Purple Rain, Purple Rain (in memory of Prince 06/1958-4/21/2016
By George Wilder
Mount Sinai Hospital he was born,
Smiles came naturally adorn,
Giggles, as Prince ran through the store,
Mother’s love gave birth to a PRINCE.
His first song was “For You.”
Minnesota’s Vikings, purple came true.
Paisley Park, his utopia to see,
Prosperity for the color purple,
His life! He played tricks on thee,
Mattie Nelson, Prince’s late mother,
Her spirit! And Prince’s lives eternal life.
King of soul: James Brown.
Queen of soul: Aretha Louise Franklin.
Dramatics, Floaters, Blue Magic,
Marvin Gaye, Jr., Tammy Terrell, LTD.
Prince Revolution and Rose Royce,
“Diamonds and Pearls,” “Let’s Go Crazy,” “When Doves Cry,” “Controversy,” “I Will Die for You,” “Little Red Corvette.”
Last concert was Atlanta, GA. His message foretold his future’s END.
April nineteenth, twenty-sixteen, he was flying home – gladly. April twenty-one, twenty-sixteen, opiates removed Paisley Park – Prince (Rest In Respect).
By George Eagle Eyes Wilder
Raindrops……..do you feel them? The serenity of water falling from the sky, day and night….. Why? The sound!! Of its love, its beauty, its harmony. Yes!! To feel the water falling upon my skin, little drops, or thunderstorms. I accept the tracid feelings. Emotions, how I love the rain, walking in heavy falling rain. Tranquility and silence – just me, in the rain. I deeply love it. I find it soothing, extremely relaxing. Even the rain can be intimate…..sharing the sacred space together, as one whole being.
I imagine myself laying down on my lawn chair, under my covered porch as rain is falling, thunderstorms – lightning, to each raindrop falling upon pool, as water drops off the leaves. The compassion, each drop gives unto me, each tear from heaven, upon me! The mystical emotion, each drop has embraced me in total solitude…. This is what I receive from listening to (The Doors), and (The Dramatices). Thank you.
Live By Faith (in memory of Christing Grimmie, 06-10-2016)
By George Wilder
As a baby, singing loud, and wide, splashing water in the tub, as a child, fa la la, with a righteous Christian smile. Prayers are true and strong. “Why, why, can’t people just get along.” Christina’s faith was never wrong. Performing was her special delight. She was a third-place winner on the voice, Christian singing was her choice, even though, she was only on TV. Her last performance was Orlando 2016 while singing at the concert, in her best, knowing her brother, Marcus, was always near Orlando, FL concert. People sang and cheered her Open Arms to the Gunman……. June tenth, twenty-sixteen, thinking about her last few years. The angel of mercy came without fear. She said, “Live by faith, not by sight.” That day Christina Grimmie went home. “Submit yourselves to me, saith the Lord. Resist the devil and he shall flee. If you went to places where she did, you’ll hear Christina’s voice, as the wind blew twenty-fourteen. She was on the Voice, Team Adam. She sang “Recking Ball,” her choice. Christina sings in heaven’s auditorium. Adam paid for her funeral, for her family. Christina’s from New Jersey, with respect.
My Sister Elizabeth – You’re the Best
By George Wilder
I want you to know, you’re the best! When I was born in fifty-nine, you watched over me, as a baby. I remember your brown eyes. Dad held me in his arms…then, you sat next to him on the couch. The sixties, decade of adventure, snowball fights and snow angels, Christmas-time, in Country Club Hills, Easter! Remember the white lamb cake? Seventies, you drove me to the museums, field museum, natural history. Also, Chicago Heights, at Indian Hill. You drove me to Lincoln Mall. My guardian angel, you are. I made a big mess at Arbor Trails. Please, forgive my youthful drama. The eighties, came with a price. Coming home, paid all my debts to all, first to Mom! Then, Jerry, you know, I apologize to you, for Juniper St. I lost touch with everyone. Twenty-nineteen, you’re the best! Liz, later, I received a degree for reverend. Then you rescued me! In twenty-four, I owe my future to you, Sister Liz! Cause I love you forever, and I mean this. You’re the best sister I have. Thank you.

If I Only Knew
By George Wilder
If I only knew, I would be fine,
Mistaken of identity, wow,
Illinois state’s attorney – denied,
His lies, put my life on the line,
Recanted statement in 1994,
I should have been set free.
If I only knew.
I never would have been sent to prison,
Thirty years ago, you see,
The society won’t accept the truth,
I should be exonerated too,
If I only knew.
A practical joke! on me,
I was just thirty-six and free,
With a future in ministry,
Moody Bible Institute told me,
Witness tampering, – no evidence,
Medical exams all refused,
Private paid law firm lied to me,
Withholding information too,
If I only knew.
Public corruption, stolen my life
One-hundred percent I’d win,
Except my lawyer, never told me,
She was a state’s attorney for ten years before me? What!
If I only knew.
Our Reverend (dedicated to all gospel teachers)
By George Wilder
Have you ever walked in your reverend’s shoes, and gone where his feet have trod?
Have you ever thought of what he means to us, and on your knees, given thanks to God?
Have you ever told him thank you, for being there, when times are tough?
For comforting words, and fervent prayers, when trials come and the storms of life are rough?
Have you ever thought to say, “Thank you, Reverand,” for preaching God’s Word to help us understand?
And for all the times he has given us a helping hand?
When you pray, put him at the top of the list and aske the Lord to surround him with loving care.
To give him strength, and walk with him, to help him with the burdens he must bear.
Have you ever thought of what he means to us, and on your knees, given thanks to God.
Rock of Ages
By George Wilder
Rock of ages,
Cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in thee,
Let the water,
And the blood.
From thy wounded side that flowed,
Be of sin the double cure,
Save from wrath,
And make me pure.
Rock of ages,
Cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in thee,
While I draw,
This fleeting breath.
When my eyes,
Close to death,
When I rise to worlds unknown.
Rock of ages,
Cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in thee,
And behold thee on the throne,
Rock of ages,
Cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in thee.
In Jesus’ name – Amen

This We’ll Defend, On Memorial Day
(1918 – 1975)
By George Wilder
To my father,
Thank you Very much, for taking the time to enlist at 20 years old, in the Nineteen Eighteen, into the United States Army Air Corps. Thank you, Dad, for your courage, honor, loyalty to this great nation.
Today, dad is Memorial Day for you. The most precious memory is, the memory of you, in your uniform, LT. Col. Thorton. Niven Wilder, an outstanding leader in two world wars. The presidents you served under, for this great nation, the United States.
You flew over the enemy, fought for freedom, and protected the people of many countries, ETO, MTO, & NATP. I salute you dad, and I miss you.
Love, your son George!

Welcome Home
By George Wilder
When I am gone, release me, let me go
I have so many things to see and do
You musn’t tie yourself to me, with tears
Be happy that we had so many years
I gave you my love, you can only guess
How much you gave to me, in happiness
I thank you for the love you have shown
But now! It is time I traveled alone
So grieve a while for me, if grieve you must
Then let your grief be comforted by trust
It’s only for a while that we must part
So bless those memories within your heart
I won’t be far away, for life goes on
So if you need me, call and I will come
Though you cannot see or hear me, I’ll be near
And if you listen with all your heart, you’ll hear
All of my love around you, soft and clear
And then, when you come this way alone
I’ll greet you with a smile and say …
“Welcome home”
(Dedicated to all that this applies)
By George Wilder
In prison in my cell
Concrete and steel inside hell
Aura’s sign, counting to ten
My vision going black
Doctor told me I had a seizure
A convulsion grand mal attack
I fell into the damn steel bars
Swollen face, black eye disgrace
Controlled by Dilantin and Keppra
Just another kickstart
Waking up to a surgical light
Too much blood in my sight
Shaking, grinding teeth, eyes
Rolling to the back of my head
I was awaking in my cell bed
Wasted on the pills from hell
Strange taste in my damn mouth
I got up to scream and shout
Staggering like on methadone
My eyes are red like I’m blown
Ativan is an opiate injection
Stopping convulsive intentions
Guards look upon me like a junkie
They’re straight up white boys hunkies
I’m North American Oglala Lakota Sioux
Half blooded nothing like you
Fell into a cell door tray slot
Bleeding from my head, assumed dead
Jesus of Nazareth
By George Wilder
How can you not believe
He has risen
He was a great teacher
Walked upon the earth
Casting out demons
Healing the sick and the blind
How can you not believe
He has risen
Jesus of Nazareth, our Lord
Gave His word to us sheep
Your faith, your love, you believe
Repent with all your heart
Baptize with water, completely
How can you not believe
He has risen
Eleven laws all he asks of us
I am the Lord thy God, thy shall
Have no other gods before me
Thou shalt not practice idolatry
Thou shalt not take the Lord’s name in vain
How can you not believe
He has risen
You know him! Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
My savior, my Lord
Sky Scrapers
(Dedicated to people of Chicago)
By George Wilder
What do you see to believe?
You see glass windows and steel
Thousands of eyes looking at me
Love, hate don’t procrastinate
Thousands of lives you see
The skyscrapers moving side by side
Like a huge tree in the breeze
Emotions you cannot see
Hey people! I know how to feel
Yeah, I stare and wonder, as
I see the great skyscrapers
Beautiful towers on State Street
In the clouds the lights I see
At night, tiny windows bright
John Hancock and Lake Point Tower
Bloomingdale’s and the Playboy Building
Looking out the Chicago Hotel window
The Sears Tower back then
It’s the Willis Tower now
On the south end of the city
Marina Towers on Chicago River
Skyscrapers in the City of Steel
Waving to anyone who sees me
Just to say hello to the lonely
WCGI 107.5 FM Night Moves
My home of R&B soul to go
Great Spirit of Lakota People
(Chiefs of the Sioux)
By George Wilder
Oh great spirit of Lakota people ways
Visionary Eagle Eyes is here today
As he gazes off into the Plains
Wakon Tanka roam the Green Valley
Oh Grandfather’s in the spirit
Let me learn your old ways
Teach me to feed our people
Give assurance once again
Hidden away the ghost dance
Braves once gave loyalty
The echoes of war songs
Cries I hear in Lakota air
Oh great spirits of Lakota people
Extend my destiny to older aged
Let me help our people today
Children have empty beliefs
Sleeping on the floors and streets
Oh great Lakota spirit of people
Send me there to Pine Ridge Res
I will stop the use of fire water
End the drugs and starvation
Cure the hungry and uneducated
Build homes for the Sioux poor
We will stand with pride and dignity
Earth Parents
By George Wilder
Wilderness! A wild free prairie
Father: Provides all rain and snow
Mother: creates all green life
Waking each day to sunlight
Some still growing in night life
Taking for granted fresh air
Water, trees which grow
Grow tall enough to consume pollution
Water racing downward to clean away
Fires create destruction that kills
Burning trees that consume carbon
Air pollution caused mostly by fires
Once was green and beautiful! Now gone.
