By Wesley I. Purkey
We must all deal with internal struggles of hardships and pain-
we are all destined for such trials and tribulations however long our lives remain-
It is through such internal struggles that true character of substance is obtained!
Let the sacrifices and achievements of today-
how to temper an eclipse to regrettable wrongs and mistakes off yesterday!
do not harbor guilt and shame for selfish actions that you cannot change!
Practice genuine remorse in bringing about genuine change,
In bringing about benevolence and kindness for others that will remain-
Never let such kindness tilburg one and all ever wain!
One must quiet internal trials and tribulations boiling inside-
It is through listening to such trials and tribulations not quieting them that-
True depth of fortitude, resilience and wisdom lies!
The most grave problems in a person’s life lies within-
We all assiduously search for resolution to such dire aggravation-
Be quiet and listen – enormous lessons can be learned –
Answers are elusive – constantly evolving through time and experiences –
Do not exacerbate such pains and struggles pouring fuel on the internal fire –
Patience’s and resolve are quintessential to putting be out the ossify fire –
Yes’ it is through unwavering fortitude and patiences that enables a person –
To stop the ever internal chatterer that truly doesn’t matter –
to stop the hateful judgment of others and fully realize that –
Despite deeply regrettable mistakes that their lives matter,
And to fully realize that each and everyone of us –
Should always continue to grow from the cradle to the grave!!!
If Our Family Only Had One More Day,
One MoreTomorrow With Our Beautiful Baby Girl Sarah
By Wesley I. Puckey
For Sarah’s family who is suffering so much after her loss
Our precious little girl Sarah who we loved and miss so very – very much,
Was called to heaven the other day despite being only seven!
God took her away so prematurely –
she will not be with us to celebrate her eight birthday –
Despite it being in July just a few months away –
From when our precious baby girl died on Valentine’s Day!
The unbearable soul wrenching pain that her family has suffered since she went away,
No one truly knows of such devastating pain –
And I pray that they never do know of such devastating soul wrenching pain –
I’ll sluicing such a beautiful and vivacious little girl as Sarah was –
Her infectious smile and happy go lucky nature –
brought enormous joy and happiness to all who knew her.
If only we had – had one more day- one more tomorrow with our precious little girl Sarah,
before the Lord took her away –
Through our broken hearts we want you to know our darling little Sarah that –
We love you so dearly and miss you so much!
And know that we will continue to blow kisses to heaven for you,
Sr love will always continue to grow for you each and every day,
Until we can actually hold you in our arms again –
And you can actually know and feel how strong the love for you is!
Yes darling we love you and miss you so very – very much,
Know that our most deepest heartfelt regret is that –
We did not have just one more day with our baby girl Sarah –
or just one more tomorrow to share with her before the Lord took her away!
We love you are darling baby girl, and miss you so very – very much!!!
Passion Fuels Life’s Desires!
By Wesley I. Purkey
Irrefutably the years fly-by at lightning speed –
A person wakes up one day and what do they see –
Indeed, the mirror reflects a person who has grown old and frail –
Looking like they have been fried and dried – with another rice on the side!
What is paramount and true is not always obvious to you –
Especially while those years are flying by at lightning speed –
What is Paramount in true is that a person continues to grow –
And that in such internal growth help is spawn deep with a person’s soul!
Hope is essential for fueling a life with passion and desire –
And yet hope without action creates a life without passion or desire –
There a life without passion and desire is worse than no life at all –
So action definitely matters in gaining a life full of passion and desire!
Without a doubt passion is both a blessing and a curse –
The currency is acceptable because passion fuels a person’s life full of desire –
And that my friend is of essence in creating continual growth –
Continual growth being spawn each and every day from the cradle to the grave –
Brings to Bear becoming who we need to be – in-lieu of remaining who we are –
And it is through such daily internal growth that we truly see –
That the true essence of life isn’t all about me-me-me –
and this is where internal growth actually lets a person see with passion and desire that –
Reaching out and helping address will truly create the person that you need to be!!!
