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Christopher Sivert (WV)

Christopher Sivert 3534794
Huttonsville Correctional Center
P.O. Box 1
Huttonsville, WV 26273

I’m 49. A Capricorn born split between the Years of the Ox & Rat (which I take to mean I’m patient in collecting things to butt my horns against…LOL). Disabled Iraq combat veteran with TBI affect/ PTSD. A Goth hit by gamma rays. College educated. Magazine Contributor. Award-winning poet. Artist. Former DI. Punk rock guitarist & Indie rock bassist. Occult researcher. Most importantly – a constantly practicing writer. I have tattoos (not one of them has a variation of the word fuck which is popular ’round here); two of which are Edgar Allan Poe and Rod Serling. But I guess my pick for the one that represents a direct correlation to my personal writing philosophy is tattooed on my right wrist: a stylized “5A’s”, which means in no particular order Angst, Anger, Anxiety, Anomie (a collapse of social norms: for example, face tattoos among the Status Quo on the Outs connotes criminal aspects; in prison it’s a mark of the Status Quo), and my true anchor and favorite “A” – Absurdity. In short, I’m an existentialist writ large. It fuels the engine propelling me along this unnatural & involuntarily communal prison world.