Water levels once feed plant life
Droughts becoming more often
Lakes and creeks and rivers empty
Artic ice is melting away….
Ocean levels are rising higher
We caused the great heart on earth
Rainforest are getting cut down
No plants that can cure
Extinction without wilderness
No common cures without plants.
By George Wilder
The ingenuity and versatility of plants, I’m fascinated…the development of green life! The beauty and love of creations from God hoe a seed can develop into life. So stunning, so beautiful. From moment I started to watch plants grow from their speed from which seedlings germinate in darkness to exceed life in the light. Stems appear elongated the way life chases the light… the development of leaves stronger stems at room temps. Once seed can produce many anti-cancer healants the canopies of leaves and flowers that relentlessly followed the sun, with the glory and complexity of the flowers dancing with the fresh air breeze. Awakening a close relationship with Jesus Christ and his father the creator of life. Raindrops dropping off leaves to each other Rain falls from the heavens Sunshine provides vitamin D blending light and rain to grow.
Chasing the light as we know.
Life’s a Journey
By George Wilder
Dedicated to my daughter Jackelean Wilder
Jackie, life can be a journey
Filled with many bends and turns
And now I’d like to share with you
Some things that I have learned
Jackie, learn to trust your feelings
Your beliefs, you should uphold
Don’t walk away from what is right
Be courageous and be bold
Jackie let yourself be humble
And remember to be kind
When you have respect for others
True friendship you will find
Jackie have dignity and honor
And be proud of all you do
Confidence will take you far
A future that waits for you
Jackie foe everything you are
And everything you do
As God is my witness
Your heart is filled with righteous love
And I am your father, I am so proud of you
Don’t You Quit
By George Wilder
When things go wrong as they sometimes do
When the road you’re trudging seems all up hill
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile but you have to sigh
When care is pressing you down a bit
Rest if you must but don’t you quit.
Success is failure turned inside out
The silver tint of clouds of doubt
And you never can tell how close you are
It may be near when it seems afar
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit
When things go wrong you mustn’t quit
Herbal Redes
By George Wilder
(In Memory of Gerald Gardner)
What can kill can cure
More in a garden grows
Then the doctor knows…
Sell your coat and buy Betony
No ear hath heard no tongue can tell
The virtue of the pimpernel treoil
Vervain, St. John’s Wort and Dill
Hinder Doctor’s of all their will
Where Rosemary grows the missus is master
Female folks are in the oaks
Sow fennel, sow sorrow!
Only the diabolical row parsley
Plant your sage and rue together
The sage will grow in any weather
Snakes will not go where geranium grows
Where the yarrow grows there is one who knows
If ye would herbal medicine make
Be sure to spell in Rhyme be spake
Merry you meet and merry ye from the start
And merry you meet again as we part
The tale of the truth of the nutmeg seed
Grind more than a teaspoon need
Taste the powder can kill your greed
You will cart the casket you feel
Out to the old prairie field
We dance in the full moon light
Lammas the harvest festival
Respect our earth mother in her sight
Blessed be

Christina Saldivar (in memory of my niece – Zozi)
By George Wilder
Christina, life! can be a journey,
Filled with many bends and turns.
And now I’d like to share with you,
Some things that I have learned.
Christina, learn to trust! your feelings,
Your beliefs, you should uphold.
Don’t walk away from what is right,
Be courageous, and be bold.
Christina, let yourself be humble,
And remember to be kind.
When you have respect! for others,
True friendship! you will find.
Christina, have dignity! and honor,
And be proud, of all you do.
Confidence, will take you far,
A future, that waits for you.
Christina, for everything you are,
And everything, you do.
As God, is my true witness,
Your heart, is filled with righteous love.
And I am so proud of you.
Society Sold Guns
By George Wilder
Society pain – parents – peers,
Never able to hug their children.
Kneeling over a lifeless body
Tragic accrued only tears.
Thugs tough to shoot a gun,
Cowards kill just for fun,
Mental illness only lies,
Our children lost their lives.
Pallbearers hold a coffin,
Dreadful feeling as you’re walking,
Cut down in a public place,
Video games taught them to kill.
Under a dollar you will for fill.
Eight-year-old boy killed a woman,
Because she wouldn’t give change.
Semi-automatic weapon here,
Sitting on your porch as you chill.
Paintball weapons with red paint,
AR-15 with a bump stock straight.
From Columbine High School,
To Marjory Stoneman-Douglas,
Parkland, Newtown, Chicago.
Cry, cry, cry children died.
Robb Elementary, to synagogues,
Movie theaters to Wal-Marts.
Our President Biden – trash mouth.
Re-election now he cares!!!
Have you forgotten Las Vegas blood,
Tupac in ninety-six to Route Ninety-one.
World Trade Center Towers (in memory of the three thousand died)
By George Wilder
In nineteen seventies…
Twin towers had gravity,
Filled Manhattan city place,
With plenty of love and grace.
The oldest tower is One!
Her sister is Tower Two
One flew her flag of glory firm,
Two watched the new world turn.
World Trade Center was in the new.
Gave plenty of jobs to New York, too,
When the sun came over Atlantic Sea,
The Twins stood proud & very free.
World Trade Center, blocked the sun,
As Brooklyn had summer madness fun.
The eighties arrived rushing in.
Wealth and riches higher to begin,
Eighty-five, a U-Haul truck & 500 tons – C-4!
A lot of smoke, in the garage doors.
Sadam Bin Ladin, was arrested and fined,
Watching the Twins shining times,
Ninety-five, came with world power,
New Year’s night twin towers.
The lights were all out except I NYC
Styling twins love to all that believed,
Turning the twenty-first century needs.
Twins met their fate surprised again,
Two jets collided into the towers,
They fell into the ground,
The United States flag was found.
Joliet State Prison
By George Eagle Eyes Wilder
Joliet bluebird bus with cuffs,
Urine bucket, shotguns, men spitting snuff,
Chains on both ankles under my seat,
Brown bag meals, with nasty meat.
Pull the chains, it’s time to leave.
Eighty Men. Four guards and shotgun to show.
Juliet Sally port, Maximum Pen, I know!
Strip searched, given state blues.
Walking down the lower galley too,
Cells all open, whistles just for you.
She’s mine, convicts yelling whores,
Medical permit lower bunk ignored.
Shower time walking up second floor.
Soap drops – don’t stop man. M.Y.O.B.
The kid bent over! Thug took his manhood,
Convict pimps, pushing young meat to him
Weakness is the convicts sex desire.
Misthang at midnight, begged and cried,
Gang bangers punked the kid till he died.
I went to my cell in Joliet’s Hell,
Epileptic having a seizure fit,
Eyes rolled back started to trip,
Foamed out my mouth I could of choked.
Cold blooded killers started to yell.
Next day we went to the yard.
Five storey high, limestone, solid wall.
Getting my full pressing a lot of steel.
I’m an ex-convicts of Joliet State Pen.
In Will County, Illinois, my friend!
By George Eagle Eyes Wilder
Robin Birds flying
Banana spiders trying
Fields full of Meadowsweet
And honey bees.
Hot pies on the windowsills,
Farmers planting to fulfil
The smell of coffee and bacon frying
Laundry on the clothesline, drying.
Cutting logs and barking dogs.
Crickets chirp on the bogs.
Willows, maple and oak trees,
Desired whispers in the breeze.
It was long ago and far away,
Those lost memories from yesterday.
From there, hope eternal springs.
When I imagine what
Tomorrow will bring.
By George Eagle Eyes Wilder
Lord, thank you for another day,
Within this life of mine,
Give me strength to live it well,
Whatever I may find.
Bestow from your abundance
Whatever I may lack,
To use the hours wisely
For I cannot have them back.
Lord, thank you for another day
In which to make amends,
For little slights or petty words
Inflicted on my friends.
For sometimes losing patience,
With problems that I find.
For seeing faults in others’ lives
But not the one in mine.
Lord, thank you for another chance
In which to try to be
A little more deserving of
The gifts you’ve given me.
For yesterday is over and
Tomorrow’s far away,
And I remain committed
To the good I do today.
Lord, thank you for your love and kindness
That shines upon me day and night.
For accepting my repentance of sin
And wiping away my joyful tears.
Her Tears
By George Eagle Eyes Wilder
Among the most powerful of powers,
Yet more delicate than the softest flowers,
So much unspeakable pain, anguish and fear
Lies in that which is the lover’s tears.
All the emotions of what’s left unsaid,
Bring to light the futures ahead.
It can’t cement two paths for evermore
Or tear down the strongest walls to the barest of floors;.
When sounds and words become obsolete,
A feeling to make one so complete,
With great power and everything to fear,
Words try to convey a lover’s tear.
Shed in private, or numb belief,
Holds all the motions, impossible to keep,
The happiness and regrets in a far-off stare,
It’s the universal understanding
Of the lover’s tears.
By George Wilder
What’s the norm.
What’s customary.
As we evolve.
We must conform.
Not to an idea,
Never to a rule.
Restrictions are created and used,
As divisive tools.
We can never have unity,
Without U and I.
We must remember those of sacrifice,
They lived up to die.
Obviously they had a vision,
They didn’t live to see.
Now it’s up to us (U.S.)
To carry out their legacy.
A lot of your letters,
Are self-absorbed cons.
With swift tongues and intellect,
Using us as pawns.
Do I love my country?
Of course I have pride.
But my resentment,
Towards the infrastructure,
I simply cannot hide.
I can’t stand and honor a flag,
Or even take a knee.
Because the anthem is national,
But it doesn’t represent me.
Father’s Hand
By George Wilder
“The Lord works in mysterious ways.”
That’s what I’ve always been told.
He’s always there when we need Him,
He wants to carry our heavy load.
Sometimes He will take us so low,
The only way we can look is up.
We then are able to see the little things,
How each is touched with His love.
He is always knocking at our door,
Wanting us to just let Him in.
So He may come into our hearts,
And keep us separated from sin.
If you’re in prison like myself,
I pray you open that door.
Feel the Holy Spirit take control,
And see that there is so much more.
To walk out these prison gates,
It’ll feel great to be a free man.
The best feeling will be entering heaven’s gate,
And being held by the Father’s hands.
The Seven Arrows
By George Wilder
Can you compose the notes of hope?
Do you know the lyrics to that song?
Can you tune your ear,
To play a 9th symphony sound.
Can you make a house come down,
With the notes you wrote.
Is your song that strong,
Can your fingers untangle the strings
To resemble my pain.
Can you play the Seven Arrows of Mary.
