Battle Field
by James Williams
At the desk is my battlefield,
And I have weapons of devastation
Bomb of a master cause with the
pen I’m a king,
All this didn’t come from a dream
But if came from the street of
a “G.”
Created Dreams
by James Williams
This is a created dream but a dream
I made up to be real,
But I swim in gold that’s poured
out of a bowl,
Like strong McDuck on cartoons
And I screwed babs bunny on
the moon.
by James Williams
Chocolate bad and chocolate good
it’s overstood she could be from
the hood.
I got it good and I know she
could get it from me like back in
the hood.
Stand up in it and dive head first
and my tongue all down your throat
who holler the most me or her we
do shots and take a toast.
Urban Terminology
by James Williams
I am king Poet and it ain’t no stopping
I got the crown and I drop with
Words of knowledge and I haven’t
been to college,
But I’m straight from the streets
and this is how I eat,
I can’t be more urban than I am,
‘Cause I’m not going to stop ‘til
I’m in the ground.
by James Williams
Please feel free to write
me your comments and suggestions
uplift my soul,
3614 Bill Price Rd.
DeValle, Texas 78617
is how I go.
It’s not the end of the road
but the beginning,
Of a journey to prove I’m innocent
and that’s how life goes.
But when it end that will be
when I begin.
I live all right and live not
But if you send me letters
with a pen,
I will the ink back and touch
your heart,
And that will be the start to
a friendship that far apart,
And be true friends and that’s
how life can start,
Believe when we start there will
be no end,
Adventurous journeys and joy from
God and me,
And I’ll shoot you to the stars
and live on the moon.
If you’re a flower the bud
will bloom.
Urban Minister King Poet
By James Williams
I’m now a Minister for God,
And I thank my God.
He saved me for the best,
And this time is no test.
I show the world I am the best,
And Minister King Poet won’t never rest.
The poems I write now are for God,
And trust me I speak the truth for God.
And I want all people that believe in God,
To believe I changed only for God…
Rain Drops of Blessing
By James Williams
Each raindrop can be a different blessing.
Every drop is different from the other,
One drop may not be meant for you,
But could be meant for another.
But each drop is a blessing that’s mother nature,
But holy water from God,
So, receive those blessings ‘cause who knows
One of those drops can be meant for you…
To All My Brothers & Sisters
By James Williams
The new out beats the old,
‘Cause I’ve been having the Spirit in my soul.
I speak the knowledge of God from my brain
the way I think and live my life,
Will never be the same.
God chose me to deliver His word,
The message came from the knowledge God gave me.
So, my life will never change God chose me,
And I am a preacher of God’s mighty word…
Forty-Six Years
By James Williams
Forty-six years before I awoke,
And seen God that same day.
I fell down to my knees to pray,
And God said, “Today is not my day.”
I arise to the heaven’s where all the angels stay,
And it was night but as bright as day.
All I can hear was God to say,
“You are my chose prophet,
Now go on your way.”
The message I deliver every single day,
All I know,
God will always lead my way…
This poem is an ingredient of love to my heart,
Honesty, Loyalty, Love to the only one you want and need to love,
The things you and only you can do,
Believe in yourself and aggressiveness all on you,
The things you choose me and only you,
You my queen me always your king and I conquer all your dreams,
These three things is the only things that make me dream of life with you…
The direction to a man’s heart is you,
Not up or down but into my soul,
My veins pour with love that is pure,
And love explores the heart and opens the door,
The direction is you and I want no more,
‘Cause you open my heart then slam the door,
Now we locked in tight and I love you more…
Heart and Mind
I believe in my heart but the mind is powerful,
In between the two you can’t be stopped,
‘Cause love is deep and if you don’t watch it love can be dangerous,
I don’t know if you heart controlling my mind,
‘Cause how weak I am behind you,
The love I feel for you and I know it’s true love,
My mind is following my heart,
And I can’t stop thinking about you,
So what my heart will do,
‘Cause I already love you,
The way my mind thinks about you,
I’m sure it’s true all I want is you,
I’ll do all the things you want me to,
As long as I am only with you…
God Knows
Love with words in between the lines,
My letters over time with the words they was designed,
To penetrate the mind to signal the heart,
Just read in between the lines,
‘Cause I’m always speaking my mind,
Mostly with my heart ‘cause I speak the truth,
What you see and what you feel,
From my words to you is real how
I feel and how I make you feel is true,
The things you want to do is the truth,
Your mind and your heart knows what to do,
Speak your mind from the heart I know it’s true,
That’s the way I write when it’s to you,
God knows it’s true speak your mind when I speak to you,
Only God knows what we going to do…
I’m Coming Home
My last days not of life but a long time coming,
From a place that’s an end to a beginning with life,
Open and free as a bird if you know me,
Speak with the truth like me ‘cause life can now be,
Dreams from my past is no free,
‘Cause where I belong I want the world to see,
I’m coming home ‘cause I’m going to be free…
By James Williams
Peace comes from me to you and I hope from you back to me,
God put peace on earth from afar from the mountain top to the valley low,
For every man and woman and every race from earth to the moon,
Our body is our temple but we only have one life to live,
Then we go into the after life whether it’s Heaven or Hell,
We all were born to live out our dreams and to be a prophet for someone,
We had a purpose on earth and that purpose is within us through life,
