Struggles and Challenges – Blessings and Purpose
By Mateo Casaus
I have come to realize who I am living with Klinefelter’s Syndrome and despite being forced to face one medical challenge after the other. I’m healed in one case then in my future something new is showing up. So, the doctor elevates me to an specialist. Within this process of the unknown worry and fear sets in my thought’s til I remember what I have acquired, and I started to use my critical thinking skills while the tears were falling down my face. Within that moment I redirected my thoughts to what I have accompanied with the everyday challenges of this prison lifestyle, not being able to open up to anyone other than God.
I have this unbreakable discipline within myself to look beyond my current struggles knowing God and who I am, I have to perceive life differently because my values have in lined with God’s teaching.
I would rather be hated for who I am as a Man of God, than to be loved for who I’m not. I have been practicing on building a record that would restore confidence and allow me to live a life of meaning, relevance, and dignity. I know I have the right attitude with my 100% commitment to self-development that would lead me to becoming a social worker, mentor, or a pastor. This growth and commitment is what I have to focus on it’s not all about me.
I can project the future I want to live just like Martin Luther King, Michael Santos, N. Mandela, C. Carter, who didn’t focus on the challenges or disadvantages that come throughout our life. They have shown that conquering the challenge’s they faced in their life. I too can do the same. With making lateral discussion on a daily basis has aspired me to create a better future that I can see the empowerment of myself to help engineer a pathway to serve other’s in leading them from criminal lifestyle choices and building a relationship with God.
In the end of what I’m working towards it’s not about me. My service is to serve others for God’s purpose and plan. He is My Loving God and My Fortress My Stronghold and My Deliverer, My Shield, In Whom I Take Refuge, Who I Take Refuge. Praise the Lord, All His Works Everywhere In His Dominion. Praise The Lord, My Soul.
By Mateo Casaus
There is someone special for everyone who is seeking love. They often image and dream of one another. They come from two different worlds. He has traveled across oceans of time and the depths of heavenly dimension’s to be with her. There is nothing that is known in creation that can stop him from this achievement. Her heart has held on to the thought of one day being complete. “Yes”, he’s just what she has been seeking even though they look different and talk different her heart knows him. She’s drawn to his energy. Shy at first as he leans in for their first kiss on her lips, she in braces back with enjoyment as he pulled back words their eye’s locked on to one another. Her thoughts wore running around on their own. Simultaneously he said my name is Luciano as he’s looking up at the heavens open for their union. As her thoughts cleared, she said my name is Esperanza. They are looking up at the Aqua moonlight sky, God’s voice comes down from heaven you will never be alone. As Luciano takes Esperanza’s hand for the first time and memory of Luciano’s touch transcends through time and sends a jolt through out every atom of your being. Esperanza looked into Luciano’s eye’s as she just released on this for fill meant. And Luciano saw right into her soul full of companion across centuries his stomach turns upside down. Esperanza’s arms are gooseflesh and soft. Everything outside this moment loses value; their life as they are living it out often seemed like its own story with no beginning and no ending. No storm nor volcano could erupt with more passion as their energy released it tremendous. Their soul’s hold this connection at depths far beyond what the conscious mind could ever comprehend. Overpowered with this connection has awakened their inner presence this companion just off a look or dream creates its own memory of a real feeling by her touch transcends into kissing Luciano’s lips as Luciano’s soul jolted back into his body. Esperanza reciprocated Luciano’s affection in which awakened this feeling of being whole and complete.
Prison Life
By Mateo Casaus
I’m sadden that the conversations within this program that has been developed to promote change, from the criminal mindset that leaded them to prison. So one track minded petty in significant with no meaning Nor substance. And when I put the speakers on the spot to address their ignorance the spotlight is then shift on me.Their sickness and I’ll ness is overlooked, Prisoner’s enjoy the lie’s they feed into each other’s Negative mind set.Gossip and being Messy is what fill’s the air.It’s sad that the people make the choices to live each day in the state of ignorance Not by force, By Choice they are Comfortable being one track minded. Prison Life some don’t want to change and they wonder why I choose to Educated my self and Enjoy everyday. No matter if I don’t get my way!