At the foot of the cross,
Can you unlearn everything,
You were ever taught.
And feel it from your soul.
That’s the song I want you to write,
Can you compose my darkest night.
By George Wilder
Man wishes to equal all Jehovah’s creativity.
In some ways we all are fine,
When mankind is in decline.
But then with overwhelming sadness,
It rains down like thunderstorms of madness.
Sweeping us into anger and grief,
We feel despair without relief.
Look at what we all have done,
What we have created, what we have become.
Look at all the years of mass destruction,
Acid rain, and chemical production.
We build nuclear weapons out of hand,
When drugs ran rapid across our homeland.
We have smog alerts and greenhouse gases,
Will life on our planet start to fade,
Natural resources the price we all paid.
We need to slow down, and realize,
To AWAKEN, and open our eyes.
We are destroying our only home,
Now our future is becoming unknown.
Will we leave a toxic legacy?
To our children surviving their destiny.
People, we need to slow down and realize,
Icebergs are melting everywhere,
Volcanos bursting out of the ground,
Our earth became hot all over again,
Natural disasters everywhere now,
The elements have all changed,
Darkness has awaken…
By George Wilder
Long ago one silent night
Jehovah had revealed his glory, so bright
His own image came to man, for salvation
A unique master plan.
Yahweh, savior and shepherd and king,
Lord of all lords Yahweh shall bring,
His forgiveness, love, gave me faith to sing.
With giving his love for sparing gifts
From Jehovah his father far above,
His peace, prayer, and grace, glory.
Believe, comes from my heart and soul
With my repentance of past sins
Overcome diabolical ways
Did you know love overcomes hate?
To follow the path of his light
His ways, his laws everlasting life
I’d rather be happy than sad
Angels to protect me I’m glad.
My gifts of wisdom I give to you
His gifts of prosperity too.
A promise seed to generations to ???
Jehovah’s promise with Abraham…..
A promise to believe.
I Trust
By George Wilder
A reason for having these tears on my face.
I trust, there’s a reason that I’m in this place.
I trust, when I’m lonely that you will be here.
I trust, that you’re with me; I have no reason to fear.
I trust when I’m weak, that you’ll help me be strong.
That you’ll be my guide, when I’m apt to be wrong.
I trust, that you love me when I’m feeling hurt.
That you’ll cleanse me, and heal me when I fall in the dirt.
That you’ll pick me up, gently when I call out your name.
You’ll change me completely, I won’t be the same.
I trust that you shield me, remove shame from my heart.
I trust, that you will help me, to make a fresh start.
I trust, that you show me, a much better way.
I trust, that you are with me, each and every day.
More Christ Like
By George Wilder
Show me the way,
Show me the light.
Help me, Father,
To be more Christ-like.
Let’s come as one,
As one we came together,
His faithful love endures forever.
The light is Christ,
And Christ is the way,
So, it is true,
For when Jehovah says,
“Come, take my hand,
And I’ll show you the way,
For I am the potter,
And you are the clay.”
He took me broken,
To make me whole,
He filled my heart with love,
To save my soul.
Why they got to choose me,
Because I was His,
He gave me life,
A more meaningful way to live.
He showed me the way
He showed me the light
My father helped me.
Be More Christ-like.
The Greatest Man in History
By George Wilder
Let me tell you about the greatest man in history.
He had no servants, but they called Him Master.
He had no degrees, but they called Him Teacher.
He had no medicine to offer, but they called Him Healer.
He had no army, but kings feared Him.
He won no military battles; He conquered the world.
He was not a criminal, but they crucified Him as one.
They buried Him in a tomb, but He conquered death, Hell, and the grave.
He lives today and He sits on the throne in Heaven.
At the right hand of Jehovah, the Father.
His name is Jesus Christ.
If you will believe in Him, profess with your mouth,
That Jesus is your Lord,
Also believe in your heart that Jesus died for our sins,
And rose on the third day, so believe you will be saved.
Jenn Rivera
(In memory of: 12-08-2012)
Jenn Rivera was devoted to her family. At forty-two, her last concert, waving good bye, I like her awesome song “Reina’s”. In Jenn is spirit every day and night. Jenni arrives with wings, she heard you cry, you know angels do righteously sigh., all her children are talented with Jenni’s smile. Jenni remember holding her son tight.
“Meha don’t be afraid, open up inside.”
“Yo-mala devas,“ “Yo-mala dinnas.”
“Me-Cortizon” – “Me-Cortizon.”
Monteray concert, Jenni Rivera only smiled.
Jesus, sat with Jenni on the jet plane. Then Jenni took a photo all together. Conte La-Ninya. Jenni sang to all. Jesus gave his word, “it won’t hurt.”
That Jenni will sing forever for Dios.
Jenni Rivera. Freddy Fender & Vincent Fernande.
I’ll be their with Jesus, waiting for You. Even Papa will come this way. Consorta mala dinnas with love. Her body sleeps. Jenni’s soul lives in the light. You can’t see her. Jenni is always there. As long as all of you are alive,. “Me.Cortizon.me. Cortizon”. “Conte-la-ninya” from her heart. (12/14/2012)
A Child on Loan
I’ll lend you for a little while,
A child of mine, he said.
For you to love the while he lives,
And mourn when he’s dead.
It maybe 6 or 7 years, or 22 or 3,
But will you til’ I call him back
Take care of him for me? I have selected you.
He’ll bring his charms to gladden you.
And should his days be brief
You’ll have his love and memories,
As solace for your grief.
I cannot promise he will stay,
Since all from earth return
I want this child to learn.
I looked this wide world over.
In my search for teachers true, for labors vane.
And from the throngs that crowd life lanes,
Now, will you give him all your love?
Nor hate me, when I come to call?
To take him back, I heard them all say,
Dear Lord, “Thy will be done” for all the Jen
Thy child shall bring love, and grace,
The risk of grief will run.
We’ll shelter him, with tenderness,
We’ll love him while we may.
And for the happiness, we’ve known,
Forever grateful stay.
OCTOBER 16, 2022.
I’m Asking for Your Hand
Ooh, Lord Jesus! Oh, Lord Jesus.
I’m asking for Your hand.
Ooh Lord Jesus! Oh Lord Jesus,
I’m asking for Your hand.
I’m walking down the dark road,
And what do I see?
I see a group of men.
There all haten on me.
They called a Sioux Slave naturally
They all was kicking on me,
Ooh Lord Jesus! Oh Lord Jesus!
I’m asking for Your hand.
Ooh Lord Jesus! Oh Lord Jesus!
I’m asking for Your hand.
As the fat Mayor Man was abusing me.
I’m asking them to set me free.
My childhood was dark in hell,
At nine years old, I just yelled.
Ooh Lord Jesus! Oh Lord Jesus!
I’m asking for Your hand
Ooh Lord Jesus! Oh Lord Jesus!
I’m asking for Your hand.
I’m thirty years old, what do I feel?
Cattle Prod-shocking on my forearm
Midnight crew was beating me with those
Swollen eyes coerced confessions fractured nose
Oh Lord Jesus. Oh Lord Jesus.
I’m asking for Your hand.
(10/2020 written by George Eagle Eyes Wilder)
No Time to Play
(Dedicated to my Daughter Jackelean)
My precious daughter, long black hair,
Came up one day, beside my chair,
And fell upon her bended knee.
And said, “O Mommy please play with me.”
I said, not now, go out and play.
I got so much to do today.
She smiled through tears in eyes so brown.
When I said, we’ll play when I get through
But the chores lasted all through the day
And I never did find time to play.
When supper was over, and dishes done,
I was much too tired for my little daughter.
I tucked her in and kissed her cheek
And watched my angel fall asleep.
As I tossed and turned upon my bed
Those words kept ringing in my head.
Not now! Girl, go out and play
I’ve got so much to do today,
I fell asleep, and in a minute span,
My little girl is a full grown woman.
No toys are there to clutter the floor,
No dirty fingerprints on the door,
No snacks to fix; no tears to dry,
The rooms just echos my lonely sighs,
And now, I’ve got the time to play
But my precious girl is gone away.
I awoke myself, with a pitiful scream,
And realized it was just a dream.
For across the room is her little bed
I laid my curly-haired girl,
Down her sleepy head,
My work will wait, for another day,
For now, I must find some time – to play.
A Child on Loan
By George Wilder
I’ll lend you for a little while,
A child of mine”, He said.
For ton to love the while he lives,
And mourn when he is dead.
It may be six or seven years,
Or twenty or three,
But will you ‘till I call him back,
Take care of him for me?
He’ll bring his charms to gladden you,
And should his days be brief,
You will have his lovely memories
As solace for your grief.
I cannot promise he will stay,
Since all from earth return,
But there are lessons taught down there,
I want this child to learn.
I’ve looked this wide world over,
In my search for teachers true,
And from throngs that crowd life’s land,
I have selected you.
Now, will you give him all your love,
Nor think the labor vain,
Nor hate me when I come to call
To take him back again?
I fancy that I heard them say,
“Dear Lord, Thy will be done.
For all the joy Thy child shall bring,
The risk of grief we’ll run;
We’ll shelter him with tenderness,
We’ll love him while we may,
All for the happiness we’ve known
Forever grateful stay.
But should the angles call for him,
Much sooner than we’ve planned,
We’ll brave the bitter grief that comes,
And try to understand.
Yes I am a Christian Nerd
By George Wilder
Yes! In October, I jump to my left,
Remember, everyone just isn’t loyal,
Trust can “GET YOU BEAT UP,”
Yes! I’ve trusted people I loved,
Yet, was treated like I’m dirt.
Not everyone really likes me,
When I’m torn and battered,
Conveying truth that is real,
Not many will help you heal.
This world is cold and cruel,
But every now and then
I will meet another nerd,
Worthy to be my long time friend.
They will accept me as I am,
Regardless ugly, bad, ex-felon, or good,
Offering support and understanding,
When others have misunderstood.
They will look beyond the stars,
Recognizing the deep inside,
Encouraging the True I have to shine,
When this world forces me to hide.
To my nationwide nerd friends, – B.F.F.
We will build a platform,
Where it’s okay to be yourselves,
I know that we all will be safe,
It sounds impossible to believe,
Yet, I know it to be God’s will,
Many nerds share stories like me and you.
(William Shakespeare 1564-1616)
That time of year Thou May’st in me
By George Wilder
That time of year thou may’st in me behold
When yellow leaves, or none, or few, I do hang.
Upon these boughs which shake against the cold,
Bare ruined choirs where late the sweet birds sang.
In me thou see’st the twilight of such day,
As after sunset fdeth in the mest.
Which by-and-by black night doth take away,
Death’s second self that seals up all in rest.
