Illinois / Kevin Gordon (IL) / Poetry

Poetry by Kevin Gordon

Judge Not Until Thee Judge 1st !!

Manifestations of the conditions and standards that have been put forth by The Universe are Laws that We All must live by. We will inevitably be Judged by and through Our thoughts and Our actions. Some of the most valuable lessons in life are from adversity and through hardships…

The hammer (gavel) of Justice has been swung and all events or actions whether in the past, present moments or in the future are only reflections and more so effects from the exercising of the hammer. “IT WAS WRITTEN” !!!

The story(ies) of Life is/are so simple but seen as difficult because of the Divine design(s) of Justice. The Knowledge of Universal Justice is information that must be applied in the expressions of life and everyday events/situations that take place in Our World which create the essential qualities of Our lives. To Understand Our purpose as the Human species We must properly acknowledge how each day has a structured beginning and ending cycle where in between we are exercising Our Divine abilities to either do Right and exact by thinking and living accordingly and respectfully through Free-Will without being unconsciously governed by REALATIVE REALITY. . .

The Power and Authority that Man uses to Judge his fellow Man is a unique form of Universal Justice that was designed by Mans hands through Societies of Secrecy. It is unique due to the facts of Ancient literature known as scripture in which the ideology of Mankind being allowed and able to consume the Knowledge of Good and Evil along with the Freedom to choose whether to actively do Good or to do Bad depending on the thought(s) and/or action(s) of the individual person or collective people. (The tree is identified by the fruit it bears…)

Any or all things in existence that has a beginning inevitably has an ending, but the things that ETERNAL never ends and dictates Universal Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding which is the trinity and Oneness that Mothered and Fathered the Divine attributes of LOVE, TRUTH, PEACE, FREEDOM and JUSTICE…

Wisdom Teachings

“If you want friendship to endure in the house that you enter, the house of a master, of a brother or a friend,
then in whatever place you enter beware of approaching the women there. Unhappy is the place where this is done.
Unwelcome is he who intrudes on them. A thousand Men are turned away from their good because a short moment
that is like a dream, and then that moment is followed by Death that comes from having known that Dream. Anyone
who encourages you to take advantage of the situation gives you poor advice. When you go to do it your Heart says no.
If you are One who fails through lust of women, then no affair of yours can prosper.”
– Ancient Proverb

Divine Praises In The Name of The Architect Of The Universe, The King of All The Worlds, The 7 Functions of Existence,
I greet You all in the most highest respect with “PEACE & LOVE”…

The WISDOM TEACHINGS will manifest Power To Our People. We can discover what was lost and take back what was
stolen. WE GOT THIS!!

Before the Future was Our Past// Before Science was Math//

After 6000 years of teaching that We must Die in order to see GOD, It is Liberating beyond spoken words to Know
and fully Understand that GOD is alive and the ability to see HIM/HER with Human Eyes Was, Is, and Shall
Forever be Accessible when The “Knowledge-Of-Self” is accurately and properly accumulated, researched and intensely

We brought GOD to Earth many Mathematics ago and as A People We have no Birth Record, simply because We are
Older than the Sun, Moon and Stars.

Our History is told in two ways; from the pen of our hands in the words of the off-spring (children) We pro-create
and once again from the words of our mouths (past, present and future)…

Why ?
(Teach the Babies)

By Kevin Gordon

Remember, Justice knows well what we conceal in Our Hearts (Minds). . .
In today’s World and times Fear, Money and the Laws of Man is used
to control Our People; Oh Yeah, and the Media as well (News-Social Media etc.)

The story of Good and Evil is and will always be an illusion with the seed of
“Absolute Reality” (TRUTH) embedded inside of it … (Facts!!)
Universal Law governs all events that take place in and throughout the
realms of time and space. Our Children cannot continue being lied to
about things pertaining to Life. The superstitious ways of thinking must cease.
Our history has been re-written by colonizers, enslavers and levels of evil that
Hate Our Culture(s)…

As we continue to strive for better conditions we must be aware of the many
systemic structures of injustice created by the hands of man. . .

