Standing Up
By Karla Wooten
Standing up to the system almost made me a victim, it almost made me a statistic when I tried as a Paralegal to stand up for them…Who am I talking about? The Girls in Orange in Prison with me that ae full of so much dishonesty. The women in Wyoming that said please help us – make a change – to fight this corrupt prison system that makes us victims of these men, that are supposed to be in charge, that do not care about our Civil rights – that seem to think that they are God.
I said, “In order to change the system it takes more than ONE person, it takes the entire Global Community, it takes your mother, brother, lover, your aunt on the State & Local level, it takes lawyers, activists, advocates, men, boys & girls who will rally to your cause, it takes more than 1 inmate that you think is a POWERHOUSE fighting for your cause….it takes all of us.”
Prison is hard when you have inmates that will say that they want you to help them write grievances, to protect their Civil Rights & that they want you to help them fight – then when they are questioned by the DOC, they are afraid of retaliation & will deny everything and lie. I am tired of…Corrupt WDOC Employees, who act like Politicians & their favorite Inmates that have positions in the Prison – who think that they are untouchable and powerful, that think that it is OK to treat other inmates like PREY…to be devoured…I am tired of the A** Kissers and A** Lickers – that pretend to like you, but they have 2 faces and are white supremacists, secretly racist – those that hide in the Chapel Office – lying, acting suspect & craven… It has gotten to the point that you cannot trust ANYBODY. That’s why the dollar bill says – “In God we Trust” – that Bill never said that we are to trust each other, especially the women that I have met in WY that say help me to change this Prison world.
I am a Florida DOC Inmate with 0 Criminal charges in WY – unfortunately – housed by The Florida DOC in this White Supremacist State…with people full of spite and hate…Some of these inmates had the nerve to say when I applied for a job in WY Garment/Industries – to tell their Boss not to hire me – that I did not fit in with their “Culture”. Can you imagine that these statements came from a bunch of Predators and Vultures?
*My Question is – WTF? & who do these privileged WDOC inmates think that they are?
*My Answer – “Legends in their Own Minds – Prison Celebrities and Stars”
I have discovered in 3½ years in WY – that these WY Women if they open their eyes – that their favorite hobbies are snitching, crying and lying;
*”Will the real MF please Stand Up?”
”Will the “privileged, crooked, snitching, crying and lying “Staff’s favorite Inmates,” PLEASE shut the F** Up?”
“Will the real MF stop being silent while others suffer in silence?”
“Will the Liars in the Chapel finally be FIRED?”
“Will the Warden & his Education Manager in Lusk stop making Rules and STOP F**king each other while breaking ALL the Rules? – What about the Rules & WDOC Policies that state DOC Employees cannot behave this way? Especially Prison Officials who are married to other people – when will they stop acting like hypocrites and stop being so evil? Employee Sexual Misconduct is a probable sexual harassment lawsuit especially when Bosses have sex with their employees – this offense is one where they both should have been fired – while the WDOC Director looks the other way and calls anyone who tells him the truth about those two – liars. Will the people that think that the insanity in Lusk, WY is wrong finally tell the truth?
***Someone needs to tell the Nation about all the Lusk, WY RICO Violations…
Will the Employees that QUIT have the courage to tell the FEDS? Will they teel the FEDS that more is going on at the Women’s Prison than these 2 employees being in the same bed? Will the Employees that QUIT finally blow the Whistle – and tell the FEDS about the Mother & Child Bldg. for Pregnant women where Federal, State & Private funds were obtained for 27 Years but Pregnant women live and have babies at the Hospital & the Men’s Prison and have NEVER lived in that Mother & Child Bldg. for Pregnant women building at the Lusk, WY Women’s Prison.
Will the Employees that QUIT stop being afraid and FINALLY tell the FEDS the truth that there are people that work in Lusk that they are trying to get arrested and that they think that State and Federal Laws do not apply to them that they are GOD, while what they really are acting like is a fool?
The WY Women’s Prison’s problems could have been solved easily – all that they would have had to do was to actually put the pregnant women that they have gotten so much money for in that Building, instead of committing Millions of Dollars in RICO Violations and Fraud while acting stupid and playing GOD.
Will the Employees that QUIT the Women’s Prison in Lusk FINALLY tell the FEDS that the Facility is a prime location that the Public Corruption Unit of the USDOJ, & the FBI needs to kick the doors in & raid & bust?
I told the Employees that Quit that if they BLOW THE WHISTLE that they could get Millions of Dollar Bills that say “In God We Trust.”
The Money Laundering Crimes in Lusk are EASY to prove – the evidence is clear as crystal there is NOTHING to do but BLOW that WHISTLE and BLOW IT HARD – to show these corrupt WDOC Prison Officials that they are NOT GOD.
I can’t wait for the day that I see WDOC Prison Officials wearing handcuffs, too just like me…Law Enforcement Officials with Badges at that Facility full of hypocrites are so corrupt – I would be glad to share these handcuffs…
I told the Staff that QUIT the Truth and I told them if you want to do what is right – BE SMART REPORT THESE PEOPLE – they should be in Prison with us – the Frauds being committed are Manifest Injustice and evil…I said to them you can be anonymous…and get Millions of dollars too – have the courage to do the right thing…you know what to do….the illegal shenanigans at this Facility are not just…I said to those employees….that I told the Warden what I am telling you that if I cannot commit crimes neither can you – the same State and Federal laws that apply to me they apply also to your Staff and you too.