Standing the Test of Time
By Wesley I. Purkey
More Precious than Gold is a Mother´s Love
By Wesley I. Purkey
A Mother´s love is not dependent
On recognition, nor receiving appreciation
But totally instead, on selfless giving, and
Through benevolent acts from the heart.
When a Mother´s children suffer
Life´s trials and tribulations
She is there to soothe the disappointments
Calm their fears, but as well
To restore their hopes for another day.
Looking bac k, we all know
That a Mother´s love is steadfast and true
Not because of anything we do, but
Because of the quiet joy she finds in that love´s fortitude.
When life has bruised and wounded us
A Mother´s love is there to inspire us.
And when we have fallen and failed
The strength of a Mother´s love is there to pull us through.
When all others have forsaken you
And your friends have deserted you
A Mother´s love is there to comfort and reassure
More precious than gold is
A Mother´s love.
Her stories are seldom told
Dedicated to my daughter Angie C, a mother of 3 beautiful children.
“I love you sweetheart – and those kids could not find a more wonderful Mom…your Dad”
All Lives are Inter-connected
By Wesley I. Purkey
There is no sunshine
Without a sunset.
There is no life
Without death, and
There is no success
Without failure.
Everything and everyone
Is interconnected!
Since death alone is certain,
And the time of death uncertain,
What should I do?
Stop worrying
About people that are different than you, and
Start appreciating what you have in common with them!
The True Measure of Any Human Being is Found
in Their Empathy and Compassion for Others and Self
By Wesley I. Purkey
“There is so much good in the worst of us,
And so much bad in the best of us,
That it will behold any one of us.”
Every rose has its flaws,
But why examine its flaws,
When you can enjoy its beauty!!!
True Treasures are Found in Others
By Wesley I. Purkey
Do not pass your days and nights away,
Permeated in boisterous internal chatter.
Take care of your essential activities,
Without enormous vainglorious clatter.
It would be truly wasteful,
To delight in the spark of a flintstone,
Where dreams and hopes are like dew on a blade of grass,
Where fortunes of life like a dart of lightening,
Are emptied in an instant, vanished in a flash!
Reach out and help others and find our true path,
For it is there that life´s true treasures will last.
This path will set you free of that eve-so-selfish voice,
That eternally resonates that ever-consuming dilemma of me – me – me!
Why – Why – That is the Question!
By Wesley I. Purkey
This unrelenting question of Why – Why – Why,
Has permeated every facet of my life with dire strive,
Because of the prodigious harm and pain caused others,
These dire questions of why – why- why which I am to blame,
Are wrestled within some of the deepest valleys of utter despair!
Why did I have blinders on for so many years;
Why did my selfish actions cause so many tears;
Why could not my life be lived without causing so much pain;
Why could I not see things differently and lived in a different vein;
These questions and others plague my life like burning rain;
Why couldn´t I have been better father to my beautiful daughter;
And yet she and her family have forgiven me for the harm caused others;
Despite such unconditional love and forgiveness,
Forgiving myself has yet to be possible alleviating the excruciating pain!
The questions of why – why – why will always remain, and yet
Yesterday´s regrets are the substance of today´s change,
Despite the pain caused I will be grateful until the grave, that
I have learned that it is better to feel pain than inflict pain!
Change is Inevitable
By Wesley I. Purkey
The present moment hovers between the past and the future,
Just as our lives hover between existence and non-existence.
We are reluctant to face change and what we perceive it might be,
Dreading the anguish that we cannot see!
Anguish emerges from craving
For life to be other than what it is, and
Here lies the most fundamental problem of human existence;
We are never satisfied!
If we don´t have something,
We want some; if we have some,
We want more; and
If we have lots,
We´re afraid of losing it!
Life ebbs from moment to moment hooked together like a chain,
Change is inevitable, yet we are blind to it,
Impermanacy indubitious, and
Reality never – even remains the same!
Do not run from it,
Nor try to deny it exists,
Because you will suffer for it, instead
Trade insight in exchange for the debilitating pain!
No Need to Count the Days – Just Make the Days Count
By Wesley I. Purkey
When indulged in your sense of powerlessness,
Don´t let it hold you captive.
