
The Bathroom Just Smells Better During Late Night, Okay?
By Kashawn Taylor

at last!
I topple off
my bunk, shh!
dorm quiet
a mouse
scurries by
say hi! to Mr. Jingles
the big screen
television playing
SNL while C.O.
shouts no! in
it feels wrong
an errant aberration
to empty my bladder
it’s 3am –
the smell of swill
dutifully removed hours
ago, the community
sump smells fresh!
like disinfectant,
that is. lemon scented
spray because bleach,
They say, is much
too urbane
I hope I hope
no one wakes when
worms gambol about
those ptomaine shower drains
or when the toilets flush
it’s just so messy
when the sun’s around
& when it’s down
my Bunkie isn’t
nodding off at urinals,
dubious fluids on the floor
it’s just so messy
when the sun’s

By KaShawn Taylor
!!! What a mess !!!
I had my glasses on
the whole entire time,
Walking with the sun
burning my back –
so, you know that I could see
Yet, somehow I still fell
into this pit, a trap
and BOY
am I falling still, the light
At the top of this hole
growing smaller and smaller,
less reachable, my end becomes
more palpable in groves.
On the way
I think of how strong
my arms are; If I can
climb my way back up …
On the way
I notice this well is stick,
oiled up for no hope to snake
its way from bottoms
to top.
I can only pray
the bottom is lined
with red cushions,
heart shaped pillows
and a knife.

The Bathroom Just Smells Better During Late Night, Okay?
By KaShawn Taylor
at last!
I topple off
my bunk, shh!
dorm quiet
a mouse
scurries by
say hi! to Mr. Jingles
the big screen
television playing
SNL while C.C.
shouts no! in his sleep
it feels wrong
an arrant aberration
to empty my bladder
it’s 3am—-
the smell of swill
dutifully removed hours
age, the community
sump smells fresh!
like disinfectant,
that is lemon scented
spray because bleach,
they say, I much
too urbane
I hope I hope
no one wakes when
worms gambol about
those ptomaine shower drains
or when the toilets flush
it’s just so messy
when the sun’s
& when it’s down

Theoretical Math for DOC Employees
By KaShawn Taylor
If the jail is down
sixteen counselors
with only three supervisors
then the sum of frustration
must surely be greater
than or equal to all
vacation days taken
when our livelihoods
are at stake.
if certain conditions
aren’t met, that is,
enough officers
to be let out for rec,
the square root
of our dignity multiplied
by the collective indolence
-nine times out of ten –
equals funereal impatience
tangible in the dorm.
It is quite simple:
The number of supercilious
answers given to heart
burning questions is just
a percentage of the superfluity
their words carry.
And if you don’t get it:
shut up
And sign up for school.

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