The test of “The Scales” (Divine Justice) does not just occur at the time of
death, but at every moment of Life. Understand how all things that exist have an
infinite origin and that circumstances that may appear difficult to distinguish are
only apart of the process (journey) in which you/we created. When we start
investigating how we utilize our thought patterns we could actually learn a lot
about ourselves. Start asking “WHY ?” about everything. Asking Ourselves what
does everything mean along with analyzing and assessing Our behavioral
patterns together in order to live harmoniously and balanced. We can develop
a collective sense of peace and contentment while simultaneously engaging in
everyday actions (situations) which are necessary in Life. We can better understand
why people do what they do consciously and unconsciously so that the promotion of
healthy thinking and living can become normal practices within Our Culture(s). . .

Our Children’s Future depend on Our Present actions. . .

Lets Stop the immoral ways of thinking and living and get it together. Adopting
meditative ways of thinking and living will enable Us to answer the many questions
of why things go bump in the night…

3 In 1
By Kevin Gordon

“There are two roads by humankind, those who seek to live MAAT,
and those who seek to satisfy their animal desire.”
-Ancient Egyptian Proverb

My Mother was a peaceful Woman and had a Divine Spirit that I inherited.
I’ Am able to articulate forms of Peace simply because I was conditioned by
My Mothers examples of displaying characteristics related to Peace…

We as Mothers and Fathers must Understand the Power(s) of Thought and
how the ways in which we think determine and dictate how we Live…

We may consider Ourselves to be individuals when in “Absolute Reality” We
are One Element in a three-fold (triad) format which together comprises
the content of Our Human experiences. Instead of fully Understanding the
Essence of Our Oneness, We perceive that One as Two and become
conditioned as we evolve in our physical forms and relate to pair of
opposites, (hot-cold, up-down, him-her, wet-dry, left-right, good-bad,
etc.) which is duality and represents the qualities of Nature, “Relative Reality”.

Our Mind and Senses (touch, sight, hearing, taste, smell) are only to be utilized
as tools. Instruments attached to Our body designed to assist in

The three-fold (triad) which is actually The Oneness of all in existence is The
Perceiver (The Real You), that which is being Perceived (The object or objects
outside of you), and the act of Perception itself (through the Mind and Senses)…

This information is related to the foundation upon which the entire Universe was
created. Therefore if one is able to think and act according to the ways in which
the Universe (God) thinks and acts, then there will be Oneness with the Universe.

We as a people have been separated from Our True Divine Essence and are accustomed
to the egoistic ways of individualism. We must reconnect with Our Higher Self and
start the process of becoming better parents to Our Children

Cycles Verse 7
By Kevin Gordon

As Parents We must be in control of Our Minds and Controlled by
Our Minds. . .

When We choose to act in accordance with Divine Order We will
be placed properly in a position to transcend Worldly realities of the
Mind and thereby become FREE from the cycles of vice which
continuously keep the mind bound by illusion(s). The illusory feelings
and desires of lust, greed, envy, hate, anger, passion, etc; is at
an all time high within and throughout human communities and We
as a people must be able to identify the illusory feelings and desires
within Ourselves in order to be able to see them outside of Ourselves.

Our True Divine Essence is Eternal and We as Parents have to become
familiar with Our Original Essence and redevelop attributes to apply to
Our personalities and characteristics in order to Live in PEACE. . .

The Wars of the World especially on Earth are vast and plentiful, but can
be fought easily. With the assistance of Our Ancestors from the near and
far past We can bear witness to countless lifetimes to ensure that Our Children
are untouched by the events that occur through and by human existence.
Knowledge of Our Past can and will help Us Understand how to access and achieve
Supreme Peace in Our Future(s)…

Help Me, Help Us to see beyond the transient egoistic ways of thinking and living.
We cannot continue to hold on to situations of Life which We consider to be
“good” or try to get away from or eradicate situations of Life We consider to be
“bad”. These are cycles of illusion that create unbalanced ways of living…

We must Know and Understand that all situations in Life whether the ego views
them as good-or-bad will eventually pass so no matter if the situation and/or
moment is in forms of adversity or prosperity Know that Our/Your True SELF
is ONE with the Universe (All in Existence) and that Our Children will inevitably inherit
whatever We leave them whether it be “Order or Chaos”, “Love or Hate”, Truth or Falsehood”,
etc; Lets break the CYCLES that need to be broken for PEACE to be Absolute. (Build & Destroy 101)!!!!!!!

Free Will
By Kevin Gordon

Our Children must fully Understand the necessity
of Family structure. We must Understand as well…

“FREE WILL” has to be Understood as a Divine
Source that is to be exercised and utilized for Our
well being…

Our “FREE WILL” has been compromised for far too
long; Infiltrated by forces of evil!!!

