Artwork / Jontevious Morrow (NC) / Juvenile / North Carolina / Poetry

Poetry and Artwork by Jontevious Morrow

I’m Back
By Jontevious Morrow

It’s now 2025 and I’ve been in prison for almost a year. Lately I’ve been just killing time. Sometimes I write sometimes I don’t, but when I do, my thoughts just flow. Lately I learned something new. I learned not to lie when someone is benefiting for me, and I’ve learned to appreciate the little things being done for me. Recently I told Minutes Before Six to take my book down off their page! Their reply had me thinking about what I said to the director. For future reference, I’m sorry to those who I disappointed. I will keep going as a matter of fact. Lately I’ve been trying to write a novel, just something that would sell. So, every chance I get I write. Time is everything to me, so I guess I’ll make it count while I can.

While being in Granville I’ve learned a lot. I’ve learned more about writing and knowing the gist of being my own freelance writer. I’ve got two certificates in one and am currently taking a night class called Safe Serve. In it we learn about TCS foods and RTE foods and different stuff you would need to know to have a safe serve manager position! For instance, if you have poultry, you serve it at 165o Fahrenheit so the bacteria are killed during the cook. When you finish, put it on a hot surface so you won’t have cross contamination. It is very important for you to know the basics of cooking and how to protect people from illness and death.

Doing Time
By Jontevious Morrow

Lately, I’ve been just doing me, doing time. I currently have sixteen more years to go, and I can’t wait until I get out. May Alicia have mercy on my soul and free me from these chains. All I do in here for my free time is read. I read and write when I’m in that mood, sometimes when I have a good idea, I hurry up to write it down because the mind is a beautiful thing. When you think there’s a signal in your brain pulsing, of course you wouldn’t feel it because you have no feeling in your brain. You only feel the outer area and not the brain. Did you ever wonder why you can’t feel your brain?

It’s 8:00 AM and I’m sitting in the day room with a cup of coffee and a pencil in my handwriting my life down every single day. I write to get through the days. Sometimes I start on a book. It’s good but I don’t put enough effort into it to finish it. But most of the time I do it and give it to Granville’s school. They publish it, edit it, and put it on Hope University on the tablets. I’ll be on there January 26th. That’s cool, but I have to go beyond. I have to write a book, but I don’t have the funding or the right teachers, or assistants, to coach me through my errors.

Peace is Unity: Religion treaties
by Jontevious Morrow

Gavan: We believe that Jesus died for our sins.
Me: Well, we believe that Jesus was saved by Allah!
Gavan: That’s interesting? Well…we believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins.
Me: Hmmm…Well, that’s kinda different from my belief system. We believe that the man that was crucified wasn’t really Jesus.
Gavan: So what do you believe about Jesus?!
Me: We believe that he was a prophet!! and that he will come back to earth to save humanity with words like a sword.
Gavan: Word?
Me: Not really a sword but the gospel…words from Allah and it will kill his enemy because Satan can’t stand them. From the kindness of my soul, I respect your beliefs. They are beautiful and I greet you with peace…and unity because you are a brother in the faith!

Why I did this
This shows that just because we believe in different events and we follow different companions from Allah, we should still move with unity with each other to make peace, and we will please those who deceive us!

By Jonetavious Morrow

from grade school,
to college,
from county jail,
to prison,
besides what I’m missin’,
I have yet to see,
a difference,
they’d rather fill us with hope,
than let us be woke,
they’ll lead you to trail,
then hand you the rope,
the Department of Corrections,
the Department of Corruption,
you can come in with something,
and leave out with nothing,
stay afloat and tread lightly,
because this water runs deep,
never give them the power to,
throw away the key.

Lonely Nights
By Jonetavious Morrow

in this 8 by 4
weeping at the night
bags underneath my eyes
I couldn’t sleep during
the night
between misery
and happiness
between dusk
and dawn
I stay up at night
many thoughts
going on in my mind
sometimes I take
the time to think
about life
late at night
writing to my hands
to be mentally free
and not mentally trapped
in reality
for this is not my future
this is only your destiny
it’s only up to you to
change it

By Jonetavious Morrow

When I was sleeping
in the night
I was dreaming
about your eyes
I tried to remember
if they were dark as the night sky
Remembering the things that
I did to you
exploring your body
got me hypnotized
girl you know I love you
So why you test my patience
I showed you that I love you
so why you got me waiting
I done did some time for you
You got me looking crazy

Corrupted Desires
By Jontevious Morrow

Love is only a feeling
And I don’t feel it
Turn it around
It turns evil
Time is ticking away
Hour for hour
Until the heart
Is filled with hate
Optimism has
Abandoned me
Pessimistic thoughts
Have overridden
My brain
And turned me

By Jontevious Morrow

I remember you
As imprisoned before
You found yourself in prison
Confined by the walls
Of addiction before the
Substance entered your
You submitted your application
Only to realize you
Didn’t have to
Forgetting all your problems
And remembering all your lies
You were accepted
With open arms
Disguised as the top
Of the mountain
When you came down
From the high you
Realize you are at
Rock bottom
Avoid self-destruction
You will run
You will run until you
Find yourself
Or you will run out of options

Professional Ideals
By Jontevious Morrow

A Business Worth Fighting For
Noble Men Incorporation in Arts and Filming (NMIAF)

  1. Pillars

Noun: the state of being successful usually by making a lot of money
Full definition: the condition of being successful or thriving, especially economic well-being

Eight pillars of prosperity: economy, integrity, system, sympathy, sincerity, impartiality, self-reliance, energy
To be part of the incorporation, you must follow these pillars with dignity and pride, also with perfection and dedication.

