Austin Myers (OH) / Death Row / Ohio / Poetry

Poetry by Austin Myers

Can I?
By Austin Myers

In desperate times, when need arise
Can I help others realize
The folly of their judgements and
Assumptions often based on lies?

In desperate times, when need is great
Can I succeed and conquer hate
From fellow man, woman and child
Or am I already too late?

Should I give up on people now?
Society could show me how;
Seeing how it turned on me,
Without a second thought endowed.

No, I won’t go down that path,
Where people love to share the wrath
Of ignorance and brash display,
Because they cannot do the math.

Can I, within, gather the power
Needed to carry the hour?
So I can change some hearts and minds
And help give love a chance to flower?

Can I, within, muster the strength
To persevere through each days length?
So I can try, while I draw breath,
To spread the truth so they can think?

The questions aren’t what I should do,
But rather how, and when I’m through
What impact will I have had,
And were those that I reached too few?

I won’t dwell deep on any doubt;
It’s useless going down that route.
These things I can do, and I must,
For this world cannot go without!

Simple Things
By Austin Myers

Sometimes the things I miss in life
Are really simple things.
The sounds from children riding bikes,
The fluttering of wings.
Things often forgotten by
Most people every day,
Overlooked in times of peace,
When everything’s okay.
One cannot understand, I think
Unless their lives are on the brink,
They’ve lost what things they ever owned,
And all else that they’ve ever known.
I think back and remember when
I walked among the trees.
I used to do so often to
Escape society.
I found that I needed a break,
From stress of daily life;
I felt it fraught with struggles,
Obstacles and strife.
If I had known what life could be,
Filled with so much misery,
I know I would have clung onto
The simple things like I now do.
As I recall, before the fall
I felt I was behind.
Short of expectations,
I sought only to climb
The rungs were greased, the ladder straight
Up and down it seemed
Unprepared, so unfair,
The whole world against me
It felt like all my plans were thwarted,
Now did I feel supported
Disadvantaged from the start,
But rising up was in my heart!
As I reflect, I do detect
In distant memories.
The sunlight on my skin, and
the wind blowing through leaves.
The smell of fresh cut grass
The sounds of rolling streams
Now are only found,
in my scattered dreams.
I feel that one just cannot know,
How precious are the things that go
On around them every day,
Unless those things life takes away
I try to tell folks, try to share
A glimpse of my own view,
That simple things within their lives
Should be given their due.
The sights and smells of everyday
The sounds that their world makes,
I wish they could appreciate
These things for their own sakes.
I wish that I could share perspective
Learned by others, but elective
Rather than by loss and force,
To which they may have no recourse.

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