
Free Smack…..
By Frederick Jones

As I stand on top of my bunk and
look out of the window, I see it’s a beautiful
day outside the sun is so strong that it
hurt my eyes….

The birds is having a good time sitting on
top of the fence. A spider has built himself
a home in the corner of my window. The
wind is blowing so strong that the American
flag is standing along…..

I turn and look at the cars that is going
up and down the street, thinking to myself
why can’t it be me? Free to have fun, free
to build me a home, free to have company
so I wouldn’t feel alone…..

I have traded all these things and more for
a 4×4 cell that bring me no joy. I
want my soul to go to Heaven, I don’t care
about my body it can go to Hell, it’s a
struggle every day knowing I’m going to die in
this cell…..

They say life must go on, but I feel that
I was cheated, someone has dealt me a hand
from the bottom of the deck, Because I
refuse to believe that God wouldn’t give
me a fair chance….. Free Smack.

Lockdown, But I Rise
By Frederick Jones

They lock me up and threw me in a cell
With a sixth grade education, I taught myself
Well . . . Books, paper and pens became my friends
But my most trusty a worry is my dictionary . . .

They lock my body up, but my mind is bigger
Than this cell . . . My imagination is so wonderful
To bring myself back to reality, I have to pinch myself . . .

The lock my soul in, but my spirit is
Joyful, I laugh more than I cry, I smile
More than I frown, I listen more than I
Talk, I meditate more than I walk.

They lock me out from the world, But I’m
Maintaining my sanity . . . They humiliate me by
Making me get naked in front of strangers,
But still in all, I’m maintaining . . .

Lockdown, but I rise, caged in but I
Shine, Cast to the side, but I stride, who
Am I? Just a strong man with a spirit
Who refuse to die . . .

Frederick Jones

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