Deal With Doors…
By Malcolm Scott
What’s the deal with this Door?
No knobs to turn only bars that I cannot bend..
Keyholes… Doors with slits replacing peepholes,
Keys hmmm let’s see
of they push that button this doors slides open to let me out and in..
I’m tired of pacing back and forth like a caged animal…Grill damn it LET ME IN!
Because of my willful actions the verdicts in,
LET ME OUT, but behind every door that I tread they lock me in,
Abnormal, antisocial, barbarianistic, slumbering sadistic these adjectives aren’t realistic…
They are only verbal precalculations for governmental funding for Inmates per capita… Bunk space… Storehouse.
Legislative Megalomaniacs with God complex
perplexed at why rehabilitatee hates to be Private Industries… Willing Slave…oops, I mean Gross National Product…oops I slipped again…I mean breathing, feeling, thinking commodity,
REHABILITATE ME, Free me…. SHIT… they knew that their cash would return with interest,
Yet they are disinterested in helping me address my ills,
Only caring about cash options multiplied by repeat offenders….
With all this money being spent on building prisons why am I eating the equivalent of a kindergarten snack like PBJ for my dinner?
If there’s no sleep for the wicked then I’ll take that Mansion, that Yacht & That beach house in a Coastal spot… and they can have this repetition, this Hell, this Cell…
these Bars & these Dreams of Freedom from prison sentences with no end.
What’s the Deal with This Door!??
Its locked tight when I try to Parole out but Open wide to lock me in…
If Black Souls Could Swim….
By Malcolm Scott
Can you swim in chains
tread water in the deep end of an infinite Ocean?
Here I am trapped in this expanse of fluid(s) in motion,
My physical shell has sunk deep…. food for life Aquatic:
as I still float here….
I remember the horror of being beaten and dragged away from my home….
Bloodied & broken,
unable to protect them….
I remember hearing my wife & kids screaming for me….as they met the same fate,
Who are these pale ones…. Why do they hate me?
Why are neighboring tribesmen helping them destroy me?
Were only moments ago you were a guest in my home breaking bread.
Held hostage for profit,
Kept chained in the sweltering bowels of coffin ships…. foot to cheek cramped body to body,
It’s getting harder to breathe
I feel like my soul to leave the mortal coil,
I’ve been laying here for so long,
I can feel liquid in my lungs, I feel like I’m drowning,
I. Can’t. Breathe!
When the breathing stops like so much refuse living or dead they throw our bodies into a hungry sea,
2 million plus souls met this fate…
Middle passage littered with the bodies of Men, Women, and Children erased from the pages of History remember them then you will be able to remember me,
Here I am trapped in this expanse of fluid(s) in motion,
My grave is this Infinite Ocean,
If Black Souls could Swim. I could leave this place and float to Heaven,
Treading water in the deepest end of Eternities Ocean?
Inherently your history…. A noose around my neck,
Your children with shovels in tiny hands barely strong enough to hold’em,
Delighting in your deed(s) excited at the prospect of burying me a slave….
(but I’m not dead yet!!!)
Carrying me away…. dumping my form in a shallow unmarked, unconsecrated Grave,
A lasting Memory…. Family heirloom burying me a slave.
Are there worst fates then being thrown into the hungry jaws the Ocean?
If Black Souls could Swim
By Malcolm Scott
Where’s LOVE when I’m….. Depressed and alone,
Where’s LOVE when I ….Need someone to wipe tears from my eyes…..
Where’s LOVE when I’m… Hurting…that voice telling me everything’s alright……
I’m tired of losing myself,
Dazed & Confused
discarded after being abused
by YOU,
Fleeing refugee cowering on the cusp of Oblivion,
One step away from Annihilation……
My mind filled with broken hearted revelations
Feeling like my existences unworthy…. of you,
Why do you pleasure in hurting me?
Is it because of your worth to me?
Eternal Pauper
because I
don’t have you….
What’s Love without LOVE
but a empty shell, empty Actions, empty Promises, empty Words…..LOVE
Without Love
The grass gets no greener, the air no fresher,
Broken heart Comatosed
heavy against the inside of my chest and with every step that I take I CAN. FEEL. ITS PRESSURE!
My sentiment should be
F@*k LOVE !….
But Love created me, its the power that informs my being,
Instructs my pen, the goal that elevates me
When it is all said and done, it is the thing….
Keep Moving
By Malcolm Scott
Right foot – left foot! I gotta keep moving
My stride unsteady – my tear-filled eyes
Trying to focus on a new horizon
While all around me the shadows
Whisper to me
Taunting me – laughingly reminding me
Of my brokenness
Of a mother’s willingness to corrupt my innocence
Left foot – right foot!
Psychosomatic – psycho analytical
Suicidal tendencies birth from abandonment and neglect
Socially apathetic
Because your laws couldn’t – no wouldn’t – protect me
From a mother and her sister who
Familial love them raping me
And breaking me
Making me believe the notion
That God hated me
Right foot – left foot!
Feeling alone
I withdrew into myself
Find safety in being introverted
One man island
That were I found my home
But the space was too small
It being crowded with past hurts
Broken dreams and pieces of the lost child in me
My inner sanctum wasn’t infinite
I slowly realized – in here
There wasn’t enough space for me to be alone
Left foot – right foot!
One step after another
I gotta keep moving – in pain – always the hunted
Seeking my safe haven
To make my stand
And stop running
Even when it feels like pain is perpetual
You can only find a piece of peace
When you are
Loving you
Right foot – left foot!
Left foot – right foot!
I gotta keep moving
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