In me thou see’st the glowing of such fire
That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,
As the deathbed whereon it mush expire,
Consumed with that which it was nourished __
This thou perceive’st, which make
Thy love more strong,
To love that well which thou mu___
Love ere long. (1609 A.D)
William Shakespeare
By George Wilder
Hey junky what’s the matter?
Stomach empty, and achin,
Your body quakin
Hungry for the white pills….
Lay in wait for your body bag?
Your momma died on crack,
Your daddy died on smack,
He ain’t never comin back.
Why you cryin boy?
Scared fentinol being your toy
Help aint coming to you.
You failed just doing the pill
Government will put you in a box
Comin of fentinol holding your soc
You make a noose, death you choose
The soul ruins out your body,
“FENTINOL” carved on the floor
Your body bag carried out the door
The coroner, pulls an Aspirin?
Your prison identification,
Another white pill to take
Hmm? What is this Fentinol?
The junky hid a pill in the box
The thread in his sox,
He chose to die, based on a lie,
Extacy pills with a heart of fentinol
Alcohol drinks laced with the pill
Cartels are in the United States
Shameful American mistakes
Fentinol our children’s fates.
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
By George Wilder
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot,
Coming for, to carry me home.
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot,
Coming for, to carry me home.
I looked over Jordan, & what did I see,
Coming for, to carry me home.
A band of Angels, coming after me,
Coming for, to carry me home.
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot,
Coming for, to carry me home.
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot,
Coming for, to carry me home.
If you get there, before I do!
Coming for, to carry me home.
Tell my friends, I’m coming tood,
Coming for, to carry me home.
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot,
Coming for, to carry me home.
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot,
Coming for, to carry me home.
A gospel song.
Thank you.
By George Wilder
Chemotherapy it’s radioactive pain,
Landfills near the community trains,
Slide in 6 down on fumes, and mud,
It’s all hazmat biohazardous crud.
Mother nature full fires, and tears,
Wild animals die in 6 in fear.
Ukraine war attacked by Russia,
Vladimir Putin, is a war insane freak.
You might not like the way I speak,
But illegal immigrants live on the streets.
Holy Bible tells us all the real truth,
LGBTQIA, is Satan lying to you.
Plastic floating every, in the seas,
Contaminated Soy bean, cancerous beliefs
Actors, later become star dancers,
Our nations dying from a lot of cancers.
Allow your kid to download Juul,
Black blood dying child vaporized is cruel.
Armageddon living in 2029,
Sanctuary cities full of crime.
Global warming is very true,
Fires and factories, drought in 2022.
O.C.D.A. racist liar to all blacks,
Even police shoots them in their backs.
Prophecy is written for our time,
Flat screen TVs make you go blind.
Viruses, are killing off human race,
Crops are dying, no food to taste.
Lady Bush, with Smiles
By George Wilder
(In memory of Barbara Bush, First Lady)
Her eyes behold grace,
Her belief was strong in faith,
She walked with dignity and pride,
Her love to people was given, not denied.
Barbara Bush, our first lady,
Her husband, on leave from the Navy.
Barbara was married with true love,
As the Lord, looked from above.
The Lord has blessed, the Bush family indeed,
Working hard up in Maine, in spiritual needs,
George Herbert Washington Bush truly believed.
Hard working with his grateful hands,
Relocated to Texas, built their home in the sand
George and Barbara, dancing hand in hand,
And a daughter named Robin Bush…
She’s living spiritually with her mom & dad.
Forty first president of the United States,
One hundred days, Kuwait was saved.
Married until Barbara’s last breath,
Brown & white Cocker Spaniels Barbara’s love,
George, Barbara and Robin with Jesus above.
Walking by her faith, not by her sight,
Romance still lives, in the promise land,
George and Barbara hand and hand
Homicide D.U.I
By George Wilder
Homicide D.U.I?
Driving in a 4 x 4 suburban drunken pilot,
Hitting Mario Gacia age 5, he died.
Still plowing into a mason brick wall….
Three sisters ages all younger than 12.
Each on in coma, lay in wait for kidneys,
Drivers drunk age 17, girlfriend also drunk
Five people laying in blood, as they ran
Three days before Christmas – 2004.
Darken day in Santa Ana, California,
Candles lit in Grand, Avenue & 17th street,
Homicide D.U.I, voluntary suicide.
People drive drunk, speed drunk,
Victims projected out the windshield.
Wrapped car around a huge tree,
All the young people died inside.
Doing donuts in the streets,
Hitting innocent victims lay dead,
Veterans die drunk as they drive,
Burst into flames it’s insane.
Homicide D.U.I is suicide,
Hey you’re a fool, and a killer not cool,
Leaving the scene, crashed machine,
Walking across memory lane,
Hit and dragged dead in the street,
Hey stupid, Whisky is in your veins,
Your mutilated body left cold under a sheet,
Alcohol is a death potion
Hey fool, cremation is the solution.

God’s Canadian Wild Geese
By George Wilder
You do not have to walk,
And may never loudly talk,
Sittin on the shoreline dew,
Watching three Canadian geese
Flying, flying low and free.
Tan in colour with a white ring,
The tranquillity music as they sing,
Wings flappin up and down,
As I sit there upon the ground.
Sun opening through the dew,
This nature is GOD’S love too,
They stretch wings wide and glide,
Resting upon water just right.
God’s Canadian Wild Geese do sigh,
And I get up to walk on by,
Joyous smiles and happy tears,
The Holy Spirit removed my fears.
So, watching the geese smile at me,
Is how the Lord’s message I’m free,
I look up at the sun so bright,
How can I complain about my life?
I’ll be back East no longer doing time,
A spiritual message that I will be fine.
(In memory to my best friend, Manning)
By George Wilder
It was nineteen-ninety,
On the Bluebird Prison bus,
Chained together the both of us.
Manning was a deaf/mute man,
Frame in a dispute plan.
He received five years,
He wrote “I’m deaf and can’t talk”,
I replied, I’m epileptic! We cool.
The Joliet Correctionals made it clear,
Manning was living in a lot of fear.
Sign language with his pencil,
Convicts assumed Manning was mental!
His K-9s were Boxer breed,
The photos gave him a memory need.
He was twenty plus and thin,
Manning shined with his grin.
Worked a lot in the kitchen,
I heard an Arian brother snitchen.
Five males came in about six,
All I heard was ‘Ride him with pride’,
Stomping their walking sticks.
Next day it was sad! He was raped real bad,
Beaten into a bloody body bath.
Torn flesh! Was Arian convict’s wrath.
Silent in hearing,
Muted voice in pain fearing,
Manning caught full blown – Aids …
My best friend Manning had died
In one hundred and eighty days.
Rocky Mountain Kiss Goodbye
(In memory of 12 students and 1 teacher)
By George Wilder
Rocky Mountain kiss goodbye …
Which actually was shot and passed away,
What did happen to Lisa Bonet-Ramsey….?
Pictures are not lying,
Were her parents really crying?
Several years passed on by,
Colorado people started to sigh,
Rocky Mountain kiss goodbye.
Remembering Columbine High,
Teen boys with loaded up and over shotguns, so run.
Slugs shattering window panes,
Teenagers are shooting students for fun.
Black long trench coats, shotguns, it’s insane.
Bodies lay lifeless, deceased names.
Colorado Rocky Mountain kiss goodbye.
Where could they run?
Where can they hide?
Many students were in shock!
Columbine cried.
Hollowed high school land – denied.
April, twentieth nineteen ninety nine,
Twenty two years later massacres never changes,
Government for NRA, no one to blame.
Candles, pictures, flowers of all love,
Smiles from thirteen far above.
They had to die for eternal life,
Colorado Rocky Mountain kiss goodbye.
The Great Allegiance of our
National Law Enforcement
By George Wilder
Uniforms of multiple choices,
Waking up praying loudly voices,
Putting on their uniforms and badges,
Kevlar vests, you can only imagine.
Eating breakfast or dinner – just chillin,
Midday they’re chasing an unknown villain.
The villain turns around and gets mad,
Pulls a gun and shot at the badge,
Truly that day went bad …
Officers, Sheriffs are like no others,
Great allegiance of our National Law Enforcement,
Are a huge family of Sisters and Brothers.
Law enforcement nationwide,
Places a black band across their badges,
Saluting! Standing! In allegiance with pride.
I’ve read a police officer had died.
Irish bagpipes blowing in loud respects,
We all don’t know each other, we just met.
One true issue that’s a charmer!
That folding flag is law enforcement honor.
So every law enforcement officer that died,
Those that loves and knew them have cried.
Gave their tears and their last kiss goodbye,
Every day the fallen law will be truly missed.
I’m patriotic for the law I do recall,
Making a memorial of fallen law.
So rest in peace those who died for our nation,
Protecting the people is an instant sensation.
EPLURIBUS.UNUM, my memorial presentation,
And this we will defend!
Our Hoop has Broken
By George Wilder
Sometimes, I hear a hawk cry,
Laying in bed tonight, I sigh,
Staring into the wall I see,
Lakota Sioux people dancing free.
Fires rage high in the dark sky,
Red Cloud, Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse,
Black Elk, Chief Big Foot, Standing Bear!!
Oglala La Koto Sioux Chiefs, real life.
They sat upon the ground, passing the peace pipe,
White man cut the trees, destroyed ground life.
Traditional dances, like sun, ghost and eagle,
Oglala La Koto wounded knee, winter tears,
Earth Mother warns us global destructions,
Brothers and Sisters of all nations, let’s do this,
Four hundred million pound floating plastic,
Ice bergs melting, to forest fires.
Open up your eyes, listen and hear,
Healing remedies burning up by sun heat,
Ozone layers thinning waste,
Water is evaporating into droughts.
Yes, the Sacred Hoop has broken.
Twenty first century is a dying fate,
Nature, American women are getting raped.
Native North American women murdered, racial hate.
I’m Eagle Eyes, I see Wascan Tonk,
Mother Earth and Great Spirit cries,
As our earth bleeds of pollution,
When her life goes, all will die.
Whashika, don’t cry.

Jewish Synagogue Shooting
By George Wilder
(In memory of New Zealand Mosque)
Adrenaline surges through their bodies,
As fear grips their lives and souls,
Visions stained with innocent blood,
Curdling screams form young to old.
Witnessing the horrors and murders as they unfold,
The innocent massacres, stories must be told.
Shooters armed with automatic weapons,
Racist killers from United States to Prague,
Smoke fills the air, shootings in the synagogue,
As Rabbis and Jewish members, left to die.
Praying to Elihim, many lay trembling,
Scent of death, blood splattered walls,
Elders and families cut down without haste,
Men and women wearing holy garments.
People shot down because of their faith,
Fully automatic weapons used in a holy place,
Religious mayhem, at no time are they safe,
Elhim, please save them of terrible fate.