You and I were brought into this world of a lifetime for a reason,
Only one person knows and he is a spirit God,
Jesus had a purpose and he lived it then it was his time,
It’s our time the day we were born and whether you know it or not,
You will know when it’s time and it’s my time,
My time to shine and be seen and known,
For what I have been doing writing poems with nothing but truth,
From my heart and soul to the people from my past and to the future,
Before I get old ‘cause it’s time for the world to know …
By James Williams
I am worthy of absolute devotion of God as my savior,
And he is the almighty and he gives me the strength,
And the power to become what I always wanted to be,
A powerful king of poetry to the people of this world,
I’ve become the one and only King Poet,
That writes nothing but the truth in poems,
‘Cause the truth will set me free of all my sins,
Because Jesus the king lives in me forever,
I have a divine quality with vast love for the world
To do what I do in my books from the past to the future,
To and from the ones I love and Jesus is first,
And for the ones most my mother and father in Heaven,
They push me the most and I love them for always having faith in me …
The Apocalypse
By James Williams
From this point on in my life evil forces are destroyed,
‘Cause of the apocalypse of the Bible and spirits within me,
My body has a glow that surrounds me with the spirit,
Angel wings are there but you can’t see,
Only God and other angels can see the spirit and the wings,
My eyes are fire like it says in the Bible,
I am God and he speaks through me,
I worship him I only can see his wings,
The glow in the spirit I only can see,
The evil forces are no longer in me, they were destroyed,
When God’s spirit came to me …
By James Williams
The truth with honor from God is who I am and who I should be,
God chose me to be and become me,
From the past to the present and the future is soon to be,
Spiritual words from spiritual lessons to what I teach by the things I preach,
The world can see and will keep seeing the truth in me,
Prayer and praises from the word in the Holy Bible will always be me,
Mixed flavors of the past into my future is why I’m the king of poetry,
Open my eyes into the light from my dreams into reality,
God gave me the strength to make all my dreams really come true,
So whatever you do just stay true to God and he will make dreams come true,
But not all my dreams but many things I can do,
God is the truth I love him too and I hope you do too ‘cause I even love you too …
God’s Reality
By James Williams
I must demonstrate for the truth I speak,
The things I read and live from what I dream,
Brought into reality the world or the truth,
God is in our dreams and our thoughts to make us dream,
God is the one who opens our eyes into reality,
Dream what God made you dream,
But bring it to life into reality from that dream into real life,
When you bring a dream into reality
That’s what you made your dream come true,
Your mind and the imagination in your brain over time will make your dream reality,
Tie and time again keep trying that’s no sin,
The way God makes your mind think from deep within …
I Like
By James Williams
I like the way you talk and the color of your eyes,
It’s not a surprise you like things about me,
But we will see if it’s true for me my heart skips a beat,
That’s how I know you’re a treat I like you and you like me,
Cause the way you look at me and the way I look at you,
Something special in between you and me,
But I really want to see what is it going to be when you’re alone with me,
I like what I see and you feel the same way about me,
True love comes from the heart and I feel a connection between the two,
And I only want to love you, that’s if you willing to give me all of you…
Out of Space
By James Williams
My mind go deep to the moon
Cause on the sun of doom,
Milky way and I blow the stars away for another day,
Into the galaxy or into the black hole,
Saturn is a place I want to go,
Where the aliens grow ‘til they get old,
The sun is where nobody can go,
Earth is back where I don’t want to go,
Cause this planet is going to blow,
And the beast is in the streets where there’s no peace,
Evil is the beast in the land we see,
But out of space is the place to be,
If we want peace that’s the place for me…
Stress and Depress
By James Williams
I’m down and out but I can’t let the feelings and emotions get the best,
So I lay down to rest cause I’m very stressed and depressed,
My feelings getting the best and my emotion putting me to the test,
My heart is broken and I know this,
Cause I’m showing it to the world and the people around me,
I’m unsocial you can see my motions,
I need Cupid or a love potion for love,
I’m hoping she have emotion I can feel like the ocean,
To seal my heart back together cause I’m so stressed and depressed,
And I feel like this is all a test cause I’m sitting here writing the best,
About my heart cause I’ll never rest ‘til I get the woman that will help me rest,
And all the stress will leave when I get the best woman
So all this was for the best and it seems like this was just a test,
Dealing with all the stress…
By James Williams
Once to every man and nation comes the moment to decide,
Life is right before your eyes just open your mind to the outside,
And you will be surprised what will go through your mind,
Perfect sense in God supreme design of a perfect mind,
To mastermind everything cause if you look you’ll find,
Seek and believe cause we is the masterpiece,
So unleash the beast in my speech and control who you want to be,
Take the good from the past and make it everlast,
And what the future bring your life will make a change,
And you will never be the same
Just live it the way it came,
I am the messiah but I’m known as the king,
Living my dream as a royal human being,
If you want to be a king just do the same thing,
Cause God gave us all dreams.
