Poetry by Karla Wooten
Standing UpBy Karla Wooten Standing up to the system almost made me a victim, it almost…
Karla Wooten 3392
Wyoming Women’s Center
P.O. Box 300
Lusk, WY 82225
Karla Wooten is an Author of books, Activist, Advocate, Founder of A.L.I.V.E. – America Loves Its Veterans Everyday, Business Owner, Blessed, Child of God, Co-Writer, Inventor, Jailhouse Lawyer, Mother, Grandmother, Powerhouse, Phenomenon, Poet, Philanthropist, Real Estate Investor, Singer, Songwriter and founder of W.A.R.R.I.O.R. World Activists Redeeming Rallying Restoring Internationally Our Rights, Founder of G.E.M. – Gloria E. Mayo Foundation for the Arts, Founder of Kingdom Dominion.