Marlon Curry (IL) / Poetry

Poetry by Marlon Curry

By Marlon Curry

Is it easy to walk on a razor blade where literally each decision made can
split you into and now two halves laid
In the dust where you soon turn to ash
Would it be better to own a gun in a box you stash
So if it ever comes one on one you’re able to clash
Do you sweep it under the rug as if it ever happened
Put the gun up for safe keeping in case they start capping
Then go to the internet, in song they’re rapping
The video goes viral, it’s currently active
But they blame everybody when they become a captive
Sitting in a jail cell pointing the finger
But the lyrics of the rap never even linger
Of how you ran up on the crowd and emptied your gun
People screaming on the ground and you didn’t run
And now the judge pass sentence
And you can’t believe how a number like that can bring you to your knees
My advice to you is live life while you can
Or be doing natural life like this writing man

By Marlon Curry

I was born the son of a king with the world in my hands
So I don’t walk around like a baby with a shitty diaper or grabbing the front of my pants
Or cell rocks on the corner like a neighborhood terror
Pistol packing young jacker gold rope wearer
Leaning with a limp hoe catching bitch slapper
Zero burn, money earned, real hustler finger snapper
Toast tossing big bossin’ reality nigga rapper
Cross country professional playa, a little molatic
Juron fire and tectonic shift to shake a nuke like a reverse psychotic
That will make you  feel if you want it
No I’m just the prince and love of the world
Have a slice as I entice you all to twirl
A brand new dance, the best romance
I give to you my girl with the intent
To award all nations with my seed
To bring love into the world as we proceed

My Love
By Marlon Curry

If I gave you my love would you love me too, would you put ultimatums on me on the things I can do, or would you love me unconditionally, the way I’d love you
If I gave you my love would you hold on tight, you and me against the world or is that an oversight, when I’m in a rut will you fill my plight, will you be the one who’ll tell it’ll be alright
If I gave you my love, would it be real, making love to you would it be a thrill, would it be so good our juices will spill and if I laid it down  would my heart you steal

If I gave you my love


By Marlon Curry
In the night I pray to one day be free
But by day it seems to have failed me
Again I touch the gray bars of depression
Walking these walks with anger and aggression
Survival of the fittest so you meet his possession
Missing my family never seeing my kids
Grow old, my mother’s hair is gray and 
When my wife talk to me she’s cold
I mind my own business and stay out of 
Everybody’s way,  a convict with no choice,
And a debt to pay
Surrounded by social misfits who all have 
Something to say, the numbers they possess and the 
Power they display.
I write to companies for a pen pal
For I seek a friend, someone to share
My real thoughts so many I would send
I refuse to be held down, no this isn’t the end.
So what do you see when you look
At me am I a normal person or enemy
Can I be rehauled,redeemable and free
So many years past so much time lost
So much I’d like to do for i’ve paid the cost
But man says I must pay with the rest of my life 
never knowing my Grandchildren or 
sharing them with my wife
I’m sorry for the pain i’ve caused so 
Many people, I know my apology won’t be 
Equal to the loss of a loved one
But I promise no sequal
All that surrounds me is sorrow 
but I seek change , to really converse with 
Others and recharge my brain and turn this 
Sorrow to happiness as it is rearranged
Having a change to be different and hopefully make friends 
Be redeemed and bring this nightmare to an end.
“I’m worth it”
Look Ahead
By Marlon Curry
As day turns to night and time begin to ascend
Remaining penitentiary ready
Like steel I won’t bend
I’ve counted the days in my prime for 
So many has passed, 20 years the senior
I walk alone this path, trying to fit in Society’s class.
Is there any redeemable qualities within me
That can be found. I seek the query of a friend
yet none has come round, there was once a young lady
Oh but she’s moved out of town.
I can one day see myself  free, free to 
Matter in the world, making all kinds of 
Contributions for little boy and girls
The world has always been strange to me
I write about it at my best, when so 
Many people are running game
I am always disstressed. 
No friends do I have although I’m on call
I use to pass the time with Basketball
But I’ve once contemplated ending it all
For to many times I’ve seen the worst
The  Penitentiary had to give
I’d hug myself, I’m all I have 
In this precious lonely live
I keep going strong and hold on tight
Although freedom eludes me
I dream about it every night, 
To wet my pallad in real life
For I have an insatiable Appetite
Don’t Build That Wall
By Marlon Curry
Donald Trump shocked the world 
When he became president of the 
United States of America
The greatest country in the world
Elects a Predator who confessed to 
Grabbing women by the pussy.
“They like that shit.”
I can’t believe Russia interfered 
In American Politics and Trump know
The whole time…
Now his lawyer is talking 
And the truth has come him to trust
Before he’s impeached he wants 
To build a wall, he says to keep out
Immigrants but aren’t we all Immigrants?
The hate he spew puts me in the 
Mind of someone else a time ago
In History, when Hitler took Jews 
From their homes, took their goods
And forced them into a concentration camp
Where they were either lined up
And killed or gassed in a chamber 
His hate filled Twitter and rants about 
Fake news, to supporting the Klu Klux Klan
And after a girl was run down
By a Klan member in a car, Trump says
There were bad people on both sides
I don’t know about you, but I’ve had enough
America will always be great, not because
He said so, but because of its people.
The way they treat one another, not 
Because some small hand, orange faced 
Red haired man said so.
As if the Words we hold these truths 
To be self evident that all men are
Created equal, mean nothing, there are no superior races
I could say I’m supreme cause I’m black with 
A big C _ _ _ but it would be vulgar and distasteful 
and nobody needs to hear that.
Bottom line we are a country of 
Immigrants, people from all over the world
Some have bad intentions, but not all and 
Most just want a better living.
Mr. Trump, don’t build that wall!!!
I Ran
By Marlon Curry
Ran for my life like when a bullet pop, ducking
And dodging hoping never to drop running like a
Fugative getting away from the cops, repelling like
A felon over walls I hop this run has taken all
I’ve got run I run but I still can’t stop
I ran with passion determination and fleet
Like in the beginning of a race when your feet
Touch the street all you can see is the finish
Line never thinking defeat
I ran knowing nothng else to do, hightailing
Like a cartoon when they see a spook, endurance
Temptation or just fear, you’ll never know unti it’s you
I ran cause I feel like the world is against me
Instead of seeing me for the man I am there’s
Dread, cause for once it occurred to me the President
Is the one who wants me dead
I ran from that orange faced little hand red
Haired man with his racist twitter fingrs and a 
slogan to make America great again, supported
the klan who in a car ran a woman down
now I understand
I ran to the wall hes trying  to build, asking congress 
To put up an invisible shield block this maniac  it’s not
Just me but all people of color hes trying 
to kill… and if you don’t stop him he will
I ran
Marlon Curry N93761
Stateville Correctional Center
P.O. Box 112
Joliet, IL 60434
Spaceships in the middle of nowhere, it’s the only way I know how to explain it. Look around penitentiaries going up all over America big business; it’s got to be big when the stock market is interested. MasterCard, Visa, Discovery all investors. Think I’m lying look it up. Perpetual slave ships, people of color warehoused with natural life without the possibility of parole. The other death penalty. 

I wonder if I’m redeemable. I pray that things change, but I keep an open mind and strive to do better. Sometimes this soap opera has me twisted with all of its drama. I just want to get my poems out there. I am 51 and have natural life and I’m looking for someone who likes my work. I got better, I’ve changed a lot. I’m not the same person, but I hope you like them all.

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