The Other Half – Part One
By Steve Bartholomew Charlie got out of the Grand Cherokee and with the back of his…
By Steve Bartholomew Charlie got out of the Grand Cherokee and with the back of his…
by Steven Bartholomew (WA)By Timothy Pauley The glass door swung open and a small group of men began shuffling…
by Timothy Pauley (WA)By Thomas Bartlett Whitaker *This story won first prize in the fiction category of the 2014…
by Thomas Bartlett Whitaker (TX)By Timothy Pauley Mike pressed his nose to the thick Plexiglas window, watching intently as Eddie…
by Timothy Pauley (WA)By Steve Bartholomew Then Willard twisted around and levered his torso over the front seat, a…
by Steven Bartholomew (WA)By Timothy Pauley Over the past three or four decades, prison has evolved into big business.…
by Timothy Pauley (WA)By Timothy Pauley “But I didn’t do anything!” Mo protested. The two guards remained stone faced…
by Timothy Pauley (WA)Admin Note: Bill Van Poyck was executed by the state of Florida on June 12, 2013…
by William Van Poyck (FL)Admin Note: Bill Van Poyck was executed by the state of Florida on June 12, 2013By…
by William Van Poyck (FL)by William Van Poyck Prologue The loneliest moment in life is when you have just accomplished…
by William Van Poyck (FL)