Another is due for execution, the 20th of this month I believe, Eddie James. The truth about the execution of Eddie begins with the fact that no one remains the same after three decades on Death Row. In January of 2023, Eddie James suffered a near fatal heart attack. He was found in his cell blue and unresponsive. The medical team shocked his heart three separate times and administered chest compressions so fierce they cracked his ribs. Eddie was without a pulse for at least twenty minutes, and doctors determined that his brain was deprived of oxygen for nearly half an hour. Setting aside the cruel irony of bringing a man back to life just so that the state can kill him, Eddie’s lawyers fought for two years to obtain the medical records that would show the extent of the damage to his brain. Those records were finally released on February 14th. His warrant was signed just four days later.
It is beyond apparent that Eddie James suffered serious and significant injury, exacerbating his prior symptoms, which included memory loss, signs of dementia, and seizures, all of which were compounded by the decades of substance abuse prior to his death sentence. Instead of granting a stay and allowing for his lawyers to prove how this brand new evidence impacts Eddie’s pending execution, the trial court completely denied him an opportunity to present this evidence.
Is it right to execute Eddie James now? The question is not whether Eddie James deserves to die, but whether the people of the States of Florida deserve to kill him. As with all of us, the powers-that-be want you to believe that you be afraid Eddie James today for the tragic murders he committed 30 years ago. The truth is, it’s not Eddie James you need to fear; instead, we should all be more frightened by what the powers-that-be, in this case, the State of Florida, is doing in an effort to execute Eddie James (or anyone on Death Row, for that matter).
Eddie’s case now moves on to the Florida Supreme Court. Keep your eyes open and see what happens. And ask yourself this question: why is Governor Ron DeSantis, a self-proclaimed devout Catholic, going out of his way to sign death warrants? Take a good, close look at his record, listen to his spoken words, consider his actions as a politician, and ask yourself whether these are the actions of a God-fearing Christian/Catholic. The Governor’s history of “praise God and pass the ammunition” smacks of State-sanctioned revenge. DeSantis posits that the state is at war with crime. Do you know who this war? Nobody. As in all wars, no one wins; people just die.
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