I told the Employees the exact things that they need to say including the fact that The USDOJ has a Public Corruption Unit that prosecutes Money Laundering, Federal Frauds, Public Corruption, and RICO Violations all day every day.
I wrote over 50 letters to the USDOJ and filed over 300 Grievances and these people tried to retaliate…and make me a victim…of their corrupt system…standing should to shoulder in agreement with each while targeting and lying on me in fact….
Out of retaliation for my Advocacy in MARCH of 2024 – The Staff at the WY WOMEN’s CENTER lied on me they tried to set me up in March with 9 Fabricated DR’s…But weren’t they surprised – they forgot about GOD – another SGT from a different Prison came to do my DR Hearings – the Disciplinary Reports were all dismissed…except 2 – I grieved those 2 and they were dismissed after review.
The Women’s Prison’s Warden tried to retaliate against that SGT because he decided to STAND UP and say – what you did to her is NOT OK – this is racist targeting – not on my watch – it will not be this way, what is being done to her is illegal – they stacked these Write-Ups on her – this won’t happen on my watch – I will not participate and I am not in agreement with evil.
If the Employees that QUIT the Women’s Prison in Lusk, WY will not do the right thing that’s OK – I will be released soon and go visit the FBI & USDOJ – there is NO STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS IN WY for Criminal Prosecution in this State.
By Karla Wooten
It’s Moonlight over Gaza – the lights in the Skies are not stars, they are bombs, they are rockets, made in a land that is far away. These Bombs came from America the Great. It’s a shame how America – turns a blind eye to the screams of children and the tears of infants whose faces are burned. America when will we ever learn…that the stars and the stripes, carry great responsibility…America, we are supposed to be the land of equality and the land of opportunity…America, every second, every minute, every hour of every day…America, is on the Global Stage for all the world to see…America, one day there will be a reckoning…America, we are the land of the free and the home of the brave. America, is not supposed to be SPONSORING DESTRUCTION, ignoring trauma, genocide and pain America – What is going on? America – Why are things continuing this way? America, Netanyahu is laughing at us…America, Netanyahu does not care about Gaza or the Hostages…America, our founding fathers must be rolling in their graves America – We sing about the rockets’ red glare, their bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. These endless bombs over Gaza, and now Lebanon, say that America does not care…what our ally does. The lies that Politicians spout saying that we need peace and to see a cease fire while they keep taking their checkbooks out. What is the price of life in a starving, dying nation? What is the price of a starving child? America – what will we do about this evil situation? America, will we sit here and do nothing, but talk – while Millions starve to death and die? Will we ignore the souls of millions while they burn and cry?
America, will we sit here and harden our hearts and shake our heads until every person starving to death in Gaza is dead and then say, Wow like we are watching a movie – that was so very tragic and sad? America – How can we be silent observers and stand by and watch the devastating pain, misery and famine that is being meted out
Is this Justice? What does Justice look like? When will the war in Gaza end? Who is going to feed all these starving children? Hamas, Hezbollah – yes, they are Terrorist Organizations. Terrorist Organizations deserve no mercy. But starving children do. Starving Babies, and Children need Food, Clean Water, Medicine, Mercy, Compassion, Peace, Love, Healing, Kindness, Hope, Grace and to be shown the Love of GOD in a World full of Pain.
America – we are better than this… These Moonlight Bombs over Gaza are NOT OK. These Babies with burns on their faces – should not know pain like this at their age. It’s Moonlight over Gaza………. The lights that you see are NOT stars, the lights in the skies are Bombs From a Land Far Away. These Bombs in the Moonlight came from America The Great. And the tears of the Motherless souls are crying under the heavens…screaming…… Have mercy on us – for the Love of GOD. Have Mercy on our Souls.
Silver Lining
By Karla Wooten
The Son shines on the good and those who are evil.
You may think that I misspelled the word Sun, when the truth is that I meant the Son Of GOD, not the star in the Sky.
It is always ironic when people seem to think that when they are committing evil acts, that one there will not be a reckoning.
For every action in this life that we take, there is a consequence and for our sins one day we will pay.
There is a silver lining that exists in every cloud.
Heaven is on the other side of Hell.
Recently, I received a 5-digit deposit in my account, the money that I received was half of the amount – but for that error – I will be repaid 5-7 times the amount, because someone else signed my check – and they will have to reimburse me for 5-7 times the amount that should have been put into my account.
Someone has to pay the piper my friend, silver linings are on the other side of clouds in the end.
The money set me Free from abuse, poverty and the tender mercies of friends, family and the DOC.
The Wyoming DOC have tried me every day – their games will be coming back to bite them, the way that a lion kills a snake.
There is a Silver lining coming for me friend, I am happy, excited because for all pain there is an End.
I am enjoying and savoring thoughts of Victory, the payment that will restore me – from 4+ years of living in this hell hole, living with vicious people – who don’t know……….
I am a Warrior, victorious and NOT their Victim – I am smiling because of what is coming for them……
Hold on Pain Ends – H.O.P.E. – There is HOPE for you too, my friends.
The Silver lining – helped me to get paid so that I can keep on shining.
For every act of injustice, malice and evil there is a recompense…people.
Do not think that evil goes on forever unseen, behind the clouds there is victory and legal remedies.