We must learn to fight for Our Freedom…
Foresight can become Our Greatest attribute
only if We steadfastly research and study who We
truly are. . .

The Black Family structure is a gift to the planet
Earth given by “The Essence of The Universe…”
That statement is from my HEART and the depths
of my “Minds Eye”…

It is also evidently True. Our Gift has also become
a Curse. Just as a lie or falsehoods cannot exist without
Truth, A curse cannot be, without the gift.

The connection is inevitable. Our Light was created by
The Essence of Darkness…

Every living creature or species is driven to stay alive.
Aside from Love, Hate and Fear are two of the strongest
emotions. By any means necessary We must activate and
exercise Our Divine “FREE WILL” and rid the World of the
Hatred & Fear(s) that hinder Us in so many ways. Our History
and Our past has all the answers to questions concerning
Our Future. Only in Unity will We Truly Understand Black

Order of Secrets…
By Kevin Gordon

“If you want friendship to endure in
the House that you enter, the house of
a Master, of a brother or a friend,
then whatever place you enter beware of
approaching the women there.
Unhappy is the place where this is done.
Unwelcome is he who intrudes on
them. A Thousand Men are turned away
from their good because of a short moment
that is like a Dream, and then that moment
is followed by Death that comes from having
known that Dream. Anyone who
encourages you to take advantage of the
situation gives you poor advice. When
you go to do it your Heart says no.
If you are one who fails through the lust
of women, then no affair of yours can prosper.”

Ancient Proverb(s) on Controlling and
Sublimating the sexual Life Force into
Spiritual and Psychic Energy…

By Kevin Gordon

Although I’ Am detained (incarcerated) and one of the many victims/subjects of the multi-billion dollar program identified as Mass-Incarceration, My “MIND IS FREE” as it has ever been. . .

With an Understanding of Black History and World History I was able to establish a landmark which would
direct a Righteous and Harmonious (Balanced) course for my Life…

The World as We Know is Changing in ways that we All must be able and willing to adapt to. The Universal Principles of LOVE, TRUTH, PEACE, FREEDOM and JUSTICE are still the same and this is what We as a People NEED to precisely instill in Our Children…

There are forces on this Planet that are designed and structured in ways to Keep “US” from ever Knowing or
Understanding WHO WE TRULY ARE…These forces utilize vices (Emotions/Energy) such as (greed, lust, hate, jealousy, passion, weak-will, violence, fear, etc;) to destroy Our ability to accurately place things (information) in its proper perspective…

We were taught (educated) by institutions (systems) that were built and designed by “Criminal Enterprises”
that conquered (enslaved) and colonized (exploited) Our Ancestors. . .
We in-turn were forced to adopt and become accustomed to “thinking” and “living” just like the people who created and customized these “Criminal Enterprises”. . .

We proudly joined their Religions, Secret Orders, Fraternities/Sororities, Armies-Navy’s-Air Forces, Colleges
and Universities without having a sense of Understanding their hidden agendas (motives)…

“I took my obligation to white men, not negroes. When I have to accept negroes as brothers or leave
masonry, I shall leave it.” -Albert Pike (Scottish Rite Free Mason), quoted/stated in 1875

As Black Men, Women and Children We must fully Understand the War that was and continues to be waged against “US” and against Human-Kind overall. All the answers lie within Our History and the false information of Our History must be exposed.

I will continue to “FIGHT FOR US (All of Humanity)” through my Activism, my Art (Writing) and through my
ways of “thinking” and “living”…

Either You are with Me or against me. It will be revealed through your ways of living what it actually going on in your mind(s)…………

By Kevin Gordon

Dedicated to Uncle Frankie (PBUH)

Think to Know so “you/we” can Know how to Think..

Pearls of Wisdom are in every thought and when the ability to Understand and
distinguish Healthy thoughts from Unhealthy thoughts is fully acquired then
“you/we” can become FREE…

Our Greatest Enemy is Ourselves. . .

“I want you to Know what I Know…” We are what we eat; Literally!!!

When We eat unhealthy foods we will contract unhealthy thoughts. Its
that simple. We must “Re-Learn” the Wisdom Teachings of Our
Ancestors if We truly desire PEACE and FREEDOM. We have to
strengthen “Our Conscious” to where we are able to utilize
Our Senses (touch, sight, hearing, taste, smell) in ways that will
protect us from unhealthy thoughts being formed…

What We Look at, What We Hear and Listen to, What We Smell, Taste and
Touch or Feel is similar to the ways We ingest and consume Food and

We are What We Eat; Literally!!