By James Williams
O Holy and eternal lord Jesus Christ
Thou great shepherd and bishop of our souls,
Send down our blessing and let your people go,
We are in prison cause our sins
Please forgive us and give us what we need,
You know what within our minds and heart to our soul,
Rain down the blessing and start opening all doors,
The golden gates to our freedom and let your people go,
We learned our lesson and we mean it from our soul,
God spirit and holiness gave us patience to wait this long,
But we asking if it’s our time please let us make parole,
So we can teach the youth to follow the right road,
With righteous they may shine as the stars forever,
In your name please let your people go…
By James Williams
The head that once was crowned with thorns,
Is crowned with glory our father up in heaven I now scream his name,
Please help me change from doing bad things,
I pray that you help me change cause I never want to be the same,
My past was pain and I could be framed,
When I get out I can’t be the same,
Cries of pain with love for a change,
Blessing be upon me and I have no shame,
When it rain that relaxes my brain
I ask my father to help me with a change…
Learn and Teach
By James Williams
The Holy book on every line marked with the seal of high divine,
We can’t judge on the time just live our life and don’t judge the mind,
Expand the brain cause you can do all things
Learn and teach cause the Bible is the best,
Don’t rest put your mind to the test
Look around we all can’t let our mind rest,
Knowledge comes from everything
Just stop and listen but don’t believe everything,
Speak your mind and follow your dreams,
Cause look at us human beings can do everything,
Fly a rocket to the moon part the sea for other doom,
Pick up a book then explore the world
Live it for your little boys and girls,
I can go on like a repeated song…
Pen and Pad
By James Williams
I’m the creator and the master of my books,
The king of poetry and this ain’t no dream,
I play no games I’m serious as the blades on a plane,
I know I’m the best and I’ll never rest,
Just put me to the test and I’ll show I’m the best,
Give me a word or just a little phrase,
My pen and paper had better days
Cause with a pencil I’ll start a big blaze,
Cause I’m on fire and a bucket of water won’t put me out,
I jump in the ocean the water going to scream and shout,
Look out a tidal wave is coming,
Cause I can’t put this fire out
Yes I’m a pro at the pen and pad,
If I could I’ll take your mom from your dad,
And it’s understood I’m the king of pen and pad…
Going Home
By James Williams
God let me die as the leaves die cause I’m ready to go home,
Whenever you ready my time I’m ready just let me go,
When the trumpet blow I’m giving up my soul,
To the heavens my life I must go,
Everyday I pray my sickness want be healed
But I feel my sins made me ill,
To pay for all the wrong in my past,
All the love I always give my heart is broken and can’t be sealed,
Walking dead man is how I feel
God why I can’t be healed,
Let me die like the leaves on a tree,
Turn to dust like I used to be
My life is gone from this place in my sleep
If I never wake up I died happy in my sleep,
I pray to God every day and night
To take my life cause I’m tired of living this life,
No wife no kids or family to call my own,
When I kick the bucket I know I’m going home…
By James Williams
How many times have you heard something like Christianity,
Christianity is not about religion it is about relationship,
Plenty I’m sure but what does that really mean,
What does it look like day to day how do I improve my relationship with God,
After all sometimes it seems God is way off somewhere in heaven,
Some other dimension some place far away in a spiritual realm,
Many people might say or think I am stuck here in this physical realm,
And most of the time it seems to me God is silent about my circumstances,
Seemingly he is not practically involved in my day-to-day life,
How can I grow in relationship with someone like that,
Those are valid concerns and most of us have had at one time or another,
This introduction is an introduction of life that’s right before your eyes..
By James Williams
Life is a free live fantasy
Do what you want to do at your best at most best shit,
Cause you know you don’t know when you going to die,
And be gone from the world of my brain,
The impressive shit you would do
As if your first day is your last day on Earth’s world.