By Mateo Casaus
We get so lost in the moment looking forward to the enjoyment of this physical world and what the day has to offer us or we looking forward to a person. A Person you can’t have, feel or touch this person may hold a place within your thought’s that’s taking you away from reality…
We easily forget God’s love and grace when we see it everyday driving to work as the sun rise’s, When the rain fall’s down we see the shining
reflection of the sun within the water as it fall’s. When the fresh air around you hold’s a sweet scent, Because of the flower’s bring delight to you scents of smell. When the bird’s are singing joyfully on them swaying trees through this winter breeze. We need to enjoy our life for what it is a blessing To See, To Smell, To Here, To Touch, To Fall in Love, To be Loved, To Suffer, To feel pain, All of which has shaped us in to being the person you are.
I Know
By Mateo Casaus
I know, To believe he’s hear and he care’s.
I know, His word assures me and he is always there.
I know, When I cry out in pain, sadness He’s near me.
I know, When his answer is delayed and I’m being attacked, Overwhelmed with grief my faith in him will keep me safe.
I know, About the story of Job and all he experienced I too will experience I will suffer, I to will be tested.
I know, I Praise God because I’m Grateful and Each Day I Live I Choose To Stand Upon This Rock.
Because I Know!!
By Mateo Casaus
When God is active and alive he is their each day.
He help’s to cheer you up along your way, He gives you hope in time’s of need and see’s you through life’s difficulties. ” Love, Faith and Hope He will guide you on your way. So don’t be afraid even when your assumption, Start’s to Overwhelm you remember “Who You Are”…
You are Valuable, Loved, You are worth more then Gold or Diamonds.
Yes!! You are Priceless…
By Mateo Casaus
I want to thank God for this opportunity for giving me life when I deserve death. I have learned to take responsibility of all my bad choices I’ve made didn’t just affect my victim’s their families as well as mine. My decisions, choices I made had its consequences at that time it didn’t set me straight. I was living in sin lost in darkness I was selfish. I was wrong for all of it! I’m truly sorry for my choice of words that led to my action’s. My word’s may not be able to heal your past pain I put you all through. Words are not enough to fix the pain you all experience I ask God to comfort all of you each day as I pray. It was God who set me free and realize the real affect my action’s had on you. Psalm 103-God forgives our sins and heals our diseases, by faith we should see ourselves forgiven and whole.
Every Time
Every time when you cross my mind, I lose track of time. At that moment nothing in the world matters, I’m transformed to a whole other plane. I do believe it was your impression you left on me; you are guarding each step I take. You continuously enlighten me with knowledge as I raise for each day, No Enemy or Force’s has been able to capture me. As I humble myself and submit to your way, I feel your divine power with in using it for your gain. No trial can protest my faith nor erase, I’ve gave witness to your Love and Amazing Grace!!
In The Beginning
I can’t take all the Credit because, I’m just one man in this world. As she discovered me I was able to discover her inner spirit we wore building one another up well enjoying life it’s been really fun and other’s around us didn’t understand what we had, all a long they allowed their own understanding to shape and from our relationship due to their lack of knowledge is why they wore not able to grasped what was really taking place right in their face. All a long they let their own understanding lead them a stray. And because they allowed their assumptions lead their way. She is Brilliant one Spirit you would never have thought, Yes, she’s one of a kind there is nothing that can change her mind. Her Brilliance is unseen but she’s outspoken high in spirit. It’s clear each day my voice light’s up her way filled with Joy knowing it’s time to play. 🙂
Our First Kiss I Really Miss
Who, What, Ya, OK Our first kiss was like a thief, more of a surprise. I could tell by the look in your eye’s you didn’t, see it coming. Now that time has passed, I find myself trying to define what was left behind? I love that kiss and it brought more wonderful, Feelings it seems more wonderful. Feeling’s it seems more like a dream come true. I often dream of you and this kiss I can tell you this, because our First Kiss Is What I Really Miss.=}
God Bless You May He Keep You Safe!