Bullets flying the sound seems so serene,
Teaching the Torah as they truly believe,
Blood-stained grounds with bullet holes,
Diabolical was released for a thousand years.
The mosque has screaming echoes in the hall,
Churches, temples, synagogues, moques are sacred.
Governments turn the other cheek,
This land used to be the American Pie,
Now it’s where you and I will die.
All In, All Out
By George Wilder
O lord, I want to live all in,
O lord, I give you all my sins,
O lord, you broke my heavy chains,
That hold me bound in hells domains.
O lord, I want to live all out,
To praise your name to sing and shout,
O lord, please help me praise your name,
Your grace, O lord, each day to claim.
Lord Jesus, at your feet I fall,
For you lord, are my all in all,
Lord let my spirit soar to you,
For only you can make me new.
O lord, direct me where to go,
Lord, may your light within me grow,
Lord, use my life, use every part,
O lord, please come and fill my heart.
O lord, you set me free, I can see,
Lord, forgiveness made me believe,
O lord, these tears on my face,
My lord, you assured me a place.
Lord, I wake up each day to pray,
O lord, you changed my life your way,
Scriptures, tell no lies,
O lord, my smiles, joy lives inside.
The Honored Allegiance for All Fallen Officers
By George Wilder
(In memory of all fallen law enforcement)
Uniforms of multiple choices,
Waking up praying loudly voices,
Putting on their uniforms and badges,
Kevlar vests, you can only imagine.
Eating breakfast or dinner, just chillin’
Midday they are chasing an unknown villain,
The villain turns around and gets mad,
Pulls a gun and shot at the badge,
Truly that day went really bad.
Officers, sheriffs are like any others,
Honored allegiance of our fallen law officers,
Are a huge family of sisters and brothers.
Law enforcement nation wide!
Places a black band across their badges,
Saluting, standing all in allegiance with pride,
I’ve read a female Chicago police officer had died.
Irish bag pipes, blowing in loud respect,
We all don’t know each other, we just met,
One true issue that’s a charmer,
That folding flag is law enforcement honor.
So, every law enforcement that died,
Those that loved and knew them has cried,
Gave their tears and their last kiss goodbye,
Every day the fallen law will be truly missed.
I’m patriotic for the law I do recall
Making a memorial for each falling law
E-PULRIBUS – UNUM, This we’ll defend
Protecting the people is an instant sensation
This is my memorial presentation
Chicago’s Winter
By George Wilder
The beauty of winter’s needs,
Cold winter’s hawk blows its breeze,
A lovely lady wearing blue jeans and a down coat,
She’s walking in the fresh snow.
Along with me holding arms as we be,
In the wind of Chicago’s freezing cold,
Embracing a moment body hold.
Huge frozen icicles hanging right,
Sliding in the icy streets at night,
Playing in the snow of winters delight.
Flurries started to drop upon the ground,
Crystal’s that are sparkling in the sun,
Adult children just trying to have fun,
Bright glow from Chicago’s city lights,
Romantic ride in a carriage at night,
Holding her nice and tight,
Looking at the beautiful Sears Tower in sight,
Over there the John Handcock to my right.
Rabbits hopping in the fresh snow,
Bouncing in and out of their holes,
The full moon reflects off its glow,
Laying down, making angels in the winter snow.
Bees & Me
By George Wilder
By the way! One must be free. Free from captivity. Free from bondage. Free from law enforcement. Free from society’s abuse at me.
To be able to feel green grass on my feet. To be able to hear the wind blowing. To feel the sunrays upon my face. To release energy of positive love, grace and faith.
To say thank you to Jesus Christ. To give appreciation to God above. To say thank you to the Holy Ghost, for each and every day.
But to feel as I hug a tree, to watch little honeybee’s landing on me. To be able to walk upon rocks and stones in the creek…this is free.
Miss Me – But Let Me Go
By George Wilder
(In memory of Aunt Darlene Brazelton)
When I come home to the end of the road,
And when the sun has set for me,
I want no rights in a gloom filled room,
Why cry for a soul set free.
Miss me a little but not too long,
And not with your head bowed low,
Remember the love that we once shared,
Miss me – but let me go.
For this is a journey we all must take,
And each must go alone,
It’s all a part of the master’s plan,
A step on the road to home.
When you are lonely and sick at heart,
Go to the friends we know,
And bury your sorrows in doing good deeds,
Miss me – but let me go.

Afghanistan’s Burning Fire Pits
(In memory of Bo Biden: 2021)
By George Wilder
Men and women in the desert war,
Breathing in deathly mores,
Cancer killing smoke afar,
The fallen are the shooting star.
Thousands contaminated by smoke,
Brain cancer, chemical choke,
Bo Biden died of Afghanistan’s fire pits,
We the people are government hypocrites,
What happened to honored troops?
Chemical fires are political poop.
Bo Biden served “This we’ll defend”,
United States senate pass the fire pit plan.
Our soldiers dying of chemicals found,
Feces, plastic waste burning in the fire ground.
Our young soldiers fighting with pride,
Look senate Bill: Bo Biden died,
Bo and thousands of others breathing is despair,
U.S. government WHAT!! You don’t even care.
President Joe Biden, a politician at heart,
Legislators pass the medical plan – part.
My non-fiction poetry – filled with respect,
Deceased soldiers’ voices from far above,
Our red, white, and blue, Honor and Truth,
Army air force and marine corps died there too,
Deployed to Afghanistan – Returned in a box.
Our soldiers diagnosed brain dead,
Like Iraq with anthrax disease,
Coming home, can’t hardly breathe.
Lt. Col. Thornton Niven Wilder
(In memory: 1897-1975 – MY FATHER)
By George Eagle Eyes Wilder
I remember the stories dad use to tell me; he completed a journey I never could do. Enlisted at age twenty-one, into the army air corps, 1918 he said three lines of men; one for army air corps, then navy, then marines.
His buddies were John S. McCain, Sr. John LeJeune, James Pendleton, Lewis B. Puller and Dany Dally. Dad sat there amazed staring out the window, as he can still live in World War one in Europe. Army division on one side, marine corps on the other. He said marines used Doberman Pinschers for bombs,
army road horses – his job was artillery.
My dad was never shot or hurt; he was alert.
Years passed on, he met Chief Admiral John S. McCain S., Generals James Pendleton, and John LeJeune at the officer’s club in Europe. He asked McCain, “How many hauls does the USS Arizona have”? My dad said the Chief Admiral said three. McCain said that West Virginia and Maryland have only two hauls. My father said he came across Brig. Gen. Lewis B. Puller smoking a corn pipe. These gentlemen commanded World War One and Two.
My dad said he went from N.A.T.O, which means, he said, North Africa Theatre Operations, to M.T.O which also means Mediterranean Theatre Operation. He was army airborne. His “little girl” was a P-51 mustang, he opened the Germans with bombs.
He was at Dunkirk and Normandy at Berlin, it saddened his heart on the Jewish when Dad was speaking on Auschwitz I seen a tear drop from his eye.
December 25, 1895
(In memory of Lakota People)
By George Wilder
And so, it was over Christmas Day,
I did not know then how much was lost,
When I looked back, I still hear them screaming out loud as being murdered.
From this high hill of my old age, I still can hear the gatlings blasting,
Screaming, yelling, crying, death I seen.
Watching bullets by the thousands kill,
Women and children also elderly murdered,
Chief Big Foot looked grossly frozen.
Lying heaped together deceased in the snow,
Bodies frozen with bullet holes everywhere,
An infant died up on his mother’s bosom.
As plain as when I seen them alive,
With eyes open with dreams to come.
Three hundred and fifty Lakota lives,
Only forty-eight survive the massacre.
My people dreams and visions died there,
It was a real beautiful dream.
The sacred hoop of a healthy life,
Hoop has been broken ever since,
Oglála Lakota Sioux people lived on,
The Osage, Teton, Pawnee, Oglala, Bruel, Kiowa,
We live, we survive.
December twenty-fifth is our sacred day,
Wahshika, Wahshika not right,
This is for my tribe Oglala Lakota Sioux.
Our Last Sunset with Zen
(In memory of Zen Scott Cannon)
By George Wilder
His generous heavenly smiles,
Zen, was Nick Cannon’s son,
Alyssa Scott, mother of Zen,
Walking in the Orange County sand,
Hand to hand with Jesus and Mary.
Sunrise to sunset in his tears,
Brain cancer has stolen Zen’s years,
Zen laid in bed with his mother Alyssa,
Nicholas holding Zen in his loving arms,
From sunrise to sunset with little Zen,
Rich big brown eyes, Zen smiled,
You can almost see Zen say goodbye.
Pacific Ocean waves calming and free,
Suddenly December 25, 2021,
Zen took the hand of Jesus Christ,
Celebrate Zen’s eternal life,
Zen! In wings like that song,
By Christopher Cross “Sailing”.
Devoted mother and father,
Blessed by Jesus another child,
Baby number eight by faith,
“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil: For thou art with me;
Thy rod and staff they comfort me”
Mrs. Alyssa Scott Cannon,
Mr. Nicholas Cannon,
The Kingdom of light shines on you,
God bless the both of you.

Our Mother, Joy Ann Janz
(In Memory Of Our Mother: 1933 – 1994)
By George Wilder
Her smiles came with joy.
Mom’s hazel blue eyes.
Mom’s devotion for the lord and life,
But decades later a high price.
Cooking her cakes and apple pies,
Baking homemade sourdough bread.
Her precious dedication and charm.
Hey, I’m one of five who’ll never forget.
Knitting hats, crochet blankets and socks.
Oil painting rocks found in creeks.
Mom’s favorite: Psalms twenty-three.
Incubating wild duck eggs at home.
Raising a baby raccoon, called Packy.
Her children ways, always amazed,
Mom moved to Flagstaffs now Peaks,
Then made her home in Clarkdale.
She loved her coffee cup collection,
Riding her Arabian, North to Page.
One last family Thanksgiving,
Mom drove out to Cook County, Illinois,
Visited the entire family, even me,
But her journey back to Arizona,
Was Mom’s journey to the Heavenly Kingdom…
My Cousin Danny Smith
(In Memory Of Daniel Smith: 2018)
By George Wilder
He arrived with a quiet cry,
Already the apple of his parents’ eye.
Cheeks so plump, waving his fist,
Rose bud mouth, and blond German hair.
In decades later, he will disappear.
Replaced by a toddler in the fifties,
Then off to school in the sixties.
Football games in Hillcrest High School,
Slamming doors, and breaking hearts.
Danny became a Jack in football high.
Until one day “she” appears,
Awakening their deepest fears.
For Danny is suddenly whisked away,
“I-Do” in a voice Danny says.
That yesterday was bright with grace.
