Un Belonged
By Darren Robinson
Lapsed, and left behind,now, I’m last,
I’m lost. The sand squishes, stems snap, snow crunches,
walking away from my half-breeds past.
No father, enduring life’s pains. Growths
countered with setbacks, pruned with torment
personal letdowns and a constant shame.
Wondered and worried within each stigma,
I’m sorry, I’m alone…
Where, why and with whom do I belong.
Turmoil, triumphs, the thundering rains,
can I be free from my scars, the tears I cried
shouting from the crowded skies, or judging eyes?
Withdrawn to wander, wasting, total disconnect
nothing there; a tough love reject,
never will it allow for my humanity to reconnect.
History is ready to scream my faults.
But never once was our community forgiving enough
for me to belong. Is life collected or connected by us all?
Suffering within my past it haunts,
behind these walls, prisons are permanent, valued and sacrosanct,
no-one cares, not enough for my second chance.

Tao Koerber
October 22, 2022 at 11:08 pmHello Darren,
It’s been a while. If you can email, drop me a reply
July 14, 2021 at 10:32 pmYes Big D
She loves you
Crushin on a crush
April 25, 2021 at 8:52 amThe wind will blow, the rains will fall, the rivers conjoin us all. Fear not where you belong, ones heart beats, waiting,wanting,dreaming of the skies carrying my soul to yours. When the light of the suns beam connects our worlds together.you will see a love for you remains true for only you.
I wait for the day we fish together, on our boat. Riding the waters from here to there and beyond.
Love you big D.
November 24, 2021 at 9:16 pmStill Crushing on a Crush I will allwayz wait for you,you have my heart and the thought of one day i will be in your presence makes my heart beat unevenly , with excitemental flutter-byes. And i get dizzy. I want to fish and wear you out doing it all over our boat, and.
May 30, 2022 at 1:20 amBabe when did you start calling me Naneette??! Wait
J get it
We will be tied together. inanette
I miss you baby
Always in all ways
Love Kimber
Crushin on a crush
April 25, 2021 at 8:46 amThe wind will blow, the rains will fall, the rivers conjoin us all. Fear not where you belong, ones heart beats, waiting,wanting,dreaming of the skies carrying my soul to yours. When the light of the suns beam connects our worlds together.you will see a love for you remains true for only you.