California / Eric Pomatto (CA) / Poetry

Poetry by Eric Pomatto

Spot Each Other
By Eric Pomatto

I wish you would listen and affirm what I’m saying.
But I can’t get your eye-contact, like we’re praying.

Are you so busy that I can’t have any attention?
Conversely, I hang onto every word you mention.

When you respond to what’s said, it feels like love;
On the other hand, passive ignoring feels like a shove.

Get gone, you seem to say; I have no value or import.
Please know such imputations cut me awfully short.

I infer my questions are meaningless, questions stupid.
With such evil looks, you wound like a cruel Cupid.

That pain makes me want to retreat in shame.
My courage crushed until I’m beat and lame.

Yet, of these same things, I’m guilty of doing.
Perhaps while you were speaking, I didn’t stop chewing.

I could’ve instead chosen to nurture your soul,
Shown you that I understand how you’re in a hole.

Your eyes didn’t laugh when you his behind a chuckle.
The weight you’re under is causing bending knees to buckle.

So let’s spot each other while lifting these loads,
And we will both be strong enough to walk these roads

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