As a team, Danny and his wife, they faced,
Beverly Eisele and Harold Smith, by Fate,
Three boys lived until one far off day.
Cancer came upon Danny,
That stolen life and cheer,
His sons and daughter, his wife,
Remember holidays and family reunions.
My cousin laid in the hospital bed,
Cancer was not going away,
He was dying day by day.
It came to the moment his father,
Aunts, uncles, where by his bedside,
Let’s go home, Danny, play football,
His spirit arose! Everyone flew home.
Last Whispers to Jesus
(In Memory Of Jurea “Jody”: 03-14-2014)
By George Wilder
Jurea had secrets of her faith,
Well known, she smiled like a clown,
Young female of Oklahoma’s little town.
Father’s love foretold and unseen,
Mother’s future grandchildren dream.
Jurea, met a young man to live her new life,
Smiles, plenty of tears, and goodbyes.
Off to Las Vegas, arrived late, after ten,
He couldn’t pay the room rent.
Short skirts feeling ashamed and content,
Making money by pulling tricks,
Sex, and drama came with a fix.
Orange Country-Anaheim, Beach Boulevard,
Living in cheap motels, prostitution is hard.
Fifty dollars was her fee for a thrill,
Jurea’s destiny was violently killed.
Two diabolical killers, took Jurea’s life and free will,
Jurea was found in a dumpster in a tarp.
March fourteenth twenty-fourteen – deceased.
Jesus pulled her spirit before Jurea’s death.
Prostitution life came with lies and meth.
Betrayed by those men without a long plan,
Jesus took Jurea home to the Promised Land.
Jurea looked up to Jesus Christ, for his hand,
Last whispers to Jesus came at night.
Eighteen-years-old, from Oklahoma,
Jurea is one of five that died,
By them two diabolical killers.
Rocky Mountain Kiss Goodbye
(In Memory Of Columbine High School: 04-1999)
By George Wilder
Rocky Mountain kiss goodbye,
Which actually was shot, and passed away.
What did happen to JonBenet Ramsey?
Pictures are not lying…
Was her parents really crying.
Several decades past on by,
Colorado people started to sigh…
Rocky Mountain kiss goodbye.
Remember the Columbine High School shooting?
Teen boys loaded with up and over shotguns.
Twelve students, and one teacher had died.
The students yelled, “They have shotguns” – so run!
Slugs shattering window panes,
Black long trench coats and shotguns, it’s insane.
Bodies lay lifeless… deceased names.
Colorado Rocky Mountain kiss goodbye.
Where could they run? Where can they hide?
Many students were in shock – Columbine cried.
Hallowed high school land – in Columbine,
“April twentieth nineteen-ninety-nine”.
Twenty years later, massacres never changed.
Government for N.R.A, no one to blame.
Candles, pictures, flowers, all of love,
Smiles from thirteen angels far above.
They had to die, for eternal life!
Colorado Rocky Mountain kiss goodbye
By George Wilder
From the Halls of Montezuma, Shores of Tripoli, Eagle, Globe, Anchor, United States Marines. Some cry, some laughed, others talk, we ought to give thanks to them that fought Civil war, to bloody battles, made us all free. Marines that died for you and me. First to fight! Last to leave, K-bar will make anyone bleed. Lieutenant Colonel, E. Ellis and his friend, General John LeJeune-fought to the end. Dan Daly awarded twice the medal of honor. A shiny E.G.A. Pin on their Collars. Royal blue, crimson red, royal blue, is true. They came by ships some was new. And the Navy and Marines are one team. Arizona, Kittyhawk, Lexington, Essex, S, Yorktown, Maryland are mean machines 1, 2, 3, 4, United States Marine Corps, General James Pendleton, to Chessy Pulles. For all those that fought with pride, P.W.T.S.D, blow limbs, and them that died Rubicon Veterans help this Nation stride Semper fidelis – Teufelhunde … Department of the Navy United States Marine Corps You need to know just who I am. A Army brat and best friend to the Marx I salute to all the women and men x the Marine Corps.., Thank you for your honorable Service..,
By George Wilder
Darkness and loneliness fill my cell. With pain and fear to great to yell, I wait for the Mailman to deliver to me. As I wipe away tears that no one can see, I pray so sincere with head raised above. Please God! Soon send a letter of love, I long to gaze up pages so dear, with riches to bring my loved ones near. Words of diamonds on pages of gold, a message from heaven as their story is told. We love you! We miss you! Pray you’ll be set free, a treasure fille envelope just for me. Please bring memories of joy! I once knew family, friends and things I would just do. The darkness and pain of my cell will prevail, as my name again was not called out for the mail.
By George Wilder
I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord, and across the sky flashed scenes from my life. For each scene I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand. One belonged to me, and the other to the Lord. When the last scene of my life flashed before us I looked back at the footprints in the sand. I noticed that many time along the path of my life there was only one set of footprints. I also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in my life. This really bothered me, and I questioned the Lord about it. “Lord, you said that once I decide to follow you, you would walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troubled of times in my life, there is only one set of footprints. I don’t understand why in times when I needed you the most, you should leave me.”
The Lord replied, “my precious, precious child. I love you and I would never, never leave during your times of trial and suffering. When you saw only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.”
Something You Need
By George Wilder
Something we need,
It is not for greed,
It won’t make you bleed,
Something of many colors.
It’s not weird – or like any other,
Something that gives us joy!
It’s not a toy ..,then what is it?
What this something is? A BOOK!
We learn to read from it,
We became leaders in activities,
Doctor’s, Teachers, Performers, Lawyers,
Sport Players, Business Owners, Preachers …
Even President of United States you see.
This is a book for many years,
What we read gives us tears,
Some books are drama and fiction,
Others give knowledge or power
Books to teach the death to speak.
Remember something we all need
It’s a beautiful book of plenty,
Everyone wants to read …
The greater gift to all of us!
Is to learn to read
By George Wilder
When I am gone, release me let me go
I have so many things to see and do.
You mustn’t tie yourself to me with tears
Be happy that you and I had so many years.
I gave you my love, you can only guess,
How much you gave to me….in happiness.
I thank you for the LOVE, you have shown
But now it’s time I travel alone.
So, grieve for a while for me if grieve you must.
Then let your grief be comforted by trust.
It’s only for a while that we must part
So, bless those memories with your heart.
I won’t be far away, for life does go on,
So, if you need me, call and I will come.
Though you cannot see or touch me
Yes!! We shared smiles and laughter.
And if you listen with your heart,
You’ll surely hear …..
All my LOVE around you, soft and clear.
And then! When you must come this way alone
I’ll greet you with a smile and say to you
Welcome home.
By George Wilder
You soul is set free today
The Lord only takes home the best
Your heart of gold stopped beating, your two shining eyes at cost
God broke our hearts, to prove to us, the Lord only takes the best
Aunt Beverly gave us love and hope.
Three awesome sports filled sons
She cheated death eighty-nine years
God knew she had to leave us
But she didn’t leave her alone,
For part of us went with Aunt Beverly
The special day, the Lord took her home
Aunt Beverly was greeted by her family and son
Right before she took her last breath
Joy, Darlene, Daniel, her mother and father
To some, Aunt Beverly, she was just forgotten
To others, just part of their past,
But to us, who loved, and lost you
Your memories will always last.
Aunt Beverly have fun and enjoy his kingdom
One day or night you’ll see me I trust
And rejoin the family I truly love
Aunt Beverly you left something here for
Special memories, I’ll keep alive for
Your soul lies in the heavenly light,
The Lord only takes home the best
By George Wilder
Knowing with wisdom
Is like quiet without peace
What use is there in armor
When there’s nothing underneath
A seed that has no water
Could not begin to grow
No point in having heavy eyes
Since you always keep them close
Faith, in the creator, heals the soul within your own flesh
We wouldn’t need a teacher,
If we already knew the way
Jesus Christ is my savior
His stripes paid for my sins.
Faith is my keeper that I love
I reside in a darkness shelter
But it’s always God’s light I see
My journey is like the disciples
Walk by faith, not by sight.
We all are the seeds, and his blood
Is the water to make us all grow
So, the day or night shall come
When we will be put to test.
Illinois Forests
By George Wilder
My special trees that all can see,
Reaching out for those wonderful leaves
Illinois breeze blowing the trees
That Pine, Cedar, I smell I need.
Evanstonians a traditional community,
North Western University the kings crown
As pens, oaks, Hickory, Walnut and Hazelnut,
Autumn time painted colors no lie,
Relaxing under the old weeping will
The eye of the Dutch Tiger Iris…
Planted throughout the Illinois forests
Sunday morning everyone dan hear the chorus
Clover, Stalcup, Dandelion, Angelica,
Our huge trees grow like towers
Land of Lincoln, History and slopes
Illinois is the land of agriculture and hope
Settlers made historic towns like Chicago land
Farmers made Springfield grew corn for feed
Abraham Lincoln said his proclamation
Remembering, USS, Constitution USS Chicago
Trees filter out Carbon-Monoxide for air
Pine and Cedar trees filter out Carbon-Dioxide
Don’t cut down the tree, if you want to breathe
Your children depend on that need
By George Wilder
Even when a situation seems hopeless,
And dark clouds fill the skies
Just remembering this…
Our hope never dies.
When it seems our time ran out,
Although there’s nothing more to do,
I always know within my heart,
That hope will see me through.
That the long struggle I travelled
Then my passage to Jesus Christ,
Incarcerated I am, I repented.
February sixteenth twenty eighteen
I was baptized by the Lords rainstorm
And I received forgiveness for my sin
My Lord God Almighty gave me a second chance
When life is full of hardships
The bill collectors come in all directions
My hope never gave up or died.
Society is like quick sand …
Temptations of lust and flesh,
Diabolical turmoil to torture.
Evil eyed Law Enforcement Chicago’s
I prayed to Jesus as he lifted me up
I’m worth his plan for me,
To preach his holy word out loud,
That my day to my freedom comes nearer,
As my hope will never die.
Secrets in the Field
By George Wilder
Dancing creeks, running water,
And slate rocks are silent and wet,
Humans never listen
Missed what heaven sent
Woodpeckers, pecking the tree,
Honeybees bouncing with joy,
Squirrels chewing on those chestnuts
Lightning bugs light up the night
I’m watching tadpoles swimming
Turtles getting sun rays
Eagles to red tailed hawks flying free
Dancing Lavender flowers and weeds.
Oak, Willow, Birch, cedar, Cottonwood, trees,
Oglala Lakota Sioux great spirits in the air
Deer eating berries in the fields
Meadow Larks, Robins, Redwing Blackbird
Meadow sweet and Echinacea flowers
Hummingbirds and the trumpets
Racoons playing in the oak tees
Owls resting in the moonlight.
