I am no psychoanalyst but I am sure the portent of the dream means that no matter what I try I will not be getting out of here. What truly bothers me of that I have no clue as to my fate here on death watch, Does the dream portent that I will search for the door only to be thwarted? Does it mean that I must remain in prison for the rest of my life? I wish I knew what the dream meant. No one could look forward to spending their life behind walls and steel bars, but when it is all you’ve really known then it is not that bad. I mean I wish to write a novel and if I am granted a life sentence I will fulfill this dream. If I am to be executed then I will leave behind the legacy of these journal entries. Either way I have written something that many people have found an interest in. I know that what I am about to say will sound so cliché but that doesn’t, or at least shouldn’t, take away from the statement, look within yourself and realize your dreams and then figure out the way those dreams can be made reality. Why wait until you’ve been handed a death sentence to figure out the things you could have done. I know that some people will argue that they don’t have enough time to do some of the things that they would like to do. When you are looking into the abyss you realize that time is a relative thing.
I close for now, but here is to those of you who are brave enough to embrace your dreams and make them become a reality.
Kevin Varga 999368
Polunsky Unit
3872 FM 350 South
Livingston, TX 77351
© Copyright 2010 by Kevin Varga and Thomas Bartlett Whitaker. All rights reserved.
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