I found a legal remedy that helped me to get the DOJ involved – I had real problems that they need to solve, the DOJ made the FDC & WDOC pay me.
My mind, heart, spirit, my soul and my Body will soon be Free –
The Son of GOD showed me the Silver lining. VICTORY.
Good Company
By Karla Wooten
It matters who you surround yourself with – Who are your people?
Who are your friends? Who is in your circle?
Are your friends elevating you – in some way and helping you to change your life for the better?
Or are your friends – the type of people – who seem to only be for you – in times of good weather?
The same way that Grandma, used to say that evil communication corrupts good manners – your friends that you choose are a reflection on you – like a banner.
Are you surrounding yourself with people who are making you Greater or are you surrounding yourself – Baby, with Haters?
Are you surrounding yourself with procrastinators?
Are you surrounding yourself with people who are lazy that sleep all day? Or are you the one that sleeps all day?
What are you doing with your life? Those that fail to plan, plan to fail.
Make a decision – to be successful, stop playing Switzerland – acting neutral – get your ass off of that fence – time waits for no one, my friends.
Please understand that no decision – is a decision to live a life of mediocrity instead of living a life of royalty, dignity and sovereignty.
Make a decision to live your best life – choose…say to yourself – I AM THE CEO OF ME.
Sometimes the Good Company is Me, Myself and I.
Who are your people? Are you being a positive influence?
If not – CHANGE YOUR LIFE – think about what you have been doing.
Get up and encourage yourself.
Think about what your life’s legacy and impact will be…
Will you choose to live a powerful life of victory?
Are you positively impacting your Local, State and Global Community – yes, friends – even in the darkest Prison – there is a Local, State and Global Community – what is your legacy?
Will you be the one that shines the light?
Will you give hope to others, that encourages them while you provide joy, victory and economic opportunity?
Who are your friends? Who are your associates? Who are your people?
Surround yourself with Good Company & Good people, change your circle, do good, overcome evil.
Have you ever heard keep your friends close and your enemies closer?
That is stupid, why would you keep an enemy close – is it so that they can learn all your secrets and so that they can cut your throat?
Keep your enemies far away from you – it is never their business to know about every great plan that you have and every big thing that you will do.
Keep your enemies far away, stop telling them everything and shut your mouth – Sometimes we are our own worst enemy, when we brag about – who we like, who we love and how we are doing so much, be quiet sometimes –
you have the right to remain silent, your success makes its own announcement – it’s NOT something that you need to brag to the world about or shout it out on the Internet.
Have you figured it out yet, that your bragging will delay your success? Bragging allows your enemies and haters to try to stop you and to put obstacles in your way – to try to destroy you and to keep you from advancing – bragging causes delays.
Surround yourself with good people, eliminate the haters from your life. This is truly the secret to success and the way that we overcome evil.
Lost and Found
By Karla Wooten
LEO was my Son, Xavier’s dog, when Xavier was between the ages of 7 to 11, LEO thought that he was a squirrel.
Every day we would have to run home to rescue LEO from the neighbor’s yard, in the Nature preserve that we lived in, or we would have to rescue him from a pool or when he would get stuck in a tree. LEO was a trial to Xavier, me and the community. LEO used to sit at the stop sign like he was waiting for a Bus, he would go to school and sit in the Bus lane and wait for my Boys to get out of school at the end of the day.
One day, I received a call from the Temple Terrace, Florida police. I looked at the Caller ID thinking that someone was Prank calling me. I asked the Police, “How can I help you – is there something that you need?”
The Officer said, “Yes. Do you have a Black Lab named LEO, who lives with you?”
I said, Yes – he is in the backyard and the Officer said – No, LEO is in our Jail. I said, Hold On for a moment, I looked out my back window and discovered that LEO was not in the backyard wagging his tail.
I said, Officer how much is his Bail? – The Officer said we will release LEO to you for Free, but apparently he was swimming in your next door neighbor’s pool and the neighbor called the Neighborhood Watch Police. The Deputy driving by your house put LEO in the back of his car and took your dog to jail and we need you to come and get LEO out of our cell.
I called my sister to go with me, we did not believe that LEO was really in jail until he was walked out by a Deputy.
I asked the Deputy – did they need a new Dog – he said we don’t accept Dogs like LEO, who like to act like a squirrel and Dogs that climb trees.
LEO was lost, found and returned to me for Free by the Temple Terrace Police.
Great Minds
By Karla Wooten
Have you ever heard the statement that Great Minds think alike – this is a fallacy because every mind in existence is unique.
Scientists say that when people are creative that for every great idea that there are 10,000 people that have created the exact same thing.
Most people will assume that every Invention that is made available to the Public that the Invention that they see is the best thing.
There may be an inventor whose product was better, but usually the one that brings their Intellectual Property to the market and patents it first is the one whose invention gets the most pubicity.
The way that Intellectual Property works – when you are trying to obtain a Patent from the US Patent and Trademark Office is that someone can change 1 thing on your original concept and your invention can be stolen and is considered to be a brand new person for the thief is some cases who chose to rip off your idea.
This may not seem to be fair but this is the way that the world works when you are attempting to get your Patent approved or your written work Trademarked.
It is important to realize that your words, ideas and Intellectual Property need to be protected, there is a possibility that it can be stolen – it happens every day.