Butterflies sitting on the wild clovers,
Lobela, Licorice, Angelica, to rain bears
Fresh rain, drops on morning daisy
Frogs chirping on rocks in the pond
Yellow neck black bird on a cat tail
This is the Lords gifts for us to see
Banana Spiders on his newly webb
Garden snake moves through the weeds.

The Bright Cloud
By George Eagle Eyes Wilder
Ah serenity to feel in the breeze, above the Mountains, Oceans, and Tree’s, Cities alike, dots of huge stones and steel, up here Birds soar through my Mist. I smile as they wink at me.
The Kingdom of Clouds my family and me, the sun was keeping me warm, and gentle; while fast Jets passing by me, Sometimes I seem them flying right at me! Their smoke makes me choak, and discoloring my hews, to gray, the realm of God gave unto me.
I get gloomy, at times because jet pollution, and Rockets, factory fumes, Air pollution, Forest fires, Volcano Ash; so I turn purple, blue, black, gray, and even off white, very dark. So Angry I become, Lightning flares from me, storms to water the land to clean this Air, Sky’s free of funk me and other clouds glisten.
Who know one time I will drift away across the land. I appear giving Shade, to great Plains, So animals can rest and roam, Wow! I descend to the lower Land, Bee’s and Butterflies tickle me So, yep my friends on the land enjoys my Shade and cool breeze as leaves tussel and grow. I’m proud to be a cloud in this world of unknown.
Last Goodbyes
By George Eagle Eyes Wilder
Twenty-six people lives,
It’s cold outside
Connecticut, winter life.
Early morning school day,
Children have a lot to say.
December fourteenth twenty twelve,
Black Friday a day of death.
School sits in front of a road in the woods
Off the bus and into the school
Outside standing is a mentally ill fool.
Six lives died for the children,
Twenty younger then eleven.
Yelling. And screaming, and running in fear,
Children shot is all you can hear.
Bursts open her doors shooting them all,
Teacher’s died protecting them before they fall.
Jesse, was shot! As he helped his friend Live,
Before you knew it the Storm was heard,
Then came the silence! Not even a bird.
Horns sounded in Heaven as Angels all took flight,
Taking twenty six souls into the sky.
Newtown’s law enforcement and SWAT fleet,
Mr. Parker, crying running up the school street.
A door bursts open! Children has no place to hide,
Last shot fired was he shot himself…no lie.
Bathroom stuffed teacher and her children in tears
A badge pushed under, and then he unlocks the door.
The remaining Teacher and children cheers.
They’ll never forget their last goodbyes.
Never Can Say Goodbye
(In Memory of Sandy Hook)
By George Eagle Eyes Wilder
Never can say goodbye, to twenty-six lives,
Newtown, Parents of Twenty some lives,
Olivia, left her fluorescent message stick-on tags,
Emilie, giggled she never became sad.
Jesse, wrote “I Love You”, in morning frost,
Josephine, enjoyed jumping on the trampoline,
Ana-Green, loved her father’s Jazz and Tambourines,
Jacks, favorite is NY Jets, NFL Football team.
Grace, always did homemade cookies for free,
Allison, helped the poor, with her piggybank money,
Aviella, the hummingbird, enjoyed riding horses,
Jessica, loved her special cowgirl boots.
James, Chase, Ben, Dylan, Noah, and Daniel are spiritually free.
Never can say Goodbye, to the twenty-six lives,
Sparkling stars, in the night-re their little goodbyes.
Caroline, Catherine, Charlotte, Madeleine, that gives,
Plan flowers, plant trees, in memory! To also breathe
Jesse, gave his life, to help his friend leave.
Remembering their lives, Psalms, Twenty-three,
Victoria Soto, Ann Murry-Murphy, Love, Faith, Believes,
Rachal, Dawn, Mary & Lauren, Protectors indeed.
Skipping rocks on Connecticut lake-Jesse, his mom, brother
LORD ALMIGHTY, never makes any mistakes,
December, fourteenth, Twenty Twelve to believe,
Tears came to my eyes, what I’ve seen on TV,
Walk by faith, not by sight
Twenty-six lives, live in the light.
Spirit of Chief Bigfoot at Wounded Knee
By George Eagle Eyes Wilder
Adrenaline surges through his body
As fear grips his soul,
Visions stained with blood…
Curdling screams from young to old.
Witnessing the horror, and murders…
As children being shot in the cold,
Stripped naked in freezing weather
Soldiers removing weapons & feathers,
Told to put on their clothes & mokisin
Wagons lined side by side in the gulch
As they loaded up their gatlin guns
This story of Bigfoot must be told.
Smoke sills the air, Bullets rattle the Earth,
Bodies left trembling, Lakota’s lives has no worth.
The smell of death scents the air,
Bones of women, men, children babies there
Snow fell fast freezing the bloody bath
Seniors, young children cutdown without haste
Three hundred Sioux where on there way
When the U.S. Calvery took there fate.
My people lay frozen as they fell,
Bigfoot sot frozen into grotesque shape,
Four braves & forty-seven women & children barely survived that date.
On Christmas morning the Sioux
Never got any honest warning,
Wounded Knee a land of tragedy.
Eagle Eyes Visions
By George Eagle Eyes Wilder
The great grandfather of the skies,
As he/she soaring high,
The seeker over the cloud cries,
Flying over the beauty of the trees
The softness caresses the air
Fathers of many chiefs that died
Brown for our skin white bright light
Eagle eyes visions, speak to me!
Soaring high over the teton summit,
Cries for our fallen sisters Sioux,
Thunder in the dark greyish blue sky
Drums beating in the violent wind,
The Snake River in rhythm
Speak to me, I feel your love.
Heaven is my father, Earth is my mother,
Eagles, are our souls
As the breeze is the arms,
That reaches throughout the universe
The wolf, is the Oglala brother,
The Owl is the Lakota aunt,
The Hawk is the Sioux uncle,
The Bear is the lands keeper,
The Elk is our cousin
The Buffalo is our bones,
The Earth Mother hears out prayers,
Eagle eyes visions past to future,
I am Eagle eyes, ten bears grandson
The Oglala Lakota Sioux visionary.
My Vision Stands Near
By George Eagle Eyes Wilder
Alone inside these steal bars,
Cold as a senior with the stars,
Remembering my classic cars,
Parying by day and talks by night,
Regardless what convicts say,
My only support is the Lord’s way.
I don’t come loud, I don’t even sway,
Cursing at me telling me how to play,
No! I demanded with them all,
Who are you frail, evil in the dark.
Infliction of pain, to give away free,
Voices of hate is what I see,
Damed if you do damed if you won’t ,
The Lord clearly listens when you don’t.
Chains on ankles-cuffs behind their back
Drugs and thugs are illegal
Immigrants never speak any English.
African Americans yell Black Lives Matter
Women convicts who are pregnant
Juvenile corrections at ages of eleven.
Twenty-five years-is half my past life
Doing time for a crime of innocence
Prosecutors and law enforcement play
Defame, slander, malice, tampering
Tools unknown to people like me.
Yet in my Victory Stands near in Jesus,
I truly am a Christian believer,
He’s my lawyer who I only trust.
Our Lord is Alive
I am utterly amazed,
By how treetops move,
Effect of the wind,
Causing nature to praise,
Reach for the kingdom,
Your arms reached high
You can feel the joy,
Our Lord he is Alive.
Looking at the gracious clouds
Oh pleasantly Lord loves me,
So righteously we sings,
The grand Tetons immense,
As his blessings pour like raindrops.
A feather is sailing to the Earth
I’m staring at the feather,
Yet no birds in the sky
It’s an angels feather for my eyes,
A true sign angels are Alive
The Holy Spirit made me sigh
Happy tears in my eyes
Trinity is my full life,
Yes, our Lord is very much Alive
A feather fell from the kingdom
Which created live.
Don’t Weep at My Grave
By George Eagle Eyes Wilder
Don’t weep at my grave,
For I am not there.
I’ve a date with a butterfly.
To dance in the air.
I’ll be singing in Arizona sunshine.
Wild, and heartache free.
Playing tag with Sedona’s wind,
While I am waiting for thee.
Monet and I run in the blue sky.
I ride a grey Arabian along his way
My sisters, Darlene and Beverly will
Travel the Kingdom’s Trails of thee.
So don’t worry, do not even cry.
His words are real to touch the sky
As you remember, my hugs of goodbye.
His life is his journey……
As I stand in Spirit my tearless eyes.
He is part of all of you…
I gave all of you a life.
Be patient, be strong, he’ll come along
So one day I’ll be in Mesa Verde,
A slice of heaven in Jerome.
Look at your life! Be nice.
One day to come, you’ll
Be going home.
Daily Machine and Jon Burge (Remembering the Midnight Crew)
By George Eagle Eyes Wilder
Eyes of darkness, hands of cold steel,
Items Burge used, nightmares came true
Burge used torture to get his brutal way
Midnight crew, beatings, cuffed to chains
Cattle prod electrifies my body as he plays
Chicago Mayor and cops – diabolical physical hell
Jon Burge pushed me until I had fell
Fractured nose, ribs blackened eyes I tell
December twenty-three, nineteen eighty-nine…
Chained to his cage Burge anger outraged
Beatings coerced confessions physical pain
Whippings with rubber hose, bruised head to my toes
Blood dripping out of my brows, eyes swollen closed
Richard J. Daley and Richard M. Daley abused me
I’m wrongfully convicted Devine silenced me!
Joliet, Dixon “IDOC” erase my memory of hell
Devine and Burge first coerced confession I yelled
Nineteen ninety-six second coerced confession
M. Daley, Devine, Burge tortured political games
Richard M. Daley and Burge assumed I was dead
Twenty twenty-one Daley’s past lie begun.
Twenty zero-three March twenty-eight…
Former commissioner Burge and Yucaitis and O’Hara
Richard J. Daley victimized me in boy scouts in sixties
I’m beaten in a snowstorm – out in a farm field
Kicked in the mouth as broken teeth and blood spit out
Steel boxcar on rails midnight crew put me inside
As I lay bleeding left to die, then I heard beep
Beep, beep, beep, as I sleep in white.

By George Eagle Eyes Wilder
I have a Dream – also…to be free,
Free, from bondage and ankle chains,
Free, from tight steel & hostility,
Free, from hand cuffs & deputy beatings,
Free, from solitary confinement in darkness,
Brutality, intimidation, hate, race & mace,
Free, from law enforcement pepper bullets.
I have a Dream – also, for emotions to feel,
Free, from disgrace and animosity,
The unfounded citizens plotting to kill me,
To help the poverty, give them a dream – also,
Diversity, free from the code of color,
To overcome this hateful society.
Life, liberty, property and immunities,
Yes! I have a Dream – also, for a changed government,
Where children can go to school,
With hopeful expectations, laughter & cheers,
Abolish negativity, and replace the fear.
