks,
Than calendars, facing many battles alone,
No love shown, but none lost-and I’m still unknown.
Two, four, six, eight-where or where
Has the years gone? She’s grown big and strong;
My love is still burning bright, carry the torch,
Still lies no trust, or my true existence,
You’ve been very persistent…
Life seems very unfair-these are the hands dealt,
Maybe we need to feel how each other has felt,
How would it have been vise-versa-or together?
Maybe I can’t change without you-will we
Ever know what’s true? It’s awkward now-
We’ve become someone new, still wondering the
Same things as before-who are we…I mean, you;
I’m all over the place like books on a shelf,
It’s not hard to read me, turn the page yourself,
Just like you I can’t ever understand-because I
Can never be you, my mind replays over and over,
What do we…I mean I do…
Confused Child
By: Maurice Hollis
How is it all that you know-your mom,
Despite circumstances, you were made from love,
You’ve gotten perfect guidance, but it wasn’t just mom,
It was through prayers and from the man up above,
Life takes us through a tunnel, down different roads,
Have you thinking about giving-up, but that would mean,
Giving-up on you; I’ll never do that…
You have our genes and you view life through those
Beautiful eyes, what you hear and feel from them,
But you don’t know about him, the one who experiences
Pain just like her, who would die for you,
Sacrifice everything like Jesus did for sure,
When you thing of a father figure, It’s all a blur;
You should at-least know who your daddy is…
We all can’t experience true joy without pain,
Yes, the truth hurts, but lies have no gain,
When she tells you, “I love you,” I do too-every time,
The ways she hugs you, the way she makes you feel
To laugh-is what I wanna go through,
When your sick I want to be the cure,
The motivation, and the foundation that’s secure,
One day you’ll know me and why I’m not here,
Until then, look into the mirror and I’ll be right there.
Is Love a Sin?
By Maurice Hollis
Not a dark cloud in the sky –
After a night of stars dancing;
There’s a twinkle in your eyes,
Like fireflies prancing;
Sunshine is now peaking over he horizon,
With a whispering breeze flowing over the tides;
I can’t fight these feelings deep inside.
You’re a dream with my eyes opened wide
Head over hills and far from hidden
A feeling that should be forbidden
But it’s blind to the fact like wind;
A love that’s so true – makes it hard to believe in
We are battling with demons,
Taking our perfect away – replacing it with sin;
We fuss, we fight, we make up
Then we’re right back at it again
It’s hard to love reflecting on beautiful moments;
Time has wings and it flies
It was a long ride, good times, sin dies –
That’s its goodbye
Is love a sin, or is it on the other side?
By Maurice Hollis
I stare at you
Starring back at me
Wondering what’s on your mind.
Wondering what do you see
As I search
I suddenly get lost
Afraid to face the man –
That wants to change.
Afraid to messup
Who will it affect this time
Hurt the ones who loved me –
Those eyes still cry.
I can’t even look into my own eyes
Thank God that time flies –
Before it’s goodbye
I take one last glimpse
Without deciding on who am I.
By Maurice Hollis
They fall and,,,
You can’t count them all
She grabs my hand
“I know, I know how you feel,” (she lies)
(Then she fake cries)
Readying herself of the final moments of our lives
She’s lost and unable to read,
Uneased and hard to believe
“I want to speak what tears can’t”
Her tears double the count of mine;
Our eyes lock, we go back into time
She tries to fast forward what I want to rewind
Those were happy tears of mine;
We embrace as I shed a final tear,
If we don’t experience true love –
Then we were born a lie
Emotional Frenzy
By Maurice Hollis
“Hysteria!!!…. Breathe.”
We made it through?…
“We did!”
Yes! We overcame.
“It was Air-borne!…
Why did you breathe?
“I had to believe – didn’t time fly by.”
Yes… one breath at a time.
At Least I Tried
By Maurice Hollis
I tried love, and ..
Got drunk,
Got high,
I had that twinkle in my eye,
You were manure – I was the fly,
Got down on one knee and
Didn’t receive a reply,
At least I tried.
I tried love, at…
1st sight,
At hello after a fight,
At goodbye and good night,
At least I tried.
I tried love, but…
It told me don’t try,
Give up and please don’t cry,
Don’t say my name – because
I might be a lie,
And one day I’ll die,
At least I tried…Love
My Collection
By Maurice Hollis
Most people collect,
Cards, barbies, and even coins,
But the things I’ve collected over time,
Ended up being puzzle pieces to my life.
I’ve collected,
Blessings, prayers, love, pain, and prison time,
Along with
Sad memories, plenty lonely nights, and many broken hearts,
Also, I have been
Collecting my thoughts, battling spiritual warfare, and
Growing from my adolescence.
During this journey I’m collecting a lot,
And still I’m ending up without a dime.
I’m searching for freedom,
But it seems rare – like gold.
I will collect rejoiceful hugs
From my family and regain my
Rightful place in life.
I won’t give up until I locate
All of the pieces to complete my collection.

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