Please protect the work of your Great Mind – it is your legacy.
Good Sport
By Karla Wooten
When I was at GADSDEN CI, in Quincy, Florida – I was asked to be a Good Sport, at breakfast one day and to help my fellow inmates out – transporting back to the dorm from the dining hall – their boiled eggs.
I said – I don’t do that, they said we need your help, we want to make egg salad, tuna salad and chicken salad in the dorm, and the Police never search you – Come on help us out – we would do it for you. They were lying like a dog.
I put the eggs, as they requested in my bra, not knowing that when we walked around the corner that the “Wanna Be Police” (“CO’s) were standing in front of our dorms, waiting to ambush us and to search us for eggs.
I knew that the Sergeant hated inmates that she believed were Lesbian, Bi and/or gay, so I went up to her – held my hands and arms out and said, “Search Me,” in a very suggestive way.
The Sergeant – did not know that I had 6 eggs that had fallen out of my bra into my shirt, into my thermal pants and that they were rolling down my uniform in the thermal in my pants legs.
The Sergeant said, to the Officer that she was training – Don’t touch her, when they act like that they don’t have anything, they just want to be touched. The Sergeant said to me – with a mean expression on her face – “You go in your dorm.”
I was laughing my ass off, so hard in my mind, when I went in the dorm – about the games that inmates play, and the 6 eggs – fell out of my pants leg.
So, I told the girls – this is the last time – that I will be a good sport.
I am your Law Clerk, I work on Legal Motions and Torts.
Holding Hands
By Karla Wooten
Last year, I met a man who I felt like I had misjudged and I decided to give him a second chance. He was persuasive, dynamic and charismatic – he would tell the inmates, I want you to be the best version of yourself, I’ve been in Law Enforcement for 34 years and if I could I would let all of you out.
It was funny to me – and I mean ironic, when I figured out that he was gaslighting me – his actions alone proved that he was untrustworthy.
My grandmother used to say that when a person shows you who they are that you need to believe them.
My Mother used to tell me that I had a certain type of men that I like but, that I needed to realize that the men I was attracted to that they were Toxic and that when I figured out that the men that I liked did not have good intentions towards me – that I would truly be Free.
Mama died in 2023 – she was wise and she used to give me advice that would get on my nerves but, you know what My Mother was right in so many ways and I loved her so much and miss her every day.
I am trying to be politically correct and repeat what Mama said in a diplomatic way because, what Mama actually said – was that every time that GOD was going to deliver me – that I would get caught up in another bad relationship with a Toxic man and that what I was doing was living my life in the endless cycle of bad relationships that had characters that were alike.
Mama said that I needed to realize that every man that I was in a relationship with that I kept making the same bad choice every time and that what I was bringing home was the same demon wearing a different pair of pants and that when I learned how to recognize Satan in all of his forms – because the devil is deceptive – that I would finally be Free.
Mama was Right – she said, Stop holding hands with the devil – GOD said, it is the devil’s Mission to Kill, Steal and Destroy your life.
Mama said, Act like you have some sense. Stop saying – that the devil that you know is better than a new devil.
Mama also said – that there will never be a time in your life when the devil will leave you alone and if he is leaving you alone, it’s because you are his favorite and you are doing his work.
Mama said Stop deceiving yourself and be all that GOD wants you to be which is the best version of yourself.
Mama said, You are fearfully and wonderfully made, you are a masterpiece in the eyes of GOD.
Mama said, Anything that is contrary to the word of GOD that it is not of GOD and any man that does not VALUE YOU, is not worthy of you.
Mama said, Any man that does not want you to be the best version of yourself, that does not believe in you, that does not encourage you, that does not want the best for you, that does not inspire, respect and admire you -then you don’t need them.
Mama said, Any person that does not value you and know that you are precious and priceless and a jewel in the crown of GOD, do not mourn over that person, realize that GOD has someone better and greater in mind for you that will love you for life – more than you could ever dream, imagine or think.
Mama said, Tell the LORD, Thank You – for every man that rejected you – because he was not your King.
Mama said, Your King is coming – you are a Child Of GOD and He is the King of Kings, if your Daddy is a King – then you are a Queen.
Why Do I Write?
By Karla Wooten-Sunday
I write for my own personal joy, edification, beauty, ecstatic pleasure, and empowerment.
Words have power — death and life is the power of the tongue, death and life is the power of the pen.
When I write my words are so alive and powerful that you can feel me breathe and taste the pleasure of the words that I write in your mind and on your tongue.
My writing is alive, it is energy, synergy, painful, and powerful.
This journal is meant to shine the light on who I am, revealing to the world this magnificent, beautiful creation that GOD breathed life into ME.
I write to tell the truth about Motherhood, Life, Victory, Healing, Emotional Pain, Bondage, and Liberty.
I write to tell the truth about what it means to be African American and living within the American Social Justice/Criminal Justice system.
I write to expose the truth about political hypocrisy, democracy, and theocracy.
I write because the power of the pen sets me free.
I write because this pen is so full of life and sometimes the truth that it reveals is deadly.
I write because this mind that GOD gave me tells me that when I write I am at liberty to express my identity and when I write with this pen, I can take you to the mountaintop, I can take you to the river, the hills, and the valley. I can walk through the plains of your consciousness and your mind and set you on fire, free, and for a brief moment I can expose you to the truth of my reality and identity and expose to you my mind.