You’re Not Alone
By Mateo Casaus
When your vision is dim in every environment you walk in to is unclear and though you think or feel that you are, God is unseen and You’re Not Alone. Even in them hours of loneliness at work at home or even when he’s sitting right next to you, You’re Not Alone… God is always there no matter the hour of Day, God’s loving Grace is there to lighten up your way, You’re Not Alone. Call out in thought he will listen and help you find your way in any time or place, You’re Not Alone.
Her Love
By Mateo Casaus
I love her Storms as she gets ready each day, she finds the right words to say She’s OK. Her love has me lost within though not able to express my heart, thoughts are running and jumping around it’s like the first time you fall in love you’re not able to find the right words. Her storm’s give off Hope, Joy, Peace hitting you hard with its Enjoyments and Laughter. Each time her love has inspired your fantasy’s wondering if you’ll ever find a Women who is Smart, Beautiful and One of a Kind. As her love within this storm set’s slow, your able to see and think clearly. Her love Created them memories of day’s you and her talking Laughing, Playing and Day by Dying. If it wore my Choice her love and all her Storm’s will never fad, Through each day that pass’s a way.
You Already Know
By Mateo Casaus
I know that you already know that I Love You without me even telling you, I do. I love you for real there is always so much I want to express but I always hold back because it’s Not Appropriate thing to say at that moment. This feeling makes me feel weird. I hope you can understand my love for you thru. My actions. I never said that I couldn’t tell you my feelings It just when we are together, I’m lost in words and your words I like to listen too. Thank you for giving me this feeling I thought was dead and thank you for being a good friend and lover to the end. You have become very special person to me and I believe it’s your eye’s because each time you look into mine it’s like I get stuck no longer in control because you hold it all! Admirer how Smart you are because you say the right thing always at the right time.
This One Woman
By Mateo Casaus
I saw her watching over me and when I crossed her path, she made my body feel as if I was in Harmony with her Spirit, She was fresh like a river flowing. Her enlightenment gave me the key to very women’s inner spirit. Her body created me into a BEING that every woman wants and needs when this woman entered my heart and knowledge becomes pleasant to your soul thinking ability will keep watch over you and discernment will not safeguard us to save us from the good courses and it is then I understand what was righteous and Just, Fair the entire course of what is Good. She Will’s without semblance and she delivers herself into my hand’s this one woman.
Three Words: “I Love You”
By Mateo Casaus
When you are attached to someone, you want to express how you feel we commonly use 3 words I love you and these word’s in some situation say and mean enough but sometimes you want to give more and you ask what else is there to give? When you have already become more than just 3 word’s “I Love You”. You are my feelings, You Are My Thought’s, You Are My Dreams and That makes you a part of me so when I say the 3 words: ” I Love You” I’m Giving You My Feelings, My Heart and My Soul. In the end it all comes back to these three word’s, I Love You.
Hate and Love
By Mateo Casaus
I Hate that I can’t see you face to face.
I Love when you look at me well your Angry, Disappointed, Sad, Ecstatic or even Lovestruck Your expressions are in fact Priceless!!
I Hate that I can’t grab you and pull your hair back well looking into your Beautiful Brown Eyes.
I Love Your Reaction, when you want to show yourself off. You always know how to make yourself known to me!!
I Hate that I can’t kiss and suck on your Lips, while holding your thick sexy body.
I Love your expression when I’m massaging the back of your head right next to your neck leading down to your shoulders!
I Hate when you cut our conversation off and I’m not able to express myself nor get a clear understanding with you.
I Love when you go out your way and make time for me, even when you’re a way. I’m safely active in your thoughts!!
I Hate that you don’t express yourself to me even when you really want too. You hold yourself back and I Hate That..
I Love that you’re a ‘Bitch” and when you do open up it comes all out at the same time and I’m the only one who understands You!!
I Hate that I’m in Prison and I’m limited on what I’m able to do that will express the Value of my love for you through my action.
I Love that you know how Valuable you are and You set a Standard for every Man you have allowed to get close to you!!
I Hate I was not able to spend that Thousand Dollar’s and Get to Taste the Sweetness of Your Natural Fruits
I Love You Are Willing to take One for the team, Giving in to my Every Desire!!
I Hate your Crazy Ass and ‘Yes” you are Toxic, But that’s what makes you so Beautiful.
