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Angela Hodges (AZ)

Angela Hodges #270925
A.S.P.C. Perryville/Santa Cruz Unit C21-04L
P.O. Box 3200
Goodyear, Arizona 85338

I am Shajiyah Iman, my government name is Angela Simpson Hodges #270925, I’ve been incarcerated 15 years since 2009 and am serving Natural Life in the Arizona Dept of Corrections for Murder and Armed Robbery. I am a student of the Tayba Foundation and Link Outside, both of whom provide free education, religious and non religious, to incarcerated people. I am a Paralegal, I currently have 2 Civil Rights cases with 5 separate Counts in the Federal Courts to try to remedy harmful prison policies, and was the first female to wear hijab in prison. I have published 5 books, three non fiction books in my While Series (Away For A While, After A While and A Little While Longer) about what it’s like to do time as a Black Muslim female in Arizona, and 2 fiction novels Raml – Phoenix of the Dead and Munzari – Phoenix of the Jinn, which are analogous of prison with mystic elements that tie to Gaza. I have had Quran commentary pertaining to Gaza published by Sapelo, and my legal work has been referenced in Tayba textbooks. I am attempting activism, am a founding member of PRISM (Prisoners Refined In Strategic Motion), I make political art, write HTMD, Hidden Transparency of Monarch Dandelions, an externally printed prison newsletter. My family sends posts for me regularly on FaceBook and TikTok.