I write to give to you a pleasure that is profound that you have never known.
I write because my mind is one of the things that I refuse to give this corrupt American Criminal Justice system — my mind is the one thing the criminal justice system will never own.
I write for those who are too afraid to rise up and express themselves.
I write because GOD gave me this creative, intelligent gift and he said, Write, Baby, the words that I tell you, with your fine, beautiful, divine, talented self.
Write the words that I give to you that he and she that read these powerful words that they may see the vision, that they may run, so they may see the vision that shines out of you illuminating the world like the sun.
GOD said, Write, Baby — use this pen that is powerful like a sword and FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT.
God said — Write, Girl, be powerful, this pen is your voice and it will change your life.
I write because I can’t help myself.
GOD told me to write, GOD told me to never surrender, to never lay down my pen, to never surrender my heart, my spirit, my soul, or my mind but to rise up and shine like the sun, to be a light.
By Karla Wooten
My views & perspective about life shifted after I was wrongfully convicted.
It seemed like an evil dream.
But, I’ve discovered that NOTHING in Life is ever as it seems.
I could not believe that this had happened to me.
Inside my Heart, My Mind, My Spirit, My Soul,
I kept crying… while maintaining a straight face.
Did anyone EVER think to ask me was I OK?
Do you know how hard it is to keep on living and to keep trying?
When everyone around you is being deceptive, concealing evidence and lying?
I replied to an Employment Ad that said, No License required.
Be your own Boss.
Work your own hours.
I was promised 100% commission to help people finance their homes.
I was told I would NEVER walk alone. Imagine to my surprise, it was all lies.
Everyone I worked for was committing crimes.
To make matters worse.
The Government violated ALL my Federal &State Civil and Constitutional Rights.
People were threatened so they told lies in court and perjured themselves.
It was sad that I couldn’t get decent legal help.
My Attorney refused to present 60 witnesses and refused
to present 700 documents I had given to him.
He sold my life down the river so that he could get promoted;
my life was sold by one who I assumed that he was devoted
to make sure that my life and rights were protected and preserved.
My Voice was NEVER heard.
I did not get the legal help I deserved.
In America that’s how it goes for Black folks
who don’t have a lawyer to fight for their life as a WARRIOR.
Who depend on the lies that are told to them by Government Lawyers.
By Karla Wooten
Jennifer Porter showed through her stare that she was heartless and did NOT care,
she ran over Black Children with her car,
her lawyer made sure that she was NOT punished
He was a Legal Rock Star.
Children were killed yet, she walked out of Court of her own Free will.
She did NOT do 1 day of Prison or Jail Time and after turning herself in
Went home that night to drink some wine.
She was a Pre-School Teacher trusted with children
yet she made Innocent children her victims.
On her sentencing day she was given House Arrest
& the Legal & Justice System failed the Test,
for 45 days she and her car were hidden, the murder weapon was missing.
Police had a partial picture after her hit and run of the car’s license plate.
The children’s mother was on TV crying for Justice, pleading Night and Day.
The children had been playing at a local park;
they held hands as they went home just before dark.
Porter hit them with her car and kept right on driving like it was a Lark.
Porter knew that what she had done was wrong
she hid her car behind her mother’s Florida dance Studio.
Porter ran over these children and kept driving that day,
police were on TV trying to review the license plate.
It’s tragic and it’s sad, No One should ever be glad, Justice was NOT served,
the victims’ family did not get the Justice that they deserved.
But, that’s how Life is in America for Black Folks
when White America is still trying to deny us the Right to Vote.
We’re NOT PROGRESSING, we are regressing.
What do you do when Justice is NOT just, when those that are supposed to protect and serve are the very ones that you can NOT Trust.
This Poem was written to ask God to Bless the dead,
to memorialize those that did NOT get the Justice that they deserved.
By Karla Wooten
George Floyd, Emmitt Till, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X,
I could go on for Eternity
remembering those whose lives ended in Tragedy.
Their Spirits and Voices are speaking still from the Grave;
they will be remembered forever all over the World for Eternity for being Brave.
I remember what my Grandmother once said, she used to say.
Pray for Peace, God Bless the Dead.
You may think that the dead do not speak but, their Blood speaks to God crying out
from the ground, for GOD remembers those whose lives have ended in Tragedy.
GOD sees and knows the things that we never see. God sees and know the things that we will never know, the past, the present and the future eternity.
God knows when it is our time for you and for me.
I am talking about the time for us to live and the time for us to die,
the time for us to mourn and the time for us to cry…
God keeps the record and God keeps the tally, God puts us on the mountain top
and He sees us in the Valley.
One thing that is always a solace is that God is a God of Mercy, Truth, and Justice.
No One who lives in this Universe has the right to take another person’s life
and God will punish them for their evil deeds, God counts the costs God sees our needs….
God is NOT a man and it is impossible for him to lie…
The Bible says that ALL people, dead or Alive are ALIVE to God.
We belong to God every one of us; our Life is His and not ours…
God communicates with those whose lives have been shortened
due to people who have no conscience and no mercy in their heart.
GOD BLESS THE DEAD, may seem to you to be weird, if it does,
I’m NOT writing this Poem for you, I’m writing it for them.
I’m writing this Poem for their families and for those who know
that the crime of their murders was a senseless Tragedy.