I Love who You are, I don’t need to change anything about you or in your words “Try to fix you”. You Are So Live No Matter What You Have Put Me Through!!
I Hate that I’m not around you nor get the opportunity to Listen to you express your thoughts
I Love that I’m in Love with you and your in love with me, You have your own way of showing it through your actions each and every day!!!
By Mateo Casaus
As we await according to His Promise;
The new Heaven’s hear on Earth.
Each moment of our life together there is No Spot’s Nor Blemish within our Hearts ware your Righteousness Dwells next to my soul.
Therefore my Beloved if His will be done and our Dreams Come True what we long for so tenderly with Perfect Peace and Joy.
I Would Always Choose To Share Eternity With You!!
By Mateo Casaus
Today I’m filled with hope and inspiration willing to show God’s loving kindness. To any person who’s struggling along their way, I’m willing to help encourage you to pray each and every day.
This will bring about peace and tranquility into your life.
I offer my helping hand to show I care,
It May be a Reminder of God’s Loving Grace and His Blessing as he sends His Guidance’s our way. Day after Day as we spend time and pray.
Self Reflection
By Mateo Casaus
This Trial I’m walking is like a Mountain with No ending as I Travel Through this world with little strength. I’m lost I see No Purpose Nor Plan. All I’ve been holding on to is this Fear and Doubts. I don’t understand why Now, Why Place this Mountain in my pathway? I don’t understand Your Purpose or Plan give me the Strength to Stand Firm in Faith Lord and Help me see You at work within this world. My Mountain is Not that big of a deal, I made it in to be. Take up the Shield of Faith In Which is the word of God.(Ephesians 6:13-17)
Oh, Lord
By Mateo Casaus
You have been there for me. Even when I created my pain in which has filled me with worries. I’m not hear for me As I Bow Down to Pray Humbling My Self. I Place My Worries and Cares into your Hands. Use Me Today to do your will,Use Me to help someone that needs to feel your loving grace. Use Me to work your will! Use Me to for fill your Purpose and Plan for who ever you send me too. I Offer My Time and Body to do your will and Not My Own, (So Use Me LORD).
Out of Sight
By Mateo Casaus
At a young age I didn’t want to be seen so I would Hide and Sometimes even close my eye’s. But when they opened and reality stares me in the face,”Can You See Me”? I Question. They say out of sight out of mind this is true over a period of time. But still to this day when I don’t want to be seen, I Close My Eye’s and Hide Within My Mind Searching for a Certain Face That I Still Can’t Find. So are the word’s True,Out of Sight out of mind..
Don’t Quit
By Mateo Casaus
The Problems we face in life may have been created due to our past choices. Don’t Quit, It has overwhelmed you to the point you can’t sleep your” Not Alone”. Don’t Quit, And when this emotion feel’s like all road’s are up hill and your Emotions are out of control it’s effecting your thought’s. Don’t Quit, And when your facing the problem every day head on you really want to Smile but all you feel like doing is Crying. Don’t Quit, And the Lie’s we Created is Now in the light it came out fast with high winds the twists and turns. Don’t Quit, Because Now You Have The Opportunity To Start Over “No More Lie’s, No More Costumes. Just You Being You ,Who You Really Are Beautiful and Sweet, Loving and Caring This is Why I Tell You,Don’t Quit!!!
No Longer Set Apart
By Mateo Casaus
In The Be Gaining God Shaped and Formed US To Be One of the Same.
I Keep You Safe Within My Heart Is Ware I Carry Your Heart.
Never are we alone Nor without Hope and Peace. Any ware I go, You go and whatever is done by my hand is really your doing. I No Longer Fear this Control you hold over me Nor question this Faith because You are My Faith. I No Longer Want For This World, Because You Are My World. Hear Is My Deepest Secrete, I’ve been left to hold. Beautiful and Sweet is the best description of You. ’Yes”, You hold so much Power over Me and When I Gaze Up at the Star’s in the Night Blue Sky My Love Grows Deeper and Deeper as each Day Pass’s by. My Mind Can No Longer Hide What is Shown thru. My Actions.
I Carry Your Heart In My Heart and We Are No longer Set A Part.
