Can’t Stop
By Lausteveian Ali Johnson
The word can’t (can not), a slang term frequently used in and has become a “go-to” word in the American English jargon. Can’t – a word that is often SEEN in speech, but SILENT in consideration of its deeper and harmful meaning.
Can’t means/implies that, “one cannot do something; incapable of doing something; or that it is impossible for this thing to occur.”
We customarily use “can’t” in various different ways:
“You CAN’T go to college! You CAN’T own your own business! I CAN’T learn Spanish”. You CAN’T use more than 15% of your brain (cells). Geniuses only reach this level of using 15% of their brains. Therefore, the average person can only use 15% or less.
I realised that the word “CAN’T” is misplaced. That most of the time when we use the word “CAN’T”, we really mean that we “WON’T (WILL NOT)” because in most things/situations in life, the word CAN’T (CAN NOT) doesn’t exist/apply. This because, if you put your mind to it and strive vigorously in that direction, then you’d likely achieve your dreams/goals.
We should start using words in their proper context. When you say that “you CAN’T”, you should really say that “you WON’T”, because CAN’T doesn’t exist/apply. Or better yet, say that “YOU WILL”, because “you can!”
I too will use the same reasoning starting now! I reject the notion that “I CAN’T use more than 15% of my brain.” For God gave me 100% of a brain. So I reject the limit that these philosophers have attempted to place upon me and to get me to buy into. I “WON’T” accept that. Rather I will strive to exceed that – 15% use of my brain and am already on the path of doing so.
So to my supporters, friends, family and readers – don’t allow anyone to limit you. You CAN achieve everything you set your mind to…
By Lausteveion Ali Johnson
Maryam, I have – certainly,
Flown across continents –
And I’ve dove deep – inside of many oceans,
Into the – deep – blue – abyss –
All in search of you.
And I’ve migrated across many miles of land,
Just to catch a mere glimpse of you.
I have fasted from, and emptied myself of all impurities, superficial and artificial,
In order to be filled with the realness – of you.
I wonder if it is even true?
Is she even real!!?
For, how could I, out of all people,
Have happened to come across a woman as beautiful as you.
For I swear that, I have prayed a thousand prayers,
For years!
Just to meet one who even remotely resembles you.
Maryam, you have certainly inspired me.
So much that I feel as though
I am in the company of the angels.
Baby Blue, there are many colors on the spectrum,
But none that are as vibrant as you.
When you sing, it sounds – heavenly.
And when you speak, it is like candy to my ears.
And though at times, you could be overly sensitive and savagely shrewd
But I feel you,
Because I am, unequivocally – into you!
Spiritually, you are like a “Deep Sea Green”,
Mystical in a sense.
But somehow – I get you!
Like a puzzle piece – I fit you!
And now after this, life just wouldn’t
Quite make sense – without you in it?
Now as I grab your waist, while pulling you close to me,
I softly whisper into your ear, insistently –
Allow me to protect you!
To walk through the struggles and adventures of life with you,
And to shield you – from all harm!
To whisper poetry into your ears – with all charm,
And to embrace you with – all arms.
Baby Blue, you have woken up –
Inside of me,
The very best part of me.
I see you clearly, unlike anyone has ever seen you –
Before me.
I adore you – in all of the best ways,
And I can’t wait to explore you, from head to toe –
Intimately, in all of the best ways.
Though we are friends,
We have passed that stage – significantly.
Then you evaporated into the ethos – like dark matter.
Maryam, I still wonder if you were ever real,
Or just a figment of my imagination.
From an expanded mind, that is confined –
In small places,
Ardently trying to speak – and breathe,
Manifestations into existence.
But if you are reality, and feel compelled to return,
I swear that I’ll love you, support you, and encourage you – perpetually.
To my “existential” best friend – Maryam.

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