Feel Me in a Moment of Silence!
By Byron W. Waring
Feel me,
Listen with both eyes and feel these words as if your mind were many fingers sensitive and probing.
For each syllables from my words can never alone express the mystery and joy u bring!!
Perhaps u have have seen or heard these words before in a moment of silence!
I see u wondering if I want u!!
I DO!!
I DO!!
I want to devour u!!
Never have I desired to be known as such!!
Listen with both hands as I speak of making love as the ink from my pen make love to these pages
Listen to the silence make love with your ears. Has any noise ever filled u so completely as the silence that is u, which became u!!
I see u wondering if I want u!
I DO!!
I DO!!
I want to devour u!!
Girl, let’s become the silence and enter each other and worship goodness of nature!
Silence is eternal, and conveys all knowledge of otherness.
Its older than change, and will never be conquered.
I wish that we become silence and make love and become the reason the UNIVERSE smile!!
In The Dark
By Byron W. Freedom
In the Dark of the night
The moon makes our images my color and yours
Lying next to u
Intoxicated by your natural sweet scent
Our juices mingle,
Combine to create power
That decimates fear
E.A.R.N. Freedom!
By Byron W. Freedom
Isn’t just a gift that me and my incarcerated brothers and sisters wish for! It’s a gift we desire to give to others! Freedom is a way to heal, grow and rediscover our own strength as human beings! Imagine ending this year with a renewed sense of FREEDOM, PEACE, LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP and beginning the next year with that hope in our hearts! Take a minute……………..! No matter where you are right now, remember that each day is an opportunity to take a step forward and discover that FREEDOM, PEACE, LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP that produces the light and strength within us! But, to also affect everyone we are in contact with! Let’s prove that WE ARE NOT FORGOTTEN!! LET’S E.A.R.N. FREEDOM!! HAPPY NEW YEARS!!
Coming to America: The New World!
A Short Story by Byron Waring
Chanel sighed and squirmed slightly on the gray metal chair. No matter how she sat, there was no way to get comfortable. Her legs where practically numb from sitting for nearly 2hours in that uncomfortable seat.
Chanel dreaded the visit so much. She was very uncomfortable in her English – speaking abilities in public. But, something about e powerlessness she felt because she couldn’t speak for herself made her feel very uncomfortable and anxious. But the job had to get done. Period! There was nothing more important to her then reuniting her family. Yet, she had very little confidence that the mound of paperwork would ever result her being granted permission to move to the United States.
“Jean-Louis? Chanel Jean-Louis?” Chanel heard coming from behind the heavy door at the corner of the waiting room opened and a woman with a tired face who mispronounced her last name appeared. Chanel hurriedly stood up and followed the woman behind the door.
Chanel followed the woman inside of a small, cramped office. And, yet again she took another seat inside of an uncomfortable chair as she noticed the name plate on the woman’s desk.
Chanel waited patiently for Ms. Washington to sort through some of the paperwork on her desk and typing for a moment on her computer. When finally she faced Chanel.
” Tell me, What I can do for you today? ” Ms. Washington said speaking in rapid French smiling unexpectedly.
“You want to bring your son……Genesis, I believe and your mother……. To the States from Haiti. Is that correct? She asked.
Chanel was shocked, but very impressed and pleased how fluent Ms. Washington French was. But, very confused how she mispronounced her last name.
” Yes…… I want to let you know that my son Genesis is all alone. With all the uprising and violence that’s going on, he needs a fresh start, A new beginning. Genesis is very smart and a quick learner. I promise he’ll be a great asset to America. “
“I’m so sorry! I can’t imagine the horror that comes with all the violence and chaos in your country right now!” Ms. Washington said as she turned to her computer.
“Mrs. Jean-Louis, is it correct that you immigrated to the States about 5 years ago with your husband Mr. Christian Jean-Louis who passed away last year to murder? And, the both of y’all have a green card?” She asked.
Chanel nodded and quickly reached for her purse. Ms. Washington put her hand.
“I don’t need to see it right now,” She said kindly, “I’m just checking to see that the information I have is correct. As a green card holder, you may petition to have your son or daughter of any age immigrate to the States and become a permanent resident. We’ll need to start by having you fill out form I-130, petition for a Alien Relative. We’ll need proof of your status as a permanent resident, as well as evidence of your relationship with Genesis Jean-Louis.”
After about another hour and half of Ms. Washington continuing going over the requirements and necessary documents needed for Genesis’s immigration. Chanel stepped out into the sunshine with the look of peace. She reached in her purse and pulled out her phone. She smiled when the person she called picked up.