Remember Me
By Mateo Casaus
When you look into the Mirror Admiring Your Full Body Reflection and You See Just Sexy You Are, You Will Remember Me.
When You Are Sexually Turned On and the Feelings are So Unbearable, You Will Remember Me.
When You Are Bored and Began To Fantasize, You Will Remember Me.
When You Are Complimented On Just How Beautiful You Are, You Will
Remember Me.
When You Are Angry and Want To Express Your Self, You Will Remember Me.
When You Are Sad and Feel Alone Because Of What You Have Done To Him or He Makes You Feel Worthless.
“YOU” Better Remember Me, Because You Will Always Bring Value To
Each Day Of My Life As I Kneel Down To Pray and Ask God To Keep You Safe Well I’m Away!!!
When It Comes 2 You
By Mateo Casaus
Today I Made This Discovery, When It Comes To You.
Well Feeling The Summer Breeze Through Life’s Difficulties as I Struggle Along My Way With God’s Loving Grace I Always Seen Your Beautiful Face Shinning Bright Where The Air Around You Is Sweet.
It Reminds Me Of The Flower’s, The One’s That Bring Delight To Your Eye Site and When You Talk It’s Music To My Ear’s Like The Bird’s Singing Joyfully As They Fly Through The Blue Sky.
You Are God’s Work Of Art Willing To Offer Me Your Helping He and Showing Me That You Care When No One Else Was There.
By Mateo Casaus
As I lay and stare in the Dark,
Many things come to mind
I get lost within thought.
Then I see you, I Question my Vision.
“Can she be real or is it just my feelings?”
They say at time’s your feelings are known to do and choose as they wish.
So I ask myself are these feelings of my Vision
I see so often as I Lay and Stare in the Dark or Could She be Something I Want?
Then your Beautiful face lights up this Dark Place.
Your eye’s Illuminate my Vision, Your Smile has Left an Impression on me.
Is It Really You Mi A or I’m Seeing or Am I Lost Within A Fantasy,
As I Lay and Stare In The Dark..
By Mateo Casaus
You are so Different from all the rest of the Women I have Cross Path’s with.
The Tone of your Voice in each word expresses your emotions.
I really enjoy your Stories Your History of first Boy Friend and your Life Experience.
In it Self has Shaped you into a Beautiful Young Lady.
When you talk to me it’s like you Carefully Select Each Word
Within your Tone of Expression you use,
Has every sound around your Voice No Longer Existing.
“YES”, I’m Mesmerized.
Your Life now the way you are living it out Sounds So Complete.
But the feelings Within your word’s Their is something missing
or is it Some One You Find your Self Drifting off
so often getting lost within your Imagination
They Become More of a Fantasy With Me.
That Lead’s to me Captivating Your Sexual Desire
Fulfilling Your Every Need Lasting Longer
Than Any Man You Have Ever In Countered.
This Feeling of Being Fully Complete Mind, Body and Soul.
My Loving Sister
By Mateo Casaus
I Saw that nobody gave you a handbook on how to care of me
having an disability or teach you how to be an older sister.
So perhaps you should write one
so other’s know how to face the challenges you’ve faced
dealing with a Boy with Klinefelter Syndrome.
I’m Sorry I haven’t been the best of Brother’s
I Want you to know your love will Not Be For Gotten
because you wore always their even when I Didn’t Care.
Thank You For Being There For Me When It’s Not Your Responsibility.
To Mother
By Mateo Casaus
I Miss you Mother Plain and Simple.
I Never needed to use pretty Word’s to Reach your Heart.
I’m sorry I’m Not there to give you attention and care face to face
or even take you out to eat and buy you something good to ware,
Like the Good Old Day’s.
The only thing I can do is Call and write you.
I’m Thankful For Everything You’ve Ever Done For My Well Being.
Losing Focus
By Mateo Casaus
It’s really easy to lose focus within this world being so busy we forget to stop and pray. To thank God for the life we have been given.
So, I come to you O Lord give her Strength in each day as she face’s all
the Obstacles of life. Let no danger or any task Overwhelm her well you Guide her along her way to look for word to an unbreakable Love
filed with peace, enjoyment and laughter.