Love, grace, faith, hope, prayer, & positivity,
Twenty-nine years of steel bars,
My life stolen by an identical full name.
Yes! I have a Dream – also, to help the needy,
Free, from illegally incarcerated pain,
Free, from steel bars & steel chains,
I have a Dream – also, to rejoice in Jesus,
To be released a free man, and walk by faith,
Yes! I have a Dream – also, to minister the people,
To be set free in twenty-twenty one,
I have that Dream – also.
Kelly Thomas
(Police brutality in Fullerton, CA, 2011…in his memory)
By George Eagle Eyes Wilder
Fullerton police made Kelly bleed,
Before they set Kelly free,
Get down on your knees,
Fullerton police yelled and kicked Kelly on the sidewalk,
Guns load triggers pulled…,
As Kelly knelt and stood.
Fullerton police made Kelly bleed,
Before they set Kelly Thomas free.
Fullerton police made Kelly bleed,
Before they set Kelly Thomas free.
Five cops yelled and seriously punching mad,
Kelly Thomas wore a straw Stetson hat.
Kelly Thomas was pushed and shoved,
Fullerton police hit Kelly Thomas with a taser and glove,
Kelly fell hard and cried out for his dad,
Kelly was kicked and beaten, that’s real sad.
Fullerton police made Kelly Thomas bleed,
Before they set Kelly Thomas free.
Fullerton police made Kelly Thomas bleed,
Before they set Kelly Thomas free.
Kelly was kicked and stomped,
Beaten with Billy clubs,
Sidewalk was stained with Kelly’s blood.
Kelly was standing there watching,
No longer can Kelly Thomas be talking.
Kelly seen himself laying there dead,
Fullerton police made Kelly Thomas bleed,
Before they set Kelly Thomas free.
Falsely Accused
By George Eagle Eyes Wilder
Walking in the street of affliction,
Law enforcement – slander conditions,
Sadden a mistaken of identity,
Bars of steel is all I can see,
Thinking, it’ll never happen to me,
Suddenly in the newspaper it came true.
Your entire freedom has gone.
Family agrees that you’re wrong,
Your job – boss has fired you!
Lawyers explained they won’t pursue,
A world it’s unknown even to you.
Now abandon! Silenced left all alone,
Steel cages echoes of death and hate,
Convicts and killers even procrastinate,
I think this couldn’t be my fate.
Prayers whispers all night in my ears,
The wind blowing asbestos in my air,
Striped of my dignity who even cares,
Accused as a national hardcore villain,
Solitary confinement alone and chillin’.
Twenty-six years in hell based on a lie,
Falsely accused, targeted by another man’s crimes,
FBI master prints under likeness name,
I lost everything, life, liberty, a shame,
I’m a number not a fake name.
Chicago’s Breeze
By George Eagle Eyes Wilder
My lady in her hat and dress,
Driving her Berlitz Eldorado convertible,
Shining tonight on the windy city,
Holding her right,
My fifty-three-footer – Jeanneau yacht in sight.
She’s my Queen Nefertiti over all worldly ladies,
And my only one special baby.
Walking alone Lake Michigan in hand,
Wearing sandals in the Lake’s sand.
I presented her with a cluster of rubies,
Listening to WGCI “Cruisin on Sunday Afternoon,
Feeling is a real way to be true,
It’s our thang to do, Groovy”.
Looking at Sears tower skyline too,
I feel real love with only you,
Chicago’s sunset rays made by God’s way.
Leaning against my Berlitz Eldorado door,
I’m kissing you a lot more,
Always and forever, each moment with you,
Is just like a dream came true,
I took her to her door,
Kissing her, and holding her tight,
Telling my lady! I love you, and goodnight.
(In memory of all children that died.)
By George Eagle Eyes Wilder
Feeling of being – unrecognized
CBC, E-cigarettes – don’t you criticize,
Nightmares gagging hard to breathe,
Laying in a coffin bed! Hey, can’t you see?
Fruity flavors buy on the Internet,
Sent by mail and die by night,
Corporations don’t care, it’s not their life.
Vaping is a drug gone wild you can’t hide,
Insecurities of other kids taunting lies,
What? You’re scared? Hey chicken! Lonely lives.
MMMMMMM watermelon, take a puff…hold it,
What’s happening cramping chest pains,
Youngster falls and grasping for air – seizures fits.
Diabolical fumes of Juul vaporized lungs,
Flavors you smoke are dangerous, not fun,
Secondhand death is like a smoking gun,
Vaporizing children can no longer run.
Addiction by computerized vaping…
Corporations this is your killing disease.
Black blood flows in vaporized liver and kidney,
Younger generation falling to their knees.
I can’t breatheee…please help meeee,
Clinching their chest of short breath,
Lungs crystalized failing! Beep, beep, beep, beeeeeeep…
EKG, electrodes blast youngsters’ heart,
Cheated out of life! Because a vaporized lung,
Parents crying watching doctors done,
Praying for youngster, as the spirit departs.
Teüfel Hunden
(USMC – Forever)
By George Eagle Eyes Wilder
Semper Fidelis, that’s honor – no lies,
Dress for the thrill, going to fulfill,
Waiting to kill, – aboard the Enterprise – CV.
Heat one hundred twenty-nine,
C – 130 opens the rear door, it’s time,
Lebanon military on front lines.
Two hundred forty-one lives
Sleeping yet they all died.
October, twenty-three a Salute, Ooh Rah!
Beirut, people never even tried
My M40 A1 pointed and I pulled the trigger and shot.
Lebanese sniper AK-47 slug hit me!
I felt pain in my chest – I seen my blood,
Fell to my knees as I internally bleed.
Staring at the sun, I pulled the Beretta .45 cal. Gun,
Smashed in my face, kicked in my bleeding guts.
Tagged in black body bag bed – I was dead.
I moved and fell to get me outta this hell,
Zipper opened M -16’s pointed as they yelled.
I said Teufelhunden – (04) DCO! (04) – DCO!
I woke in Wiesbaden hospital on meds,
Wires, hoses, and beep, beep, in a white bed.
You can’t kill me! I’m a United States marine,
I’m incarcerated waiting to be set free.
To the women and men of the USMC
Thank you for your services,
From the halls of Montezuma,
To the shores of Tripoli.
What’s Going On – BLDM
(In memory of George Floyd)
By George Eagle Eyes Wilder
Black lives do matter,
“Mother, mother
There’s too many of you crying
Brother, brother, brother
There’s far too many of you dying
You know we’ve got to find a wa,
To bring some lovin here today”
Black lives truly do matter.
“Father, father
We don’t need to escalate
You see, war is not the answer
For only love can conquer hate
You know we’ve got to find a way
To bring some lovin here today…”
Black lives do matter.
Picket lines and picket signs
Don’t punish me with brutality
Talk to me, so you can see
Oh, what’s going on
What’s going on.
Tell me what’s going on, Black Lives Matter.
Mother, mother
Everybody thinks we’re wrong
Oh, but who are they to judge us
Simply cause our hair is too long,
Black lives do matter.
Martin Luther King, Jr., John Lewis, Trevor, and George Floyd! Yes,
Black lives do matter – to us all.
Renaldo ‘Obie’ Benson, Al Cleveland, and Marvin Gaye, “What’s Going On” released
May 1971
Ryan Singleton Victimized
(In loving memory of Ryan Singleton, September 21, 2013)
By George Eagle Eyes Wilder
At home on the east coast,
July fourth, soul food for the most.
Ryan’s last happy loving life,
July Sixth, a hug, a kiss goodbye.
A flight across the United States…
Ryan will soon meet up with his fate.
Young, cheerful, African American man,
Left his mother for Los Angeles land.
July Seventh, sought an acting career,
Became gay & modeling laughter cheer.
Los Angeles, male escorting for a price,
Evil eyes were nothing nice.
July Eighth, & married to another man,
Their honeymoon consummation was as planned,
At twenty & one hundred and sixty pounds,
July Ninth, trip to Las Vegas, but was never found.
Ryan was seen walking in Baker town…
One hundred and seventeen on the ground.
July Tenth, Ryan’s rental car was recovered,
San Bernardino county sheriff’s treated crime scene discovered.
Baker, California, town of evil and hate,
Occults, skinheads, Nazi’s Whites, dictates.
July & August, twenty thirteen in pain,
Drugged and starved Ryan Singleton yelling insane.
Black market for organs a price of fear,
September, was Ryan Singleton victimized.
Ryan’s tongue, liver, kidney’s, lungs, heart, and eyes…
Removed several ribs! Ryan died without fam,
His body laid near Silver Lane.
Smack and Crack
By George Eagle Eyes Wilder
I’m y0ung at twenty-three you see,
Smack and crack drugs are killing me.
Can’t any of you even feel?
Soon my brain will explode.
With smack water and crack,
An ugly drug test.
Speed loading drugs,
Leaves me feelin like a bug.
Rattlin unclean teeth,
Looking at my veins bleed.
Yes! I need to stop!
Before my brain pops.
Yes! I did loudly yelp,
Because I’m screaming for help.
Drugs are killing me,
Hey man, I’m lost…down on my knees.
At last I will try,
I don’t wanta die.
Curled up as I cried,
I looked up…and prayed and sighed.
Decisions ringing in my head,
I lay there as I bleed.
I’m getting cold, and it’s getting dark,
I’m nobody…as I lie,
Now he’s dead.
Ryan Singleton Victimized
(In loving memory of Ryan Singleton, September 21, 2013)
By George Eagle Eyes Wilder
At home on the east coast,
July fourth, soul food for the most.
Ryan’s last happy loving life,
July Sixth, a hug, a kiss goodbye.
A flight across the United States…
Ryan will soon meet up with his fate.
Young, cheerful, African American man,
Left his mother for Los Angeles land.
July Seventh, sought an acting career,
Became gay & modeling laughter cheer.
Los Angeles, male escorting for a price,
Evil eyes were nothing nice.
July Eighth, & married to another man,
Their honeymoon consummation was as planned,
At twenty & one hundred and sixty pounds,
July Ninth, trip to Las Vegas, but was never found.
Ryan was seen walking in Baker town…
One hundred and seventeen on the ground.
July Tenth, Ryan’s rental car was recovered,
San Bernardino county sheriff’s treated crime scene discovered.
Baker, California, town of evil and hate,
Occults, skinheads, Nazi’s Whites, dictates.
July & August, twenty thirteen in pain,
Drugged and starved Ryan Singleton yelling insane.
Black market for organs a price of fear,
September, was Ryan Singleton victimized.
Ryan’s tongue, liver, kidney’s, lungs, heart, and eyes…
Removed several ribs! Ryan died without fam,
His body laid near Silver Lane.
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