A Friend
By Edward Jenkins
A friend is there for you
A friend will never leave you or hurt you.
If you have a good friend don’t lose him or her because good
Friends are hard to find
A good friend loves you and will help you when you need it
A friend is closer than family at times
So if you are a friend or have one be kind to them because
If you lose them it’s hard to get them back or sometimes
You hurt them so badly you lose them forever
You may think it’s easy to make friends you may be wrong if
You treat them bad.
God Loves Us All
By Edward Jenkins
God loves everyone
God is always there for you
He will not leave you
God knows everything we go through
God loves us so much that He gave His son of us all
So believe in God and you can never go wrong.
Pray to God and He will answer your prayers when He finds
it’s good for you
God made us for Himself we belong to the mighty God
there is no other but Him.
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