Invisible Tears
By Mateo Casaus
Tears say a lot about one’s Face, Happy, Sad, Lonely, Depressed, Worried Or Sick. Even In Fear the Face sometimes brings about a tear but, My Invisible tears are real. At time’s I’m down and out My Invisible
Tears Appear I look In the Mirror seeing they are plain and very clear as I see the Manifestation the tears fill My eye’s they become red remembering what has been said. Invisible Tear’s they say a Man ain’t
supposed to cry, only when a Man Dies.
Tears will unveil what My Heart has to tell. My INVISIBLE TERNS ARE SO SO REAL, We Must Remember Feelings May Change But Memories
Don’t and How Can I Ever Forget My Invisible Tears.
Life Is a Storm
By Mateo Casaus
There are storms that go and come unexpectedly. And Life can feel like
a storm that tosses you around with winds of misfortune. But in the mist of the storm there’s always ease and that ease can be the Holy Spirit or Someone who cares about you and your need’s the storm we
sometime go through brings you into remembrance of someone you are close to because at that time this storm gives you the feeling of Value the Love you Hold for someone and when My Sky Turned Blue
I Know The Storm Is You.
I Crave Your Presence
By Mateo Casaus
You know you are very Especial to me. Everything I have ever Dreamed
of is Joined within you. I Love you to the point that I miss you when you’re not next to me. I Crave Your Presence to the point I hear your every Desire. I can’t ever forget the way you gaze into My Eye’s I really do believe you can hear My Thought’s and My Heart Beat.
This maybe the reason why we hold this strong connection to each other, We Wore Designed and Formed To Hold This Partnership As One Body and Soul..
The Value Within Your Smile
By Mateo Casaus
It cost nothing, but is worth everything!! It’s delightful to one’s spirit, Inspires Peace and Love. It’s Harmonious to our soul and enriches my Heart! All this is within a flash and can cure the I’ll!! But forever it will last well strengthens the will so enjoy each smile cause It’s something to Give!!
No Matter
By Mateo Casaus
No matter the challenges in life we sometimes faces My Faith In You Lord Will always be the same as If I was there In the physical time and space. As long as I’m alive My Flame Will Always Be Lit.
Burning Fore You Lord!!
By Mateo Casaus
I Believing In My Self, I Believe That There Is Something Magnificent About Me. I Believe That I’m Great Regardless of My Downfall’s Of My Past.
The Moment I Started To Believe In My Self Is When I Took Control Over My Thought’s Each Day I Learn Something New That Has Helped
Me To Start To Think Properly. This Growth and Development Has Really Been A Blessing From God.
My Very Existence He Has Been Sending People and Placing Me In The Right Place Even If I Don’t Understand His Reasons.
He Has Protected My Path When I Was Down He Was Active and Alive I Do Understand The World and How It’s Orbit’s The Earth, The Ocean’s Ebbs and Flows of Creation Even If I’m Not Able To See It.
I Believe! He Is The Master Of The Universe The Very Being Of All Kingdom’s He Has Perfected Everything Known To Creation.
I Believe God Is The Answer To All That Has Been and All That Is, and All That Will Ever Be!!
By Mateo Casaus
Being in this close environment there are storms that come unexpectedly and in the mist of it all I saw you. I was able to capture my Blessing within your beauty. You didn’t have any make-up on and that
showed just how beautiful you are. “YES” Your appearance has left an
impression on me the way your eyes are shaped in size your nose and cheeks. Your Lip’s had me lost within a Fantasy of its own.
Until our eyes met each other’s “The way you looked at me as if I was the only man in creation”. As you walked past, I Admired all of you.
Your just the right size and shape standing at the right height even GOD Him Self Had To Do A Double Take Of His Own Creation and When He
Saw He Had Perfected Your Beauty! I’m Thankful That God Allowed Me the Time To Enjoy Your Presence.
My Place
By Mateo Casaus
I now understand my place in life my purpose in following Jesus. My
service is for good so what I Focus on within myself I know it will be
perfected so others will receive my prayers and my sacrifices are for God who has Created me with a Choice to follow Him. I shall touch a
1000 Lives before I Die. I have been working on what I’m Going To Leave On Each Person!
I Will Never 4Get You
By Mateo Casaus
Within this world we are limited. I want you to know you are Amazing.