I’m writing this Poem for all the children who did not get the opportunity
to see these people personally or get to hear them speak.
I’m writing this Poem to God, who sees and who knows everything.
I’m writing this Poem for these Great People, who did not know the fullness of life,
whose lives were shortened due to another person’s vicious pride,
maliciousness and strife and desires to take away other people’s right to life.
GOD Bless the dead is for Brianna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery.
GOD Bless the dead is for George Floyd, Emmitt Till, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X,
I could go on for Eternity remembering those whose lives ended in Tragedy.
This Poem was written so that their Murderers know that they did NOT die in Vain,
that their lives will be remembered with victory.
We will remember them forever and their family’s pain.
We will not forget, we will say their Name…
These People and their voices will be REMEMBERED forever,
they have set Fire to the World’s Passion, their memories
and lives have been a force for change and will be forever revered and treasured.
These people’s voices, which their murderers tried to silence are speaking still
from beyond the silence of the grave,
they are remembered and have EMPOWERED Millions
to speak up for Truth and Justice and to have courage and be brave.
We will say their Names, we will be proud, we will be bold, brave and not ashamed,
and we will remember those who were put in early graves.
I will remember forever what my Grandmother said,
Pray for Peace and that God Bless the Dead.
Speak the Truth 2 Empower
By Karla Wooten
NOW, is the Hour to Speak Truth 2 Empower.
Recently I’ve been asked about the Present, the Future and the Past.
I’ve been asked to speak about Racial Injustice, Social Injustice, Civil Unrest,
some people say and suggest that I let sleeping dogs lie
and NOT rock the Boat to close my eyes to humanity and hope.
I will not be silent so that those who hope to change the world for the worse
will not have any person that opposes them.
I will not be silent so that those whose lives ended too soon
because they fought for causes and their lives still speak from the tomb;
Tragedy is pain and Trauma,
Life is full of endless drama, some of the memories
that I and my ancestors live with
they are an unwanted gift.
I say Speak Truth to Empower our children to live in a world that must change
that must stop fostering hate;
Speak Truth to empower before it is too late;
Don’t be a silent victim, dare to be Bold, Brave and Great;
Dare to dreamlike Martin Luther King of a world where to be FREE means to be real, a world to do more than speak, but to use the power that you have to heal;
Dare to speak the Truth and not be afraid;
don’t be a slave of the pressure that some folks try to bring to bear,
the pressure to silence you so that you will live in fear;
Speak to Truth to Empower, actively promote change expose hate its’ NOT too late;
turn the chapter, change the page, change your fate;
Speak Truth to Empower, Dare to Be Brave;
By Karla Wooten
The current Republican Party does not believe in Equality or Democracy;
The Constitution was written only for the white and the Wealthy;
The current climate in this Country is NOT Healthy;
It seems like that in every generation there is a shady character;
That is able to deceive the masses and lie and say that sunlight is tory weather;
How can we take 1stepforward and 20 steps back, through the oppression the hate,
the fate of millions is dependent on hacks;
The Constitution was NOT written for you or me Black America,
it was written for those that are white and wealthy;
When it was written African Americans were considered to be 3/5th’s human, yet wealthy white people trusted us (Black folks) to raise and nurse their children;
When the Haters, the Racists and the Bigots stand before God, I wonder what will they say?
When you’re on your death bed, that is NOT the time to pray; Oh, you can pray if you want….
But consider your evil, vicious ways because God may not be interested, when you’re dying in what you have to say
Don’t be surprised if in Hell you lift up your eyes and when you ask God, WHY?
If He says by the time that you decided to change your ways,
It was too late for you to pray.
God judges by the heart and your actions the things that you say and the things that you do,
the choices that you make and the truth and the lies that you state…
You can tell God with your mouth whatever you wish,
but He is listening to the secrets and the desires of your heat,
more than the words that come from your lips….
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By KarlaWooten
High Stress, High Pressure Jobs they say are good for you,
If you want to receive Great Pay.
At least that’s what the “Great and Powerful” Capitalists say.
But what they don’t tell you is that Multi-Tasking can kill you
when you work 90 hours a week and when you work 14-15 hour days.
This is NOT the right way to live and enjoy Life and it definitely is NOT ОК.
If you continue to live this way, in the Grave your Head, you’ll lay.
How do you stay focused when you’re just going through the Motions?
You’ll soon lose all objectivity, you’ll lose all hope of a life and lose productivity
And forget to focus.
High Stress, High Pressure jobs they say are good for you if you want Great Pay.
At least that’s what the “Capitalists” say.
Only if you want to die early someday,
90 Hour work weeks, 14-15 hour days are NOT OK.
It’s impossible to live a Life full of joy when you operate this way.
if you do this constantly in the grave your soul will soon lay.
By Karla Wooten
FEENIN is like a bad habit, this sex got you like an addict.
I want you to stop peeking from the bushes,
stop pulling and pushing. Stop trying to make me love you.
When all I want is friendship NOT to be with you.
We are NOT together, it’s NOT ME, and it’s definitely you.
It’s all the things that you say and that you do.
I told you that I just wanted to holler
when you were trying to impress me with your dollars.
I’ve got my own money. I’ve ALWAYS been a BOSS.
Goodbye, it’s your loss.
I know that I’m the one that you crave.
You need to STOP we will NOT be together forever
from the cradle to the GRAVE.