The Power of Prosperity
● Energy: Dynamic quality, being active, first used 1599
● Economy: Economizing saving, arrangement or made of operation of something: organization, careful use of money and resources produced or sold
● Integrity: The quality of being honest and fair, the state of being complete or whole, a code or especially moral or artistic values. 14th CE first used.
● System: a group of related parts that move to work together. 16th CE first used.
● Sympathy: an affinity, association, or relationship between persons or things wherein whatever affects one similarly affects the other. First used 15th CE.

  1. Pillars
    ● Sincerity: The quality or state of being sincere: honesty of mind: freedom from hypocrisy. 15th CE first used.
    ● Impartiality: Not partial or biased: treating or affecting all equally. Synonyms: candid, dispassionate, disinterested, equal. 15th CE first used.
    ● Self-reliance: Reliance on one’s own efforts and abilities. 18th CE first used: The end of, the power of prospering.

The Structure of Prospering
● Set all meeting agendas by pillar to provide focus.
● Establish a leader evaluation tool by pillar to create accountability.
● Create department communication boards by pillar to update staff on system progress.

  1. I find that the pillar model helps organizations to understand both their goals and their current position with respect to those goals on a system-wide basis.
  2. The key is to build the right competencies into each leader so they can be successful. This is a valve divided

Noble Men Incorporation in Arts and Filming (NMIAF)
The Leadership of Prosperity

  1. We must measure to align specific leadership and employee behaviors.
  2. C.O. satisfaction, to see what each leader has in common so we could come up with a solution.
  3. We also want to create enthusiasm for change because change is easy. We want to help out and engage them in the process.
  4. Noble Men is not just an acronym, it is a business and incorporation to help the community and for people in prisons to be heard, to also tell their stories, and show the creativity men and women have while incarcerated.
  5. Satisfaction team: up to three satisfactions: growth, finance, trading.
  6. Employer of choice team: who makes a difference and the most improved.
  7. Services recovery team: to inform the worker on what is wrong or how to do the jobs, as in give an article to the right publishers and how to publish your own writing.
  8. Leadership Development (LDI): The LDI is led by a leader who is responsible for overall coordination of the LDI. This individual is typically a manager in the organization who agrees to take on this additional responsibility of LDI team leader. Responsibilities can include facilitating agenda-setting with the CEO and senior leaders, leading team meetings, managing, budgeting, and working with LDI members.
  9. What does noble mean?
    Noble: Possessing outstanding qualities. Also possessing, characterized by, or arising from superiority of mind or character or of ideals or morals: Lofty < a noble.

The Power of Nobility

  1. The desire to be noble, to long or hope for: exhibit or feel desire for, success
  2. It is not right or “noble” to live only for the soul and deny the mind or body; and it is wrong to live for the intellect and deny body and soul.
  3. There are three motives we live for. They are the body, live for the mind, and also live for the soul.
  4. Every person naturally wants to become all that he or she is capable of becoming; this desire to realize innate possibilities is inherent in human nature; we cannot help wanting to be all that we can.

Eight Pillars of Prosperity
By Jontevious Morrow

When I get out of prison I wanna be successful. How? eight pillars of prosperity.
By finding find the
The first pillar is energy, the elements are promptitude, vigilance, industry,
The second pillar is economy. The elements are moderation, efficiency,
resourcefulness, originality.
The third pillar is integrity, the elements are honesty, fearlessness,
purposefulness, invincibility.
The fourth pillar is system, the elements are readiness, accuracy, utility,
The fifth pillar is sympathy, the elements are kindness, generosity,
gentleness, insight.
The sixth pillar is sincerity. The elements are simplicity, attractiveness,
penetration, power.
The seventh pillar is impartiality. The elements are justice, patience,
calmness, wisdom.
The eighth pillar is self reliance, the elements of the eighth pillar are decision,
steadfastness, dignity.
Independence, all together is the Temple of Prosperity.
Dated 11.20.24 Wed. November 20th 12.30 pm

My Modification of Peace
By Jontevious Morrow

Peace in the Merriam Webster dictionary means, a state in which there is no
war worth fighting or an agreement to end a war. Also, when there’s no war
at a certain period of time. Also means freedom from civil disobedience.
But to my understanding in order to have peace you must destroy your
desires and have peace with yourself and Allah (God).
To me, anybody could have peace. But peace is never truly there. There’s
no such thing as peace to me?

Dedication to Improving Yourself
By Jontevious Morrow

I wanna be a writer, artist, actors. Those three things I must dedicate myself
on doing for the rest of my time while locked up. Also to get it in my
intentions to have perfection at what I do and how I do it!! It’s a right time for
everything, even when you are trying to change your life.

Jontevious Morrow
Jontevious Morrow
Jontevious Morrow


  • Tina Newman
    January 15, 2025 at 6:01 am

    This is really good work and I’m so proud of you. Your dream one day will turn into reality!!!! Only person or thing that can stop you is YOU!!! Keep GOD first and everything is going to work out, it might not be how or when you want it but GOD has a purpose for everything!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND AGAIN IM SO PROUD OF YOU!!

  • Amy Jackson
    January 15, 2025 at 5:09 am

    Tae – WOW. These new poems are so powerful. I love the way you use rhythm and word play. I feel the impact of your words and images – they crack my heart wide open…they are a gut punch in the best way. Thank you for sharing your writing.

  • Amy collier
    January 15, 2025 at 4:48 am

    I love this tae ! You are so gifted & intelligent- you never cease to amaze all of us that love you so very much

  • Amy Jackson
    October 31, 2024 at 8:39 am

    I love your drawings so much, and I am so grateful that you share your talents with MB6 so that other folks can see and enjoy.


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