You have caught my undivided attention within your intelligence.
When you challenge me mentally my sexual attraction becomes infinite. You have become more to me than just a memory, A memory
that I will never forget just how “VALUABLE” You Are, you hold life within your Beauty and Because of this you have become My Laughter
My Enjoyment, My Fantasy. For What’s It’s Worth, I Will Never Forget You!
Dear God
By Mateo Casaus
I seek your forgiveness for my mistakes/Sin’s. I have made in my Youth. It has it has been your words that has given me hope and peace
of mind. For me there is no turning back. I see and feel your love through
your creation. We come together and learn from one another. You Lord God have given us the Chance to Change our past choices and make amends in our own way. “Romans 12:1-Therefore I urge you brothers and sisters in view of God’s mercy to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice Holy and Pleasing to God this is your true and proper worship.”
Help from God There’s No Stopping Me
By Mateo Casaus
Being in prison, they are in control over my physical body.
Locking me down simply just because they can. Taking my property away leaving me in a cell with only self.
Yes, they try to break me down and make me feel less of a man.
They have instilled hate in us prisoners, turning us against each other.
I found the way out of this madness by utilizing my mind. Within my thoughts I hold full control and I’m in full control of my actions myself.
My strength alone will break these chains that had me blind for so long, in darkness.
I must stand as one who will take the lead. Our strength is together. We must unite and realize that violence is not the only way.
We hold the power within our word, our voice at times the best force to make peace. You are only confined inside these walls.
Our minds will never be under lock and key.
By exercising each day, keeping God close through prayer, there’s no stopping me!
One Love
By Mateo Casaus
I know I wrote you and said something with my mouth but not in my heart. The reason why these things said couldn’t reach my heart was because there’s no room. You know you are so beautiful, smart, funny, and so hard to find. Standing at 5’4”, your eyes and the way you look at me tells me everything I need to know. Never again will I doubt what you have for me. You have shown your loyalty and love through your actions. Thank you for awakening feelings inside me I thought were dead.
You Will Never Find Me
By Mateo Casaus
No one knows the pain I’m going through. It’s falling down like rain. Thoughts of this life inside a dark place. I’m driving myself insane. Looking for a way out to be set free. You and me is how it used to be. And now I can’t see through this dark wind my mind is going through. That’s why you will never find me.
By Mateo Casaus
Drawing is something that you think and the more you think, the more you draw, until this thinking becomes a picture. A picture that says and means many, many things. It’s amazing how a picture becomes a memory, a memory that you will never forget. This picture is no ordinary picture you carry around. It’s unseen and that’s what makes it more than just a picture. Because it has life, it becomes your laughter, your tears, your smile. It becomes a part of you that no one else will ever see.
Your Love Is
By Mateo Casaus
Your love is kind and thoughtful!
Your love is true, life’s main virtue.
Your love is never haughty nor selfish,
It’s never vulgar nor makes you feel worthless.
Your love is truth and protect your dreams,
It gives you hope through times in need.
It keeps no score nor record of wrong.
It gives on faith and rejoices with song!
So do what you enjoy and enjoy what you do.
Your love is solid,
And will never fail you!
His Love
By Mateo Casaus
His love for you is never ending no matter how sad you may feel at times.
He is there to lighten your pathway to guard you and keep you safe when I’m not there.
He will hold your soul and lift you from despair.
Trust! Turn to him before you seek another source of aid.
His love is your guiding light so don’t be dismayed.
His angels always linger near you every day.
He’s active to meet your need.
His divine love is in all of us in our pleasure and through our pain.
With faith look up and know that He will use it for your gain!
As you submit to His love no trial can erase
The love you live through His amazing grace
In which illuminates your beautiful face.
True Love
By Mateo Casaus
True love is seen through the compassion of one’s actions. When we see others suffering in times of need. We give a helping hand that shows our love and care.
We understand their pain and comfort and uplift them is our reaction.
Jesus showed great compassion when He touched the blind man and healed the bleeding woman of her illness, the crippled.
He forgave me of all my sins. Through His compassion we can make true love succeed.
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