Poetry and Artwork by Raymond White
Humanity Yet Alone As One/But Rather, A Disastrous WholeBy Raymond White Humanity yet alone has failed…
Raymond White BJ5926
CSP- Sacramento
P.O. Box 290066 B-5-218
Represa, CA 93671
Hi, my name is Raymond White, Sr., CDCR # BJ5926. I am aiming to become a first-time contributor for your inspiring publication organization. Well, I am a 6-foot tall, African American male, 36 years of age. As a writer (poet), my sole devotional purpose is to spread the literary message on how I perceive life based on personal experiences. I really love the art of creative writing (poetry) and what it means to me is a significant number that has no weighted scale, for it is innumerable. I found the desire and inspiration of writing around eight years back, three months before I was incarcerated on this current term, for which I’m serving. I solemnly feel and know that composing the art of poetry is my primary purpose in life and while I continue to breathe, as long as I breathe, my strength, desire, and devotion will only build a stronger literary foundation when another story comes from my mind and when that story develops a voice aspired to see and be heard to all of the world’s fixative eyes and listening ears interested regarding, how I perceive the meaning to life by sharing my own personal stories through my gifted ambition, and how I became inspired to become a writer. I would just love to inspire others as well and fill their hearts with joy.
You can red or download Raymond’s book, Invisible to the World, at www.safestreetsarts.info