Poetry by Michael Larue Thomas
How LongBy Michael Larue Thomas Glimpses given-moving picturesIn candy painted scenesBlinds half raised on window panesWhat…
Michael Larue Thomas V99704
CSP Folsom
P.O. Box 910
Represa, CA 95671
Hello, my name is Michael .L Thomas, and I am writing for your organization in hopes of furthering my style of expression. I am currently residing in the custody of C.D.C.R. where I am serving a sentence of “Life”, with the possibility of parole. Ironically enough, it is also here that I have discovered my passion as well as purpose for writing. I am the author of 2 works of poetry: DA FULE G’ IN SERIES (Genuine Expression) and DA FULE’GIN SERIES (UnpollutedEyes), and I am USC PEP’s 2023 2nd place poetry contest winner. I am well aware of the medicinal and therapeutic benefits a word can have, and I am committed to exposing its value!
To view the Folsom State Prison 2024 Poetry Event click here