“Mom?” She began……….
You Tripping: I’ll Miss you!!
A Short Story by Byron Waring
The bell sounded, and all the students in Azure eight-grade class cheered, everyone except Azure. Their summer vacation officially had just started, and many of Azure’s classmate were buzzing about their plans they had for the next few months. Azure wished she could feel excited as her peers. Normally, the summer held nothing but promises and excitement; this summer, however, was different. In just three short weeks, Azure will be moving to America where her oldest sister is living in North Carolina. Azure dreaded the fact that she’s leaving her friends behind here on the Island of Trinidad. But she’s dreading leaving behind her beloved grandmother even more.
Azure knew If she had any type of say so about her leaving, then, she knew she would’ve chosen to stay home. But she has no choice but to go. Her grandmother is getting to the age where her health is declining and to the point where she can’t be her caretaker. Azure father is doing time in the States for drug-trafficking with 20+ years. And Azure’s mother is being a street stalker. She spends her nights doing what she does in the town of Pointe-ā-Pierre. So, she has to move to North Carolina with her sister.
Just then, Azure’s friend, Durya, walking down the hallway. She couldn’t help but notice Azure’s gloomy mood.
“What’s up, Azure, What’s your deal today? You hardly said a thing during lunch when I was telling you about my plans for the summer soccer camp. It’s like you here, but you’re somewhere else! Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
Azure looked up quickly, snapped out of her funk, at least momentarily.
“Oh, hey Durya! That’s great! But, honestly, would you mind walking home with me?”
“Yeah……I got you Azure, as long as you’re okay with stopping by the elementary school so I can pick up my annoying baby brother, and you tell me what got you all down and stuff!”
Durya’s brother, Byron, was in the fifth grade. He’s also notorious for his silly sense of humor. Plus, Azure thought that Byron was funny, although she wouldn’t ever admit it to Durya.
The two friends began walking to Spearwater Heights Elementary, when Azure finally confessed what’s been having her all down and gloomy.
“Durya, I feel silly admitting this to you! But I’m scared to move to the States! I know that I went to visit my sister last summer and it was okay! But I really didn’t do anything! I just stayed at her house the whole time. But this is different. What if nobody likes me or I can’t make any friends?”
Byron walked up to greet them, and Azure continued explaining the things causing her to have anxiety.
Byron looked up at Azure, confused.
“Wait a minute, I can’t possibly be hearing this from the person who just stood up to the neighborhood bully!” Byron smiled as Azure giggled. Durya rolled her eyes, knowing her brother was talking about the overly aggressive Canadian geese that was chasing her all over the lake the other day.
“I know right! That was a big bulli…….”
” Shut up Azure!” Durya said pushing Azure lightly.
As they pulled up in front of Azure’s house. She couldn’t believe that little Byron had cured her of her anxiety.
“Azure your tripping! You going to be fine! But, if you have any problems tho, I’ll be on the first plane smoking to handle it!” Byron said while giving Azure a hug.
“Thank you, B!! Wait a minute! Are u crying B?” She asked as she noticed a tear running down his face.
“No!” he said, as he let her go and took off running down the street.
Both Azure and Durya looked at each other and started laughing………
(Just a reminder!)
By: Byron Waring
When things go wrong as they sometimes will;
When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill;
When the funds are low and the debt are high;
And u want to smile (≖⌣≖)(~̃‿~̃) but u have to sigh;
Life has it’s twists and turns;
As everyone of us sometimes learn;
Success is failure turned inside out;
The silver tint of the cloud of doubt;
And u never can tell how close u are;
An army can be near when it seems so far;
So, stick to the fight when u receive the hardest h I t!
U must NEVER……..EVER…….EVER-EVER Quit!!
Struggle vs Struggle!
By Byron Waring
Knowing nothing less I push to my limits,
Working hard at everything I do so therefore I must finish. No gimmicks.
Straight up Raw Talent. Pure, and 100% Uncut.
Is it determination, or will power? But I know it damn sure wasn’t luck!
Some people become blind to the harsh truths from the stories of my past.
But, let my work leave an impressive impact in this world present and future that can last.
If my willingness to fight inspires the warrior/soldier to make change.
Then I’d love to be the blame.
Cause the shackles & chains of life no longer can hold us back or keep us tied down.
Our demons we defeated, looking sad and all wearing a frown.
A team player, I am, Damn Right I am, because I’m ALWAYS in the huddle.
Because I’m ready to 4(15min) quarters to battle The Struggle.
Big Deal!
