The Rough Life
By Anthony Rauda
Why do we watch fish die out of water,
Or boil lobsters as they cry?
Why do we suck the blood out of each other,
Not like vampires, like parasites.
Like I know how this feels,
So, if I do it to you
You should work perfectly.
Why risk why?
When you know,
Because you have the emotion.
But where does that emotion come from?
I closed the door a long time ago,
Like love is a house,
I never lived in a house,
Never been in love.
I watch other people fall in love,
Then hate each other.
I laugh; they cry.
I laugh then shake my head,
I’m all the love I need.
I must step and kill a million ants,
Once watched ants eat worms alive.
Biting it, it would squirm and squirm
Then it slowed down,
Then only squirm when it felt the pain.
I watch people live
And show their hate for one another,
Only crying when they feel the pain.
I don’t have a lot of pain
Where others have it.
People treat each other like dartboards.
Our words, our actions –
The dart that hits the board,
The bullseye.
Cheap shot on the regular,
That’s why we laugh at jokes.
Humor makes it better.
They beat dogs to be tough,
To be killers.
They never bite the hand
That slaps them,
They’re not stupid animals.
To watch something die inside,
Animals got more heart than us.
More fight, selfless love.
They look at us and want to be Gods,
Like we got it right the first time.
Ain’t no Gods among us, we’re selfish,
A lot of vanity,
We get tricked,
The fruit of the serpent
You don’t listen,
You don’t learn,
That’s life.
A Love Like That
By Anthony Rauda
If a picture says a thousand words,
Does a moment last forever?
Scene by scene,
Frame by frame,
The night is still young.
Have you ever dreamed of the lights,
The way the sky sparkles
And twinkles with a star?
They don’ love that way
Any more you say.
They don’t hold hands,
Or ride off into the sunset.
No kissing under the moonlight.
Remember you and me,
The world’s a stage you say,
Just playing your part.
Let you be the star,
Let me take you far.
I’ll play slow, soft music
As the scenes pass by.
I’ll play a record.
They don’t make love music
Like that anymore, you say.
I can’t break records,
Sing all night long.
I just need a melody,
A home for my love,
A place to rock.
Just be my baby tonight.
Let’s hold each other tight
And slow dance.
There’s no more romance
Like that anymore you say.
We’ll light candles and blow them out,
So, we can feel each other
In the dark
With our lips.
Touching softly
To the rhythm of the act,
Let the curtains close forever,
While our love never dies.
Your Romeo,
My Juliet,
The night is still young.
Do you want fame,
Or is it the money,
Do you want a love like that?
Not Gone Forever
By Anthony Rauda
Just found out someone close to me died.
Found out in a letter long awaited.
Felt like someone ripped a piece of me out,
Then another piece by little piece.
‘Till the memory of that person was shreds
In my mind and heart.
It’s a cold world.
It’s a cold morning on a sunny day.
Even my bones stay cold.
I let it go.
I don’t fight it,
Like a butterfly has left its cocoon.
A life taken too soon.
Maybe it should be me,
Or thankfully, someone else.
Someone who deserves
The cold blackness.
There’s a better place out there,
Because that’s what fills
All the missing pieces of me.
Living inside these walls
Trapped by hate daily,
I saw a flower die
And its petals fly in the wind.
Carried past the horizon
So, I could no longer see them.
I feel warmer
Imagining those pieces of you,
Gathered into a whole new world,
Or sun,
To shine down
And light my life
Like memories of you do.
But now gone like the life
I live for you
‘Till I’m no longer
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