Stalking is NOT cool, WTF is wrong with you?
Find yourself someone else to play with,
find yourself another fool. Feenin’ is like a bad habit.
When your sex is so GOOD that it creates sex addicts.
And, it just won’t do when you’ve got yourself a fool.
Be careful what you say, be careful what you do.
Crazy is NOT sexy. Sex Addicts are NOT cool.
By Karla Wooten
She makes me feel like singing-
from the Top of her head to the soles of her feet
all that I see is Beauty.
She said to me, I can be all you want and all that you need.
I said, Girl, you’re too young for me.
She said, Lady please, Baby give in to me.
She was a secret crush, beautiful and lush…
I couldn’t help myself she was all I wanted and no one else…
Little did I know that the crush was mutual…
the connection was deep, rich and beautiful
She makes me feel like singing..
from the top of her head to the soles of her feet,
naked or clothed all I see is Beauty.
She said, Look at me …Do you like my Tattoo?
She said…I got it for me, but Baby it’s for you.
Her Tattoo was calling me.
It was calling my Name; it said Beautifully Broken,
she was naked and not ashamed.
I longed to taste it with my tongue, that honey that fire,
I said Baby please give me some,
as I traced the words to this Beautiful Poem that on her
body was a song that Tattoo and all that was her made me hum.
We’re all Beautifully Broken,
created naked and not ashamed,
fearfully wonderful created without pain,
made to be beautiful, created whole,
restored forever when we find the other half of our soul.
She makes me feel like singing..singing…singing…singing…
By Karla Wooten
Run towards your destiny.
Run for the Fences. Stand your Ground.
Be Relentless. Be Consistent. Be Determined. Be Diligent.
Go for broke.
Run for the Fences.
You may have to run through the Trenches.
Overcome every Obstacle in your way.
Don’t allow anything to stop you.
Be Relentless.
Through Opposition, make your Score.
RUN, RUN, RUN through EVERY Open Door.
The World is waiting for you.
Be Determined in Everything that you do.
Never forget that Time waits for No Man, No Woman, No Boy, No Girl.
Run towards your Destiny. Be Ready for the World.
It’s TIME for you to know who is &who is NOT your friend.
This is NO time for you to feel defenseless.
Go over, under, around every obstacle that stands in your way.
Live, Laugh, Love, Win & Pray.
Be Fierce, Be Bold, Be Beautiful, Be Brave, Be Relentless every single day.
Be Relentless, Be Determined that NOTHING will stop you in every way.
Success comes to those who are Bold and Brave enough to reach for their Dreams,
to pursue them vigorously.
Success is for those who want their Dreams more than they want their next breath.
Success comes to those who are willing to fight for it to the Death.
Play to WIN.
Be up for the Challenge.
Stand on your own two feet, find your balance…
FOCUS, FOCUS. FOCUS. eliminate all distractions.
You’ll find your Destiny & Success when you find your Passion.
By Karla Wooten
World activist rallying redeeming
Restoring internationally our rights,
Warriors unite it’s time to fight.
What are we fighting for? Our civil
State and federal constitutional
Rights the seas are raging, the storm
Is bright.
Equal pay and equal rights this is
A continuing fight, until we all have
Equality America will NEVER truly be free.
We fight to eliminate racism and
Discrimination every day with all our
Might in every way.
Warriors know that these movements
Need to grow until we all can say that
We’re living the American way.
America has always been a land of
Opportunity but right now we must fight
To end all the insanity that is destroying
Warriors it’s time now to unite to
Rally, restore and redeem our rights.
By Karla Wooten
Utopia would be the day that we
All have peace. A world where there
Is no war where children are safe
In their parent’s cars. A world in
Which mass shootings do not exist
And law enforcement doesn’t have
Crimes that they miss through error
And negligence. Peace will be a world
Where no one is dying, tears are
Wiped away and politicians stop lying.
It would be so great to walk down
The streets and not see homeless,
Hungry people every single day. Peace
Would be a world of harmony, a world
Where the economy doesn’t fluctuate or
Where people abuse their children every
The Elysian Fields would be a place
Where the grass is ever green, where we
Live in unity allowing people to choose
Their identity where all people live FREE
Praising God for sanity. God brings the
Peace, restore our souls and meet our
Needs, it’s time for us to change, it’s time
For the world to pray.
All of Creation
By Karla Wooten
All of creation is waiting for
You to decide that you will live
That you will not die
All of creation is waiting for
You to know that your
Destiny is in front of you
Let the past go
All of creation is waiting
You to change for you
To stop all your complaints
All of creation wants you
To know your future is
Bright and full
Of hope
And that it is great
All of creation is full of joy
All of creation is full of peace
All of creation is waiting for
You to shape to its needs
When I say needs I mean you
To look at your dreams
And decide that they will come
By Karla Wooten
Together everyone achieves
Together everyone accomplishes
The word team means so many
Things what it means the
Most is that working together you
Can do the impossible.
Impossible means I AM
Who are you? Who is your team?
What are your hopes? What are
Your dreams?
Within you lies the secret of
Within you is the secret of more
Challenge yourself everyday
Work hard and pray, you have what you say
Be consistent in all your ways.
Together everyone achieves
Together everyone accomplishes more
Your dreams are calling, run through
that door.
By Karla Wooten
Elegance defines you, makes you age
Less and iconic. When you have class,
It is an element of style that sets you
Apart, making you an icon, isn’t it ironic?