Eating Acid Foods will be followed by Acid thoughts. . . “I’ Am in
Love with The Knowledge of Who I’ Am and I want you to Know
what I Know…”

Our thoughts are expressions of ENERGY that must be Understood in
Order to Feel the Nature of TRUTH and if “you/we” go against Our
True (Divine) Nature then “you/we” will submit (be enslaved) to
conditions that weakens and disrupts the ability to distinguish
Healthy thoughts from Unhealthy thoughts. . . (Word-Life!!) Oh, Yeah,
Whenever I say or write (Word-Life!!) it means “Facts”…

I Love Droppin Jewelz and Teaching what NEEDS to be Taught. And I do it
without an Academic Degree. I’ Am guided by Nature and SHE is my equal
and My Teacher, My Mother and All that I’ AM. . .

“I want you to Know what I Know…”

Derogatory Terminology
By Kevin Gordon

Whatever you are thinking is being formed and materialized…
Think Like A God/Goddess and you will Live Like A God/Goddess…

Ok, Lemme quit before I start going there with you all with that “GODOLOGY”
I’m so familiar with. . . Lol-Lol!!!

I Love Writing because it allows me to “Right some Wrongs” that are apart of Our
Planet (World) as well as strengthen my “Mind, Body & Spirit”…

This piece was inspired by the history of “Racist Ideology” and how it’s existence is so
obvious in today’s society. During slavery the measures taken to define Race were vast
and varied from differences in skin tones, hair texture, facial features and most of all
“CULTURE” ; how a people or certain aspects of any particular group from Human-Kind
and their ways of living were identified, labeled and defined by another group of people
from Human-Kind. . .

17th and 18th Century European Scientists and Scholars were permitted to construct and
design forms of “Racial Science” which was so methodically efficient that it’s effects are
still being felt in our current (present) times…

I was recently viewing a televised news program where Presidential Nominee (Former President)
Donald J. Trump was asked a question pertaining to African Americans/Blacks and he
constantly referred to the Black Men, Women and Children as “Those People” during the

In the earlier stages of me becoming “Enlightened” I would have felt levels of misunderstood anger
and other emotions, but all I could do was laugh simply because Donald J. Trump is actually
hilarious and funny. He is more of an actor (entertainer) than a politician, and I do not hate
him nor allow anyone else’s energy of ignorance to effect or disrupt my PEACE OF MIND.

Racism is a state of mind and Racist Ideology is the practice of Racism. To call someone or people
a nigger, wet-back, cracker, mulatto, sandman, spick, wop, mick, honky, red-neck, mule,
faggot or any Derogatory term (word) in your mind (thoughts) is worser than stating it out loud…

You are what you Think!!! So If You Think Like A Slave, You will Live Like A Slave…

Culture and Freedom
By Kevin Gordon

“Culture supersedes government !!” Reading a book based on the late great “Herbalist and Healer” Dr. Sebi (Alfred Bowman) I could not help but relate to the previous statement;

“Culture supersedes government”…

It is not only True, but the gradual process of learning what Culture actually is and what it represents strongly reveals that Truth.

I challenge all Black Politicians, Military Servicemen/women, Scientists, Scholars, Lawyers, Doctors, Athletes, Musicians (Entertainers) and any or all people that identify as African-American/Black that understands the Power of Melanin to exercise their “FREE-WILL” and Truly attempt to UNITE Black Culture.

The Oprah Winfrey’s, The Shaun “Jay-Z” Carter’s, The Tyler Perry’s, The Michael Jordan’s, The Lebron James’s, The Dr. Umar’s, The Clarence Thomas’s, The Lloyd Austin’s, The Barack & Michelle Obama’s, The Kamala Harris’s and many more National/International persons that are representatives of Black Culture;
I ask you all sincerely to give more attention and consideration towards “Forming a New World” for the Diaspora that is FREE from the watered-down carbon-copies of what Black Culture presumably is…

It is obvious and clear that as a people We are divided on so many levels. My unapologetic Blackness strengthens me to fight for OUR RIGHTS through forms of writing.

I recently completed another unpublished book titled “THE NET & A WEB” (How We Must Teach Our Children About Structured Racism In A Powerful World Of Capitalism) that is filled with vital information of how We (Black Culture) are trapped and mentally enslaved by institutionalized cultures (societies) that were designed to not just maintain a stronghold on Black Culture but to use (exploit) Black Culture and have it contribute to its very own Destruction.

