Poetry by Monique Houston
I’m Mad Because…By Monique Houston We all have experienced different emotions; happiness, sadness, and madness. This…
Monique Houston 552881
Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women
P.O. Box 26
St. Gabriel, LA 70776
Monique Houston is a 37-year-old woman. born and raised in Southwest Louisiana. She is a tenacious driven woman of God. a mother who continues to set the best example for her children. She successfully earned her AA in General Studies and BA in Mass Communication, both through Ashland University. Houston also is an active member of Toastmasters, an International Speaking Club where she is harnessing her craft to not only finesse, the art of her writing but also to continue to speak efficiently and effectively. Houston is also the author and founder of B.B.U. her first International- Motivational book for young girls and women. Houston has worked diligently to build a platform for young girls and women to ensure that our sisterhood remains solid. Houston has continued this movement of empowerment by launching B.B.U. blog, which will launch soon. She embodies commitment and consistency, as a woman who not only thrives to make the world a better place. Houston while still incarcerated is leading a legacy that she knows goes beyond herself.
Here’s other links to Houston art of writings:
B.B.U. by: Monique Houston is available no Amazon and all major online outlets