
Slim Chance in Hell
By Adam Brown

The pains I feel is real it won’t heal
demons in me still, gotta fight or be killed
So much hate I debate to stay straight
Easier to fake and take what I can’t make
its’ a lonely road I sowed a heavy load
my hesrt is heavy but steady and ever ready
For the hell that I’m headed for forever more
The cold runs deep it’s flowing from within my core
The bed’s been made and my future’s been paved
the light still fades with no hope for aid
maybe I’m destined for the lesson that comes like a blessing
that appears as less but does more than lessen
but all I can do is stay true and be me
be prepared to see and take heed
try and apply what’s taught make key
and maybe if the lessons caught I’ll be free!!!

Same Old Shit
By Adam Brown

The same mistakes for God’s sake what will it take?
Running in place in this race with all haste
The cycle recycles it’s always the same
It’s crazy but maybe I’m mainly insane
To repeat the feat of achieving defeat
Seems strange but change for a chance just seems bleak
No hope is a joke that I don’t dare provoke
Easier to gloat of success that’s all smoke
Whose to say the way was not there
When I was fully aware of living with no care
The truth appears clear but there still remains fear
That I might be right and my sight although near
Is far from seeing all that I hold dear
So I contain the reigns that maintain my brain
And remain estranged from the lane of any gain!!!

By Adam Brown

A different result is what they expect,
When their actions the same, they soon face regret,
Stuck in a rut with their foot on the gas,
Just spinning their wheels and showing their ass,
Deranged fools they appear to all who are wise,
But self-reflection shows nothing but that their truth is all lies
Yet still they persist to proceed in their chore,
And deep in their core they believe that their war,
Will conclude much different than the one from before,
So how do we teach those who seem sure,
That all that they do is with purpose and more,
|’m surrounded by people who repeat their mistakes,
But swear that their accomplishing all that they state,
It‘s exhausting to witness such stupid antics,
And know that your peers will soon make you manic,
If you don’t learn to ignore the nonsense and games,
That grown men play like kids, it’s so lame,
The insanity and vanity that these people display,
It‘s driving me crazy, what more can I say,
Who’s truly insane, is it them or just me,
Their behavior say’s them, but the voices say we,
l can’t take the dummies who act like pure dummies,
And think that it’s funny when really, it’s just nutty,
Their boxing me in from the left and the right,
l see and hear folly all day and all night,
I must not let the insane infect my brain,
Or I will become another one of the same,
So, this asylum filled with crazy, l won’t let it phase me,
|’ll sharpen my blade of intellect daily,
And stay focused on progression while learning the lesson
That insanity’s regression is not my suggestion,
But to grow and learn from my past rejections,
And to travel the road that leads to perfection,
While allowing those around me to flounder in a choice,
They choose to make despite clarity’s voice,
Although I’m trapped in insanity’s vise,
I refuse to play and avoid its advice,
I must stay strong and mentally aware,
Of all that I do and move with such care,
Each action I take must be done so with purpose,
To elevate myself and not made to be worthless,
So, I block out the noise and focus on me,
And what must be done to insure I get free,
Away from this hell that I’m prisoner to,
Where insanity is sanity to all except you!

Your Day
By Adam Brown

Today is the day that’s just for you,
So do all the things you love to do,
Laugh and joke with those you love,
Get lots of kisses and tons of hugs,
l‘m sorry it‘s a day we cannot share,
But believe me when I say how l wish l was there,
Yesterday is history whether horrible or pleasant,
Tomorrow’s a mystery and today‘s the greatest gift of all that’s why it‘s called the present,
So blow out your candles, eat your cake, brownies and ice cream too,
And don’t forget to make a wish cause someday it might come true.
Cursed day’s and worst days don’t seem so bad on birthday’s

The Mystery of Love
By Adam Brown

How does love find someone if love is truly blind,
How is love lost to someone it can never find,
lf true love is unconditional then how can it be lost,
lf love is really priceless why does it always cost,
How does love cause happiness but happiness cant cause love,
And if love lives inside the heart how can it be given with a hug,
What do you do with the love you have for someone who doesn’t know it,
And how can you love someone who says they love you but doesn’t show it,
If love‘s the answer to all the problems why does it always cause more question‘s,
If you cant take nothing away from love how could it ever lessen,
Who can understand the nature of love when so much can not be explained,
And why does love feel so good but sometimes causes pain,
If love is never-ending then how can it just stop,
But if you don’t have that love for the rest of your life then tell me how can it not,
Does love survive and still exist after the day you die,
And if love‘s suppose to make you happy how can it make you cry,
Why does love make you weak but also makes you strong,
lf loving you is what is right then I hope l’m never wrong.
-Sherlock Holmes could solve this mystery but Sherlock Holmes is history
so maybe you can you can help me answer the question’s love has given me

Beware the Serpent
By Adam Brown

Seeing the fake in these snake’s is a great trait,
Recognizing real is a skill you can’t fake,
Shifting through those who don’t expose their true face,
is harder than it sound’s |’ve found in each case,
They try and deceive to achieve their own greed,
Loyalty is something they preach but don’t heed,
They pretend to be your friend like a wolf in sheep’s clothing,
But don’t take the fake gem’s they offer as false tokens,
Keep your eyes open hoping you take notice,
Look beyond the smile and their intentions come in focus,
Don’t be fooled by sweet gestures from jesters,
It’s facts that the acts are all measured to pressure,
It’s true that they choose to abuse the confused,
So be aware and prepared to reject their misuse.

Mathematical Love
By Adam Brown

If we ADD loyalty and honesty that’s definitely a PLUS
SUBTRACT all lies and minus goodbyes and that would build the trust
Then MULTIPLY our good days together and we’ll have more happy TIMES
Love’s a sport with its own DIVISION, DIVIDING the fake from the real kind

CALCULATE your love with mine and see the PERCENT of how much I care
Your wants, needs, love and happiness are FRACTIONS of what my love shares
Mathematicians couldn’t calculate the meaning of your hugs
But the mathematical EQUATION for what we have EQUALS out to love
The 2nd POWER next to God is the SQUARE ROOT of bliss
The REMAINDER after my love’s deciphered is the leftover taste of your kiss

Who needs CALCULUS?

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