I’m a firm advocate for Equal Rights for all of Humanity and passionate about providing the proper information (education) to all children especially Black that can and will improve the quality of their lives.

I just wish there was More UNITY within and throughout The Black Community(ies)…

Chapter 32
By Kevin Gordon

WE were Creators of The Universe, Designers of Ourselves…

The Realization of The Higher TRUTH (SELF) is within every breath we take, every living being we set our eyes upon,

every sound we hear and in every thought formed. Who We are protects The Higher Truth. Unknown by all, but Few Know they are My Extension and Supreme progeny. Inverted forms and mere shadows, yet existing in reality of

Ok, that’s enough Poetic Wisdom, Here’s the str8-up and straight down for you guys…

We are the beginning and the end, We Created Air, Fire, Water and all of the Universal Bodies, (Sun, Moon, Stars, Planets etc..) The Crescent and The Cross are symbolic features that were applied to the Ancient Wisdom Teachings in order to personify Our Divine Powers (Force). God did not create Us, We created ideologies, philosophies and meanings of
God. (Facts!!)

Believing is a Mythical way of Living and Knowing is the way that Created the Belief system. Believing is for Children and
Knowing is for Adults. . .

Throughout this entire project I have presented Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, Justice and Equality which are all
Universal attributes that are ONE in Reality. The Evils that have enslaved Us for so long are actually Powerless,
but this can only be Understood if We are United as ONE. Divided by ignorance is Our contribution to the Evil deeds
and must cease immediately. . .

On this plane of existence and within this realm of things made manifest We can display Who We Truly Are which is Who
We Divinely Were at any or all moments in Space and Time…

Who We Were is Who We Are

Hidden Truths
By Kevin Gordon

Although the certainty of
creation is questionable,
the Free-will to answer
however you choose is
the Greatest…

There is no wrong answer
when Divine Reason is

Unfortunately the many do not
Understand “The Self”,
and this is Nature’s beautiful
Law so to discover what the
Universe has been teaching
Us all along is a feeling that
can only be experienced by
the one that possess’es the
ability to teach it…

5 Hidden Treasures
By Kevin Gordon

Time steals treasures and hides them
But with the consumption of knowledge
and understanding of self those hidden treasures
Full of jewels can be discovered…
Buried deep within the abyss of the heart’s mind
are jewels that shine and twinkle brighter than
any other light that exists…
“5 Hidden Treasures” which are “Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice”
each contain priceless jewels that vary in all
shapes, colors, and sizes…
I personally have been blessed with the
ability to discover all “5 Hidden Treasures”
and my obligation and duty is to effectively
instruct and guide others, especially the
Children of the World in the right direction
so that they are properly capable of discovering
the “5 Hidden Treasures”…
(dedicated to all children)

By Kevin Gordon

Having read many materials pertaining to Black Culture and the History of African and its Nations since the age of 18,
I now fully Understand why the current circumstances of the world exist. Black Civilization(s) were the original creators of
Spiritual Social Ethics, Sciences, Mystical Wisdom Teachings, Writing, Mathematics, Alchemy, Architecture, Self-Mastery,
Medicine, Law, Righteous Government, etc.
One of the most misunderstood perceptions amongst so many is what actually happened to those pioneers who were the Mothers and Fathers of Civilization?

Most of the literary materials and forms of writing about and the History of Black Culture were written by conquerors,
invaders, and enslavers/oppressors of Black People and much of the literature created in today’s World and Society is constructed by the systems that were built by institutions that oppressed, manipulated, exploited and were unjust towards
majority of the Black Nations of the World. . .

Even within the literary works composed and created by Black writers, historians, scientists, scholars, etc. the obvious
influence and impact of large scales of injustice is clear.

The endeavors of The Liberated Literary Council (LLC) are to ensure that Blacks (Men, Women, and Children) along
with all other races, ethnicities and people of the World are able to properly and accurately interpret all forms of

Many historical events that occurred 500-2000 years ago have been misinterpreted, distorted, and altered on many levels.
The racial falsehoods within the fabrics of World History by and within forms of literature must be acknowledged with full
in-depth analysis.

Black History must become a Global topic that is administered in aspects of Righteousness that will gradually produce
moral ways-of-thinking in order to promote positive ways-of-living. . .