Why complicate your present with the past,
Live by the day and by the moment.
We are with unsettled states of mind,
Some barely holding on waiting for happy ending.
Some have no present, or future –
One the past happening over and over again!
The past is a great deal of what we are today,
To dwell, to morn, to remember is to live –
With an aching heart struggling with sorrow,
Do not despair, do not cast away confidence –
Which has great reward to brighten your future
And to live a better tomorrow –
By staying strong, and staying focused,
In becoming a better person to help others and self!
Be Like Water in Finding True Peace and Happiness
By Wesley I. Purkey
When we have buoyancy
We realize there´s no hindrance
No obstacles to block life´s paths.
It is neither fixed, nor rigid,
It is fluid and flexible.
Like water, it flows around rocks
And continues to grow!
It shows that there is always
Some other way to live
In finding true peace and happiness.
It teaches us that we do not arrive
At true peace and happiness,
But instead we are actually
Travelling in their paths!
Ture peace and happiness is found in nurturing love
And compassion for others and self.
It is found in the essence of learning our lives;
And that we need to listen in such teachings,
And that to listen, we need to be quiet!
It is through such gratitude that manifests fortitude,
In which in turn true peace and happiness
Are found in our lives,
Especially when we stop the wars within
That plague our lives
From the cradle to the grave!
Be like water in finding true peace and happiness!
Change is Inevitable
By Wesley I. Purkey
By Wesley I. Purkey
By Wesley I. Purkey
By Wesley I. Purkey
By Wesley I. Purkey
By Wesley I. Purkey
By Wesley I. Purkey
By Wesley I. Purkey
By Wesley I. Purkey
Character Assessment and Inventory List
By Wesley I. Purkey
Humans are abound in contradictions
Life’s Greatest Strengths: Optimism; forgiving others of mistakes and self as well; buoyance and tenacity of spirit
Life’s Greatest Powers: Love, empathy, compassion, helping others and continuing education
Life’s Greatest Weaknesses: Ignorance, selfishness, greed, anger and an unforgiving heart–holding grudges
Life’s Greatest Certainties: Impermanence, aging, suffering and death
Life’s Greatest Teachers: Adversity, challenges, failures and injustices–achieving goals despite set backs
Life’s Greatest Dangers: Always wanting more, “me-me syndrome”’, apathy and chronic ingratitude
Life’s Greatest Enemies: Pessimism, ego, self, pride and the lack of compassion and empathy for others and self
Life’s Greatest Forces: Impermanence; lack of control over uncontrollable events; aging
Life’s Greatest Challenges: Accepting others as they are; Recognizing conditioned behaviors underlying anger, prejudices and perceptions
Life’s Greatest Goals: Finding meaningful ways to alleviate suffering in self and others; recognizing plights of ignorance in both self and others to diminish its toxic effects; and maintaining a loving relationship with my daughter and family under adverse circumstances.
Words to Live By:
By Wesley I. Purkey
Sheer Determination
Symbiosis–making mutual advantageous associations
Temerity — boldness in face of adversity
Gracious — give more than is require
Be opulent in spirit
Tenacity — courage to stay the course
Compromise with intelligence
Acuity in actions, words and deeds
Sedulous — painstaking efforts
Assiduous — persistent/unrelenting efforts
Character To Avoid:
Dither– vacillation
Voracity — greed
Tinsel — looks good, but no substance
Avarice –insatiable greed for riches
Prodigal — recklessly wasteful
schadenfreude — delighting in other misfortunes
Officious– acting uunduly important
Pusillanimous — lacking courage and resolve
Hypercritical — fault finding
Egotistical –me –me — first and always
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Wesley Purkey 14679-045 United States Penitentiary P.O. Box 33 Terre Haute, IN 47808 |
L.M. Lynn
February 7, 2019 at 3:49 amMay God bless you and keep you
June 3, 2018 at 9:43 pmI really like your writing, thank you for share it
March 6, 2018 at 2:31 pmI really like your poetry. Thank you for share it