By Rosendo Rodriguez III
“The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.”– Fyodor Dostoevsky, The House of the Dead
“History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.”– Mark Twain
“Successful wickedness hath obtained the name virtue…when it is for the getting of the kingdom.”– Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan
“The noose is drawn tighter and more painfully, reminding Jeremiah that he is a prisoner. He is a prisoner and has to follow. His path is prescribed…This path will lead right down into the deepest situation of human powerlessness. The follower becomes a laughingstock, scorned and taken for a fool, but a fool who is extremely dangerous to people’s peace and comfort, so that he or she must be beaten, locked up, tortured, if not put to death right away. That is exactly what became of this man Jeremiah, because he could not get away from God.”
– Dietrich Bonhoeffer, in a sermon from London, England on January 21st, 1944.
“The blankets on the camp bed had such a foul smell that in spite of the cold it was impossible to use them. Next morning a piece of bread was thrown into my cell; I had to pick it up from the floor. The sound of the prison staff’s vile abuse of the prisoners who were held for investigation penetrated into my cell for the first time; since then I have heard it every day from morning to night…for the next twelve days the cell door was opened only for bringing food in and putting the bucket out. No one said a word to me. I was told nothing about the reason for my detention, or how long it would last.”
– Dietrich Bonhoeffer, in a letter describing his arrival to Tegel Military Prison after his arrest by the Gestapo on April 5th, 1943.
“Your gentleness shall force. More than your force move us to gentleness.”– William Shakespeare, As You Like It
“If you board the wrong train, it is no use running along the corridor in the opposite direction.”
– Dietrich Bonhoeffer
“Death is hell and night is cold, if it is not transformed by our faith. But that is just what is so marvelous, that we can transform death.”– Dietrich Bonhoeffer, in a sermon from London, England in November 1933.
“If, at first, an idea does not sound absurd, then there is no hope for it.”– Albert Einstein
“The four stages of acceptance:
1. This is worthless nonsense.
2. This is interesting, but perverse.
3. This is true, but quite unimportant.
4. I always said so.”
– J.B.S. Haldane, The Truth About Death
“I know of no country where the conditions for affecting great changes in the settled order of things… are more favorable than here in the United States.
– Frederick Douglass (freed slave and abolitionist), shortly before the outbreak of the American Civil War in 1857.
“It is high time we broke with our theologically-based restraint towards thestate’s actions – which, after all, is only fear. “Speak out for those whocannot speak.” Who in the Church today realizes that this is the very leastthat the Bible requires of us?”– Dietrich Bonhoeffer, speaking against the introduction of the “Nuremberg Laws” (which, among other things, empowered the Nazi Government to legally revoke the citizenship of German-Jews) in 1935.
- A member of the Democratic Socialists of America (or D.S.A.), Black Lives Matter, Fight for $15 organizer, and Bernie Sanders delegate in 2016, khalid kamau (noting he lowercases the letters in his name in the Yoruba tradition of emphasizing the community over the individual) won a seat on the City Council of South Fulton in Georgia. He ran on a bold social-economic and social-justice platform.
- Christine Pellegrino, an elementary school teacher, union activist, and another Sanders delegate, won a special election for a state legislator seat in New York by taking 58% of the vote in a district that voted for Trump by a 23-point margin.
- In April, Tony Evers won a race for Superintendent of Public Instruction in the state of Wisconsin, and captured 70% of the vote that not only has Republican Scott Walker as Governor, but that also narrowly backed Trump in November. Evers called for more funding in schools, particularly for schools that serve Latinos, rural students, and African-Americans.
- Civil-rights attorney Lawrence Krasner was nominated for District Attorney by Philadelphia Democrats on May 16th, and is probably one of the most striking examples of how voters can, according to one newspaper columnist, be a part of “a revolution aimed at finally undoing a draconian justice regime that had turned the Cradle of Liberty into a death-penalty capital and the poster child for mass incarceration”.
Remember, it is the city council that will ultimately decide where and when polling places will operate; it is the heads of the state education agencies that decide on where funds go to and on the subject matters upon which students will study; it is the district attorneys that have the disproportionately powerful decision-making processes of whether or not to harshly punish a criminal defendant, or to ensure that such a defendant receives the rehabilitation that they truly need.
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Rosendo Rodriguez III 999534 Polunsky Unit 3872 FM 350 South Livingston, TX 77351 |
February 5, 2018 at 8:21 pmRandom Citizen – you really need to educate yourself on the issues. There are many good essays on here that would help you. Like Thomas' 'Anatomy of a Wrongful Conviction'. He also wrote about mistaken identities – a man was sent to DR because of his resemblance to his brother who was the real perpetrator.