By Byron Waring
I wish to feel the rain.
Hold up…..would u join me if I ask? Even just for a while?
Please…….stay we can talk about whatever, talk “carpentry” even the “weather”!
I can get use to our conversations, even your smile!
U Forgot!
By Byron Waring
U said that u’ll love me forever. But, u forgot about today!
I should recover before forever, u spared my heart today!
I guess cupid is not real! Because it Damn sure forgot about today!!
Rhythm Within
By Byron Waring
Your words & promises will sound like B.S In my ears.
As the thought of u will slowly disappear.
The seed of Love, Honesty, and Mutual Respect was planted, In hopes it would sow.
With your fake emotion, it can’t breathe or grow.
I know the feeling of being a neglected flower, Because I’ve felt it before.
But, this time u are the death to it that I can’t ignore.
What happens in the light, surely will be buried in the dark.
And, u will never hear the Rhythm in my heart!
By Byron Waring
Right now, we are dealing with a “Serious Epidemic” in our country. And, the name of this serious epidemic is called Systematic Racism. And, for those who don’t know what Systematic Racism is. Let me give u the Merriam-Webster collegiate definition for it!
Systematic= Done according to a system or plan; in a efficient or determined way. Example: A systematic approach to destroy a organization. Another Example: prisoner are subjected to systematic torture.
Now, u probably wondering where am I going with this essay. And, what is this talk about systematic Racism in this country. And, why should I listen to this 37y/o man on death row talk about this! I’m I right?
Well, right now we are still dealing with the pain of the senseless m u r d e r s of Black Americans. Let me take this time out to do my part by saying their names out loud: George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Michael Brown, Ka’Sandra Bland, Travon Martin, Oscar Grant, & My cousin Bernard Bailey ( Who was s h o t in the chest multiple times by the chief of police in the small town in South Carolina where I grew up in 2011! Google It!)
Those senseless murders has caused numerous outcries for things like Defunding the police, Reparations from the government. There’s a lot of protesting for Racial Justice, Social Justice and Educational Reform. Now, don’t get me wrong. Each one of those subjects need to be fully exposed, talked about and concluded with permanent solutions and not a temporary one just to keep us passive thinking that we have made a change! But, we have the power to make real change! By voting! I’m not here to tell u who to vote for and who not to! But, if we want to make a BIG change in our criminal Justice System. Help a lost generation that have no chance at rehabilitation get a second chance at life! If we want to stop making one in seven people in the U.S prison is serving life without parole! Or more than two-thirds of us that is serving life sentences are people of color! One in five black men in prison is serving life! Something has to change! And it starts with us!!
Who am I pt:2
By Byron Waring
I am a God-fearing man! I am good natured, adventurous, and free spirited. Sometimes I feel like I am extremely dangerous with my open mind and heart. I use that open mind and heart to guide me towards expected and unexpected happiness. And, sometimes I’m successful and sometimes I learn some very painful lesson like I have plenty of times
I can be serious about life. But, sometimes life can be so damn cruel. That’s when I can’t focus the most. I am silly and love to horseplay. (I guess that’s the side effects of being locked up since the age of 19) I guess it is allows me to experience childhood, since I never really had one! (Wrong time for that huh;) I am super dependable to those worthy of my trust and love! I will challenge the world and move mountains to defend or help my friends!
I am honest! Almost to a fault. I say exactly what I feel sometimes without thinking about the outcome. (And, sometimes it comes out as being cold hearted, merciless) But, I just speak my truth!
All, in a nutshell that’s my personality. Mixed with a little mischief, passion, intelligence, and sensitivity!
Stay tuned for the next episode of:
Who Am I!!
To Gain Back!
By Byron Waring
In my heart lives a king.
Eager to love, but more to please.
Destined for greatness and spread like a disease.
In my mind lives a solider. Fearless & Relentless with motion and pride. In search for The one to live in the Paradise I built inside!
In my soul lives an adventurer.
Quick to explore the fantasies inside my brain.
Free my spirit because he has much to gain!
Destroy this sorrow and pain!
Gain Back my heart!
Gain Back my mind!
Gain Back my soul!
Gain Back my spirit!
As it don’t belong to u anymore!!
