Illinois / Kevin Gordon (IL) / Poetry

Poetry by Kevin Gordon

By Kevin Gordon

Having read many materials pertaining to Black Culture and the History of African and its Nations since the age of 18,
I now fully Understand why the current circumstances of the world exist. Black Civilization(s) were the original creators of
Spiritual Social Ethics, Sciences, Mystical Wisdom Teachings, Writing, Mathematics, Alchemy, Architecture, Self-Mastery,
Medicine, Law, Righteous Government, etc.
One of the most misunderstood perceptions amongst so many is what actually happened to those pioneers who were the Mothers and Fathers of Civilization?

Most of the literary materials and forms of writing about and the History of Black Culture were written by conquerors,
invaders, and enslavers/oppressors of Black People and much of the literature created in today’s World and Society is constructed by the systems that were built by institutions that oppressed, manipulated, exploited and were unjust towards
majority of the Black Nations of the World. . .

Even within the literary works composed and created by Black writers, historians, scientists, scholars, etc. the obvious
influence and impact of large scales of injustice is clear.

The endeavors of The Liberated Literary Council (LLC) are to ensure that Blacks (Men, Women, and Children) along
with all other races, ethnicities and people of the World are able to properly and accurately interpret all forms of

Many historical events that occurred 500-2000 years ago have been misinterpreted, distorted, and altered on many levels.
The racial falsehoods within the fabrics of World History by and within forms of literature must be acknowledged with full
in-depth analysis.

Black History must become a Global topic that is administered in aspects of Righteousness that will gradually produce
moral ways-of-thinking in order to promote positive ways-of-living. . .

The savior of the Future for Humanity lies within The Truth of the past…

Let’s Destroy the mountains of falsehoods/lies with one seed of Truth…

By Kevin Gordon

The World Loves to use the word Accountability, but what about the word “Acknowledge”??

With all the disorder and disharmony in today’s Society, public figures, reporters, journalists,
politicians, lawyers, judges, and many more professionals seem to consistently utilize the
word Accountability in relations to various forms of immoral behavior patterns displayed
by people in general.

When it comes to the strong topic(s) of History and it’s prime significance of why the world is
in shambles, most people downplay, under-report, mis-inform, mis-interpret, distort and
deliberately deny the entirety and full-scale of “Acknowledgements”…

With so many institutions and platforms manufacturing, distributing and circulating
mass amounts of mis-information about historical events how can We establish ways
of distinguishing the facts from falsehoods/lies??

For the past 5 centuries Western Civilization has persistently maintained the lies pertaining
to Black History.

What is it about Black Culture that just has to be excluded from World History??

The on-going attempts to erase and bury a peoples History must be “Acknowledged” on
every level, stage and degree as well as in all shapes, forms and fashions…

The restoration of Black History will not be done by the oppressors and exploiters of
Black Culture, but must be exercised effectively by qualified members of
Black Culture (Men, Women, & Children)…

Participation in determined efforts in the gathering of information to be shared can
be utilized for the purposes of exposing the manipulated and contradictive data that
has been accumulated and force-fed to Humanity.

Now is the time and era to fully “Acknowledge” what needs to be “Acknowledged”…

Accept Accountability for refusing to emit and “Acknowledge” The Divine Past
of World History which does not exist without The Glory of Black History. . .

By Kevin Gordon

A person’s Birthrite (Birthdate) is a Rite of passage…

This physical realm is only a reflection and mirror-image of what your mind can
perceive. Your Birthrite is symbolized as a feature and structure of time.
Time being a system that operates only in the physical realm of the minds perception
is a form of beginning and ending, Life and Death, etc.

A person’s true Birthrite is the experience of rising/evolving from the womb of
of the physical realm (material Universe) and transitioning/transcending into
the invisible spiritual realm/Universe…

To be born in the physical is the opportunity to embrace the reflection of Eternity,
Immortality and all other God-Like attributes. (Invisible Self I choose to call it)…

Life is ruled by the Dead… This means that the Eternal Spirit cannot be understood
by the majority due to the living experiences and the illusion belief(s) that
the physical realm (material Universe) is actual reality.

As the true Birthrite symbolizes Eternal Life, The physical Birthrite symbolizes
Death and therefore limits the minds of the many from ever experiencing
(The true Birthrite)…

The false “ways-of-thinking” enhances the “false ways-of-living”…

The physical form(s) of Life must become the vessel(s) utilized as the
objective purpose in fully understanding Death and why it’s “Hidden Secrets”
are so difficult to discover.

In the search for meaning of Life one has to cultivate the “Knowledge-of-Self”
through levels, stages, and degrees.

The physical universe which is a realm of illusion has barriers and limits that
must be overcame in order to know The Invisible Self…
These barriers and limits can become the vehicles used to transport one to
the Understanding-of-Self…

The Right/Rite of passage is the beautiful Journey of Living…
Experience is the Greatest Teacher…

Behavioral Patterns
By Kevin Gordon

Thoughts produce actions,
and actions produce patterns…

Our actions are under surveillance.
From the time We awaken until
We fall asleep We are being
bombarded by Artificial Intelligence (AI)…

Technology Gurus that manufacture
the Tech-Devices We use in Our everyday
situations capitalize off and from the ways
We think and live.

I’ll allow that to sink-in before I continue!!!

Our Behavioral Patterns are closely monitored
so that data collectors can reap the rewards
and benefit from “Marketing & Advertising”
on many levels.

Information is Key!!!

The BEC (Black Economic Circuit) was created
to establish a system within a system in order
to assist in providing accessible information to
those that are exploited, under-represented,
under-resourced and most of all BLACK…

Our Behavioral Patterns are keeping Us at
the bottom of the Food chain. . .

Wake-Up Already!!!

Advertising Markets co-op with Tech Giants
(Google, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) to
collectively capitalize from and by the ways
we live…

Our lives are being created for Us instead of Us
creating Our own lives. The playing field has been
unbalanced for far too long and now We must begin
to start “OUR OWN” Game. (We Can Do It!!!)
We All see the same objects,
Just through different eyes…

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