"The consequences are fair" Really?! Read all of Thomas's essays in fact and open your eyes. Why do you think the civilised world has rejected the death penalty?
I would also recommend you read the late, great Christopher Hitchens essay on the death penalty here:
Random citizen
February 3, 2018 at 5:22 amI think it can be agreed upon that taking responsibility for ones actions is key to a civilized society. I would very much disagree that Trump is any kind of an example.
I was an opponent to the death penalty. Ironically, because of this blog I have changed my mind. Thomas did take responsibility for his actions, but it is the consequences of those actions that people take issue with. But, if a person were to be honest, the consequences are fair. Is the legal system unfair, yes it is. We have a system to address the unfairness. It isnt 100% accurate, but in a free society it is very difficult to be perfect. How about those who should be convicted walk free on a technicality? Where are the blogs for those? If Thomas was not caught in Mexico, would that have been fair? Innocent until proven guilty, right? So if proven guilty, then there is punishment. Why take the chance? If you are a prisoner and have committed a crime, confess. Tell the parents where their child is buried. Stop killing raping and stealing. Until then, you take the chance of being walled up in hell on earth.
January 21, 2018 at 7:31 pmRabbitjholedigger is correct.
My hope is all the people who are against what Trump is doing and trying to do is for the sole purpose of making people responsible for what they are doing and will do. What is wrong with that?
How many of these people actually know what they are talking about? Sound bytes are do nothing more that give you a snippet of what that person wants you to believe. And people fall for that.
Hollywood? Actors are a joke. How many actors (people acting like someone they are not) are educated past High School? How many actually have any degree?? Yet people follow them Kardashians are a perfect example.
Politicians are the same everywhere in this world. Its about time someone here is calling them out. Is Trump perfect? Far from it. However are any of us?
People outside of the US please note.
The vast majority of the people here in the United States are extremely embarrassed by the likes of Hollywood, entertainers, singers and ignorant people like the Kardashians.
Rodriquez is about to be terminated for an extremely heinous crime. (read about it). His world is indeed limited and I get that, however you the readers please at least to try and understand what Rabbitholedigger is as close to the truth as you can get.
January 21, 2018 at 7:31 pmThanks for this Rosendo but I have to disagree that the Russians 'stole' the election from Killary. Where's the proof? You can't believe what mainstream media say. The way forward I think is to abandon the Democrats who only support Wall St and the Corporations and to have a third party that really represents the people.
Also I get why Auschwitz would be on your mind right now. You are basically sitting the the Western world's nearest thing to it. Polunsky DR is basically a death camp and you and the rest of the guys on deathwatch are in my thoughts right now. I realize it's hard, but are you able to articulate what it's like there? I can't even imagine.
January 21, 2018 at 4:33 amCorrelation is not the same as causation.
Venezuela and Zimbabwe implemented 'progressive' policies, but they didn't have any social or economic benefits.
You call Trump 'extreme right wing'. If wanting to have control over your borders is 'extreme right wing', then most countries around the world are 'extreme right wing'.
You seem be of the opinion that by the 'swamp' Trump meant 'leftists'. He didn't. He meant the corrupt elements of the political class in general. Right and left.
You say Trump has wrongly labeled the press. The press has embarrassed itself. You probably don't have access in there, but on the internet we have access to Wikileaks, which provides leaks of primary documents that show all manner of corruption among politicians, bureaucrats, deep state, and especially the media.
Russia helped fix the election? There's no evidence of that. Even if they did, they did it by showing how corrupt the Democratic party is by releasing their own internal documents to the public.
Trump wants to corrupt the justice system? The justice system is already corrupt.
Germany and the United States are two very different countries.
You used the term 'political gridlock' This kind of paralysis can also affect the mind.
People like to think in terms on left v right, black v white, tribe v tribe, progressive v regressive. This thinking can be aborting because it can prevent you from realizing there's another problem/problems.
Another difference between Germany and America is that Germany has tighter gun laws. Another is that it isn't fighting an unwinnable drug war.
Another is that it doesn't have drug cartels pumping product in by the metric tonne over a non protected border.
Another is that is doesn't have a class of people who are racially hostile because they are the ancestors of a slave class. Multiculturalism never quite worked in America. America does not have the cultural capital that Germany does.
I say all of this not to argue that progressive politics is bad. Or that it is good. Just that thinking in false paradigms can force you into false dilemmas, and when you are in a false dilemma, it's impossible for you to make a 'correct' decision.
I wish you all the best and hope you get a stay of execution.