By Byron Waring
It’s early Monday morning (3:13am to be exact!) And, I laying on my bed just staring at the ceiling of this 8 1/2×13 foot muggy bright night light cell! U probably wondering why am I not sleep like the majority of the other guys here on The Row right now! Well, great question! Right now I am entering my 8th day of Ramadan. And, for those who might not know what Ramadan is let me take a few minutes to explain. Ramadan is the 9th month Islamic calendar where over 1,926,115 Muslim worldwide is fasting from food and drink, Backbiting, Negative thoughts and other things from sunrise to sunset! So, about 24.5% of the worlds population is observing this Holy month. So, right now I am waiting for the co’s to bring me and about 5 other brothers of mine on my block our breakfast trays so we can eat in Time before our 6:12 Fajr (Morning) prayer. That is the beginning of our fast! And, that’s when it h I t me like a ton of bricks!
We live our lives govern by time. Especially all of us that are incarcerated. Our day to day lives is controlled by time! Here’s what i’m talking about here are our institutional time schedule!
6:00am count time.
6:10 am cell doors open.
6:20 am chow time.
10:30 am chow time (Lunch)
12:45 pm lock down.
1:00 pm count time.
2:30 pm open cell doors.
2:45 pm Rec time ( Maybe)
3:45 pm chow time (Dinner)
5:45 pm lockdown.
6:00 pm count time.
7:15 pm cell doors open.
8:45 pm lockdown.
9:00 pm count time.
9:45 pm cell door open.
10:45 pm lockdown for the night.
11:00 count time/lights out!
*count time every hour until 6:00am!!
This year I will be 38 years old! And, also this year will mark 19years I’ve been Incarcerated! So, that shows that I’ve spent my first 19years of my life as a son, as an older brother, as a grandson, as nephew, as a dad! Lately I view my life as a Football game! A game has 4quartes! And, right now it’s halftime and the score is 19- 19! And, it Time to deal up some new plays in life to help me run up the score in life! Plays:
God Willing The Second Half of the game will be better then my last! Stay turn to find out!!
Somewhere In The Heavens Above!
By Byron Waring
My child is Somewhere In The Heavens above
Waiting patiently for me to embrace her with me Love!
A part of me In the Heavens somewhere, with the other part on this earth left with the pain to bare!
Sometime I dream and Imagine what it would be like to braid your hair! Or to say don’t worry daddy loves u and I well always be there! But, still my child is Somewhere In The Heavens Above!
Could I guided her right, Even when I didn’t know what was right myself! Only God knows since he has my child Somewhere in The Heavens Above!
Happy 19th Birthday Destiny!
Sunrise: March 22nd, 2005
Sunset: December 14th, 2005
Who Am I?
By Byron Waring
I’ve been asking myself this question for years! And, for the past 18 years, I’ve been looking at my physical self in this prison mirror that’s not made out of glass. And to be honest! I’m not exactly sure what it’s made out of. But it can show an okay reflection of myself. And, what I see I believe is perfect!
Me being: 5’11¾.
Me being: 172lbs.
Me being: bald-headed (started losing my hair at the fine age of 22).
Me being: dark skin with a few tattoos.
But the question still remains right? Who am I?

September 27, 2024 at 2:07 pmThe following comment is from Byron Waring to Shauntise and Kasheta: Thank u for the comments! It REALLY means a lot to me! I miss y’all FOR REAL!! Everyday I think about y’all! Look, PLEASE get at me by going on The GETTING OUT App. Put in my name and prison #1025501 and then scroll and look for NCDAC CENTRAL PRISON! Once u do that set up account with $5.00 that’s enough for 20texts! That way we can text each other! Or leave me your number! And, I’ll call y’all! Don’t worry about the calls! I got that! But, I don’t want to lose contact with y’all! But, do know this! I am not the same man I was when I was 19years old! Now, that I am 38years old I have forgave myself! I forgave EVERYBODY!! And, it’s time to move on to LIVE LIFE!! AND, THAT’S WHAT I’M DOING!! AND, I WANT Y’ALL TO BE APART OF THAT JOURNEY!! I LOVE Y’ALL AND I MISS Y’ALL!! LOVE, LAMAR!!
Kasheta Howard
September 24, 2024 at 5:22 pmYou will forever be special to me. Love Goodie
Shauntise Howard
September 24, 2024 at 4:53 pmByron I hope this message gets to you! This is Shauntise and I just want you to know I’ve read all of your poetry and it really touched me. I still talk about you, I’ve told my kids about you, and everyone is doing well. Today in Missouri an innocent black man by the name of Marcellus Williams was given lethal injection and made me check on you. I hope you’re doing as best you can and wish more people could really know your true story. The part the press doesn’t know, the young man Joseph Sanderlin used, abused and took advantage of. I miss you brother and love you dearly. Continue to shine your light and let the world hear your voice however possible. Maybe one day you will make it into a book so people can know the real Byron Lamar.