I live it like I can do what I want
To live just expand my brain
To experience and do what come to mind
Every moment of my life from the day or time,
I open my eyes from a deep dreaming sleep
Into reality of life the next day,
So I live life as whatever starts on my mind,
Cause it’s one life to live
So live just not what you dream,
Live your life from the first time you open your eyes
And do what you thinking
And add on from the dream into reality
Now that’s real,
How I like
That’s how I live my life
My Life
By James Williams
Please! This real don’t judge a book by its cover,
That’s how we should live our life
Not just me but everyone on earth,
Look at me
Anyone everyone see me as who I am
The cover of my book tells you my life,
What I been through and have lived,
But the inside from my brain is what it truly what it is,
What I speak is true and what it is and going to be
But promises is promises that can’t be broken,
If there’s a promise comes from me
That mean you have to be someone special in my life,
Promises come from my heart into reality
That’s how I live it in this book of a brain body and love from the heart,
I been through a lot
So you can’t you can’t change but a few things in my life,
Unless it’s through love
That will make me change according of my book of a like brain,
But I am the best in everything I do that can be for you or you or you
Come to me true and real cause I’m true and real
All the time every minute of it.
True Dreams
By James Williams
Well hello world that I love,
I really do surely yes because,
Of the beautiful woman I love,
From all over the world would love to meet
How we meet will be of the most amazing life of a good time because,
I’m the truth with everything in my life,
Is true and live through the time for life and into the afterlife,
I could be saying this to you, yeah you,
You’re reading this and you going to need all of this,
If you reading this, I’m in my prime in that older middle age young,
But I’m not young,
But I’m ready to go through and experience life with my queen and who she is,
From whatever part of the world and get to know your king,
From a dream you once upon a dream
And I’m going to mix my dream in your world
And it’s going to be the most amazing dream into life of a real dream
And live it to the most wonderful things in your lifetime,
Together like fish in the sea that’s me,
A Pieces cause I love to be running in the sand or swimming in the sea,
At a beach with the most beautiful and wonderful woman in the world
Doing everything we always wanted to be,
One love from the God above that lead us to meet,
God is sweet to make dreams come true to me,
Yeah, my words will lead you to me,
If you reading this like I say,
You may be the one into this legacy and I’ll be your dream,
With sweet dreams with all my love, loyalty, honest most of all
Communication rules my nation,
So you talk and release feeling in between
Each other to do things that always know can change,
When someone else comes into the plan
And become limble from a straight edge to a curve
I want to be your king, and will be the dream of your life…
My Way
By James Williams
I’m bi hello hi
I love everything under the sky
Rainbows with bucket of pride
I like any colors I see in my eyes
I don’t know why people don’t understand
The difference of people in this land,
Why I’m this way from the sand
My way or the highway ‘til people understand,
I’m my way from the day I was born,
I’m bi hello hi now goodbye
Don’t let one of us punch you in the eye
By James Williams
The war is over and the storm is still to come.
Don’t worry when it clears
What we all be waiting
We’ll be going home with tons of fun,
So here we come
Our time is done
Lasted long with bumps and bruises,
But we learned from bars and deuces.
By James Williams
Booties and boobies every man be chosen,
What you can’t see you don’t know,
That’s the way it all should go,
You speak I holler,
You kick I punch,
I ride you run
That’s the way life goes.
By James Williams
Lesbian is alright but gay is cool
Bisexual is right but transexual and transgender
Where I’m taking you out tonight
Bisexual I like
We can be locked in a room tonight
Transgender I love
I can make you scream in the tub
Rubba dub dub of love
Platinum diamond ring
If it ain’t marriage it ain’t love..
Switch Sides
By James Williams
Switch side do it in the ride,
If you ain’t bi stay on the other side,
Pop a pill flip you on your back side,
And we do it all in the ride.
Master Plan
By James Williams
Thinking of a master plan,
I close my eyes and open my hand,
Cause I got a pocket full of sand,
With no rubber bands and a master plan,
How to make big money bands, with my plans
So I can blow up, then I pour up,
From the floor up, ‘til I throw up,
Go to the top with my master plan,
Popping big rubber bands from the money in my hands,
From Uncle Sam yes that’s who I am
Cause I’m thinking of a master plan…
Last Time
By James Williams
I got money on my mind,
While I’m doing this time,
Plans to get rich and famous,
From writing poetry, cause I’m the best,
You can put me to the test,
I’ll show you that I’m the best,
And I’ll never rest,
‘Til my dying days when I’m in the grave,
Banging Isley and Maze,
Laughing cause I’ve had better days,
Then doing this time,
But I got a lot on my mind,
From doing this time,
But I’m now here to blow your mind,
Cause this is my last time,
I got money on my mind.
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