I wanna take some time out to speak to every last blackman in this country. Because, blackman, we are under attack and we are in a deep state of unconsciousness that will soon lead to our demise. In other words, blackman, we are ASLEEP! What will it take for us to put our petty indifferences to the side and unite and come together as a people before we are obsolete and then eradicated from the planet? When will we finally wake up out of this intense slumber and see that our brotha who is strapped with the same black face as ours is not our “true enemy”, but “thee enemy”, who we have been trained to identify as “an enemy”? When will we realize that the treatment of our black queens is dehumanizing, degrading and inhumane? When will we realize that our precious black diamonds are to die for? How much longer are we gonna allow outsiders to come into our neighborhoods and schools and violate our young black princesses, or kill our black kings in the streets, or assassinate our black leaders, without protecting ourselves against them the same way that we protect ourselves against each other? How long will we continue to sit back and watch our race be disrespected like this? How long?
I want to share something with you, blackman. I know that a lot of us have heard or read about our elders like Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., and countless others, who gave their lives for our people to have the rights and privileges we have today. But, contrary to your beliefs and what the history books didn’t tell you, the message that they hid from black people was that they didn’t give us anything that we didn’t earn by fighting and dying for. We didn’t get our rights in this country by keeping some good shoes to march in while we complained about how bad they were treating us. Black people in this country got their rights through fighting back and protecting each other. We valued a black life, black women, and black children, so we unified in ways that would ensure and secure the preservation of all our back lives! The Black Panthers taught us that freedom and peace comes with a price that you must be willing to fight and die for; but outside of a bunch of talk, the blackman has become a coward! Do ya’ history, blackman: this racist government would’ve never appreciated the diplomacy of our elder Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. if they hadn’t gotten a glimpse of the truth and pro-activeness that came from our elder Malcom X, taught to him by the most honorable Elijah Muhammad! It was either: go with Dr. King’s plan and integrate so that they could infiltrate; or go with Malcolm X’s plan and separate, and then watch their economy deflate. So they chose to integrate, and we’ve been suffering ever since.
Every time we are murdered, tortured, beaten, or ridiculed by white America, or any type of authority figure, we have developed a systematic method of marching or taking on some kind of passive resistance. Even when our history as black people in this country has taught us that that approach has been, and always will be, counterproductive; it will only ever offer a temporary relief until they feel like provoking us again. So, what will it take, blackman, for you to stop hiding behind the blackwoman, and take ya’ post as protector and head of the black family? Why does the blackwoman have to step away from her motherly and wifely duties, just so she can be at the frontline of this war to protect black babies from becoming the next victims, because outside of herself, she can no longer depend on the blackman to protect her? Why does the blackwoman have to be the protector and the provider of the black family, because the only thing the blackman is good for these days is killing another blackman, or using his wealth to buy her love instead of working towards earning her love? Where are you, blackman?
Why should the blackwoman live in poverty, having to depend on government assistance or unemployment checks, when it’s that same beautiful blackwoman who gave birth to the countless black babies who worked the cotton fields so the whiteman could create the economic growth that this racist, unilateral democracy has today? The whiteman gives holidays to their white murderers who helped them take land from people to build this country, so when is the blackwoman gonna get her holiday? Because without the blackwoman’s contribution, there would’ve been no black babies to grow up and possess the strong black hands to work in ya’ cotton fields!
Blackman, the blackwoman is the best female on the face of the earth!! There ain’t no other race of women on this planet who can touch her! Or out-think her! The blackwoman leaves her mark everywhere she goes, and she stands out amongst any race of women. So why aren’t you protecting her? Why aren’t you honoring her? Why aren’t you dying for her? And, I know, they’re gonna be white people who will say I’m a racist or, like they did my brotha Nick Cannon, say I’m anti-Semitic, but I’m neither; I’m a realist, not a racist, and that means I’m anti-fake, anti-dishonest, anti-deceptive, and anti-snake!
So, what will it take, blackman? What will it take for us to stop standing around and watching as they come up in our classrooms and slam our young girls on the ground like their lives have no merit? When will we stand up and start policing our own neighborhoods and protecting our women, children, and elders, instead of enslaving and oppressing them through our ignorant and violent acts? We are slipping, blackman, and it’s time for us to wake up and start protecting what’s ours! I reached out to you, blackman, because I’m tired of seeing us dying for every other race but our own!!
It’s time for us to wake up, blackman, and take back and protect what’s ours! I love ya’ll, and I love us as a people, but we are losing right now. We are losing because we are divided! We are losing because we are miseducated! And we are losing because we don’t see each other as soldiers of the same struggle until we come to prison! We are much stronger, braver, and smarter than they give us credit for; so why aren’t we showing it by uniting, loving one another, and fighting to make our people, as a whole, great again? Our brotha, LeBron James, shouldn’t have to worry about getting the word “nigger” painted on his home just to remind him of what white America thinks about him. If we were truly our brothas’ keepers, they would’ve never even thought about doing that. So, let’s tighten up, blackman, so that we can give our beautiful, precious blackwoman a reason to believe in us again! I love ya’ll! PEACE!!

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