The savior of the Future for Humanity lies within The Truth of the past…

Let’s Destroy the mountains of falsehoods/lies with one seed of Truth…

By Kevin Gordon

The World Loves to use the word Accountability, but what about the word “Acknowledge”??

With all the disorder and disharmony in today’s Society, public figures, reporters, journalists,
politicians, lawyers, judges, and many more professionals seem to consistently utilize the
word Accountability in relations to various forms of immoral behavior patterns displayed
by people in general.

When it comes to the strong topic(s) of History and it’s prime significance of why the world is
in shambles, most people downplay, under-report, mis-inform, mis-interpret, distort and
deliberately deny the entirety and full-scale of “Acknowledgements”…

With so many institutions and platforms manufacturing, distributing and circulating
mass amounts of mis-information about historical events how can We establish ways
of distinguishing the facts from falsehoods/lies??

For the past 5 centuries Western Civilization has persistently maintained the lies pertaining
to Black History.

What is it about Black Culture that just has to be excluded from World History??

The on-going attempts to erase and bury a peoples History must be “Acknowledged” on
every level, stage and degree as well as in all shapes, forms and fashions…

The restoration of Black History will not be done by the oppressors and exploiters of
Black Culture, but must be exercised effectively by qualified members of
Black Culture (Men, Women, & Children)…

Participation in determined efforts in the gathering of information to be shared can
be utilized for the purposes of exposing the manipulated and contradictive data that
has been accumulated and force-fed to Humanity.

Now is the time and era to fully “Acknowledge” what needs to be “Acknowledged”…

Accept Accountability for refusing to emit and “Acknowledge” The Divine Past
of World History which does not exist without The Glory of Black History. . .

By Kevin Gordon

A person’s Birthrite (Birthdate) is a Rite of passage…

This physical realm is only a reflection and mirror-image of what your mind can
perceive. Your Birthrite is symbolized as a feature and structure of time.
Time being a system that operates only in the physical realm of the minds perception
is a form of beginning and ending, Life and Death, etc.

A person’s true Birthrite is the experience of rising/evolving from the womb of
of the physical realm (material Universe) and transitioning/transcending into
the invisible spiritual realm/Universe…

To be born in the physical is the opportunity to embrace the reflection of Eternity,
Immortality and all other God-Like attributes. (Invisible Self I choose to call it)…

Life is ruled by the Dead… This means that the Eternal Spirit cannot be understood
by the majority due to the living experiences and the illusion belief(s) that
the physical realm (material Universe) is actual reality.

As the true Birthrite symbolizes Eternal Life, The physical Birthrite symbolizes
Death and therefore limits the minds of the many from ever experiencing
(The true Birthrite)…

The false “ways-of-thinking” enhances the “false ways-of-living”…

The physical form(s) of Life must become the vessel(s) utilized as the
objective purpose in fully understanding Death and why it’s “Hidden Secrets”
are so difficult to discover.

In the search for meaning of Life one has to cultivate the “Knowledge-of-Self”
through levels, stages, and degrees.

The physical universe which is a realm of illusion has barriers and limits that
must be overcame in order to know The Invisible Self…
These barriers and limits can become the vehicles used to transport one to
the Understanding-of-Self…

The Right/Rite of passage is the beautiful Journey of Living…
Experience is the Greatest Teacher…

Behavioral Patterns
By Kevin Gordon

Thoughts produce actions,
and actions produce patterns…

Our actions are under surveillance.
From the time We awaken until
We fall asleep We are being
bombarded by Artificial Intelligence (AI)…

Technology Gurus that manufacture
the Tech-Devices We use in Our everyday
situations capitalize off and from the ways
We think and live.

I’ll allow that to sink-in before I continue!!!

Our Behavioral Patterns are closely monitored
so that data collectors can reap the rewards
and benefit from “Marketing & Advertising”
on many levels.

Information is Key!!!

The BEC (Black Economic Circuit) was created
to establish a system within a system in order
to assist in providing accessible information to
those that are exploited, under-represented,
under-resourced and most of all BLACK…

Our Behavioral Patterns are keeping Us at
the bottom of the Food chain. . .

Wake-Up Already!!!

Advertising Markets co-op with Tech Giants
(Google, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) to
collectively capitalize from and by the ways
we live…

Our lives are being created for Us instead of Us
creating Our own lives. The playing field has been
unbalanced for far too long and now We must begin
to start “OUR OWN” Game. (We Can Do It!!!)
We All see the same objects,
Just through different eyes…

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