Icons are remembered forever, full
Of beauty a priceless treasure.
As a celebrity you decide who you
Want to be, what your brand is and
Who the public wants to see. You
Decide what makes you unique.
Once that decision is made then
You become the persona your public
Wants to be.
Are you going to be insane?
Will using that persona include using
Your brain?
Who is your identity honey? 15 minutes
Of fame passes quickly what’s your
Magic number for money?
Social media is full of fakes
When you go out in public, do you
Have what it takes? Who do you
Want to be?
The public is fickle anyone can
Be an infamous celebrity.
By Karla Wooten
All the girls I’ve loved before is a song
Of which I want more….but sexy needs
To be defined and I have a few women
In mind. The fabulous Naomi Campbell,
Sexy but prickly like a bramble. I would
Love to have some honey, a gallon to put
On Megan Thee Stallion. She’s a gorgeous
Girl, sexy and bold, fierce the half of
Who she is has NEVER been told, let’s talk
About the beautiful J-Lo; I can’t forget
Kacey Lusgrove. These are all the girls
That I’ve loved in my dreams. Women that
Can make you scream. Their every move is
Seductive and beyond compare. Both men
And women stare. We want their magic,
We want their glow, Hell most of us want
To look like J-Lo. Crazy kills sexy
Every day of the week but, that magic
Ageless, elixir of sexy that defines
These women is something that we
All seek.
Sexy is who we want to be.
By Karla Wooten
I know you think you hate me But
I know you really love me, the pain
Was so great it almost turned love to
Baby this love is fate. I’m on my
Knees, I can’t walk away. Please
Forgive me, your face is all I see, please
Stay. This love is fate.
I will be all you need, your love
Lives in my hopes and in my dreams.
What you want is all in me. Baby I can’t
Walk away. Please stay. This love is fate.
This love is fate. For me, for you it’s NOT
Too late. Your heart holds my soul. I
Will never let you go. There’s nothing
On this earth like you, let me love
You like you deserve. You are worth
The world to me, everything I want &
Need. Baby I’m on my knees. This love
is fate it’s you and me; for eternity.
By Karl Wooten
I’ve tried to have patience, it’s sad
People really do have 2 faces. I was
So shocked to find out that my
Baby is a racist. How did this
Happen? How could it be? I didn’t
Know it when he was talking to
Me. Other girls would tell me that
He was so rude, such an asshole, a
Liar and crude. He never showed
Me that side of himself. I thought
That they were talking about some
One else. When I would say Baby why
Do they say you are rude? He
Would say Have I ever been rude to
You? I would have to say NO, because
Around me he was always professional.
I was 100% on his team, he was
Funny, a little sarcastic, not super
Handsome but so damn sexy.
So imagine my shock and my surprise
To finally realize, that my fantasy
Has 2 faces who he shows himself
And seems to be but actually I found
Out that he’s a racist, and some one else.
The Lyricist of Poetry
By Karla Wooten
Poetry is like a Soul deep. Beautiful. Wet. Juicy. Luscious Kiss. Poetry is like Nirvana that you drink with your mind, illustrious,
Intellectually flavor filled Bliss;
Poetry is the language of the Lyricist, NOT necessarily one who is
Trying to be mysterious.
The Poet is one, who seeks to illuminate your mind, empowering your thoughts, as you gravitate to new plains in the Elysian Fields,
Poetry involves your Spirit, Mind, Heart, Soul & your will; Poetry allows you to examine life as it unfolds; Poetry challenges
you to Think, to Be Great To Be Brave; To Be Beautiful: To Be
Poetry teaches one how to age gracefully gaining wisdom, knowledge & understanding,
Poetry has many a different face, it is demanding………
Poetry is Life. Love. Laughter. Joy. Hope. Faith & Grace;
Poetry grows in the Mind, in which it is nourished and planted, Poetry sows fruit meant to be intellectually eaten and not taken
for granted.
Poetry is the Language of the Lyricist speaking to those, whose Spirits. Souls. Hearts. Ears & Mind are open to hear and receive it.
Be Amazing
By Karla Wooten
Baby, let me give you some advice; don’t be lazy.
Be Awesome, Be The Fire ………
Be Outstanding. Be Excellent, Be Great.
Be Amazing…
It’s something you should strive to do, improve every day, live your truth.
Keep your head up; you can have it your way. Be excellent….
Be Awesome Baby, every single Day.
When you think about your life, live in peace, and be FREE from strife.
Don’t let toxic people poison you….poison is like being cut with a knife.
You should know that Love, Laughter, Joy & Hope will illuminate you
And make you glow.
Love, Laughter, Joy & Hope will illuminate you and help you flow….
See every adversary as an opportunity that helps you grow…
Live a life of victory & don’t live a life of defeat.
Live a life that inspires, that is empowering for all to see.
When you practice excellence every day, it will make you strong,
beautiful, powerful, great and brave, it will cause you to be awesome and
Amazing baby in every way.
An Amazing life when it is experienced is sweet; it is one that will inspire &
bring joy to everyone you meet.
What you put out in the world will come back to you. Live a life that is FREE from regret, not looking in the mirror at your rearview.
Practice being Awesome & Amazing every day.
Live a magnificent life, Trust God, Laugh, Live, Love and Pray.

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