To paraphrase the late Che Guevara: “One doesn’t wait for the right conditions for revolution. The forces of revolution itself will make the conditions right.”
Black men, it is time for us to start a revolution. We have an enemy that continues to get in the way of the progress we attempt to make in this country. This enemy won’t ever see or recognize just how precious and beautiful a black life really is. This enemy won’t ever see or recognize just how precious our black women are and how worthy they are of our respect. This enemy will never allow our black men to save the lives of our youth – “BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!” This enemy will continue to sell and distribute drugs in our black communities. This enemy will continue to rob our black people and prey upon them. This enemy will continue to destroy our black race from within if we don’t resist and start identifying who this enemy truly is. Well, you don’t have to look any further, because I did the black race a favour and I have identified this enemy for us: it wasn’t hard because our true enemy is US!
This revolution has to be fought against us in order to save us! What do I mean by this? I’ll tell you. Our ancestors went through countless whippings, lynchings, tortures, hangings, and coldblooded murders, just for us to have the rights and privileges that we have today. Our ancestors died brutal deaths at the hands of white cowards with sheets on their heads, and for what? What did they die for? So, instead of that white devil killing us with that white sheet on his head, he could take it off and pass it to you so that you could kill us? Is this what all of the pain and misery, the marching, the boycotting, the race riots, the imprisonments, the brutal rapes of our women, the brutal deaths of our black children, is this what it was all about? So that once our ancestors sacrificed their lives to help us get a taste of freedom, we could use that freedom to take the life of our black brotha or black sista? Is this really what we are doing with our small taste of freedom, black people?
We are uniting and marching every time a white cop is unjustified in brutally killing a black man, but, BLACK MEN, what about when we are brutally killing another black man? Does a black life only matter when a white man is taking it, or does it also matter when a black man is unjust in taking a black life too? We have placed such a small merit on a black life, and we will not hesitate to murder our black brothas and sistas in the most cruel and harshest ways, and some of our black youth have become so indoctrinated with our oppressors dosage of self-hate, that they now post the videos of themselves killing other black men online so that they can receive their share of accolades for assisting in the genocide of our black race. So what are we really marching for? Is it to convince the white race that black lives matter? Or is it to convince black people that black lives matter? Because right now, it appears like we are trying to surpass the white man’s percentage of black lives that were killed unjustly, by creating our own percentage of black lives that we are taking by means of self-genocide!
We have developed this deeply-rooted ailment of self-hatred so remarkably that, unless we can hear about the killing of another black man or black woman, or the degrading of another black woman in our music, in our videos, or out of one another’s mouths, then we won’t promote that ideology, and we can’t even function properly in our own culture! We won’t spend our hard-earned money on an artist unless their music promotes self-hatred, or some other form of self-destructive melody that we can nod our toxic little heads to. If it’s not poison that will harm or kill us in some type of way, and it’s not counterproductive or is conducive to our failure, we don’t want any parts of it! Is this what we have become, black people? After we have marched and legislated enough momentum for the white race to recognize us as a force to be reckoned with, and they finally decide to stop killing us: BLACK PEOPLE, WHEN WILL WE STOP KILLING US! When are we going to start TELLING OURSELVES THAT BLACK LIVES MATTER? Or, better yet, WHEN WILL WE OURSELVES BELIEVE THAT BLACK LIVES MATTER?
Because, until we have convinced ourselves and begin to start treating ourselves and acting like black lives matter, they never will. We can’t continue to blame the white race for our problems in 2021, because we are not doing anything with the rights and privileges that our brave ancestors fought and died for so that we could even the playing field a little, and we can’t keep pointing the finger at the cat for killing the mouse because it’s in his nature. But what is our excuse for killing each other after we’ve finally made it halfway up the mountain top?
So, I have got a question that I want to ask my beautiful, strong, precious black race, and I want you to really take some time out to think about this before you just answer it. My question to you, my precious black race is this: the next time you are about to hurt or kill another black brotha, or you are about to verbally disrespect, or mentally or physically abuse another black woman, or harm or kill her, or the next time you leave another black woman that you impregnated to raise your seed on her own, or the next time you step on each other instead of lifting each other up, or the next time you think about posting a video of us killing another black man or woman, or you decide to violate and degrade each other just so you can get some extra likes on Instagram, I want you to ask yourself, black people, “DO BLACK LIVES REALLY MATTER?!”

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